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However, when the guy yelled at Xiangyang, suddenly a loud roar sounded, and behind him, a strong man shot directly on him.

The voice of the guy just fell, the whole person was directly blasted, and the magic weapon on his body spurted out and was caught in the hands of the strong man who had killed him.

"Lin brother, go all the way, your treasures I have collected for you."

The murderer’s face was cold and cold, and all the magic weapons were all collected into his own magic weapon, and then he looked up and smiled at the others. “You don’t panic, even though I’m on the surface with Lin’s brother. It seems that the relationship is good, but in fact, I have had hatred with Lin Xiong, so this time it is just revenge. It is not the magic weapon that he said to rob Lin brother."

Everyone heard this guy say this, and this is a sigh of relief, but between them, the people who had already formed a small alliance are all consciously far away from each other, so that hundreds of people who have been together have been here. At the time, it was separated a lot.

However, this guy said that there is hatred, and everyone does not believe in it. If there is hatred, how can they be so good at the beginning?

Unless, the person who was murdered had something that was reddened by the other party, so this guy took the opportunity to kill.

However, since there is already a murderous heart, it is normal to do it at this time.

As a result, these strong people, after convincing themselves, although they are a little uncomfortable, but still acceptable.

"Why are you?"

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "If you want to do it, just do it now, or you can solve the dispute between you first. Otherwise, in the next time, you will be killed by your brothers and friends at any time. You have to worry that the next second is also destroyed by the companion, which is too tired."

After Xiang Yang’s voice fell, another person jumped out and yelled. “The little thief, it’s just a special case. You quickly surrender all the magic weapons and then confess your mistakes, otherwise...”


However, his words have not been finished yet. Behind him, there is another strong man who shot and split the guy in half. In the shocking dawn of this guy, the man who took the shot took back the sword. Said faintly, "Sister, go all the way."


"No... touch..."

The strong man was unwilling, and the knives that broke into his body broke out, and the whole person exploded into a blood fog.

"You don't have to worry, I have always had hatred with my brother. This time, there is only revenge and resentment. You have no hatred with your own people. You don't have to be afraid of being defamed."

After the murderer had collected all the magic weapons of his slain brother, he smiled and said to others.


Seeing this scene, who would still believe that there is hatred between them, you know, they are brothers and brothers, even for the magic weapon to kill his brother on the spot, although this kind of thing often happens in the fairy world, but, At this time, shouldn't they deal with Xiangyang first?

It is the same words as before. It seems that the two have already discussed the same thing, but this time, everyone has already had goose bumps and no longer dare to believe the words of the murderer.

Whenever someone jumps out to blame Xiang Yang, the closest person jumps out to kill him. This seems to be a curse.

Although it is only two people, everyone has already understood that this thing seems to be a bit sinister. Many people have already produced fear in their hearts. They look at Xiang Yang’s eyes with strange colors, and even think about it. If someone jumps out again, how about it.

Many people originally wanted to jump out and condemn Xiang Yang. At this time, they did not dare to come out. Instead, they looked at Xiang Yang silently and wanted to see other people’s end.

"I don't believe it. I am single, and I am a mess. There are no close people around me. I jumped out to marry you. Can I still be beaten by the closest person?"

At this time, there was a middle-aged man with a knife on his forehead with an unbelievable color on his face. He suddenly jumped out and yelled. "The little thief, they are just accidents. If you don't, you will not have all the treasures." If you hand it over, you will die."

After he finished speaking, he looked around with great vigilance and found that no one had shot himself. He was very happy. He laughed and said, "Look, nothing, hahaha, no one can deal with me."


However, when he laughed, he suddenly spit out a blood, making countless people all smashed.

This guy, because he is single, is also a loose, no brothers, no friends or relatives around him, indeed no closest person can deal with him, but he has forgotten one thing, knows himself best, to himself The closest person is actually himself.

When it comes to the absence of outsiders, it becomes his own to deal with himself.

"What is this?"

"No, how come? How can I do this, no..."


Next, this guy's face was full of horror, not only the blood in his mouth, but also the numerous explosions in his body, and countless blood and blood drifted away. At the same time, the blood in his mouth did not stop, his mouth constantly The blood spewed out, and the body also blew out of the haze. It looked so tragic that all of them changed their faces after seeing it. It felt incredible.

"what is happening?"

"Don't tell me that he was ruined because of problems in his practice. Why didn't he go into flames and go to the night, but he was mad at this time?"

"Is it because I have to deal with the reason for him? Just, they have not yet shot, just swearing him a few words, there is such a end, what is his identity?"


Countless people were staring at this scene. They looked at Xiang Yang with a smile. It seemed that they had already anticipated all of this, and they all trembled.

It was only condemning Xiang Yang, and there was an accident.

This is the third case. It is one of the most shocking examples for everyone. Even if you vomit blood directly, this situation is incredible for everyone.

"Don't be nervous, he just went into the fire and it has nothing to do with me. I am just a real fairy. It is impossible for him to go into flames."

Xiang Yang whispered and comforted on the side. "Look, isn't he very pleasing to the eye? After a while, he will almost blew himself up."


Sure enough, with the fall of Xiang Yang's Huayin, the guy exploded directly, and the whole person had become flesh and blood at this moment.

The magic weapon that was scattered after the guy blew himself was actively and slowly flew toward Xiangyang, suspended in front of Xiangyang.

"Hey, this predecessor is really polite. Although he has gone out of his way, he gave me all his magic weapons. I really want to thank him. Unfortunately, he is already dead. I don't know where." Will the seniors be willing to say thank you to me?"

After Xiang Yang put these magic weapons together, it was a smile on his face, as if he were really a simple youth.

If the first two Xiang Yang can say that the death of the two people has nothing to do with him, but this time he got all the treasures of this guy, even if he wants to say it is not clear.

Everyone understands that it is impossible to blew himself out because of the fire. It must be the ghost of Xiangyang.


If it was the beginning of Xiangyang’s smile, everyone would think that Xiangyang was very bullied. However, now that three people jumped out to Xiangyang, all of them died for various reasons, everyone They were all shocked. They looked at Xiangyang quietly and never dared to speak.

At this moment, even those who are alone are not afraid to jump out and say something about Xiangyang. It’s too evil. Every time someone condemns Xiangyang, it will be tragic. No one will be idle and will not send his life. .

"You, don't be nervous, don't be afraid, the things that have just happened have nothing to do with me. I use your life to guarantee that the death of the three seniors is definitely not my reason."

After Xiang Yang saw that everyone was calm down, his face still had a smile. "Who else wants me to hand over the magic weapon? I am also very curious. If someone else speaks, how will it happen?" ""

At the same time, he sighed again. "To tell the truth, I am really curious. Why is there such a coincidence in the world? The three predecessors have two sages, with their cultivation, It’s going to be so tragic, I’m afraid they didn’t even think about it.”

He said this, the small bald head in the rear and the small blood, the soul seven seven also exposed the strange colors, especially the soul seven seven, she is the soul king of the soul, although the strength is not as good as Xiangyang, but it is very clear, This is definitely the ghost of Xiang Yang.

I want to let the other side kill each other, I want the other party to go into flames, and it is so quiet, only Xiang Yang, the ‘the soul reincarnation of the Holy Spirit, can do it.

"This guy is really shameless and bully."

The soul of the seventy-seven hearts talked to himself, but when he saw that Xiang Yang only took control of the initiative in three or two sentences, when the people who chased them were frightened, the soul seventy-seven felt that Xiangyang was a bit powerful. Look like.

"It’s my boss, I can easily control the whole situation in turn, and I will be directed at him. I will spend the rest of my life and cough. I will follow him later."

The little bald head whispered, but his eyes flashed, and his heart was very suspicious. I don’t know what kind of situation Xiangyang was. He was really afraid that if he didn’t follow Xiangyang in the future, he would suddenly Like the three dear friends, something happened...

"Hey, the boss is awesome."

The little blood is a slap in the face of a smile. Her mind is the simplest. She always feels that Xiangyang’s strength is the strongest. No matter what Xiangyang did, she felt that it was normal.

"You... what magic trick did you use?"

In the field, these Xianwang and Xianzun were frightened by Xiangyang. Among them, one of the more courageous is the cheeky face pointing to Xiangyang.

"what did you say?"

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "You said a little louder, yes, stand up, let me listen carefully to what you said, or else my ear is not good, I don't understand."

"I, I didn't say anything..."

The Xianwang suddenly dared not speak. He remembered the strange endings of the three people before, and he was afraid that he would be destroyed after he stood up.

He looked at Xiang Yang and looked at the people around him. He quickly moved away from the surrounding area. At the same time, he continued to run his own exercises. It was the extent to which the exercises were transparent, and he felt that he should be less likely to be enchanted. Symptoms, he was relieved.

Fortunately, since he has been frightened, Xiang Yang has not dealt with this guy again, making this guy have nothing to do.

"Oh... a pity."

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at so many people present. When everyone saw that everyone was silent, he touched his head and turned to look at the little bald head and the little blood and the soul. "I am terrible?"


Whether it is the soul of seven or seven or a small bald head or small blood, all of them are constantly pointing their heads, expressing their agreement with Xiang Yang.

Although Xiang Yang at the moment has a smile, but in their view, if they are also standing in the perspective of the immortal king and the fairy, they will also feel that Xiang Yang is terrible.

After all, the deaths of the three previous people were too miserable, and they were too inexplicable. Even these Xianwang and Xianzun could not see what was going on, and everyone was afraid that they would become the next tragic person.


After Xiang Yang listened, his face suddenly showed a serious color and said directly, "How can I be terrible for your boss? All this is just a misunderstanding of them."

"haha, yes..."

The soul seventy-seven disdain sneer a few times, as the soul king of the soul, she naturally can sense the soul fluctuations of Xiangyang in the process, it is very clear that so many strange things happen, just because It is not an accident that the reincarnation of the soul family, Xiangyang, was created by the power of the soul.

She was just too lazy to say it. Of course, she was afraid that after she broke it, she would give her an "accident" under the anger of a woman, then she would not cry if she cried.

"Don't talk, let me communicate with them."

Seeing the appearance of the soul seventy-seven, Xiang Yang was embarrassed to continue to insist on the set of statements in front of his own people, but turned his head to look at the fairy gods and the fairy king, said with a smile, "You must feel very The uncomfortable, obviously you are coming to deal with me, it is reasonable to say that you should directly force me to force me from the beginning, let me scare my ass, or even kneel down for mercy, but why don’t you dare to speak one by one? It’s too embarrassing.”

After listening to Xiang Yang's words, everyone thought that Xiang Yang said it was very reasonable. Standing in front of them, this person is clearly a true immortal. Although it is a bit strange, they absolutely do not believe in the absolute death of the three people. Yang is related, so what do they need to be afraid of?

Even if Xiang Yang is surprised, it is impossible for everyone who condemns him to die inexplicably violently.

When I think of it, they look cold and cold on their faces, and they reveal a brutal color.

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