Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2623: Youngest grandmaster

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"Hey, invincible can seal the invincible fairy king. In fact, he is still very good, but that face is a bit sly, and, if you don't understand, you don't understand the girl's favor. In my opinion, invincible still Single?"

When the fire was invincible to catch up with Xiangyang, he saw Xiang Yang sighing and said.

"Exactly, although invincible, although the strength is good, the person grows very well. However, he is used to being alone because he was a little lonely. He only knows how to practice a person and is not good at communicating with women. Until now, he has not been with any woman. ""

The wife of the family of the fire family, the flamboyant mother, sighed and said, "They are not nervous, but my grandmother, who is invincible, is very anxious. If this continues, this kid is going to It’s too anxious to find a woman who is always happy."

"Yeah, in the current fairy world, there is no shortage of Xianwang, and there is no shortage of talented and powerful. What is lacking is the emotional intelligence of these powerful people."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "Invincible as my little sister-in-law.... cough and cough, joking habits, don't mind ha, I mean, invincible as a sultry little scorpion, and I as a fiery friend, I I think I should teach him a good job. If you let him stay with me for a while, he will definitely change. Maybe it will take a long time to find a woman who is satisfied."

At the same time, Xiang Yang thought, the fire invincible, this guy will see a black face every time he sees himself, as if he owes him millions of dollars, if he let this guy have to follow his own words, say Maybe this guy will collapse, and Xiangyang feels very interesting when he thinks about the black face that is invincible.

A fairy king who has lived for a few years, even like a child, it is no wonder that he has been single for tens of thousands of years.

"This is a good thing, it is easy to get a priceless treasure, it is rare to have a lover. If you can make invincible yourself like to find someone who is satisfied, I will thank you all the fire people."

The wife of the family of the fire family suddenly brightened her eyes.

As the wife of the fire family, she is an invincible grandmother. It is very clear to her heart that the blood of their veins has reached the invincibility of the fire. It seems that this generation has not appeared for a long time, mainly because these generations are single-passed. The fire is invincible, this guy is naturally insulated from the opposite sex. Until now, I haven’t known any women. According to this trend, it’s too difficult to find a girlfriend in the invincible, let alone pass it, it’s estimated. This generation is going to be a thing of the past.

Seeing that Xiang Yang is following a beautiful woman, and letting his daughter be so fascinated, there must be a special ability to please the girl. If the fire is invincible and Xiangyang is good to study for a while, maybe they will Someone has succeeded.

At this moment, the wife of the fire family is really wanting to let the fire invincible follow Xiang Yang, even she is ready, and then do an invincible idea.

It is really invincible, this bastard, temper and smelly, I don’t know how to make friends with him. I don’t want to introduce him to women. I have been single for tens of thousands of years, and the fire is invincible, as his master. Mother, my heart has already been anxious.


In the back, after the fire invincible to hear such words, I almost couldn't help but spurt a bit of old blood. What's special, this kid actually tied himself to his side as a beater without a word?

Fire invincible is very clear, Xiang Yang wants to let himself follow the purpose is nothing more than because a few days ago Xiang Yang offended too many people in the collapse of Wan Yao Tian Chau, thinking of bringing a bodyguard only, I follow the estimate It is a life-saving protection project every day. Besides, where is there still time to improve what emotional intelligence to find a wife?

"Grandma, I have already reached the edge of the breakthrough. This time I must close the 100-year period to break through the fairyland."

Fire invincible quickly rushed forward to his grandmother.

"Hey, repairing as a breakthrough is a matter of the matter. It is very important to improve the emotional intelligence and find a wife. It is really too difficult." The invincible grandmother sighed, with a distressed color on his face.

The invincible fire breaks through the fairyland, which is naturally a big thing for the fire people. However, letting the fire invincible find a wife to leave a little blood and pass the people is also a top priority. These two are things that cannot be ignored. For a time, even the wife of the fire family could not help but reveal the hesitation.

"It's not difficult, I will arrange some arrays for the invincible scorpion, and ensure that he can break through the fairy sect within three months." Xiang Yang said with a smile.


The fire is invincible and cold, and said with a smile, "I have already understood the seventh Dalu rule, but it is not so easy to break through the fairy. It is not only necessary to temper the flesh, but to concise the body of the fairy, but to absorb it. The power of condensing the power of Xianzun also requires the agglomeration of Xianzun Dao, which takes at least a hundred years, even if it is accelerated by time."

He sneered at Xiang Yang. "You are just a true fairy. Even Da Luo is not. How can you know the difficulty of breaking through Xianzun?"

This time, it was a good time to suppress Xiangyang once, so that Xiangyang had nothing to say, it was too refreshing.

After the invincible words of the fire, I only felt that the eight-pulse of the singularity has been opened up. It is just that comfortable. I can’t wait to scream at the sky and release my excitement.

"Tell so much, isn't it that you break through yourself?"

Xiang Yang slammed his eyes and said invincible.

"Oh, you are coming."

Fire invincible sneer and said, "You are standing and talking, no pain, you do not know how difficult it is to break through the fairy. Since ancient times, it has been very rare to break through the fairy for centuries. Some even cost 10,000 years to break through to the fairy. Respect the situation."

As an invincible fairy king, he is very powerful and has a very amazing talent. With his ability, he feels that it takes a hundred years to break through the fairy, and others are naturally slower.

"I feel that if I break through, I don't need three months at all. It only takes half a month to become Xianzun." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

Although he is only a true immortal, he still doesn't know what kind of process he needs to become a fairy. However, he is very confident in himself. He feels that it doesn't take three months, or even only half a month. Of course, he said this mainly. In order to fight the fire invincible, he has not yet broken through the realm of Da Luo. If he does not really enter this level, he cannot understand the mystery of this level. I really don't know how much time he needs.

"If you can break through to the fairyland in three months, I will see you voluntarily call your boss."

Fire invincible sneered and said, "However, you have to know that it is impossible to break through to the fairyland within three months."

"Okay, deal, you just wait, it won't take much time, you are my little brother." Xiang Yang haha ​​said with a smile.


The fire invincible snorted, "I am waiting for you."

He is too uncomfortable to see Xiang Yang. As long as he has the opportunity to fight Xiang Yang, he will never let go. Of course, it is mainly his passive counterattack when he faces Xiang Yang. Every time, he makes himself very depressed. .

Invincible fire has always felt that Xiangyang is his natural enemy. Although his strength is not good, he can make his own feelings of the ancient wells become very bad every time.

Fortunately, this time I was able to pull back a game. I remembered that after Xiang Yangxiu was promoted to reach the peak of Xianwang, I would like to break through to Xianzun and I will be able to count in the place where Xiangyang retreats. In the days, as long as more than three months, he will be able to pull back this game, he feels too excited.

The fire is invincible, but I don’t know. If he wants to break through the number of items, he will follow Xiangyang in the future. At the same time, when Xiangyang breaks through, he Still have to give Xiang Yang a law on the side?

"Come on, this is the place where invincible retreat."

At this time, a group of strong people who had been watching the lively fire family stopped to take the Xiangyang to the place where the fire family retreat. This is an independent floating fairy island. The whole island is connected with the mysterious chaotic void. At the same time, there are also rules of the sky, which is caused by the great force to pull the rules of heaven and gather on the island.

The chaos of the whole island is so rich that it is even worse than the depths of chaos. Only the invincible king of fire and invincible can withstand so many chaotic spirits. If other immortals, even the general Xianzun Not necessarily dare to practice here.

"A good place to practice." After Xiang Yang met, he couldn't help but admire.

After the fire was invincible, it seemed that he had found a way to deal with Xiangyang. He said with sneer, "For someone, in this place where chaos is filled, I am afraid I will not wait for a long time, otherwise, Will explode and die..."

However, his words have not been finished, and he saw that Xiang Yang has stepped into the island alone. What is shocking is that even the array on the island has no blocking effect on Xiangyang. In Yang, even if the fish went into the sea, the whole person stood in the most humid place in the island, and then took a deep breath. Suddenly, the infinite chaos of the air rolled, and all turned toward Xiang Yang gathered and went.


Xiang Yang’s whole person seems to be transformed into a super whirlpool. He laughs and stands, the chaotic air flow of the whole island turns, and the swarming generally rushes toward him, and then he inhales into the body. It is like a thick fog in the blink of an eye. All the chaotic gas on the islands, which are generally invisible to the road, are all absorbed by Xiangyang.

Even if there is a method to pull the energy of the mysterious chaotic void, it takes a long time to replenish the chaotic gas to reach the level of the previous richness.


The people of the fire family were all shocked when they saw this scene. The fire was invincible and they opened their mouths and stared at Xiangyang.

These chaotic qis are the chaotic gas that is drawn from the depths of chaos, and it is the most violent chaotic energy without any treatment. For the general fairy king, if you absorb too much, it will explode and die. Even if it is invincible, he is also the reason for the chaos of chaos since he was a child. In order to truly absorb the chaos, he will not be afraid of exploding.

And Xiang Yang, even directly breathed all the chaos on the whole island, is this true fairy?

"Since invincible wants me to help arrange the array, I think that these chaotic gas is in the way, I will remove them, you will not blame me?"

At this time, Xiang Yang came out to Xiandao and looked at everyone with a smile on his face.

"No, won't blame you..."

The owner of the fire family swallowed his mouth. He was the top sacred man of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian. At this moment, seeing Xiang Yang also felt that it was incredible.

A true fairy can swallow so much chaos in one breath, even Xianzun is also scared.

The fire is invincible with a black face, but his forehead is constantly beating, showing that his mood at the moment is also not so calm.

"Xiang Yang, are you really a fairy?"

Speaking fiercely and curiously, she also wants to walk into the island. However, just as she is about to approach the island, she hears a 'touch' and her whole person slams into the light curtain. Then he was bounced back and flew back.


Although the fire was bounced back, her mother promptly took care of her, so that she did not have any embarrassing situation, but she was also very angry, turned her head and looked at the fire invincible, "invincible, Are you trying to find death?"

"I... I have nothing to do with this, I have not moved to the law, you have not told me to go in, let me open the array." Fire invincible look innocent My aunt, sighed in my heart, and sure enough, let Xiang Yang and his little aunt get together, there is absolutely no good fruit to happen, just after being stimulated by Xiang Yang, even now, he is still being bullied by his little aunt.

"Xiang Yang went in." Humei said arrogantly.

"How do I know how he got in, maybe he is really a great master of law." The fire said invincible.

"He walked in easily."

All the strong people of the fire family think of Xiangyang as if they had entered the unmanned land and directly passed through the array on the island into the place where the fire was invincible and closed, and all of them were shocked.

At this time, they really realized that Xiang Yang’s statement that he had become a great master of the law was not likely to be bragging. It may have become a great master of the law.

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