Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2622: Depressed invincible big scorpion...

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"this is..."

"God, it’s true that so many strong people of the fire family came out to meet, and the couples of the fire family also came. Who is he?"

"This boy is just a real fairy. Is it true that this time the firefighters asked for foreign aid? Just, even if the fireflies get foreign aid, a real fairy in the district, how could there be such a big energy that the fire-family couple can come out personally? meet?"

"It turned out that he, this **** actually came to Xiancheng. I had just beaten him a few days ago and won me ten best items."


Along the way, countless people in Xiancheng have seen this scene, and countless people have all been shocked. Of course, some people have recognized Xiangyang. These people are almost all taken at the time of Wan Yao Tian Chau. The people who had been beaten by Yang, they touched the place where they were hit by Xiang Yang, and they gnawed at Xiangyang’s teeth, and they couldn’t wait to rush to hit Xiangyang’s meal. However, even when they saw it, the family of the fire family personally took Xiangyang. Even if they give them a hundred courage, they dare not do so.

At this time, Xiang Yang seemed to hear someone say that he was not. He glanced around and found that a fairy king looked familiar. After thinking about it, he suddenly laughed. This guy was just before. He violently beaten a fairy king, and the strength of the other party is very extraordinary, the bones are very hard, so that Xiang Yang remembers deeply.

Xiang Yang smiled and waved at the fairy king. "Hello, I haven't seen it for a few days, and even missed it."

"I miss you a ghost."

After the fairy king met, an old face suddenly became dark. He turned away without hesitation. The family of the fire family and the strong ones were next to Xiangyang. He certainly couldn’t take revenge. It’s not clear to the eyes.

"do you know him?"

Huo Mei did not know when to go to Xiang Yang, his face looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color.

"When I was in the Demon Tianzhou a few days ago, I had a discussion with him and there was a good memory between them." Xiang Yang said with a smile.


He said this very loudly, and he did not evade the fairy king, so that after the fairy king who had not gone far, he almost spit out old blood, your beautiful memories, your beautiful memories, What a true memory of a fairy, and my fairy king is a painful experience.

Everyone in the fire family heard Xiang Yang’s words. However, they looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes and looked at the fairy king. They all found that the fairy king was moving back, but he was so angry that he looked at the item one by one. Yang’s eyes are weird.

"Old friends meet, can't help themselves, he is too excited, for fear of shed tears in front of us, so I quickly turned and ran."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"What is his name?"

Huo Mei asked with a smile.

"Why do you have to ask your name when you meet each other, everything is as good as you know." Xiang Yang exclaimed.


Huo Mei almost vomited a bite of old blood, could not help but smiled and said, "You can not install this person, it is clear that you played the other side in the ring, and, even, can still say So much to say."

"We don't understand the feelings we have learned from this." Xiang Yang glared at her and said nothing, but walked with the silver hand and went on.

Silver Jubilee did not say anything quietly, but her face always had a faint smile.

When I looked at Xiang Yang and took the hand of the silver scorpion, I was not interested in jokes, and I could only go back to my mother.

"This kid is not bad, you can consider becoming the son-in-law of my fire family." The charming mother said softly.

"Mother, look at this guy, it's a kind of wind, who wants to make him my husband?"

The fire stunned.

"I didn't say that I want to be your husband, just let him be the son-in-law of the fire family. The woman in the fire family is so much, my daughter, what are you nervous about?"

The charming mother said with a smile.

"Ah... I, I am not nervous." Huo Mei quickly concealed, but his heart was squatting, Xiangyang this bastard, is this girl not looking good? Or what is the reason? Otherwise why are you not waiting for this girl?

Next, the family of the fire family, Shaoling, continued to introduce the situation of Xiancheng with Xiangyang. However, the distance of the fire family was not very far. After the people walked for a while, they finally reached the place where the fire family was.

In front of Xiangyang, there is a vast and boundless building. There are countless forests in the fairy forest that are suspended in midair. The power of the powerful fire system is flowing, and the glare of the array can be seen everywhere. The array of methods arranged throughout the fire family is absolutely powerful.

"This method is very powerful. Even if the Yasheng strongman comes, it will not be able to break in a short time."

Xiang Yang looked up and looked at the light curtain of the law, could not help but say.

This is the array of the fire base's total base. It has a strong defense. Even Xiang Yang can see that this method also contains a strong killing. It is a powerful and unmatched attack and defense. Array method.

"Small friends actually know how to do the law?" The family of the fire family looked at Xiangyang with amazement.

"Slightly know one or two." Xiang Yang said modestly.

"The brothers are too modest."

The fire plough that followed was a smile, "The owner, the brother is a great master of the law. Before this, when we went to the cousin, he arranged a piece of killing in a very short time. The celestial king and the celestial sorcerer who killed hundreds of dark worlds, only a few dozen celestial ancestors joined hands to sacrifice the murderer to break the battle."

"Is there such a thing?"

Everyone in the fire family was shocked after listening to it, especially the family of the fire family. It was even more shocking. "I can’t think of a young friend who is already a great master of law. It is really shocking."

However, although he knew that the fire plough could not lie, he did not think that the level of Xiang Yang’s formation could really reach the level of the great master of the law.

The big masters of the tactics are too rare. Not only do they need talent, but they also need time to slowly accumulate experience in order to break through the growth. Even the big masters of the fireflies are also spent countless years of training.

In the view of the family of the fire family, Xiang Yang should have a certain level of formation, but it is impossible to truly reach the level of the great master of the law, but he did not appear on the surface.

"I just learned for more than ten years. I didn't study the method in depth. I can't be a big master." Xiang Yang said with a humble color on his face.

"It turned out to be."

Xiang Yang is a low-key modesty, but the people of the fire family said that Xiang Yang said the truth, the heart is secret, the big master's statement should be exaggerated by the fire plow, a true fairy less than a hundred years old, how could it become a formation Grand Master, this is obviously impossible.

"Homeowners, the brothers are modest, and his level of formation is not a big master, but he is about to become a master." The fire plow is a dignified expression.

After the main fire of the family, Shaoling understood it. The fire plow reminded himself that Xiang Yang’s formation was very high, so that he could find a way to keep Xiang Yang in the fire.

He nodded in secret and said to Xiang Yang with a smile. "Small friends please, then the fire people will pick up the dust for you."

"The homeowner is polite."

Xiang Yang smiled and responded, even if he faced the family of the fire family, there was no pressure on the fairy **** of the big Luo Jiuzhong Tianfeng. For him, even the sacred place can be called the brother and the brother, the fairy respect, and What kind of polite?


Next, the group of the fire family entered Xianghu with Xiangyang and directly opened the banquet. On the huge floating fairy island, the fairy sounds burst, the fairy dances gracefully, and the core characters of countless fire people are following the project. Yang eats and drinks together.

Xiaoxue, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong are three happy guys. For them, there are a lot of foods that are very perfect. The three people are together to eat cheerfully, and Xiangyang is one with the fire family. The strong people exchanged cups and smiled, while watching the dance, everyone was happy.

However, not long after, among the fire people, the arrival of a strong man broke the silence.

"Grandfather, are you looking for me?"

Accompanied by a strange and respectful voice, I saw a strong king with a breath of invincible atmosphere in the feast living room.

"Invincible, just come, this is Xiangyang Xiaoyou, you have to get to know each other well." The family of the fire family said with a smile.

"Xiang Yang..."

When the fire invincible saw Xiang Yang, an old face suddenly turned black. He was preparing to enter the final retreat to break through the fairyland. As a result, he was called by his grandfather to meet the guests. He thought it was a big man, but he did not expect it. It is the most important thing he wants to see.

"Invincible scorpion, I haven't seen it for a long time, I even miss it."

Xiang Yang held a glass of wine on one side, while watching the fire invincible.

"Little scorpion?"

After the people who heard the words of Xiang Yang’s invincible name, they all groaned and revealed the incomprehensible color. They did not understand why Xiangyang would call the invincible scorpion.

And the fire is the face is red, can not help but look at Xiangyang, the heart is a bit happy.

"You bastard."

When the fire invincible listened to Xiang Yang calling him a 'little scorpion', he suddenly looked angry and bit his teeth and looked at Xiang Yang. If Xiang Yang was a fairy king, he could not help but rush over. Xiang Yang is desperate.

Your sister's little nephew, your whole family is a little nephew.

The invincible fist of the fire was gripped, and the whole person was very unhappy. I wished that I could fight with Xiang Yang directly on the spot.

"It seems that Xiang Xiaoyou has already known each other with invincibility." Many people in the fire family are very surprised. I don't know what kind of skills Xiangyang has. I can make the face of the fire invincible when I meet. .

You must know that the invincible fire is the responsibility of the younger generation of the fire people today. It can almost be said to be the successor of the next owner of the fire family. His position is very high among the fire people, and he can sit. This will be the living room, the family of the fire family, they are very aware of the invincible fire of the invincible king of the arrogance, in addition to the good brother of the king, fire invincible almost no friends, and even if someone dares to provoke Angry and invincible, almost all just looking for a dead end.

Xiang Yang is such a small fairy, but it can still make the fire invincible, and it should have been invincible with the fire before, and even lived well, it seems a bit shocking.

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Of course, I have already known each other. Moreover, the invincible brother Yu Wang is also my brother. I have always had a little regret. If I can, I can even bow with invincible, but later I think, too. I feel that I am not quite right. I am a good friend with Huo Mei. If I am invincible with the fire, then the generation will be chaotic, so invincible is my little nephew."

"you shut up."

The fire was invincible and couldn’t help but scream a black face.

"Ha ha ha..."

The fire on one side has long been unable to bear to laugh out. Seeing that the old face of the fire is invincible, she even said it directly. "Invincible little scorpion, don't be angry, Xiangyang is the guest of our fire family. If you collide with the guests in front of the family and many elders, this is very bad."


The fire invincible snorted, an old face can drop ink, he did not continue to talk to Xiang Yang, but turned his head to the fire family's main fire Shaoling body, "Grandfather, the child still needs to retreat, first leave. It is."

"Hey, don't worry, invincible little scorpion, we may have been missing for a long time, let's drink a few cups together and go." The fire family's main fire Shaoling has not yet opened, Xiangyang said with a smile.

"It’s very, I’m calling you out today, just to get to know Xiaoyang’s friends. Although Xiaoyou hasn’t upgraded yet, he’s suppressing his own cultivation in order to participate in the Battle of Million. After a lot of glory in the millions of continents, he will definitely catch up quickly, and the small friends’ tactics are also highly accomplished. You have not always wanted to find a master of the martial arts to help you in a retreat. Is it possible to arrange the array method? I think you can ask Xiang Xiaoyou to help you." The fire family's main fire Shaoling said with a smile.

"No, I have already arranged it."

Let the fire invincible, please Xiang Yang to help arrange the array? He is not willing to do it anyway.

Even if he does not arrange the formation method, he will not be able to give Xiang Yang the opportunity to enter the place where she retreats to arrange the formation. He now only wants to leave Xiangyang quickly, and the province's own emotional ups and downs are gone.

Fire invincible is because it does not trust the big master of the martial arts that is cultivated in the family, so I want to find another master of the tactics, let the two arrange the array separately, so as to help them break through, so that there will be Double insurance, but if you let Xiang Yang help him to arrange the formation, he feels that this is a danger to himself, not what insurance.

"Invincible scorpion is really polite."

Xiang Yang said very enthusiastically on the side. "My method has long been comparable to the size of the great master of the Fa, and if there is anything in the nephew that needs help, you are welcome."

"I said, no need." Fire invincible black face.


The family of the fire family and others looked at Xiangyang with a strange color. Originally, they listened to Xiangyang’s politeness, thinking that although Xiangyang’s formation was extraordinary, it could not reach a high degree. It is a good match with the invincible hand Xiangyang's formation method, in order to bring the fire invincible to Xiangyang.

Just as Xiangyang is the identity of the descendant of that pulse, even if Xiangyang is only a waste, it is worthy of the huge family expenses like the fire family to make every effort to make friends.

This is why the fire family's main fire Shaoling took a group of cronies out of the city to meet Xiangyang.

However, when I heard that Xiang Yang was invincible in the face of fire, he said that his level of formation was comparable to that of a great master. Everyone was shocked and confused.

Reminiscent of what the fire plow said, they are full of curiosity about Xiang Yang.

"I really want to see how much the little friend's approach to the law has reached. I wonder if Xiaoyou can show it to me and wait and see?"

The fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, heard that Xiang Yang said that Xiang Yang was a great master of the law. He felt a little unbelief in his heart, but he was curious in his heart and could not help but open his mouth.

"Nature can."

Xiang Yang replied with a smile, and then said to the invincible fire, "Invincible little scorpion, today you are aunt... cough, I am in a good mood, help you arrange the array, you lead the way."


The fire invincible coldly snorted, did not want to move, he simply did not want to pay attention to Xiang Yang, a little true fairy, even dare to call him a small scorpion, too much, but also aunt, I rely on...

Fire invincible to see this flamboyant to hear Xiang Yang said the word 'gut' when the pretty face with a happy color, his heart is not particularly taste, could not help but look down on the toes, anyway, make up his mind There is absolutely no place to go to the place where you retreat.


However, when the fire invincible bowed his head for a while, he found that it was not quite right, as if the people around him had become less. He looked up and saw an old face suddenly darkened. Xiang Yang and others were already in the fire. Under the leadership of the owner, he left in a mighty manner, and the direction in which the pedestrian left was his retreat.


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