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After the fire and listening, he suddenly became angry. Xiang Yang is a bastard. He still doesn’t believe that he will be good to him. He just remembers that he has already boasted of Haikou. He must let Xiang Yang help the fire family to get this one million continents. First place, if you don't go to Xiangyang, you will be too shameful. She held back the uncomfortable feelings and asked directly, "What about you?"

"This should be what I asked you, what do you want?"

Xiang Yanghehe asked with a smile.

"You... I want to ask you, what are you going to do to get to the fire family right away?"

At the same time of flaming, the face showed a color of pleading. "Xiang Yang, this time I am asking you to do me a favor, I really need you to help me."

“What do you do for you?” Xiang Yang did not agree, but asked.

"Millions of continents, the first place in the real battle." Huo Mei directly said.

"Don't help." Xiang Yang shook his head. "I am me. I am the first person to participate in the Million Island Fairy on behalf of my own name. It has nothing to do with you."

He was not stupid, he was able to get the first place in the Million Chapel, and he definitely got a lot of benefits from the family behind him. Although Xiang Tian did not mention that Xiang Yang would represent the family, how could he give this opportunity in vain? To the fire family?

This opportunity is very rare and no longer good. Xiang Yang can also keep this opportunity for auction. He believes that if the auction goes out, he will definitely make a big profit. How can a good opportunity to make money be given to the fire? Family?


After the fire and listening, I almost blew out. She walked around for a few laps, and then she replied with anger in her heart. "How do you agree to help me? And, you have to know if If you are only going to fight alone, you have to start from the grassroots level. It takes at least three years to complete the most basic grassroots war. On average, you may have to fight hundreds of times a day. At that time, you can really choose to enter the finals. If you participate in the name of my fire family, you can directly get the noun to enter the finals. You can save at least three years to participate in the war."

“Is there still such a situation?”

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a bit sluggish on his face. He didn’t expect that there was so much stupidity in the Million Island. He originally thought that after starting, it would take up to three months to get it. I didn’t expect it. The primary selection will take at least three years, and this time is too long.

"This is the three years mentioned in the past. However, this time it is different from the past. It is the same as the five centuries of the entire world of the fairy tales. It may take ten years or even a hundred years. Complete the screening of the preliminary round."

At the same time, when she was talking about Xiangyang, she couldn’t help but smile and said, "How about, promise this lady, as long as you enter the decisive battle with the channel of the fire, you can save at least three years. Moreover, within these three years, my firefighters will do their utmost to provide you with resources. As a powerful race of the five great ethnic groups, we will provide you with resources. There are not many opportunities."

"Fire people do everything to provide resources for me, does it mean that no matter what treasures I need, the fire will give me?" Xiang Yang suddenly felt shocked.

If the fireflies can really do their best to provide resources for themselves, then maybe in the past three years, it is possible to grow up to very terrible achievements. At least, you can cultivate the body to a certain extent. To the extent that, at that time, the power of the flesh does not affect the breakthrough of Da Luo. If the flesh is strong, there is no fear of the rebellion of the sword. Xiang Yang can use this ultimate sword at any time, then, with him The power of the present can even kill the fairy with this sword. As for the fairy who can kill the first few days, it is hard to say.

"What do you say?"

With a charming smile on her face, for her time, as long as she can fool Xiangyang to the fire family, other things will be discussed later.

"Cough, I think you have to sneak up on me for thousands of pieces of top grades. It is impossible to give me any resources."

After Xiang Yang thought about it, he looked at the fire with a serious look. "Unless you can take out the promise of the fire family and let me know what the fire can give me, I will go to the fire, otherwise I will not go. It is."

He believes that as long as the firefighters can promise the promise of the fire, such a powerful force of the fire family, naturally will not lie to themselves, anyway, the family will also be hidden, do not need this quota, then, they used to exchange for three years Time is also ok.

"You don't believe me?" Huo Mei is simply being mad at Xiang Yang. She has exhausted all means. Xiang Yang still does not believe her.

"When you come up with the sincerity that can beat me, come to me again. I am going to kill now."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, directly shut down the communication, and then drove the moon and the moon to penetrate the void.

During this time, he found that hundreds of strong people on the scene had been a little impatient, and of course, he himself couldn't wait to talk about the ideals of life with these strong people.

"He ran and chased."

"Reassure, he can't run, there is us, don't say that he is just following a little bald head, even if it is Wu Wang and others, it is useless."

"At last I have to make a fortune. This little **** has dared to beat me in the ring. This time, the deity wants him to understand where the difference between Zhenxian and Xianzun is."


Seeing that Xiangyang was gone, those who had been waiting nearby for a long time laughed and chased them up. For a moment, countless people broke the sound of the air, and soon after, the people at the party finally went out. It is.

"Is he really okay?"

Within the imperial city, floating in the fairy island, high in the attic, Donghuang Yuxi stood in front of the worried, watching Xiangyang leave and a group of people chasing Xiangyang away.

"Do not worry, this kid is a ghost. If he is not sure, he will never be able to refuse Wu Wang and others and leave alone."

"That is, I guess this kid is going to kill everyone. Hey, don't look at his seemingly smiling look, but in fact it is not so good."

The two old men said with a smile on the left and right.

Although these two old men can't see what kind of foundation Xiangyang has in the end, but they have survived since ancient times, and have seen too many people's feelings of warmth and coldness, they can see that Xiangyang is fearless, absolutely Not pretending, but really sure to deal with so many strong people.

While they were talking, the old man on the right couldn't help but ask, "Shantou, do you like Shangyang's kid?"


After listening to it, Donghuang Yuxi suddenly became angry and sullenly screamed. "You don't talk about it, how can I like the bastard."

"But you are really good for that kid, maybe you haven't found it yourself. In fact, you already like him."

The old man on the left smiled with a strange look. "According to the experience of the old man, you have a good impression on him."

"Yes, yes, that kid is blessed, to be the husband of our Wan Yao group." The thief on the right smiled.

"To shut up."

Donghuang Yuxi only felt that his face was red and hot, and turned his head to roar the two, until the two old men smiled and no longer joked, she recovered, but her eyes looked at hundreds of people. The shape of the empty space, still can not help but reveal the color of worry.

"Taro, or else, let's go see two?"

When the two old men saw the worried look of Donghuang Yuxi, they couldn’t help but say.

"Forget it, no need, he is the descendant of that pulse, it can't be destroyed so easily." Donghuang Yuxi shook his head and said.

Then she turned directly into the attic and never went to Guan Yang again.


At this time, Xiang Yang did not know the dialogue between the two emperors and the two old men. At this time, Xiang Yang was already driving in a deserted desert in a deserted desert.

It is still the scope of Wan Yao Tian Chau, but it is in a desert, far away, the sky is yellow sand, the grass is not born, rare life.

After Xiang Yang stopped, he said with a soft voice, "You will rest in the Promise Immortal."

His words are naturally said to the silver enamel, Xiaohong and Xiaoyin. As for the small blood and the small bald head and the soul seventy-seven, it has already been the top king, and it is enough to protect themselves with their strength.


Silver Jubilee nodded and looked a little stunned. He said that he would accompany Xiang Yang, but now he finds that he can't get involved when Xiang Yang is in danger. He can only hide, and her mood is not so good.

"Do not worry, I will solve them soon."

Xiang Yang took a shot of the shoulders of the silver plaque, and sent three people into the Promise Immortal House between the waves, and then the same will be the same as the broken moon boat, and the soul seven and seven and the small blood, the small bald three Also standing next to him.

"After a while, you can protect yourself and you will do it. This time, I will personally smash all these people who have committed crimes." Xiang Yang had a murderous face.

Very rare plans to destroy these Xianwang and Xianzun.

It is really a lot of these guys who are defeated by their own men, and even dared to rush to provoke themselves, which makes Xiang Yang could not help but want to teach each other a meal.

"Ha ha ha, too arrogant, junior, do you think that there is a throne in this desert? You can't exaggerate Haikou to deal with us because you are a little fairy. You are so naive."

When Xiang Yang’s voice just fell, he heard a big laugh coming over, and then there was a group of people who rushed out of the void and burst into a horrible atmosphere.

It was the group of masters who chased Xiangyang.

It was the Xianzun who had been trained to reach the Da Luo Seven Heavens, and the other party was defeated by Xiang Yang himself, and he also beaten a fairy.

"You are finally here, the speed is too slow."

Xiang Yang sighed and watched the group murderously rushing toward him, his face with a fearless look.

"Kid, are you really scared?"

This group of strong people saw that Xiang Yang was so calm and couldn't help but reveal a strange color. In their view, Xiang Yang is even more powerful, and it is just a true fairy. In the ancient emperor's ring, still There is a part of Xiangyang’s speech, but when it comes to it, it is equal to Xiangyang’s return to reality, no matter what Xiangyang wants to say.

"Is it useful?"

Xiang Yang looked at these strong people. At the moment, there are still some strong people coming over. There are hundreds of strong people in the blink of an eye, surrounded by themselves and others. Moreover, there are more than a dozen big Luo seven heavens. The fairy goddess of the world, the other eight or ninety are super masters.

"Useless, hahaha"

"Kids can't be said to be useless. If you really show a very scary look, hand over all the treasures on your body, and then beg for mercy. Maybe we will let you go under the soft heart."

"Yeah, boy, you cry, tremble, despair."


A group of strong people all laughed happily, and their faces were full of madness. In their view, let alone so many people are here, even if only a fairy **** Xiangyang and his party are dead.

"You, I know that you are all interested in all the magic weapons in me."

At this time, Xiang Yang spoke up, and his face was smiling. "Don't say if you can steal the magic weapon from me. Let's make a hypothesis. You are so many people, and they come from different forces, each other. There is only a small league between them. There are still many opponents. If I hand over all the magic weapons, how do you allocate them?"

"I don't think you have any idea how to distribute treasures?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s face showed a bright smile. “Let me give you a suggestion and help you distribute it?”

"The kid is smart."

A fairy sneered and said, "This little guy wants us to be guilty. You shouldn’t be deceived. This kid has absolutely no good intentions. As for how to distribute it, let him kill him first."


"This kid is too treacherous to be deceived by him."

Others also nodded. On the surface, they did not seem to be affected by Xiang Yang’s words. However, in fact, only they themselves knew that they were more vigilant to others, and even they thought about it. If other people can die, all the treasures of Xiangyang are their own.

They have hundreds of strong people. Although there are so many great items in Xiangyang, no matter what things are divided by hundreds of people, they will get very little in the hands of everyone. Who doesn't want to monopolize everything?

"Although you don't admit it, but you are also very clear about yourself. Whether it is a big alliance between you, the alliance between them becomes unreliable. Your teammates are thinking about how to kill. The other party, in order to get more benefits, let alone other alliances, not to mention, and will definitely compete in the future, but now because I am still alive, so you have suppressed the greed in your heart. And already."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "So, I suggest that you have to solve the problem of how to distribute each other before you start to deal with me, or else, when the magic weapon is flying all over the world, each time while grabbing the magic weapon, not only It’s so tired to guard against enemies and guard against your own small team."

After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, everyone’s eyes shone. They knew that Xiang Yang was telling the truth, but no one broke it. However, some people realized that it was not good. They knew that Xiang Yang was trying to provoke them. Civil war, and quickly yelled, "The little boy demonizes the public and finds death."


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