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In the chaos, a huge chaotic stone suddenly exploded, revealing a slender, savage young man, the young man with his muscles high and up, with a violent wild scent, as if swallowing Killing hundreds of thousands of souls and wild animals.

He swallowed the chaos of gas, bursting with the horrible atmosphere of horror, and even in his body, there is a chaotic road that is as thick as a million-foot dragon. It is not chaotic. It is the rule of Chaos.

It is unique to comprehend the chaotic avenue in chaos and turn chaos into the rules of the Da Luo. However, the true cultivation of this young man only reaches the realm of the true fairy peak, he can understand these Da Luo The rules can be seen as terrible.

We must know that it is not so easy for the sacred priests to comprehend the rules of Chaos in the past and present. However, this young man has realized the rules of chaos in the real fairyland, and his body is wild and chaotic. The breath, as if it were the **** of chaos, seems to be too horrible.

At this moment, the young man stood up and looked at the chaos and said with a soft voice. "The ultimate battle is finally coming. It is time for the Million Island to open, and it is time for me to be born."

"After a million years of retreat, I finally realized the rules of Chaos and Da Luo. This time, the first place in the million continents, I am Akasaka."

While talking about it, he took a step in his body and instantly disappeared in place.


As he stepped out, the chaos under his feet exploded, and the chaos was directly crushed by him. The horrible chaotic storm was generated behind him, but he had disappeared.

This is a true immortal horror, although it only shows a rule of Chaos Dalu, but this Da Luo rule has surpassed the countless Da Luo rules.

Just against the chaos of this Da Luo rule, it is already terrible, I am afraid that even if the king of the king came, it will not be able to block this Da Luo rule.

This is the true source of the Tao. The chaos that millions of avenues gather in it is the beginning of everything and the root of everything.

And he, in control of the path of chaos, is to say that it is in control of the infinite avenue, has a very terrible power, even if he is only a true fairy, but definitely a supreme power.

If some of the immortals who have lived for a million years know the name of this young Akhon, they will be scared by him.

Chi Xiong, a super-tempered prince a million years ago, was the first to succumb to the same generation of people in the millions of continents. It was the first day of the younger generation.

Later, they disappeared. Everyone thought that he had an accident. What I didn’t expect was that I sealed myself in the depths of chaos and realized the rules of Chaos. Nowadays, Akao is still a true fairy, but his strength. It has reached a very terrible level, not to mention that it is an invincible existence among the true immortals. Even if it is a fairy king, there are not necessarily several people who are his opponents.

The Emperor’s bell rang, proclaiming the opening of the Immortal World War, and the main goal was to let these seclusion old monsters come to the war. This year’s Million Chapel is the ultimate battle, winning the first place. People will get a chance for Tianda, and at the same time, it is also very important for the fairy world.

At this moment, countless hidden ‘old monsters’ in the real fairyland all woke up and walked out of the retreat to prepare for the war.

"The real war is about to begin. I have waited for hundreds of thousands of years and finally waited for you."

At the same time, in a terrible place in the fairyland, one person also stepped out. This is a woman with a big smile on her face, her eyes wide, her face looks very beautiful, but she is surrounded by her body. There is a very mysterious atmosphere that is circulating.

This woman seems to be not in the same place between the heavens and the earth. As she walks, all the dangers in this Jedi cannot cause any harm to her. Even her whole person seems to be nothing but a step by step. Walking outside the Jedi, obviously, this is also a strong person who hides and practices in order to participate in this year’s Million Chau Immortal World War. Although she is also a true immortal, she has special and horrible strength. Fight for the first place in this million-mile real fairy war.


"Millions of real fairy wars have to be opened, I am coming, the first place is mine."

"There are millions of years of retreat, and finally they have to be opened. This time, I have to kill them. No one can stop me from getting the first place in the Million Island."


Among the heavens and the bounds, there are countless places, and there are countless seclusions. I don’t know how many years of the world’s peerless real powers are born. These are the real supreme arrogances, the old monsters that have lived for many years, but They all have one thing in common, that is, they are just true immortals.

These old monsters, if they have been breaking through the practice step by step, I am afraid that this moment has already become the top glory of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, but they have suppressed their own cultivation, and willingly hundreds of thousands of years or even hundred Wannian has been making his own cultivation just to suppress the real fairyland. All this is to be able to participate in this one-day real battle of the Immortals, and want to get the final creation of the first place in this real fairy war.

And all this, Xiang Yang did not know, he did not know the power of these people, and did not know that some people even realized the rules of the Chaos Avenue, if he knew that there are so many horrible existences, I am afraid he will not It's easy.

At this time, Xiang Yang has already arrived at the Central Fairy in the Eastern Tianyu.


Accompanied by the 18 space warships penetrating from the chaos, it is a vast and boundless fairy city in front of Xiangyang. This fairy city is not suspended, but stands on the ground, although it is vast and innocent, it is very The mysterious atmosphere, however, after seeing the imperial city of Wan Yao Tian Chau, Xiang Yang did not feel anything about this central fairy city.

Although the Central Fairy City is also very vast, it is still far from being comparable to the Imperial City where the Emperor of Heaven in the ancient times.

"This is the central fairy city of the Eastern Tianyu. The Emperor Xuan is a relatively casual person. He knows that it is impossible to build a fairy city compared with the ancient Tiandi city. Therefore, it is easy to build a city, although Xu Wei’s bastard’s character is not very good, but it’s really good in building Xiancheng. Some of the face projects on the bright side are useless. He became the Emperor, as long as he knows how to The Eastern Tianyu strives for more resources and opens up more practice methods for the fairy world. He is still a good Emperor."

At the side of Xiangyang, the red-haired old man stood up and smiled.

This guy laughed and laughed, but he did not put the Emperor of the East in his eyes. It seems that in his eyes, the Emperor of the East is just an ordinary person.

"Oriental Emperor Xu Wei?"

Xiang Yang’s eyes looked at the fire, and his face was filled with depression. “You are the ancestor of one of the five great celestial beings. Shouldn’t it be the hands of the East Heaven and Earth? How does it seem to be very casual to the performance of the Eastern Heavenly Emperor? What does it look like as a subordinate to the leader?"

"Oh, my men..."

The ancestors of the fire family sneered a few vocals. "The true origin of the five great celestial beings evolved from the five elements of the ancient heavenly emperor's seat in ancient times. It is not what the outsiders understand. The five great families It is the courtier of the Eastern Tianyu. Speaking of it, Xu Wei himself knows that he is the title of the Emperor of the East, and it is just a gimmick. If you count, you are the descendant of that pulse. It is useless to say so much. You Then, as long as you can get the first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War."

At the same time, the fire said on Xiangyang’s shoulder. “But you have to know that the fire family is a big family. In order to prepare for this time, there are naturally some celestial arrogances waiting for direct The number of places to enter the finals, although I can directly give you this quota, but you may need to let those Tianjiao understand that you have the qualification to get this quota."

"Ha ha ha, kid, come within the fire family, don't tout our relationship everywhere, although I am your old brother, but if you blow around, I will not admit it, no matter if you want to be in the fire If you get something inside, you have to rely on your own ability to get it. Otherwise, you can't get a lot of things by relationship. Try to be a kid. I hope that one day, you can really call my brother and sister with your strength."

While speaking, his whole person has disappeared in front of Xiangyang.

After Xiang Yang listened to the words of the fire, it was a depressed color on his face. "I knew that it was definitely not a simple matter to get a place to enter the finals directly. I didn't expect to start a million continents." In the big battle, I have to play with the Tianjiao of the fire people first."

The things that were said before the fire left, naturally, to tell Xiang Yang that if you want to get the number of places in the finals, you must first convinced those of the younger generation of the fire family.

Otherwise, among the geniuses of the younger generations of the fire family, some are the strongmen of the real fairyland. They are also going to participate in the Battle of the Immortals in the Million, and they are also heading for the first name. How can it be easy? Will the quota for entering the finals be given to Xiangyang?

Although Xiang Yang also understands this truth, but at the moment he hears the fire, he still feels a bit puzzled. He said, "This is not the same as the fire chick told me. It seems that I can follow the fire chick again. Say it well, if you can't, it's a big deal to find a place to start from scratch."

"You don't even know these things?"

The fire plow is strangely coming to Xiangyang.

“Don't I know?” Xiang Yang asked.


The fire plough was almost killed by Xiang Yang’s words. Xiang Yang said that there is nothing wrong with it. Although Xiang Yang had a deal with the fire family, but the people of the fire family did not tell Xiang Yang, how could they know these situations?

"As the ancestors of the fire, the fire family is a huge family. There are so many strong arrogance in the family. Everyone wants to get a place to enter the finals of the Million Island, but even It is a fire family, and the quota is limited. Therefore, I got the news before I started to meet you. The firefighters are going to launch a confrontation between the real and the junior. If they can enter the top three, they can go directly to the finals. ”

"The fire family is too insincere."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was eyebrows. Although he was not afraid of confrontation with the real people of the fire family, he felt that if he accepted the arrangement of the fire family so easily, it seemed a bit too bully.

Moreover, this is the final of the fire family. He is not a person inside the fire family. It seems that there is no need to accept the arrangements of the fire family.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and there was already a decision in his heart.

"Cough, brother, don't be like this. This is the arrangement within the fire family. In fact, this is no way. As far as I know, there are those who can directly enter the finals. The duel can decide who will enter the finals. This is the fairest. Otherwise, the most important thing among every power is the various arrogance. Everyone is not convinced to let the other party enter the finals. Only now There is a duel inside."

The fire plow quickly explained.

"I only know that I am not a surname fire. I am the one who took the first place in the name of the fire family at the cost of the fire, and the fire family thought about letting me and the junior of the fire family. First hit a game, this is too insincere, but I still just find a place to sign up to participate in the war, anyway, idle, nothing, just a few years, just can have a good time to play, but also harvest some fairy ""

Xiang Yang’s eyes turned, his face pretending to be angry, and he said directly to the fire plough. “Brother, I am angry with the fire, not you. Although I have no sincerity because of the fire, I don’t want to continue with the fire. Cooperation, but you still won't change my brother."

At the same time, he wants to leave.

"do not..."

After the fire plow heard it, he suddenly felt helpless. He smiled and grabbed Xiang Yang’s hand. "You don’t want this. You are leaving. My shuttle on this road is white. You must go with me at least to the fire. It’s just a moment."

"Can I leave safely after I enter the fire family?"

Xiang Yang asked.

"This is definitely ok."

The fire plow also felt that the problem asked by Xiang Yang was not a small problem. If Xiang Yang entered the fire family, it would be very difficult to leave the estimate. After all, Xiang Yang has already promised the fire family. In the name of the fire family to get the first place in the Million Island, the fire family sent so many strong people to protect Xiangyang, if Xiangyang did not fulfill the agreed transaction, it is equal to everything that the fire family did for Xiangyang. It’s all in vain, and there’s a huge amount of resources to ask for, is there no place to come?

However, as a person of the fire family, he naturally cannot tell Xiang Yang that he got the order to send Xiang Yang into the fire family, only to complete his task. At this moment, he said with a hard scalp, "I bring When you enter the fire family, you will naturally try to bring you out."

"Oh... forget it, don't let you be embarrassed."

After Xiang Yang listened, he shook his head and said, "Brother, I will have time to drink together, and the brothers are the same, and I will see you later."

Say, I waved to the little bald head and so on. "Go, find a place to play."


Small bald heads and small blood and other people should keep up with it, while Jubilee is holding hands with Xiang Yang, and the group is ready to leave the firefighting spaceship.


"Xiang Yang, you bastard, have come to the gate of the city, and even have to repent, you are too much."

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