Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2616: The top ten killing gods!

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Seeing countless chasing Xiang Yang's celestial kings were slain by him. In the end, when the remaining sages joined forces to break the battle and escape, the people of the fire were all shocked, and Xiang Yang was Helpless sighs a sigh, "Unfortunately, too rushed, the power of the array of methods is relatively weak, even can only destroy a fairy in the big seven heavens, if you can put these dozens of fairy It’s all gone.”

"Especially the three sacred sects of the sacred heavens, even one did not die, it was too failed."

At the same time, his face showed a lost color. His original thoughts had to destroy at least one master of the heavens and the earth, in order to shock the dark forces. As a result, he just destroyed a big Luo. The fairy goddess in the seven heavens, the other fairy gods are all fine.

"It may be that the array is not laid out, and you should pay attention to it next time."

As for the roar of the celestial denominations of the dark forces, Xiang Yang did not hear it. These guys have already chased themselves. This is just that they are not in the same position as themselves. They are not killing them. Are they waiting for them to gather together? Do you have to deal with yourself?


When Xiang Yang was sighing there, on the deck, the strong people of the fire people who were watching him around the scene were all chilling.

Before, they saw with their own eyes that Xiang Yang was very fast and buried all kinds of things from the storage magic weapon. They thought that Xiang Yang was arranged in a short time. It is already very powerful to kill at most one or two celestial kings. Unexpectedly, Xiang Yang’s tactics almost made the strong forces of those dark forces who pursued him completely annihilated.

Even if, at the last minute, all the celestial buddies all cooperated to sacrifice the knives to open the squad, I am afraid that those sages will die.

"What are you doing with me like this?"

Xiang Yang unfortunately put away the mirror and stretched out, but found that everyone was staring at themselves.

"You, your level of formation has reached the level of the Grand Master?"

The fire plow hoarse voice and looked at Xiang Yang. He suddenly understood why the fire family would pay attention to Xiang Yang so much. He did not say that his master of the big heavens was called out from the retreat, even the Da Luo Jiu Tiantian level. The peerless immortals are all dispatched.

The identity of Xiang Yang’s kid is not mentioned. His ability as a great master of the tactics is not desirable for every powerful force.

As a result, the value of Xiangyang can be truly infinitely expanded.

"What is there, isn't it killing a few kings?"

Xiang Yang shook his head indifferently, strolling to the edge of the deck, looking at the depths of the chaos, carrying his hands and sighing and saying, "The formation is too ambitious. Although I have worked hard for several years, I can only reach it. Now, I want to go further, unless I have to retreat for a while before I can make a breakthrough."

At the same time, he was very satisfied with his shaking his head. In this way, all the people saw that they couldn’t wait to rush to slap him. It was too pretentious.

After more than ten years of hard work, it has reached the achievements that countless practitioners in the immortal world have been unable to achieve for millions of years. Is this kid a enchanting one?

The famous masters of the sect of the celestial world, which one is not focused on the formation of the law, the tactics of the tactics, really do not know how many years have passed, in order to become a master of the law?

It is not enough for Xiangyang to achieve such an achievement in just over a decade. If the masters of the sects of the celestial world see the appearance of Xiangyang, they will be directly insane.

These strong people of the fire family are all stunned, each with a shocking look, although they feel that Xiang Yang is too pretentious, but Xiang Yang reached the level of such a great master in the past ten years, making their heads A blank, only the horror is brewing.

The fire plow is a firm color on his face. He grabs Xiang Yang’s arm and says, “Xiang brother, I am your brother in the future. No matter what, you can always find me, as long as I can help you, I A definition is indispensable."

"Fire Plow Brother, are we not brothers now?"

Xiang Yang said with a wink and a smile.

"Yeah, hahaha."

The fire plow excitedly laughed.

As a top-ranking fairy in the world of Da Luo, he thought that Xiang Yang was not only a descendant of that pulse, but also very likely to help the fire family to win the first place in the million-day real fairy war. Another look, however, he may not really be so enthusiastic about Xiangyang that he wants to be a brother of Xiangyang. Now when he sees that Xiang Yang is still a master of the law, he realizes that Xiang Yang is such a The terrible place of the great master of the tactics, I want to really make friends with Xiangyang.

In the fairy world, although Dan Dao, Dao Dao, Qi Dao, etc. belong to the trail, it is of great value to truly achieve the achievements of the Grand Master.

Generally speaking, you know a little bit of side doors, such as alchemy and refining, arrays, etc., but few can be very proficient.

Really proficient in reaching the masters, even in the fairy world is also one of the few, every master is a jewel, even if the strength of the big master is not high, but can rely on their skills to live beyond the status of others .


"not good."

However, at this time, in the chaotic void in front of them, accompanied by a roaring roar, there was a horrible sword light, followed by a black figure standing quietly in chaos. It seems to be integrated with chaos.

The other party is a super strong, and has already cultivated its own way as if it can be integrated into everything at any time. Even if it is standing in chaos, it will not make people feel that something is wrong.

"The top ten killers of the dark forces are coming."

Seeing this scene, all the firefighters on the spaceship battleships all changed their faces, especially the fire ploughs. They even exclaimed at the same time, waving the space between the warships and looking at each other seriously. .

"Raise the banner of the fire."

The fire plow sighed softly. Suddenly, each of the eighteen spaceship ships raised a flag. It was the symbol of the fire family. The flag was red and fired. There was a flame burning on it, and it had the power of horror.

This is a powerful force that represents one of the five great celestial beings. At this critical time, seeing the top ten killing gods in the dark forces also appeared, even if it is the fire plough. The super strong is also chilling, only to raise the banner of the fire family to shock each other.

"You are advanced in Xianfu."

Xiang Yang is not talking about it. He directly collects all the people around him into Xianfu. Even, even the soul seventy-seven and the small bald head are also collected by him. He looks at each other seriously, and at the same time, There is a cucurbit gourd, which is beyond the best fairy level.

After the emergence of this sacred gourd, even the fire plough did not sense the extraordinary, because Xiang Yang only locked the quiet man who stopped the space battleship, and did not let any breath of the sage gourd leak. .

Such a dark world ranks in the top ten super-killing gods, even if the power of Xiang Yang's soul is strong enough to be comparable to the great sanctuary, but also chilling and tremble, can only take out the millennium gourd that can be used once this millennium.

The 斩仙葫芦 is in the hand, Xiang Yang feels more at ease.


At that moment, the man in black felt the great danger coming, and all the body was shaking, and the whole body was erected. He couldn’t help but exclaimed and looked at Xiangyang.


He whispered to himself, his voice was hoarse, and he couldn't hear whether he was a man or a woman. Similarly, he was covered in black fog, and no one could see what he looked like.

This is the super killer in the dark world. It ranks in the top ten killing gods. This is the true top of the world. It is said that the top ten killing gods in the dark world in the fairy world are all attacked. Killed the existence of the Holy Power.

However, at this time, this horrible killing of the gods is a shocked look at the sacred gourd in the hands of Xiang Yang. "Is it the old guy's 葫仙葫芦? It doesn't look like that."

"But, it's not the old guy's 葫仙葫芦, where did this kid come from?"

The old guy in his mouth is naturally the old monster of the phoenix flying knife, a 斩 葫 超越 超越 超越 超越 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ratio.

When the fire plows and other people looked at the one who killed the gods, no one knew that the guy’s heart was shocked. Although he was killing God, he also had weaknesses, and the Zhu Xianfei knife was the only one who could assassinate. One aspect can compare with him.

Moreover, he obviously felt that Xiang Yang’s knives in the hands of Xiang Yang had locked him. He had already felt the crisis of life and death. He knew that this is the 斩仙飞刀 that surpassed the level of the best fairy, if it was really Xiangyang. Exhibited, it is possible that he will be killed by Xiang Yang.

Zhu Xianfei knife can be said to be the first treasure in the world to assassinate, especially this super baby who surpassed the best fairy level, even if this is the top ten killing **** in the dark world, dare not say that it can block the 斩仙飞刀Attack.

"The miscalculation, I knew that I should assassinate this kid silently, instead of the space warship that stopped the fire family."

This sighs in the heart of the gods, and his heart has already given birth to retreat. He is very clear that at this time, he is not suitable for shooting, regardless of whether the speed of Xiang Yang’s exhibition of 斩仙飞刀 is faster than his own shot. It doesn't matter. The key is that Xiang Yang has the ability to threaten him. If he shoots, he is very likely to be killed by Xiang Yang.

To the extent that he is at such a level, he is the top ten killing **** in the dark world. He is very cherished for his life. Since Xiang Yang has the opportunity to threaten him, he can no longer stay. .

Between the silent and the silent, the figure of the top ten killing gods disappeared into the chaos, but the people on the spaceship still did not dare to relax, because they feared that the other party was not leaving, but sneaked into chaos. Among them, prepare to kill them.

In the same way, although the strong people of the fire family are shocked, they form a circle of enlightenment and protect Xiangyang.

After Xiang Yang met, his heart felt very warm. Although he was not familiar with the people of the fire family, the practice of the fire family made him feel very much good.

"Reassured, he has already left."

Xiang Yang put away the scorpion gourd, and with his powerful soul-sensing power, he could naturally sense that the horrible killing **** had left. He wiped his forehead and found that his forehead was covered with dense sweat. I couldn't help but sigh in my heart. "This is the real powerful and horrible existence. The practice of the other side is to be good at assassination. If you are targeted by the other party, I am afraid that it is really a dead place." ”

"If the guy just sneaked directly, I am going to have an accident."

Xiang Yang squats, with the color of fear, but also patted his chest, look like that, it seems to be really scared.

"He should have gone."

At this time, the fire plough sensed for a long time, did not sense the traces of the other party, or even sacrificed a mirror to shine on the chaos, and then relaxed after not seeing the other side's trace.

The fire plow looked at Xiang Yang and found that Xiang Yang could still calmly look at his chest with a look of fear. He couldn’t help but look at Xiang Yang. "Your heart is really not really strong. In the face of the dark forces, the top ten killing gods, even if I am scared, you can still be so calm."

Xiang Yang was very scared when he patted his chest. In the view of the fire plow and others, it was not so scary. Instead, it was a bit of a holiday. It seems that Xiang Yang is pretending to be afraid.

"How can you be frightened, afraid, and can't let the other party give up and assassinate me."

Xiang Yang said calmly, "And, isn't that guy already scared away by us? Since he first gave birth to fear and left, there will naturally be a second and a third time. Later, he will I have no courage to hunt me."

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s very wave of hand, “Come on, thank the brothers for their care, everyone to drink together.”

While talking, he had a jar of monkey wine in his hand and drank it directly.

Looking at Xiang Yang’s heroic appearance, these people of the fire family immediately admire him, remembering that they were so frightened as the immortal and the immortal king. Until now, they have not recovered, but they are not as good as Xiangyang. When I was in the fairy, all of them were in my heart.

"Come here, drink together, don't worry, he can't come back since he has already ran."

Xiang Yang said that while drinking, he said refreshingly. In fact, with a few mouthfuls of wine, he felt that the whole person was much more comfortable. It was too nervous at that moment, even if Xiang Yang could not bear it. Suddenly, the heart beats and sweats, and the whole person can't calm down.

"Come on, I respect the brothers."

"The brothers are not able to compare with us for the time being, but your guts are more than us. Even the fire princess can't compare with you. Hahaha, the good man of my fire family, the most admired. It’s someone like you, let’s drink this cup.”

"Ha ha ha..."

Perhaps the appearance of Xiangyang's heroic drinking made the experts of the fire family infected, and they were relieved, all of them laughing and drinking with Xiangyang.

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