Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2618: Deep in chaos

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Xiang Yang heard that the old guy actually said that he would introduce his former great-great-grandmother to himself, and suddenly he was shocked and quickly coughed. "Once, the age of your great-grandchildren may be I don’t know how old I am when I am older than I am. I think it’s still a problem.”

"Oh, it seems quite reasonable. When I go back and ask, who is the youngest person in my pulse, I will introduce it to you."

Fire days don't mind, but haha ​​smiled and said.

While talking about it, he remembered what it was like, and asked the fire plough, "Well, the fire plow kid, who do you know the youngest woman in my vein? How old?"

"Back to the ancestors, your youngest pulse should be the little princess, her generation is not the smallest, but the young daughter of the contemporary owner. I don't know her specific age, but no more than two thousand years old." The fire plow quickly said.

The fire plough is the sacred sacred place of the fire family, and it is the branch of the fire sect in the outer town. It is very clear about the things in the family. Moreover, I have never seen it before. Is it the youngest in the family?

"It turned out that this old man turned out to be a flamboyant ancestor."

Xiang Yang blinked, and the heart was secret. If he and his ancestors were called brothers and brothers, what would you like to call next time? Do you have to call yourself an ancestor?

Thinking of this, he suddenly came to interest.

However, even more interested in Xiangyang is the ancestor of the fire, he haha ​​smiled and grabbed Xiang Yang said, "China, I remember, I will help you, it is fiery and eager to ask me. Come, she must like you, hahaha, I will give you a slap in the face after I go back. It’s great.”

At the same time, he seemed to think that this thing was very fun. He smirked and laughed directly. "Yes, it should be like this. This time, I must give you the mercenary, oh, see these young people, I When I missed my youth very much, I was also a filial son. Unfortunately, the beautiful years are gone forever. Everything can be abandoned for the sake of the road."


After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly became dumbfounded. This old man turned out to be so unfair. When he opened his mouth, he would assign him to himself. What is the situation?

Don't you want to be a brother to yourself?

It turns out that everything is fake. The old guy looks very good on himself and actually looks like his own ancestor.

Xiang Yang’s heart is indignant, how can he find himself an ancestor?

"Hahaha, boy, don't worry, after I go back, I will give you the gimmick, oh."

The fire ancestor wants to be more happy. He pulls Xiangyang and drinks it. While drinking, he smiles and says, "But you don't have to be nervous, even though your generation is much smaller than me. However, we call us, you will call my old brother in the future."

Xiang Yang was shocked on the spot. The old man is really very individual. As a sub-sacred strongman, it must be a horrible figure who has lived to the present in ancient times. It is a real living fossil. I am also very embarrassed to say that I want to be my old brother. It really has a childlike heart.

I thought that the other person wanted to be his ancestor. Fortunately, I just wanted to be my old brother...

However, shouting an old brother is much better than calling the other seniors or ancestors. Xiang Yang has already been used to various strong people. Naturally, there is no psychological burden. He said with a smile, "Older brother is polite, but I don’t want to be sultry, I already have a wife."

He obviously can feel that since the fire said that he would give him the arrogance, the silver enamel has been brewing murderous, and Xiang Yang is really afraid that the silver scream will directly face himself on the spot.

Of course, the relationship between Jubilee and Xiangyang has not yet reached that level. It cannot be said that Jubilee is his wife. However, Jubilee seems to be angry when he says that he wants to match him with his own. It is the same as entering that role.

"Nothing is ok, what happened to a few wives between the man and the man? In my opinion, it is normal for you to have a wife." Fire was a happily said.

"You are fine, I have something."

Xiang Yang’s face is full of hustle and bustle. However, there are still several wives who are not found in other Tiantian. How can he have an inexplicable relationship with Huo Mei at this time?

Moreover, the old guy's words are to make Xiang Yang shocking, and a wife, your sister, so many wives, it is estimated that even the name is not uniform, so many wives do?

Xiang Yang felt that the old guy’s thoughts were too evil.

Although Huo Mei is the arrogant woman of the fire family, maybe he can experience the feeling of fiery, but Xiang Yang still feels that he should be firm in his mind at this time.

"Kid, don't you look down on me?"

However, when the voice of Xiang Yang’s refusal fell, he heard a stern look at Xiang Yang.


After the voice of the sacred strong man in the fire, not only was Xiangyang stunned, but even other people of the fire family, the fire plow and so on, looked at the fire, and the family’s ancestors were engaged. What the hell?

Did Xiang Yang refuse him? It turned out to be a look down on him.

Sure enough, the idea of ​​the old monster can not be measured by normal people.

No matter whether it is a fire plough or other people of the fire family, all of them are drinking with their heads down, pretending that they have not heard the fire. As a fireman, they feel that they are not involved after hearing the words of the fire. Ok, otherwise, I won’t be allowed to be forced to be persuaded by the old sacred monster of this family.

"How do I look down on you, you are a great sanctuary, I don't look down on anyone who dares to look down on you." Xiang Yang said.

This fire is really shameless. I don’t follow the common sense to let Xiang Yang react a little. However, Xiang Yang at this moment can understand it. There is no reason for this old monster to do anything. of.

However, he also understands that these living fossil characters may become a bit abnormal because they have lived for too long, and he even thought about it if there were a group of unruly old monsters getting together. I don't know what kind of phenomenon will happen.

"You don't want my descendants to be flamboyant, just look down on her, look down on her and just look down on me." Fire sneered.


Xiang Yang has nothing to say, this old guy's reasoning is really too good, if he wants to see this old guy, is to promise the old guy what he wants to be arrogant to give to himself, never see, one side The eyes of the silver plaque have already been smothered, as if to be turned into a knife and smashed down?

Even if he did not care about the killing of the silver carp, Xiang Yang did not dare to promise the fire to give him the arrogance. The maiden little girl, at first glance, is not a normal person. How dare he marry the other wife? ?

"Then you will let me look down on you." Xiang Yang stunned.

The old predecessor must have a quirk in his heart, and he must force himself to say something that looks down on the other side.


The fire smashed, and suddenly felt that he had done something, and abandoned the identity of his high-ranking sacred predecessor.

The fire plow and other people are full of admiration for Xiang Yang, which is simply too powerful. Even dare to say this to the sacred strong man is really bullish.

"Forget it, the old man will not participate in the affairs of your young people, come and drink with your old brother."

Then, this old guy did not force Xiangyang. After he smashed it, he immediately returned to normal. He laughed and dragged Xiangyang to drink, which made Xiang Yang breathe a sigh of relief.

The space warship, broken chaos and heading toward the front, heading toward the capital of the eastern Tianyu, the largest central fairy city. On this road, the sacred place of the fire god, the sacred place of the fire, is no longer in use. I am afraid that there will be danger.



At the same time, when Xiang Yang was on the spaceship of the fire family, the lower bound, the chaotic void, accompanied by a huge roar, Li Hou appeared behind a horrible boundless god, in the chaos of chaos Protected him, Yun Ruoxue and Yun Ruoxue’s mother, Zhan Taixuan, three months.

The three of them walked in this chaos, Li Huan carrying his hands, his face with a light smile, and when he looked at Yun Ruoxue, the smile became a respectful.

Although he is the top of the world, he is the woman of his master and his mother.

Chaos is the most eccentric place. Some places have no lapse of time and time. In some places, the time has passed for thousands of years, and there are chaotic storms and chaotic Warcraft.

It can be said that the whole chaos is the most mysterious place, and the most dangerous place. Fortunately, Xiangyang let Li Huan follow, otherwise, even if Yun Ruoxue has countless means left by Suzaku women, with her means, and It is not her own strength. After all, when it is exhausted, it is better to have Li Huan, the singer of the world, who is a big man in the world. In fact, even Luo Luo Jiuzhongtian is just that.

Li Huan has no strength, and she is firmly guarding Yun Ruoxue and her mother along the way. Although she has encountered many risks, she has blocked all dangers with the strength of Li Huan, so that they don’t know how much they have passed. After the second exploration, I finally found the broken ancient world where Yun Feiyang was.

"Come on, there is a broken world in front."

At this time, Li Huan’s eyes flashed the illusion of the avenue. There were mysterious roads and the fragments flowed. He looked at the front and could see that there was a flash of fire in the unknown place. It was a broken world self. The flame of burning.

He looked up and looked at the front, his eyes smiling and whispering, "I finally found it."

Although there are many broken world groups in chaos, there are not many. During this time, they have found many places and have not found Yunfei Yang. However, they believe that they can always search again and again. Find where Yunfei Yang is.

"Great, I hope that the world I found this time is really the broken world of my father's retreat."

Yun Ruoxue's face was full of excitement, and both hands couldn't help but grasp her mother's hand tightly.

"I sensed it, it is the breath of your father's life, he is in front, yes, he must be retreat in this broken world group." There is also a natural existence between Zhantai Xuanyue and Yunfeiyang. Contact, at this moment her face with excitement, could not help but cry.

"Well, it seems that this time I finally got it right."

Li Huan smiled excitedly, his body quickly broke through the chaos, and the two women hurryed, although he could see the world in front, but in this chaos, seeing does not mean very close, where they are. Compared with the world, it is still very far away. After a long time, their naked eyes really saw a broken world, and the world where the fire of the avenue is burning.

The world is already abandoned, there is no living being, and the whole world has come to the end of life. Even if Yun Ruo Xue is so weak, it can be seen that the whole world has been ignited by the fire of the avenue.

This flame can be said to be the fire of life in this world.

In the heavens and the bounds, everything has a fire of life, especially in one world. It is the fire of life. When it is in the final stage, the will of the world has decayed and died. All the creatures of this world. When all have disappeared, the fire of life in the whole world will ignite, burn everything up, and finally turn the world into nothingness, and return it to chaos.

This fire of life can also be said to be the last avenue of fire. If it is used well, it is the best resource for cultivation. If it is not used well, even if the king enters it, it will be burned to death.

At this moment, Li Huan stood in chaos with two women. Their eyes looked at the broken world. Li Huan opened his mouth in surprise. "It turned out that it was not just a world, but a broken world group. Intertwined, it may be the size of the universe of comprehension, so the fire of the world's avenue is very extraordinary."

Even Li Huan has a shock on his face. You know, if it is only a broken world, it is not a big deal. However, it is not a broken world, but a world group, and it is very large. The fire of the avenue contained in it is even more terrifying.


After listening to Li Huan’s words, Yun Ruo Xue and Zhan Taixuan also showed their worried colors. Yun Ruo Xue asked directly, “Li Huan, then my father will be in danger?”

"I don't know yet, we have to go in and see the situation."

Li Huan shook his head and his face showed a dignified color. If it was only the ruin of a broken world, Li Huan was not afraid of being a peerless immortal, but this is a huge world group that is walking in the final stage of life. After the fire of the avenue burned, even the strong man of Li Dahuan’s eight heavens and the heavens would not dare to look down on the burning flame of this broken world group. After all, he needs to protect two women. Inadvertently respond to any crisis that may arise.


However, just as Li Huan was preparing to take the two women into the broken world, suddenly he heard a huge roar in this world. Then, the huge broken world group was torn apart, and the infinite flame was This moment converges toward the center, forming a huge oven that surrounds a figure.

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