Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2614: Firepower strong

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Because Huo Mei said that the strong people of the fire family should be connected to the Xiangyang group of people, and the transmission line of the fire family was directly transmitted to the fire family. Xiangyang and his party did not continue to hurry, but they were so broken. On the top, while drinking a small wine, while eating something, it is not leisurely.

Finally, after waiting for three hours, accompanied by a huge roar, eighteen powerful spaceships rushed out of the void and instantly appeared in the desert.

"I am going, this fire family is not coming to take me to send it, but is ready to kill me?"

Xiang Yang was staring at the 18 powerful spaceships, each of which was comparable in size to each small world. Moreover, the most terrifying thing was that the decks of the spaceships stood at least on their own. There is a fairy goddess in the heavens of the seven heavens, and there are countless fairy kings.

Even Xiang Yang can sense the atmosphere of an invincible strong man in the inner world of a spaceship.

The fire family, in order to meet him, even directly used so many strong.

Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked, and even the power of the soul had been prepared. In case, these people of the fire family did not want to come to meet him, but they also took a look at the treasures on him and they were not interested in him. Kindly, if you want to deal with him, with the power of his soul, although it is impossible to erupt the power of terror for a long time because of lack of exercises, at least let him leave with a few people safely, but there is absolutely no problem.

Of course, it is best for people of the Fire to keep their promises.

At the same time as Xiang Yang was stunned, the communication Yufu shook again, and the light shone. After Xiangyang was connected, there was a fiery shadow.

"Xiang Yang, did the fire people meet you?"

The flamboyant face looked at Xiang Yang with dignity.

In fact, in a fiery personality, it is unlikely to reveal such a dignified color, but, at the moment, she apparently got some news, knowing that Xiang Yang is in a dangerous state, and her heart is in a hurry, so nervous.

"Come on, but the people of your fire family actually drove 18 super-space warships, at least 18 cents, this is to come to meet me or to deal with me? I said, the fire is this preparation Do you want to kill people or kill them?" Xiang Yangkou said without a cover.

When he saw the appearance of flaming, Xiang Yang actually knew that the spaceships of these fireflies should not be to deal with themselves. After all, if they had to deal with themselves, these strongmen should be murderous when they appeared. However, after they appeared, they did not immediately think about themselves. Instead, they first observed the four sides on the space battleship. Obviously, they wanted to detect clearly. If there were dangers around them, they could remove them.

"When I just investigated the place you were in, I only knew what happened to you in Wan Yao Tian Chau. I immediately told the owner that the family owner attached great importance to you and immediately mobilized the forces of all the fire people near Wan Yao Tian Chau. Putting together these forces, the follow-up power is still mobilizing, you must be careful, if you meet with those who want to deal with you, you should leave, let the people of the fire family block them."

Humei looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified look, and saw Xiang Yang’s smile. Even if it was fiery, she was very helpless. She didn’t expect Xiang Yang to be so tossed, and she made such a move in Wan Yao Tian Chau. The common enemy exists.

Thinking of Xiang Yang is only a true immortal, even in the ring to beat Xian Zun and Xian Wang, she could not help but admire Xiang Yang.

"What do you mean, are these 18 spaceships actually coming to protect me?"

Xiang Yang's face is eccentric, looking at the fire, this fire chick, is it really so good?

The Fire family has mobilized so many powerful people just to protect themselves. This seems a bit too unbelievable.

Moreover, according to Huo Mei, the other powerful forces of the fire family are being mobilized. These 18 space warships already have the super strong people in the world of Da Luo, and it is said that the fire family Will it also mobilize the strong people of Da Luo’s nine heavens to help themselves?

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang couldn’t help but raise a warmth. The firefighters made such a big move for him. Although he was trying to let him replace the firefighters in the Million Island, he mobilized such a big scene. Yang is scared.

In any case, the other party can mobilize such a powerful force to protect themselves, it is enough to prove that the fire family really cares about themselves, this feeling, let Xiang Yang feel that it is also good to cooperate with the fire family.


Huo Mei said, "The movement you made in Wan Yao Tian Chau is too great. Although you are the descendant of that vein, there are some forces hidden in the darkness that are not afraid of the rules of your vein. They This is the person who walked outside the rules. According to the news I got, some people have asked some dark forces to deal with you. Even a superpower has been dispatched to deal with you. As for what level Strong, we don't know yet."

While talking, Hu Mei looked at Xiang Yang with a headache. "You are so too tossed. A real fairy can actually provoke some top sacred shots to deal with you. I really don't know what kind of skills you have." Let those sages also shoot."

"Is there still such a thing?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly felt shocked, and then he was very admired by the fire people. It is not a fire family. The super strong family of one of the five great celestial beings has investigated so many things in this short three hours. .

However, the words of flamboyance also made Xiang Yang very shocked. I did not expect that those who had been on the face to kill themselves, and even some people invited the dark forces to shoot.

Although Xiang Yang has not really seen some of the underground dark forces in the fairy world, but as a strong man who has been working hard in the Western underground dark forces in the secular world, Xiang Yang is very clear, no matter The secular world is still in the realm of comprehension, and even the immortal world will have these dark forces that are outside the rules.

Needless to say, the power of these forces is not afraid of any strong people. They are unscrupulous and do what they want to do. No one can threaten them. To a certain extent, even official organizations sometimes want to follow them. Cooperation.

Although everyone knows that the threat of the dark forces is very large, even if every force is very hateful of these dark forces, it is impossible to truly extermination of the dark forces.

Even too many forces have been implicated in these dark forces, so that the forces of darkness can still exist in all parts of the world, and life is very good.

"If I let me know who is looking for the dark forces to shoot, I will definitely kill him." Xiang Yang looked very cold, and even someone who looked so bad at the face of the dark forces made him angry.

If he does not have the ability to fight against the forces of darkness, I am afraid that it will be destroyed by the strong forces of these dark forces, but not to mention that the fire has sent so many strong men to **** him, even if it is the power of his own soul, if A full-scale outbreak is enough to fight against any strong person. He does not believe that the dark forces will really send a holy power to deal with themselves.

The dark forces have the strong people of the Holy Land. This is beyond doubt. Even though Xiang Yang does not understand the dark forces of the fairy world at all, he knows very well that often, some of the dark forces have stronger powers than the right ones. powerful.

"Well, you are rushing with the people of the fire, although the dark forces should not be afraid of the fire, but as long as you are in the protection of the firepower's strong, you don't have to worry about any danger."

Huo Mei is very concerned about the safety of Xiang Yang, and said quickly.

Although she is also very worried about the safety of Xiangyang, but when she thinks of the family of the fire family, that is, her father mobilized the forces of Wan Yao Tianzhou and its surroundings to meet Xiang Yang, she made her relax a little.

As one of the five great celestial beings, the Fireman is powerful and unmatched. Although it is not always possible to let those dark forces not deal with Xiangyang, it is no problem to protect Xiangyang.

"Who said that I would worry that I am in danger?"

Xiang Yang’s face was sneer, his eyes were cold, and he thought about whether he was placing a trap here. When the people of the dark forces arrived, they all killed them.

When I thought of it, he couldn't help it anymore. He ignored the strong people of the firefighters on the eighteen spaceships. They took some treasures from the Promise Xianfu and began to arrange them in this desert.

"what are you doing?"

Along with two voices, I saw a middle-aged man not far from the front of Xiangyang. The other side looked curious with a curious look. One of the voices was from the middle-aged man.

The other one is the fiery charm of the communication jade.

Huo Mei and the middle-aged man saw that Xiang Yang was busy at the same time. They were very puzzled. It is reasonable to say that Xiang Yang should havetened to the battleship after seeing the 18th spaceship of the fire family. Under the protection of the firepower strong, they jumped into the void and went to the fire family. However, Xiang Yang seemed to be setting up traps, which made them feel a bit puzzled and a little bit of laughter.

"Miss, I have arrived."

The middle-aged man said with a soft voice to the fiery shadow of the communication in the jade.

"it is good."

Huo Mei nodded, did not pay too much attention to this middle-aged man, but looked at Xiang Yang curiously, only to see Xiang Yang took out a myriad of bases, which contained a number of the best of the best The device was quickly placed in a magical rule.

"I am in the lineup. Since some people want to deal with me, I naturally can't let them go so easily. Although I don't bother to stay and kill them personally, I can leave them a little baby."

Xiang Yangtou did not return, saying that all the bases of the various methods were quickly buried, and then some magic weapons were buried in the array. These formations were fired at the base of the last project. After the attack of God, Xiang Yang realized that he also needed some methods to hang people, so he specially made Xiaoling refine some one-off. If it broke out, there would be no power.

At the same time, Xiang Yang also arranged the hidden atmosphere and the magic array outside the killing. Finally, when the formation was finally completed, Xiang Yang took a small blood and a silver plaque out of the formation. The middle-aged man looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color, and the fire and charm in the communication Yufu was equally shocked.

"This kid is digging a pit, are you ready to let those who want to deal with him all fall into it?"

"The news from this intelligence said that although this kid is not necessary, but he is black and wicked, he dares to do anything. It is true."

"It's not right. He just gave a lesson to those who want to deal with him. In fact, this is very correct. It is only that the arrays he has arranged are very extraordinary. Can you really deal with the strong forces of the dark forces?"

"Oh, a true fairy, I want to hang up those dark forces. I don't think it is very good. However, looking at him with a very confident look, I don't know how, I think he is a bit interesting."


On the eighteen spaceships, countless strong people all came together, and each face looked strangely at Xiangyang. In particular, they saw Xiangyang digging the pit well, and they all felt that Xiangyang was a white heart. Black, hit the wicked.

“Xiang Yang has seen his predecessors and thanked his predecessors.”

After Xiang Yang came out, he came to the middle-aged man with a small bald head and other people, and smiled at the other side with a smile on his face.

This middle-aged man is the super master of Da Luo’s eight heavens. He is the strongest of the people who fired to meet him. Xiang Yang just saw each other, just because Xiang Yang had to dig first. Arranged the array method, no time to greet this middle-aged man, until now it is considered free.

In any case, the other side is such a peerless strong, and so dedicated to protect themselves, Xiang Yang naturally will not give the other face a good look.

"Xiang Yang, you don't have to be polite, introduce yourself. My name is Fire Plow. It is a person sent by the Fireman to meet you. You can rest assured that as long as I am alive, you will not have an accident. Of course, if someone in the enemy can be killed in an instant. I, then I can't protect you." The middle-aged man said softly.

Although he is a master of Da Luo's eight heavens, he does not have any posture as a strong man, but he is very approachable.

Moreover, his words also indicate the determination of the fire family and his desire to protect Xiang Yang, and he wants to deal with Xiang Yang, unless he walks through his body, or else, as long as the fire plow is still alive, Xiang Yang will not be injured.

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