Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2567: Ending (six more for flowers)

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Xiang Yang looked at Donghuang Yuxi, although he knew why this little girl would be so upset about himself, but on the surface he turned his eyes and said, "Donghuang chick, you don't want to be the master of the downfall." Give me the reward, so I’m going to rely on it?”

"I want to pay the bill?"

After listening to it, Donghuang Yuxi almost burst into flames and couldn’t help but swear. "You don't want to get away with it. What did you do to my emperor's downfall, even if the spirit didn't listen to me?"

At the same time, she was very wronged in her heart. It is obvious that Xiang Yang did not know what shameless means to use to get his own sorcerer's spirit, so that the spirits almost betrayed themselves, and Xiang Yang actually went back.

"Oh, you said this thing, your spirit feels that I am a thin sky, very similar to an old friend in ancient times, so he wants to be my younger brother."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"You can make it."

Donghuang Yuxi roared with Xiang Yang. She knew that Xiang Yang could not tell her the truth anyway. Even if she was about to explode, it would be useless. She could only make up her mind and never let the spirit contact in the future. Yang, otherwise, if this spirit is to betray her directly with the emperor's seat, then go to Xiangyang, then it is finished.

"follow me."

Then, Donghuang Yuxi directly waved at Xiangyang, and first walked toward the front.

"doing what?"

Xiang Yang looked at the emperor's face with vigilance. "You don't want to let me go to your treasure chest to pick a treasure, just think about killing people?"

"If you don't want it, don't come over."

Donghuang Yuxi sneered a sneer, no longer paying attention to Xiangyang, flying directly to the south gate of the Imperial City.

"But it, I don't go to **** who goes to hell. If so, I will go with you."

Xiang Yang shook his head helplessly and waved to Wulong. "Five brothers, I went to the neighbors with the younger ones. You can come to me to drink when you have time, but I don't necessarily know." It’s just like living in the East Emperor."

"Despite the brothers, are we not easy to find you?"

"Haha, yes, I will find you to drink later."

"..." The five dragons all laughed happily. They looked at Xiangyang very pleasing to the eye and regarded Xiangyang as his brother.

After Xiang Yang smiled and waved his hand, he immediately followed the Donghuang Yuxi. At the same time, he said directly to the people such as Jubilee and Xiaoxue. "You are here waiting for me, I will come."

"Well, let's go." The little guys of Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong are eating and drinking very refreshingly. They know that Xiangyang is going to collect the spoils belonging to him. They also did not ask to keep up.

The two women, Jubilee and Blue Tingting, also nodded to Xiang Yang.

As for the brothers of Wuyang and other Xiangyang, although they are worried that Xiangyang will be in danger of entering the Imperial City, they know that even if their identity is extraordinary, in this city, all the right to speak is only in the hands of the Wan Yao Group. Can not help Xiang Yang, but they know that Xiang Yang's identity, but also more assured, but four people surrounded by a small bald head, and looked at him with a smile.

"Don't ask the little master's law number?"

Wu Wang first asked with a smile.

"Small scorpion law breaks the ring."

The little bald head saw the four people around, but it was not afraid, but with a thick smile on his face. He did not match the previous fight in the ring and defeated countless strong players.


"It’s a very extraordinary person who can be seen by the boss and conquered."

"I will know that he is the same passer as our big brother."


Xiangyang’s four brothers saw a thick smile on the face of Xiaoguangtou and then took a sigh of coolness. They only felt that the little bald head seemed to be a bit honest and honest on the surface, but it was actually a super big pit.

Although they haven't really started talking to the little bald head, they have already understood that this little bald head is definitely a person with Xiangyang. No matter whether it is the repair or character of the small bald head, they dare not look down on each other.

"The master of the broken ring, since you have become the younger brother of our older brother, we are also your brother in the future, first call a second brother to listen." Wu Wuji smiled and looked at the little bald head.


After listening to the little bald head, he glanced at Wu Wuji and shook his head. "You are not my opponent."

"Oh, little guy, don't think that you can defeat those kings who are invincible in the world. In the realm of the fairy king, there is not much to say that you can definitely surpass Laozi."

Wu Wuji suddenly became angry when he heard it. As a Wuwang, he has no fighting power. Wudao Shentong can reach the realm of God. Who can say that he can win him?

Even if Xianzun came to Wuwang, he could fight with one, and this small bald head was very horrible. In Wu Wuji’s view, it is not necessarily who wins.

"You are not my opponent."

The little bald head has only one sentence.

"A fight?"

Wu Wuji angered and pointed at the small bald head.

"You are not my opponent." The little bald head is still only faint.


Wu Wuji gas burst, this little bald head has only said that he is not his opponent, but even after playing a game, he is not willing to fight with himself, how to prove that he is stronger than him? Doesn't it mean that you can never prove that you are more powerful than a small bald head?

"Ha ha ha..."

Several other people met and suddenly laughed out loud.

"You are not my opponent."

Although these people did not choose to provoke a small bald head, but the small bald head said directly.


The laughter of the three kings, the sword king and the Dao Lin Lin was solidified at the same time. They looked at the little bald head helplessly. "We didn't provoke you."

"I know, but you are not my opponent. This is a fact."

Xiaoguangtou has always been very confident in his own strength. He never felt that some of the three or four people would be his opponents. He stood up indifferently, looked up at the forty-five degrees and looked up at the sky while drinking. Sighing and saying, "Life, loneliness is like snow."


The four super kings are all speechless, and they can only ignore this little bald head. They found that this little bald head and Xiang Yang are all in a state of anger and death.

At this time, among the crowds, many people went directly to the Zongmen to prepare for the outstanding Tianjia disciples in Zongmen to participate in the Battle of the Immortals in Mando, while some people were not willing to leave. Go, they are specially staying and waiting for Xiang Yang.

Some of these people were the ones who lost to Xiangyang before. Some of them did not participate in the battle, but they remembered Xiangyang’s Qingxuanjian and thousands of best-selling pieces. I don't want to leave.

For these, Xiang Yang did not know that at this moment he had already entered the treasure house of Donghuang Yuxi. He was shocked to discover that this Donghuang Yuxi is not a descendant of the Eastern Emperor, but also a minority of the Wan Yao Group. Inside the treasure chest, it is really a variety of treasures.

"This is the Chaos Tianjin Stone, and this piece is full of a hundred feet, enough to refine a magic weapon beyond the level of the best fairy."

When Xiang Yang looked at a golden stone with chaotic gas, he suddenly took a breath. He did not see the treasure of Chaotian Tianjin Stone, but this piece seems too big. Even with a hundred feet, even if Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but reveal the shocking color.

"Do you want this chaotic stone?"

Donghuang Yuxi stopped and looked at Xiangyang with a strange color on his face. "Do you think you are a holy place? If you want to melt this chaotic stone, even if it is a holy place, you can The fire of the life will melt, and it will take thousands of years to resolve it and then refine it. As for you..."

While talking, her face with a disdainful smile, apparently does not believe that Xiangyang will have the ability to melt this chaotic gold stone.

"Ha ha..."

Xiang Yang sneered a few times and did not tell Donghuang Yuxi that if he wanted to refine this chaotic stone, it would take less than a day to get it.

However, before he really saw what kind of treasures existed in the treasure house of Donghuang Yuxi, he naturally could not make a decision now.

Donghuang Yuxi thought that Xiangyang gave up this chaotic Tianjin stone, and did not think much, but continued to walk with Xiangyang toward her treasure house, and walked deep into the treasure house, here. There are more and more treasures appearing inside. Xiang Yang found that there is a treasure that surpasses the level of the best fairy. Only a little bit can be turned into a treasure knife of the day after tomorrow, but it is cut off without knowing why. It is exuding infinite murder.

"This is a remnant left over from the time of the ancient war. It was originally without much effect. However, I saw that it was broken, and I was pity, and brought it to the treasure house for collection. Moreover, Into it, most of them are some remnants."

Donghuang Yuxi stood still, she said directly to Xiang Yang, "If you want treasure, go back and look for it. Those inside are damaged, it has no effect."

"I would like to see what treasures you have collected."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and did not pay attention to the imperfect eyes of Donghuang Yuxi. When he first walked into the treasure house, this treasure house was very large. The various things that Chen put on were collected by the Emperor Yuhuang, or the treasure of the refiner. It is the raw material of alchemy, and some are semi-finished and defective products, but there is no complete treasure and holy Dan.

However, this is also very normal. After all, if there is a complete after-the-day treasure, it has already been refining by the Eastern Emperor Yuxi, and it is impossible to hide it here.

As Xiang Yang walked in, he found that there were indeed a lot of magic weapons that had been abolished. There was nothing special about these magic weapons, which made Xiang Yang feel a bit disappointed after reading it again. He originally I thought that I could find some treasures in the treasure house of Donghuang Yuxi, but unfortunately, it was impossible to find anything.

"How? Tell you about those soldiers who are already broken?"

Seeing that Xiang Yang’s face was depressed, the face of Dong Huang Yu’s face was a smug smile. It seems that Xiang Yang did not find a satisfactory treasure from the inside, she has already won a victory.

"I thought about it, since the chaotic tianjinshi is so difficult to melt, let me help you out."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the emperor's jade, and at the same time, he came directly to the chaotic Tianjin stone, and waved his hand to use it to earn it into the Promise.

However, in the process, Xiang Yang was commanding Xiao Ling to arbitrarily tamper with the chaotic Tianjin Stone. At this moment, the magic weapon on his body has almost been upgraded to the extent of surpassing the treasure of the best fairy. He does not need to What magic weapon is there, he intends to keep this chaotic stone for spare.

"It doesn't matter if you get it. It's impossible to melt it with your strength."

When Dongyang Yuxi saw Xiangyang suddenly dig away the most valuable chaotic Tianjin stone in his treasure house, his heart was a bit reluctant, although her power could not make this chaotic tianjinshi a magic weapon, but So she was taken away by Xiang Yang. For her, she still didn't want to give this item the most valuable treasure in her treasure chest.

"Don't the East Emperor and the Lord say the rewards to be given in the end, but now you have to repent?" Xiang Yang looked at the East Emperor Yuxi with his eyes.

"If you want it, take it."

Donghuang Yuxi can become the young master of the East Emperor, and the power of the future Wan Yao Group, she is naturally not a stingy person, although the heart is very reluctant, but did not repent, but went straight out.

"There are few masters."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but patted his hand and smiled.

This chaotic Tianjin stone is indeed a great harvest for him. With the power of Xiaoling, it is easy to refine it into a treasure, which is the best of thousands of pieces that were obtained in the ring. The value of the fairy is mostly.


Donghuang Yuxi walked in front. When she heard Xiangyang’s happy words, she suddenly showed a bad mood. After Xiangyang left the treasure house, she directly called a maid and told her, “Take him to Qingyuanju. From then on. Later he was the master of Qingyuan."


The maid quickly responded, and at the same time carefully looked at Xiang Yang, wanting to see clearly what kind of skills Xiang Yang can actually live in the Qingyuan residence next door.

"This fairy is pleased to come with a slave."

The little maid is ready to take Xiangyang to his residence.

"You don't have to wait, wait until the next time I want to stay, let's go see it. You told people to show me the nursing home and clean it. Also remember to announce the whole Wan Yao Tian Zhou and tell them what Qingyuanju It’s my site, no one can mess up.”

Xiang Yang shook his head and didn't want to go to the maid to see where Donghuang Yuxi presented himself.

"Are you eager to participate in the Million Island Fairy War?" Donghuang Yuxi turned his head and looked at Xiangyang.

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, this million-day real fairy war is no different to him to give him treasures, how could he not go to participate?

"In this case, the Qingyuan residence will always be reserved for you, you can come to live at any time." Donghuang Yuxi did not force Xiangyang, but waved his hand to prepare for the rush.

"Okay, then let go, Donghuang chick, goodbye in the future, don't miss me too much."

Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled, his body flashed, and directly turned into a light disappeared in front of the East Emperor Yuxi.


Donghuang Yuxi is standing in the same place, his face reveals a strange color, whispered, "You don't have to have a goodbye, you can see it again in a long time."


Author Meng Yu said: Today's six chapters have been updated, more than 20,000 words, and the end of the month, and ask for flowers. Recently, after the wave app update, it seems to have added a guardian function, seeking protection....

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