Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2625: Xiaolu one hand (six more flowers)

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"Where is the fire guard?"

A horrible murderous eruption broke out in the home of the fire family.


Just listening to a loud bang, in the void, suddenly appeared in the 18 strong body wrapped in flame armor, they are full of breath, these 18 strong people are actually the top of the world Respect.

"My God, this is just a shout, it is the top of the 18-year-old Luo Luo eight heavens, this fire family is too strong."

When Xiang Yang saw the 18 strong men, his face changed greatly. At this moment, he really understood how powerful the firepower is, and the 18-year-old Daluo’s celestial beings Known as what fire guard, it must be a large group, maybe hundreds of people, and even thousands of people, then the strength of this fire family is too strong.

Moreover, Xiang Yang estimated that there may be more fire ethics in the fire, and even the existence of the fire Guardian in the world.

"If those of my goddess are able to reach the realm of Da Luo, it would be great."

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, although half of his 100,000 squadrons have broken through to the state of Da Luo, but there are still too many breakthroughs. Moreover, these martial arts breakthroughs are all compulsory breakthroughs of the physical force. To reach the Daozuo Eight Heavens like the Fire God, you need to understand the rules of the Dala, and it is almost impossible to completely break through the realm of the gods, unless you can give them a baptism and let all the gods There has been a metamorphosis.

However, such baptism is too great. Before the strength of Xiangyang did not reach a high level, it could not help the baptism of the gods.

"Go to bring the original language." When Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked, the fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, was murderous and cold.


At the same time, the 18-year-old fire guards screamed at the same time, and their bodies flashed and disappeared directly.

This time, the family of the fire family did not say that they would come over to the master of the original language. Instead, they directly said that they would bring the original language, and they were murderous and did not have any respect. Obviously, everyone knows that the family of the fire family is really angry and wants to take it. The master of the original language, the great master of the law, opened the knife.

"Little friends, the old man has something to do."

At this time, the family of the fire family said to Xiang Yang.

"Please say."

Xiang Yang can imagine that the so-called 'primitives' must be the masters of the fire-like arrangement. As a master of the array, it is so secret in the power of the main house, obviously The home of the fire family is naturally angry, and at this moment he has understood what the family of the fire family is seeking.

"Please ask my friends to help me to expose the original language. He is the one who arranges these arrays." The family of the fire family said, "As long as the little friend can show him the direct evidence, let him admit what he did." I have a strong report on the fire family."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and said with a serious face, "Since the person who arranged the array is so shameless, although I am not a full-time actor, it is incumbent on him to expose him."

"Thank you."

This time, everyone in the fire and family looked at Xiang Yang's eyes with grateful colors.

They originally thought that the firefighters themselves had a great master of the law, and they were able to create countless arrays within the fire family, so that members of the fire family would not encounter any danger when they practiced retreat. However, what they did not expect was The fire family actually raised a white-eyed wolf.

This time, the fire family's main fire Shaoling is really wanting to settle with the original language master.

However, he is not a reckless person. He did not rely on Xiang Yang’s words to directly destroy the original master. Instead, he wanted to let Xiang Yang help to find evidence and evidence from the other party, so that the other party can truly recognize it.

"Bastard, what are you doing? You can know who I am, dare to catch me, I rely on, are you tired of living? I want to see your family, this time, if the fire family does not send you into the magic fire to punish If you don't, I will not do it..."

In a short time, the fire guards of the Eighteen Daluo Eight Heavens have returned. One of them is like catching a chicken and carrying a master of primitives. This guy is shackled and the thing between the legs is soft. It’s there, so everyone understands what this guy is doing.

"Bastard, isn't this guy saying that he is practicing at a retreat? It is actually doing this kind of thing."

"This bastard, what has been offered to him by the fire family over the years, he is so incompetent."

"If he treats our fireflies with sincerity, the resources we give him are also good things. But, among the arrays arranged by this guy, I don’t know how many of his backs are hidden inside. It’s too Too much."

"This time, he must have died."


The fire-fighters who were present all had murderous faces on the face and looked at the primitive masters who were picked up. The fire family was big and big, and did not care how much resources were given to the other party. As long as the other party could concentrate on doing things for the fire people, everything It's all worth it.

However, this guy dared to make the most shameful thing in this field of law, leaving countless secret doors in the formation, which is no different from betraying the fire.

"Homeowners, what do you do? They dare to be so disrespectful to me. This time, if the fireflies don't give me an account, I will no longer stay in the fire family. The outside is a force that wants to spend 100 times more than the fire. Please go to the treatment."

When the original master saw the owner of the fire family, he shouted loudly.

At this moment, he still doesn't know what happened to him. He still wants to threaten the fire family to leave.

According to his previous experience, as long as he usually threatened to leave the fire family, everyone in the fire family would be so angry with him that he would not be dissatisfied with him, but this time, he I found myself wrong. When he said that he wanted to leave the fire family, a strong man of the fire family sneered and said, "Do you still think that you can safely walk out of the fire?"

"What's wrong? Although your fire family is strong, you can't ignore it. I haven't done anything sorry for the fire family. You want to keep me forever?"

The original master’s face showed an angry color.

However, his heart is a little trembling. The strength of the fire family is undoubtedly in this fairy world. It is definitely a giant.

Although he is a great master of law, he is very clear that before he was without the fire, he was only a normal master of the array.

The reason why the original master has today's achievements is that the fireflies have spent a lot of resources to train him, and he has become a great master of the law. If he leaves the fire at this time, he is equivalent to betraying the fire, although there are also Some forces will want him, but not to mention that the resources he has acquired in other forces are certainly not comparable to the fireflies, and his reputation will be stinking in the future.

Moreover, if the Fireman does not let him leave, will he leave this ability in the future?

"Give him clothes."

The fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, looked at the guy’s sleek look, his face showing a disgusting color, and waved his hand, letting people throw the suit directly to the guy.

After the master of the original language put on his clothes, he finally covered his ugly appearance, and his face was much better.

However, when he looked at the serious face of the family of the fire family, he suddenly found it very bad. It was no longer the arrogant look, but he cautiously asked, "What happened to the owner?"

"These arrays are you arranged?"

The owner of the fire family pointed out that the fire invincible in front of the usual retreat of the island of Xiandao, asked quietly.

"Yes, the owner, within this firefighter, does not say that all the formations are arranged by me, but at least six or seven percent of the formations are arranged by me."

In order to highlight his role in the fire family, the master of the original language changed his original method of setting up less than 50% of the fire family into six or seven percent. After that, he felt that he was changing. Like the indispensable figure of the fire family, I can't help but show the glory.

However, what he did not expect was that when he stated that his formation in the fire family reached the six-seven formations of the entire firefighter, the firepower’s strongmen, including the fire family, all showed up. Heavy color.

"Is there so much? Isn't it true that our fireflies seem to have copper and iron on the surface? In fact, these arrays are controlled by this bastard?"

The family of the fire family whispered to himself, and the fist shook involuntarily, and a horrible pressure broke out from him.

The secret door left by the original master does not even know that his homeowner does not know. If the **** sells the fireman, he only needs to sell all the secret doors to the opponents of the fire family. By then, what will the fire family be? The end of the game, do not want to know.

"Homeowner, what?"

The master of the original language is still smug, thinking that he is absolutely indispensable to the fire people. Unexpectedly, the family of the fire family had a terrible breath and suppressed him. He suddenly collapsed.

"Are you telling yourself the secrets left in the arrays that my fireflies have laid out, or do you want the deity to search for you?"

The owner of the fire family shouted coldly.


The master of the original language was dumbfounded. He finally understood why there was something today. It turned out that the secret doors that were left behind when he arranged the array were actually discovered.

At this moment, he was so scared that he was shaking, he knew, then, if the explanation is not clear, he must have died, leaving a secret door in the layout of the employer’s arrangement, although it is a battle. An unwritten practice in the legal world, but if it is discovered, it must be dead.

His heart trembled, and suddenly he saw Xiang Yang’s face with a bright smile on his side, remembering that not long ago, the fire family and other people wanted him to test what level of Xiangyang’s formation reached. At that time, he suddenly understood that all of this was related to Xiangyang.

"It's you."

He bit his teeth and looked at Xiang Yang, and he screamed with anger. "Since it is the same person, why do you want to harm me?"

At the same time, when he saw that Xiang Yang was only the cultivation of the real fairy, his eyes flashed through the cold and roared. "You dare to frame me, I want your life."


However, when he just wanted to break out of the crime to deal with Xiangyang, he heard a roaring sound, and the atmosphere of the top of the fire family’s main body as the big man’s nine heavens broke out and directly suppressed him. The whole person’s head was like the weight of a thousand pounds, and the whole person was instantly paralyzed.

Although the master of the original language is the cultivation of Da Luo’s eight heavens, his cultivation is the accumulation of the resources provided by the fire people, not to mention the strongmen who are in the same situation as the homeowners. In comparison, even the immortal with the fire of the big Luo seven heavens can not compete.


"How could this be?"

The whole person was directly suppressed by the original moment on the ground. His eyes were flushed and he suddenly yelled. "Home, don't listen to him. He must have deliberately framed me to replace me. We have been doing this for so many years. Cooperation, I can't leave any hidden doors in the battle. If you really leave a secret door, how can the fire family have nothing?"

"Homeowners, not to mention the arrays that I have arranged for the fireflies over the years, have increased the chances of survival for the firefighting soldiers who have opened up for me. You should believe me, I am absolutely It is impossible to have any misconduct about the fire family."


The master of the original language shouted loudly, thinking that Xiang Yang was another master of the martial arts recruited by the fire family. Although he knew that the secret door he had left was definitely discovered by the other party, he knew that he could not be chaotic at this time. Should calmly think about the solution, only to destroy Xiangyang first, and then let the strong people of the fire family believe him, as long as he has passed this difficult, he can take everything with these fireflies When the secret door goes to the opposite side of the fire family, by then, he will definitely get endless resources.

"Fire people, you are not guilty to me first, don't blame me for being unjust to you."

The master of the original language whispered in his heart and had made up his mind to retaliate against the fire family and let the fire family form a god.

The strong people of the fire family looked at the original masters so loudly and screaming, and their faces were the same, but they also had some doubts in their hearts. In the end, Xiang Yang said that it was true and false.

After all, Xiang Yang is too young, so a young master of the law, it is too unbelievable.

"Is the original master?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at this old guy. This guy's cultivation has reached the level of Da Luo's eight heavens. He is also a great master of the law, and his status is high. Before that, he was also a stranger in the fire. No matter what you want, the Fireman will collect it for him right away.

However, at this moment, the guy was screaming on the ground like a dead dog after he was clicked out by himself.

This guy's eyes are the clearest, and you can see at a glance that as long as you give this guy a chance, you will definitely use every means to deal with yourself and the fire.

Therefore, Xiang Yang, who did not want to pay attention to the other party, changed his mind at this time.

"Small thief, you really want to smear the deity in your district. You are simply delusional. You don't want to think of the strong people of the fire as fools. You must know whether the owner of the fire family or the other fire family. The elders' hearts are very open. You just want to replace your deity with your words and words. You want to be beautiful."

The original master looked at Xiang Yang with a red eyes. If his eyes could kill, under his eyes, Xiang Yang had already died and had not known how many times.

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice, "In fact, you misunderstood."

"What is wrong?"

The original master sneered at Xiang Yang.

"I am not a new master of the Mars, please do not want to deal with you, and then replace you, I do not have to deal with you, but I see you in every place where my invincible nephew retreats When there are at least one hidden door in the middle, I feel that your character is too bad, so I can't help but expose you. Of course, it is also to protect my invincible big scorpion. This guy is very bad for me. But after all, it is my friend, how can I find that he is in danger of being in danger?" Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Invincible scorpion?"

When Xiang Yang saw that the fire was invincible, he directly called the fire invincible as a scorpion. When everyone listened to the habit, they did not feel that there was anything special. However, after listening to the original master, his face changed suddenly.

His eyes looked flaming, remembering that during this time, the flamboyant circling of the fire family seemed to like a little boy, and when he wanted to rumor, the original master suddenly felt that he was the whole person. shocked.

In this way, Xiang Yang is not a new strategist recruited by the fire family, but a son-in-law of the fire family, and such a person, let alone leave a secret door, even if there is no hidden door, I want Isn’t it easy to get rid of yourself?

"Xiang Yang, don't talk about it, who is your nephew, you are not my little aunt, dare to say me, I will..." Fire invincible black face looked at Xiangyang, swearing.

However, when it comes to the latter, he does not know what Xiangyang should be, but he can only stand in a sullen manner, and then look at the original master who is oppressed on the ground, sneer, "original master, me I used to respect you very much. I didn't expect you to leave more than 900 secret doors in my retreat. What do you want to do?"

"I don't have it. You don't want to listen to this kid. He is absolutely nonsense."

The heart of the original master sank, but he refused to admit his teeth.

Xiang Yang said softly to the family of the fire family. "Since these arrays are arranged by him, then, must you tell you the only way to enter the battle?"

"Nature is there."

The family of the Fire family and others nodded, and they immediately understood the meaning of Xiang Yang. They all looked at Xiang Yang with a smile of appreciation, and then looked at the master of the original language. His face was desperate. .

The author said: "The last two days, six chapters, twenty-six thousand words, each of which is a big chapter, ask for flowers, ask for help, thank you to the flowers of the younger brothers and sisters, we continue to stick to the last moment, The first is ours, Xiaomeng thanks...

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