Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2617: Introducing my great-grandson to you...

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At the same time, when Xiang Yang and others were drinking, in the chaotic void, there was a glimpse of silent light, and the other party was the dark world that had just been frightened by Xiangyang’s 斩仙葫芦Among the top ten killing gods.

At this moment, the feeling of killing God is not so good. Since he became the top ten killing **** in the underground dark world, no matter what the task, he has never lost his hand. Even, he has never been close to the sound. A sub-strong man who is retreating under the shackles, under the sneak attack, although he did not kill the other side, but also let the other side practice the problem, and soon afterwards, he died directly, and it was a brilliant record.

However, what he didn't expect was that this time he lost his hand, and he was scared to leave by a real fairy. This is an unprecedented shame for him.

"The Taoist friends are going very fast."

At this time, accompanied by a smile, silent, in the depths of the chaos, there is a flame lotus is burning, there is a red-haired old man sitting above the lotus.

The other party is obviously just emerging, but it is also silent, even if it is not the other party's voice, this **** of killing does not know that he has been locked in tracking.

"The old monster of the fire family."

The body of the goddess who walked in the chaos in the chaos stopped like a super-speed brake, and the sound of the screaming screamed, and the figure quickly retreated toward the rear.

This is the old monster of the fire family, and it is still the strong man of the holy place, but it is not comparable to the sacred place who is in the process of retreating. Even if this killing **** claims to have killed Yasheng, he is facing this. When a true dragon was born, the tiger was also frightened.

He knows that this is the strongest of the fire family to retaliate against him, while the heart is chilling and tremulous, and he will not escape without hesitation.

Not sanctified, after all, it’s just an ant, even if this guy is a super fairy in the world of Da Luo’s nine heavens, even if he is one of the top ten killing gods in the dark world, although it can make Yasheng jealous, in fact, the realm of Da Luo There is a difference between heaven and earth with the holy world, and the two cannot be compared at all.

"I just bullied my family and I was so refreshed. Now I am leaving like this neatly. Do you think that I am bullied in the fire, or do you think you are too strong?"

However, when I saw this fast killing of the **** of death, the red-haired old man sitting on the flame lotus in the original smile snorted, and the right hand emptied, suddenly, in this chaos, there was a The flames are condensed out of thin air, with powerful and unmatched power, covering the sky, as if to capture the entire chaos in the hands.


With a sword squeaking, the killing **** who was escaping from the sneak peek saw the flames of the big hand grab him. He couldn’t take it anymore, but he slammed the sword upwards and then went up. He didn't go to see what the result of this sword was, and he ran away at a faster speed.


However, although his sword is powerful, he can't break this big flame. The big flames still fall, and they are directly photographed on this **** of killing.


The flames of flames and chaos tumbling, making the place covered with light, and there was a brief sensory blind spot. Even the old man sitting on the flame lotus could not feel anything.

When the radiant flame dissipated, there was no trace in the chaos, and no trace of the killing of God was seen.

However, the red-haired old man sitting on the flame lotus was frowning and groaning. "These killers are so embarrassing. Even if I shot, I was run away by him. However, it was hurting him. It is a pity that the real identity of this guy is not forced out."

At the same time, the red-haired old man shook his head and his body flickered, and the flame lotus under his seat disappeared instantly.

The top ten killing gods in the dark world are not all cultivated in the dark world. In fact, when they are not carrying out the tasks of the dark world, they normally have a bright and honest identity, and they still serve as the big Luo Jiuzhong. The top of the heavens is touted by others.

No one knows that the strong person whom he and others respect and worship is actually the killing **** in the dark world. It is the most vicious snake that can kill people at any time.

However, among the immortals, some masters of the big forces, and even the great people of the Holy Land, they are very aware of these secrets. The red-haired old man who just sat on the flame lotus in the plate of the fireman did not kill the other. The main reason is to see which family the other person is on the surface. What I didn’t expect was that the other person’s means of escape was so powerful that he eventually let the other party escape.

"Oh, I just drank it. How big is your heart, and you are not afraid that the **** will return to deal with you?"

At this time, when Xiang Yang and others were drinking very refreshingly, there was a smile coming in the void, and then there was a red-haired old man appearing on the deck of the battleship out of thin air, smiling. Look at everyone.

"I have seen the ancestors of the fire."

After the fire plow and other people saw this old man, they suddenly jumped a lot and quickly put down the wine jar in their hands to salute the strong man.

At this moment, Xiang Yangzheng was confronted with Xiaoguangtou. When he saw this strong person appearing, his heart was shocked. He did not expect that the fire family had sent such a super strong person, and the other figure was in chaos. It is a terrible horror, although it seems to be a normal red-haired old man on the surface, but in the soul perception of Xiang Yang, the strength of the other side is earth-shattering, standing in chaos, as if it is a chaotic god. .

"The Holy Land is strong."

Xiang Yang knows that the other party must be a strong sacred person. Even in the level of Ya Sheng, it is also a top-notch existence. He couldn’t help but take a breath. He didn’t expect the fire family to pay so much attention to himself and dispatch. It’s incredible to have such a supreme master to save yourself.

The sacred place is strong, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to participate in family affairs. At such a level, there is nothing in the world that is more important than them to understand heaven and make themselves break through higher levels, even in their hearts. No matter what you do, it is not as good as the joy of growing up in their understanding of heaven.

Therefore, among the heavens and the world, there is a sacred covenant, the struggle of the strong, and the strongest connotation is generally the immortal ancestor who sent out the situation of the big Luo Jiu Tian. Now, this strong person has appeared, and still In order to save Xiangyang, a small rookie in the realm of real fairyland, it can be seen how much the fire family pays attention to Xiangyang.

"Is this first place in the Million Chapel really good for one party?"

Xiang Yang’s heart is stunned. He always feels that the fire family is too fussy. In order to protect himself, it is possible to get the first immortal in the first place of the Million Island. Even the Yasheng is dispatched. It is a bit too It’s too shocking.

"Xiang Yang, this is the three ancestors of my fire family, the ancestors of the fire, did not want to let this time actually alarmed the ancestors of the fire, let his old people personally come to protect you, this is your honor, you will see you soon Passed the ancestors."

The fire plow is a quick introduction to the identity of the red-haired old man.

When the fire plow knew that Xiang Yang was a great master of the Fa, he had made up his mind to make a good relationship with Xiang Yang. Later, he saw that Xiang Yang actually took out a sacred gourd that surpassed the best fairy level. When the gods were scared away, they immediately admired Xiangyang, and made up their minds to make a good relationship with Xiangyang. They were afraid that Xiangyang would collide with the Yasheng ancestors of the fire family, and they quickly rushed to Xiangyang. .

"Fire Plow Kid, what are you doing with my voice to this little guy?"

The fire plow was sent to Xiang Yang, and he could not survive the sacred power. He smiled and looked at the fire plough.

"My ancestors, I am not too excited to see you, let the brothers give you a monkey wine?" The fire plough quickly accompanied the smile, and he looked at the top of the world. It looks like a child.

While talking, he quickly turned his eyes on Xiang Yang, let Xiang Yang quickly give the monkey wine to this guy.

"There is a monkey wine, come, little guy, look at the ancestors who worked hard to help you teach the little killer, let the ancestors help you to taste whether your monkey wine is authentic."

The fire ancestor looked at Xiangyang, he said with a smile.

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly understood that this old guy seemed to be a bit unreliable. He obviously wanted to drink monkey wine, but he was so embarrassed that he wanted to help himself.

Hehe, is it true that the monkeys brewed by the monkeys raised by Laozi are still authentic and need a bad old man to taste it?

Xiang Yang smiled disdainfully, but on the surface it showed a bright smile.

"Small child Xiang Yang has seen the ancestors of the fire."

Xiang Yang’s smile on the face of the fire made a gift to the fire. At the same time, the small bald heads, silver cymbals and small blood who followed him also rushed to the ceremony. After all, the other party was a strong sage, even Xiang Yang. They are all polite, they naturally can't stand still.

Then, Xiang Yang quickly took out the best quality monkey wine from the altar, "God please."


The red-haired old man took over the monkey wine. After opening the lid, he took a breath and immediately showed the color of appreciation. Haha said with a smile, "Not bad, this quality is very good."

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang with a look of admiration. "The kid is very good, and I don't want my ancestors to help you."

Xiang Yang looked at the red-haired old man and couldn’t help but blink. When he heard that the old guy said that he dared to help himself, he felt that this guy should be a bit less serious. .

"Old ancestors, there has just been a killing of the dark world, but I don't know why but I have retired."

When the red-haired old man took a sip of wine on a hot day and looked like a look, the fire plow said cautiously.

He didn't know that the red-haired old man had just played against the killing **** in chaos, and the result was that the other party ran away.

"I know, I just learned the guy's meal just now. I wanted to keep the guy's life, take a good look at what the guy is. As a result, he was run by the guy. The killers who practice the Netherplay are all killers. It’s too difficult, even if it’s my ancestor, I can’t leave him.”

The ancestors of the fire day sipped the wine with great enthusiasm, but at the same time they did not care.

Although being a sacred strong man but being escaped by a big Luo Xianzun is indeed a very shameful thing, but he does not care to say it directly.

At the level of his cultivation, he has no need to use his own record to highlight the strength of his own strength.

"The ancestors actually met the killing god?"

After the people of the fire family heard it, they all showed the shocking color. Then, when they thought of the ancestors of the fire, even if the ancestors such as the ancestors did not leave the other party, the people of the fire family were one by one. Suddenly, I know that it is too horrible to kill God. Fortunately, the other party has retired. Otherwise, if the other party really wants to kill, it is feared that everyone in the fire will be wiped out.

Fortunately, Xiangyang has a 斩 葫 葫 能够 can shock each other.

Thinking of this, these people looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with gratitude. Although they came to protect Xiangyang, they were very clear that they did not play much role in this process. Instead, they did not play much role. It was Xiang Yang who scared away the killing and saved their lives.

Xiang Yang’s heart is equally shocking, but this result has long been expected. He can feel that the power of killing God is terrible. Although it is only the environment of Da Luo’s nine heavens, he has a very powerful sneak method. Occult techniques, while the fire ancestor of this fire ancestor is a strong sacred place, the power of attack is naturally strong and unmatched, but on the sneak and concealment, it is really not necessarily able to rank with the dark forces. Compared with the killing of ten.

In addition, this Yasheng master looks that the two seem to be not very serious, and it is estimated that the shot did not care much, and it was reasonable to be escaped by the other side.

"Come here, drink and drink."

The fire ancestor is a smile that doesn't care, and pulls Xiangyang to drink.

"My ancestors please."

Xiang Yang was very polite at the beginning, because when he did not figure out what kind of temper the other party was, it was absolutely impossible to face such a sacred person.

However, right away, he knew that he was too careful. This old man was a person who was not serious. He laughed and glared at Xiang Yang’s shoulder. "You, kid, you are very good. I will be my sister." The great-grandmother introduced it to you."

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