Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2621: Fire family

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"Xiang Yang, you bastard, have come to the gate of the city, and even have to repent, you are too much."

At this time, accompanied by an angry voice, I saw a long rainbow from far and near, and instantly arrived at the space battleship. There was a very pretty woman dressed in a red face standing on the fire. Charming.

At the same time, when Huo Mei discovered the silver plaque with Xiang Yang holding his hand, he was even more angry and shivering. He couldn’t help but roar. "You bastard."

Huo Mei did not expect that Xiangyang had already arrived at the gate of the Central Fairy City. He did not plan to enter the city. Moreover, if he had to leave, he would deliberately hold the woman’s hand around him. He must have deliberately made a play. Look at yourself.

"Fire chick, you finally showed up, I thought we were going to miss it."

Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the fire, with a faint smile on his face. However, his smile had not been persisted for a long time, and he stiffened. He only felt that a soft little hand was licking his waist. Pinch, so that you have to relax the body of the waist, so that the other party can feel more guilty...

When Yin Hao saw Xiang Yang actually want to relax himself, when he relaxed the soft meat of his waist, he suddenly showed a bright smile on his face. He couldn’t bear the pain of Xiang Yang being twisted by himself, but gently stroked it.

"Hey, the silver 黛 chick is a violent girl, but after all, I still can't bear to pinch me." After Xiang Yang met, he was very proud.

When Xiang Yang and Jubilee were very happy here, the fire was mad, and they screamed with anger. "You two are flirting in front of this girl, don't put this girl in the eyes, too much It is."


Xiang Yang and Jubilee looked up at her at the same time and glanced at her. The silver scorpion did not speak, just looked at her quietly, and Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Fire chick, all said that the debt is the boss, really not Wrong, you still owe me thousands of items, and I don’t give it back to me. Now I want to be the boss in front of me."

"Nonsense, where do I have to be the boss?"

Swording and angry said, "Isn't that some of the best products? You are too stingy. Not long ago, you got thousands of pieces of the best fairy in Wan Yaotian, and you still have a little thought about the fairy." Do you want to pursue it a bit?"

At the moment, she was too angry. In particular, when she knew that Xiang Yang was coming, she just sat down and put on makeup for a long time before she came out to see Xiang Yang. However, she actually saw Xiang Yang agreeing to repent of her own affairs and did not want to enter. The county town went to the site of the fire family, and even held a beautiful hand.

At this moment, her eyes tried not to look at the hands of Xiang Yang and Jubilee, but they involuntarily turned to Xiang Yang.

"It's mine, no one can steal it."

Xiang Yang said leisurely.

Although he now has thousands of great celestial bodies on his body, in comparison, the value of some of the top wares is less than ten pieces of the best, but those of the top wares are hard working in the lower bounds. How can it be so easy to give it to the fire?

"Give you something."

After the fire, he was so angry that he turned pale and directly threw a storage ring to Xiangyang. "These are all the top-quality wares that were recovered from you at that time. There is nothing less, you see it yourself."

"I believe you."

Xiang Yang huh, a smile, directly put these tops to collect the fairy, and sighed in his heart, he worked hard for so long in the lower bounds, forcing those really celestial arrogance to write down the owe, and now it is finally recovered, the mood is finally comfortable. .

"Well, things have been given to you, then it's time to talk about things between us."

The sneer sneered at Xiang Yang and shouted directly. "Xiang Yang, are you a man?"

"Hey, if you really want to know, you can try it and you will know if I am a man." Xiang Yang said with a deep sigh.


When he had just finished speaking, he screamed, but the hand of the silver plaque was brightly placed on his waist and glared at him.

"Look, you dare not talk."

After the fire met, my heart was very unhappy, but on the surface it was colder and shouted. "Xiang Yang, if you are a real man, you will promise me to finish things, not after agreeing." Not counting, this is not what a real man should do."

"Fire chick, you want to stimulate me." Xiang Yang could not help but sigh.

He did promise to be flamboyant. As long as the fireflies gave those conditions to him, he would be the first in the name of the fireman to win the Battle of the Immortals in the Million, but only because of the fire, he made him Knowing that after entering the fire family, he had to play with the real people of the fire family, and he felt very uncomfortable. He felt that he was deceived and thought that he would not continue to fulfill the agreement with the fire family.

At this moment, the words of flamboyance made him feel a headache. If he did not agree with the flamboyant words, there seemed to be a kind of reluctance to agree to it, and he felt that he was an unreliable person, which made him feel very Uncomfortable.

"Just ask if you are a man."

Swording and sneer, "If you are a normal man, you will give me the promise of the girl. If you admit that you are not a man, leave now."

"Oh, you said this, I am really..."

When Xiang Yang said it, he suddenly stopped.

"What is it really?" Huo Mei sneered at Xiang Yang, his eyes with disdain. "I originally thought that Xiang Yang is a real man. Although he usually spends his time, speaking, it will definitely count, no. I thought you were so unaware..."

"I am not convinced when you say this."

Xiang Yangxuan looked at the fire. "Although I know that you are stimulating me, but I am really irritated by you. If you have it, then go to the fire people. If you want to fight, just call people out and see you. There are many true immortals in the family, and they are directly together. However, I try not to kill people, but it is inevitable that the injury will be inevitable. You will give me a promise, death and conceit, and it will not matter to me."

Since it is necessary to fight, in Xiangyang’s view, there is certainly no one in the fire family who can make a few moves in his own hands. When it is time to go directly together, he will be able to bring all those true fairy Solved, and also saves trouble.

"it is good."

This time, the person who promised Xiangyang was not a flamboyant, but an old man who looked very powerful. He appeared in the air, followed by a group of people, each with a horrible atmosphere, apparently the fire. Strong.

The strength of this old man is even more terrible, and it is actually a super strong person who has reached the realm of Da Luo Jiu Tian.

There are more than a dozen people following the old man, and each one is a fairy, even in the sense of Xiang Yang, most of them are the fairy gods of Da Luo’s eight heavens. This made his heart tremble. This fire family is one of the five great celestial beings. There are so many strong people.

"Old man, how come you are here?"

When Huo Mei saw the old man, his face was unpleasant. "I have already fixed him, you only appear. Is this to grab the credit?"

"Stupid girl, how could your father come to grab your credit?"

Behind the old man, there was a middle-aged woman who came out. Although she was only a master of the world of Da Luo, she was also very terrifying. She went to the front of the fiery, gently stroking the fiery head. Laughing and said, "Shantou, it is a reward that you can get, naturally it will not be less of you."

While talking, she looked at Xiangyang. When she saw the silver plaque standing next to Xiangyang, she frowned slightly and then laughed. "You are Xiangyang." Yes, it really is a talent, no wonder Meier will always remember you."

"I don't forget about me?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was stunned, and then he had a casual smile on his face. He said in his heart, "I think that the little girl who is flaming is not thinking of me, but thinking about how to swallow my fairy."

"Mother, how can I miss him?"

After listening to the fire, she showed shyness on her face. She looked at Xiang Yang and found that Xiang Yang did not show anything. Her expression suddenly faded. Of course, if she knew that Xiang Yang thought she was trying to engulf the item. If the yang's top grades are used, she will definitely want to kill Xiangyang with anger.

"Xiao Xiaoyou, the owner of the old man's fire family, Shaoling, has already heard the name of Xiaoyou. I finally saw Xiaoyou today. With the talent of Xiaoyou, this time the first place in the Million Island is very big. Hope."

The fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, smiled and looked at Xiang Yang.

When he faced Xiangyang, he converged his own power of Xianzun, and did not suppress Xiangyang with his own strength. At this level, he not only cultivated to reach the realm of Dalu Jiuzhong Tianfeng, but also the fire family. The homeowner of such a huge force naturally does not make the kind of thing that uses his own pressure to suppress Xiangyang.

And there is absolutely no need at all.

The general strong, in the face of repairing to be weaker than him, like to use their own pressure to suppress the other side, Xiang Yang originally thought that the home of the fire family with so many strong people out, is to give yourself a down However, I didn’t expect the other party to be mild when it started talking, and suddenly made Xiang Yang’s heart feel good.

He sighed and said, "The homeowner is polite. To say the big name, I definitely have no fame. After all, I have just arrived in the fairy world for a few years. However, the first place in the World of Immortals is really the only one. Otherwise, I don't dare to make this deal with the fire family."

While talking, his face showed a sham humility, but compared with his words, the modesty on his face seemed to have no effect.

"Haha, young people have this confidence is naturally the best thing." After the fire Shaoling heard it, he suddenly showed a happy color.

Although there are also some people among the fire people who have specially suppressed and repaired them for countless years, for this time, the Million Island is a real war, but the fire people do not dare to put everything on the strong people of the fire family. Therefore, when I knew that Xiang Yang had great hopes for this first place, under the arrogant persuasion, Huo Shaoling, who was the owner of the fire family, immediately agreed.

Although the resources of the fire family are not a small resource, it is worthwhile for the Huo to be such a giant, to exchange those resources for a name that may get the first place.

Of course, Huo Shaoling felt very worthwhile, but behind him there was a disdainful color on his face. He felt that the homeowner had asked Xiangyang that this foreign aid was a waste of resources.

In their view, the arrogance of the true immortals in the fire family, although not famous, is because they have been practicing, and if they are really released, they are more famous than Xiangyang.

However, the family of the fire family has absolute majesty among the fire people, although some people feel that it is not necessary, but they dare not say it.

"Today is the first time that Xiaoyou came to the Central Fairy City. It was also the first time that I came to my fire family. The host of my fire family invited a small friend to take care of the dust."

The fire family’s owner, Shao Shaoling, smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"Thank you for your family."

Xiang Yang nodded. Since he decided to continue to complete the transaction with the fire family, he naturally went to the fire family to go on a lap. At least, he had to wait until he determined that he could directly enter the finals. Then, the fire family promised to give After you take away your own resources, you can wait for the start of the finals.

Next, under the leadership of the firepower, Xiangyang followed the silver plaque, the small blood, the small bald head, the small silver and the little red, and the group went to the fire family.

In the process, they did not fly at the fastest speed, but walked in the fairy city, they walked, the fire family's main fire Shaoling introduced, "This central fairy city is my oriental day. One of the largest cities in the world, in the Eastern Tianyu, not only the Emperor of Heaven resides in this central fairy city, but also the fire and the gates of one of the five great celestial beings are also in the city."

"The door is also in the city?"

Xiang Yang had a strange color on his face. The Jiu Di Mountain, which was originally thought to be a gate, should be on a mountain outside the city. I did not expect that the entire gate was inside this central fairy city.

"Is it a friend who is old with the door?"

The fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, looked at Xiang Yang and asked.

"I can't say that there is old, but the Taoist Taoist is my brother." Xiang Yang whispered, and did not say that he had beaten the old guy in the fifth honor of Daomen Nine Avenues.

He looked at the immortals on the street casually and found that there were some breaths with the door. He knew that if he had said in the public that he had "study" with the fifth priest of the road, maybe the next moment would be the door. The strong man is looking for his own account.

"Haha, the gate is on the east side of Xiancheng. It is very easy to find. If Xiaoyou wants to go to the gate, just let Meier take you there."

The fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, said with a smile.

“Thank you for your family.” Xiang Yang smiled softly and glanced at the fire. The little girl had been with her mother. She didn’t know what to say with her mother. She was very happy with a small face and smiling. .

Huo Mei seems to have sensed Xiang Yang’s gaze, suddenly turned his head and looked at Xiang Yang, and then he snorted and ignored the Xiang Yang.


Xiang Yang stunned, I think this little girl is a bit strange, but seeing the fire and ignoring himself, and the silver enamel around him is seeing himself tightly, he doesn’t care what the fire is, but he follows the fire. The main fire of the family, Shaoling, walked into the fairy city together, while listening to the introduction of the Shaoxian to the central fairy city.

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