Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2613: Deal! (six more flowers)

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"Xiang Yang..."

The soul is watching the owner of this back, and I don’t have to think about it. This is why Xiang Yang rescued her at the most critical time.

She looked at the figure, and the whole heart trembled. Originally, she thought that she was dead, and her heart was really desperate. She had quietly waited for the coming of death. However, what she did not think was that she had just fallen. Xiang Yang, who fled, actually appeared again, and still stopped her in front of her to save her.

She was in danger because of Xiang Yang, but in the end it was Xiang Yang who saved her. Her heart was filled with the complex feelings of Xiang Yang. For a moment, she opened her mouth but did not know what to say.

"I said the soul chick, you are looking for death, we all ran, and you left alone to resist so many attacks, do you really think that you are invincible?"

Xiang Yang used his powerful and unrivalled soul to help the soul block these attacks, and could not help but sigh.

He was very helpless in his heart. This time it collapsed. He just didn't want to fight hard with these strong players. Let's run a wave first. After these guys' attacks are lost, they will kill the carbine. Isn't it easier?

As a result, the chick was standing stupidly waiting to die, but also resisting the opponent's attack. This is just a self-destructive way. In desperation, Xiang Yang can only return to save her.

"Not you?"

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the soul suddenly burst into flames. Originally, she was saved because of Xiang Yang’s appearance, which made her heart very complicated, both moving and excited. However, Xiang Yang’s words suddenly made her move all the time. And the excitement disappeared without a trace.

If it is not Xiangyang, where does she need a person to block in front of the army?

If it is not Xiangyang, how could she once again rush to the desperate shape of death?

She looked at Xiang Yang indignantly, and couldn't wait to rush directly to Xiangyang and desperately. It was too much. As a soul saint, how can I bully people like this?

"You don't run yourself, please shut me down."

Xiang Yang reluctantly sighed, the power of the huge soul broke out, blocking the attacks, but directly between the waves, in the shock of all the strong, the best of all the fairy, and then smiled Everyone, "You are honored to tell you that you have become my captive."


When these strong people blocked them all because of Xiang Yang’s power, they had already been shocked. At this moment, if they heard Xiang Yang’s words, none of them stayed, they all fled in the distance at the fastest speed. go with.

Some people can block their attacks is not terrible, the most important thing is that Xiang Yang blocked their attacks, but even so quiet, now they easily take away their magic weapons, this is simply not normal now.

"This guy is not a real fairy, he is weird."

"Yes, the woman around him is a person of the Soul. Although he is a real fairy on the surface, he is actually a strong soul of the Soul. It may also be defeated by a strong soul."

"Does the Souls intend to launch an attack on our immortals? No, this matter is too serious. It must be uploaded to the fairy world so that everyone knows the true face of this."


At this moment, these Xianzun and Xian Wang are all horrified in their hearts. They only said that Xiang Yang was taken over by the strong people of the Soul, and it was the spies of the souls into the immortals.

All along, the Souls have been ignoring their own camps, and rarely have any friendship with other immortals in the fairy world. This makes everyone feel that the Soul is a special race with a special practice. Now I see Xiangyang. After the skill, everyone felt that Xiang Yang must be very deliberate, and should have been won by the soul.

"If you are here, don't think about leaving."

Xiang Yang looked indifferent, carrying his hands, his eyes condensed, and suddenly, the power of the horrible soul broke out, directly forming a black soul cage, and instantly trapped everyone.

This soul cage is almost the same as the soul cage that has been used to trap Xiang Yang in the past seven days, because this is the work that Xiang Yang got from the consciousness of the soul seventy-seven.

"Look, you dare not say that you are not the reincarnation of the Holy One."

It is precisely because Xiang Yang's work is from the soul of the seven seven, so it can be said that the most authentic soul of the royal family can practice the practice, so the soul seventy-one looks proudly looking at Xiang Yang, feel this time Even if Xiang Yang denied that it was not the Soul Saint, it was no use. The evidence is here.

"I am not a reincarnation of the soul saints." Xiang Yang said that he was looking at the soul seventy-seven.

"How do you understand the practice of the Soul? And it is still the practice of the highest level of the royal family? How to explain this?" The soul seven and seven sneer looked at Xiang Yang, a pair of ‘you don’t want to lie to me’ expression.

The practice of the royal family of the Souls is impossible for anyone to learn. Only those who have a high status in the soul family know that the soul of the seventy-seven has already determined that Xiangyang is definitely the reincarnation of the holy people. .

"I learned from you." Xiang Yang replied very honestly.

"How come I don't know how to teach you the soul of the soul?"

The soul seventy-seven sneer and looked at Xiang Yang. "You have nothing to say, obviously you are the reincarnation of the holy people of the soul family, but they have used such a lame reason to deny. I really don't know what purpose you are afraid of." Admit, what is the situation."

At this moment, the soul seventy-seven has already identified that Xiangyang is the reincarnation of the holy people of the soul family, and the previous Xiangyang saved her, so that she did not find out that she had a good impression on Xiangyang.

Of course, this good feeling is very weak, and it is the kind that can be shattered at any time.

The reason why she feels about Xiangyang is mainly because she feels that Xiangyang is the reincarnation of the soul saints. She feels that both sides are fellow villagers. The so-called fellow villagers see tears in the village. In this fairy world, the soul is seventy-seven. This reincarnation of the 'Hospitality of the Souls' is particularly cordial.

"What do you think about it?"

Xiang Yang sighed and knew that the soul seventy-seven had already identified himself as the so-called Soul Saint. He did not want to explain it. Instead, he looked at the upwards of the cents and the fairy who were trapped by his soulball cage. Respect.

At this moment, all of the hundreds of powerful people have been stunned. They are all trapped and unable to move. All of them are sacred, even though they are only the goddess of the seven heavens. However, more than a dozen Xianzun and dozens of Xianwang brains were trapped by Xiangyang alone, showing how terrible the strength of Xiangyang has reached.

"You, what do you want?"

There is a fairy who can't help but ask.

When he asked his words, everyone else looked at Xiangyang with his eyes wide open, and there was fear in his heart. At this moment, they were not the high kings or the fairy gods, but the meat on the chopping board. Can be killed by Xiang Yang at any time.

"You said how should I deal with you?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at everyone, these are the Xianwang and Xianzun. When he was originally, he did not think about using the power of the soul, but when he saw the power of the soul of seventy-one people resisting so many powerful people. Attack, if you do not use the power of the soul to shoot, the soul of the seven seven will be shaped when the gods are destroyed, they will not be hidden, and they have to display the power of the soul to help the soul block the attack.

Nowadays, it is impossible for these guys to let them go, either to kill these guys or to conquer them. Otherwise, there is no third way out.

"Xiang Yang... No, the predecessors, the saints of the soul family, we are from the various forces of the fairy world, although the forces behind us are not very strong, but they are not weak. If we have an accident, our forces will definitely investigate. Clearly, by the time, you will certainly not explain it. Of course, your strength is very strong and you should reach the holy place. However, there are too many sacred places in the fairy world. You are invincible in the world and do not want to have it. Is it trouble? Is it better for you to let us go, how can we all happen today?"

There is a fairy who says very shamelessly.

"What do you say?"

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at each other, this guy can cultivate to the king of the fairy king, it is very extraordinary, not ordinary shameless, even these words dare to say.

Xiang Yang is a bit regrettable that the two shameless old men who followed the Donghuang Yuxi came over to communicate with the guys. Presumably, the guy would definitely like this fairy king.

"I think this is the best way, and it is a win-win solution. No matter what action the souls have, the seniors can not be worried about leaking out. We can also be safe."

The fairy king said quickly.

At the same time, he was a little excited in his heart. If his own words worked, it would be equivalent to saving all the Xianwang and Xianzun who were present. If this is the case, as long as they can get rid of the difficulties, he will harvest these people. Friendship...

"you're so smart."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but smile.

“Thank you for your compliments.”

After the fairy king heard it, he almost flew up. Xiang Xiang said that he had already agreed to what he said. As a result, as long as they fled, they could unite the forces behind them to spread the fairy world. Xiang Yang has been taken over by people and turned into a soul-like person. He tries to derail the fairy world. At that time, even if Xiang Yang is the real soul saint, it is impossible to escape.

He seems to see that he can become a hero in the fairy world who unveiled the secret of the soul. He is taking pictures of countless people, etc., and his heart is really excited.


However, this guy had no excitement yet, and suddenly he felt that something was wrong. He only felt that the light flashed in front of him, and the whole person disappeared instantly.

"problem occurs."

"What about people?"


Everyone was staring at the place where the fairy king was standing. Now it is empty, a big living person, a fairy king, and it disappears so suddenly.

At this moment, even Xianzun is equally chilling. He only thinks that the means of Xiangyang, the soul saint, is really strange.

"Haha, I think this is the best solution."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, he put a ban on the king of Xian, directly sent the other party into the Promise Xianfu, even if the fairy king has the ability to turn over, can not be turned over, can only be Xiangyang to the beginning of the devil It is really the best way to become the most loyal younger brother.

At the same time, he suddenly frowned, and secretly said, "No, there is a problem with the practice of the soul seventy-seven. No, it should not be a problem of exercises, but because the little girls are too weak, she I didn't touch the sacred rituals of the Soul. So, I used the low-level exercises of the soul seven seven to run the power of the soul, and there was a sense of guilt that could not continue."

At this moment, he realized that his power had something wrong. He knew that he had a problem, and he could no longer continue to exert his soul to confront these strong ones. Otherwise, big things would happen.

Thinking of this, he no longer talked nonsense with these people, waved his hand directly, and the power of the soul broke out. There was a horrible power bursting out, and the whole soul cage, including everyone, was instantly entered into the Promise.

Then, Xiaoling and Laowan in the Promise Immortality have already been prepared, and with the help of Xiangyang's first demon avatar, they began to subdue those strong.

After those strong men were controlled by Xiang Yang with the power of a powerful soul, they could not move within a short period of time. The first demon was enough to break into the magic species in their bodies and completely control them.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang’s face was somewhat white, precisely because the practice of the soul of the seventy-seventh did not touch the level of the holy level, and the power of his soul is too large, belonging to the soul family. The soul level that the Holy One can reach, as a result, the power of the too powerful soul is promoted by the low-level method, which makes his soul almost hurt.

Fortunately, stop doing it in time, or else, it is really possible to hurt yourself.

Xiang Yang sighed, did not expect that he would encounter this problem, can you say that if you want to fully exert the advantages of the power of the soul, you must go to the soul to take a trip and get the holy level of the Soul. it's OK?

He felt a little headache when he thought of it.

Although the soul seventy-seven is the soul king, but can not see some of the problems of Xiangyang, but looked at Xiangyang with a look of envy, whispered, "When can I have such a powerful soul like this bastard? Power?"

Although Xiang Yang’s face was a little pale, but with his own strong blood flow, his eyes returned to normal. He smiled and waved at the small bald head and small blood. The two came from afar. At this moment, the two looked at it. Xiang Yang’s eyes are already with the color of infinite worship.

"Okay, let's go."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and released the broken moon boat. At the same time, he released the silver enamel and Xiaoyin and Xiaohong together. After the three people came out, they saw that Xiangyang was fine. Naturally, it was a cold and warm question, and asked about it again. Just after the process, after knowing the whole process, they looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with strange colors.


However, when Xiang Yang was ready to go, the fiery communication of the sacred message in his sacred ring was shaken again.

"Xiang Yang, this is the condition that the fire family will open for you. As long as you agree to represent the fire family in the Million Island, you will receive all the rewards. Your fire will not grab you after the competition. Everything, and the Fireman will provide you with at least these resources, so that you can improve to the true limit within three years. If you agree, you will come to the fire family immediately. If you don't agree, then forget it. I have tried my best. If you still don't agree, I can't do anything."

Huo Mei did not say nonsense, and a series of lists were directly handed to Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang took a look at the list and suddenly took a breath, and he was amazed. He was one of the five great tribes. He was so generous and gave so many resources directly. If he did not agree to it. That would be too stupid, so that Xiang Yang did not say that he quickly agreed.

"Well, you are waiting there, I let the people of the fire family to meet you."

Author Meng Yu said: ask flowers, ask flowers, ask flowers.. Xiaomeng is desperately writing, and my little brothers and sisters have flowers and give it to me, let us top first, thank you...

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