Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2626: Fire invincible request

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"In this case, you look at me through the passage of the secret door, is it the same as the only one you know?"

Xiang Yang whispered softly, while he said, he waved his hand at the invincible fire. "Invincible big scorpion, come over, I will take you to the shortcut to enter your retreat."


The fire invincible snorted, very dissatisfied with Xiang Yang's name, but he did not refuse Xiang Yang's invitation, but directly followed Xiang Yang's back, toward his retreat exclusive Xiandao.

"Looking at my steps, I didn't use any energy, and I didn't crack the array. I just walked in according to the secret door of the array. You can't follow me every step of the way. It must be the opposite of me. If it is wrong. If you can't, you can't get out."

"Remember, this hidden door is moving at any time, so you can't sense it. The first time you walk into the dark door and the second time you walk is completely different."


Xiang Yang ordered the invincible attention of the fire, and then regardless of the fire invincible, went directly to the array of the island.

The fire is invincible with both hands and the face with a proud color, but the rhythm of the pace at the foot is always followed by Xiang Yang, strictly following the step of Xiang Yang said to go forward.


When Xiang Yang took the first step in the first battle with the invincible fire, the invincible look of the fire with a serious color, although strictly in accordance with the requirements of Xiang Yang, but he did not dare to relax, for fear of going wrong Will fall into the law, but also afraid of Xiang Yang pit him.

Fortunately, Xiang Yang did not hang him, but he also walked in with the fire invincible from the dark doors of these formations. The secret doors of each heavy method required three steps, but their The speed is very fast, and I walked through these very different roads in the blink of an eye, without encountering any formation.

When they stood on the island of Immortal, the invincible face of the fire had a shocking color, and when they reached out and touched the array, the formation still existed, but he came in with a different path than usual, and , but also faster.

"The original, what else do you have to say?"

Outside, when the people of the fire family saw this scene, they all had a cold face, and their body was getting more and more murderous. Even if they were flamboyant, they knew that if they did not find the problem of these formations, they would be there in the future. After finding the original master bought the bastard, it is very likely that the fireflies will be the culprits.

The head of the fire family looked ugly at the master of the original language, and his eyes were cold without feelings.

The master of the original language showed the color of despair. He did not expect that a young man like Xiangyang could really see the secret doors he had left in the formation. Now, the facts are in front of him, even if he wants to defend. Nothing works.

If the original master does not speak, it does not mean that he has nothing. The family of the fire family sneered and shouted. "Take it down and use whatever means. I have to know all the secrets left by him."


The fire guards of the Eighteen Daluo Eight Heavens should have a voice, and they all covered themselves in the flame armor, striding forward, directly blocking the master of the original language, and then carrying him like a dead dog go away.

"Home, forgive, forgive me, I am willing to tell you everything, just ask you to spare my life."


"I was wrong, I was wrong. I must do a good job for the fire people in the future. I will not come again. I will never dare any more, forgive me..."

The masters of the original language screamed constantly until their figures disappeared, and his voice still came out. However, at this moment, no one in the fire family had any sympathy for him, but all had a kind of heart. a feeling of.

At this time, Xiang Yang was invincible from the fire. Xiang Yang looked at the direction in which the original master was towed away. He couldn’t help but sigh and said, "It’s a rumor, it hurts a person, 唉..."

"Little friend." However, his feelings have not yet fallen, and he saw him on the face of the family of the fire family with a sly light.


When Xiang Yang saw the family of the fire family, it was like watching the eyes of a treasure. He was a little embarrassed and coughed a few times. "Home, why are you doing this?"

However, after his words had not been finished, he felt that his hand had been caught. He saw the family of the fire family appearing in front of him, holding his hand tightly in his hands, and his face was excited.

"Don't, don't be like this, I am not good at this."

Xiang Yang’s face suddenly turned white, and the wife of the fire family’s owner was still watching. The old guy’s expression of his desire for himself was simply too much.

He felt that he must have performed so well. He even let the family of the fire family hold their hands in excitement at this moment. This is too much. If it is a sneak peek, it is the owner of the fire family. The old guy grabbed himself, Xiang Yang’s face with a helpless look, sighed and said, “Homeowner, you have something to say, don’t do this, I’m afraid...”


Xiang Yang said this sentence, the fire family's homeowner Shao Shaoling did not feel the feeling, the small bald head in the source of the summer country mixed with the trend of the young brother can not help, directly spit out, hold Looking at Xiang Yang with his stomach, "Boss, you are really, too, too powerful. I didn't expect you to be such a person."

"Ha ha ha..."

When the little bald head hugged her belly and laughed, the fire family's owner, Shao Shaoling, finally understood the meaning of Xiang Yang, and his face suddenly darkened.

At this moment, the family of the fire family seems to have realized the mood when the fire is invincible against Xiangyang. However, he is asking for Xiangyang. Naturally, he can’t learn the fire and invincible, but he laughed a few times. Said, "Little friends don't mind, I am so excited."

"It's okay, don't scare me like this next time."

Xiang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, okay, not like that one.

The head of the fire family looked at Xiang Yang, his eyes with a sly color, and said, "This time, you help me to catch the primitives of this fire, this white-eyed wolf, my firefighters will never forget."

At the same time, the family of the fire family took a step back and took a gift to Xiang Yang’s fist.

"Homeowner, you are so polite." Xiang Yang quickly returned to the ceremony, the identity of the family of the fire family is extraordinary, he can not dare to install a big tail wolf in front of the fire family.

The fire family looked up and down this scene, all of them showed a smile. Although they knew that Xiang Yang pointed out the behavior of the original language master, it was indeed a very good thing for the fire people. However, the fire family headed personally to Xiang Yang. If Xiang Yang accepts it calmly, for them, Xiang Yang accepts the salute of the fire people up and down, and they will naturally not be happy. Fortunately, Xiang Yang also knows how to be a man.

"The old man has one thing to ask the little friend to help, and also ask the younger friend to promise me." The family of the fire family said with a dignified color on his face.

"Well, I will help the firefighters to find out all the secret doors in all the formations. As for how to solve them, I will not participate. When the province arrives, the firefighters will feel that I am still secretly solving the secret door. door."

When the family of the fire family did not say what it was like to help Xiangyang, Xiang Yang said first.

"Thank you Xiaoyou."

The fire family is all happy and happy.

If Xiang Yang is very enthusiastic to tell them that they must help them find out the secret door of the battle, and improve the formation, they will think that Xiang Yang is planning to improve the secret door while continuing to leave some backhands. Will also be guarded against Xiang Yang.

After all, after the firefighters passed through the masters of the original language, it can be said that they have had a psychological shadow on the masters of the original language masters, although Xiangyang is the person who exposed the masters of the original language, but if Xiangyang If they are very active and want to help them, they will also feel that Xiang Yang is not good.

Xiang Yang is very aware of the changes in the human heart. Therefore, although he knows that the fire family mainly asks for their own help, they also grasp a measure while agreeing.

He smiled and said, "However, the owner can remember the list of transactions that the smug smack gave me? As a help to find out the rewards of the squad, I will help you find the hidden door in the tactics. Just get the things on the list, can you?"

"Of course, I can give it to you now."

At the same time, the family of the fire family laughed and said, directly turned to the head and told one of the elders, "The elders of the fire, all this will be handed over to you, on the original basis, doubled to Xiang Xiaoyou, as we are Give the little friend a reward."

"Yes, I will arrange it right away."

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the elder of Xian Luo, who was in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens, smiled and nodded, then quickly turned and left to arrange.

The other strong people of the fire family all showed a smile.

When Xiang Yang asks for remuneration, it is precisely when the Era’s elders’ trust in Xiangyang is enhanced. Sometimes, the benefits for no reason are not really good, but they are like Xiangyang. After the request, it is more reassuring.

The fire family has a big career and does not care about some treasures. Moreover, after the masters of the original language, the fire people have completely lost confidence in the masters of the original language masters, and the transaction like Xiangyang is them. What is needed.

Xiang Yang whispered softly, "Thank you for your family."

At the same time, he said directly to the family of the fire family. "The fire family is very big, but it is not difficult to record the secret door of each formation. It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. How about a circle?"


After the family of the fire family heard it, they suddenly showed the color of happiness. The family in the family had problems. For the family of the fire family, it was bad to eat and sleep. He naturally wanted to solve the problem of these arrays at the fastest speed. .

"So, all of us will go with Xiang Xiaoyou."

The people of the fire family laughed happily, their faces were full of excitement, and even they thought about it in their hearts. Later, they would give Xiangyang some benefits, so that Xiangyang would help him to take a good look at his retreat. He must help. His formation is done.

"Call out those practices in the family and let them learn a good job."

Then, an elder was whispering.

The fire family is not really a person who practices the array. There is only one master of the original master of the array. There are still a lot of other masters and masters of the fireflies.

Soon after, the firefighters' hundreds of strong players have arrived, both men and women, and their faces are humble, first to the firefighters, and then to Xiangyang. The etiquette of the younger generation, "I have seen the Grand Master."

Obviously, these arrays of fireflies have been specially explained before they came, and they dare not be rude to Xiangyang.

"You are polite, you can remember the secret doors that exist in these formations, and then study how to block them."

Xiang Yang smiled softly and did not care that the fire people would call these arrays. Anyway, since he wants to help the fire family, it is naturally impossible to deliberately harm people.

Next, under the leadership of the family of the fire family, Xiang Yang took the strong with these formations and walked toward the immortal islands of the fire family. The formation of the fairy island was pointed out by Xiang Yang and pointed out the original. Some secret doors left by the language master.

As a result, in the end, almost every array of the islands has almost some more or less hidden doors. During the whole process, those who have repaired each face with excitement, can’t wait to hold Xiang Yang on the spot. Called the master, and the family of the fire family and other strong people are blackdened. They really did not expect that there are so many problems among the fire people. Imagine if there is a strong enemy of the fire family. In the case of an invasion, it is only necessary to rely on these secrets to make the fire family up and down quietly.

"Oh, you must not let go of the original."

The family of the fire family sipped coldly, and their hearts were filled with the killing of Tianda.

"Homeowners, you have to find out if the original language has worked with outsiders." An elder went up and added.


The owner nodded, and then he took a very serious ceremony against Xiang Yang. "Thank you Xiaoyou."

"Thank you Xiaoyou."

Not only that, but all the strong people of the fire family also bowed to Xiang Yang, this time, his salute is truly willing.

Xiang Yang originally wanted to avoid it, but after thinking about it, he accepted it openly and said with a smile. "Since all the secrets of the battle have already told you, then it will not matter to me, um, I dare to ask my family, where do I live during the fire?"

"The friend's residence is already arranged."

The fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, said with a smile.

"Xiang Yang, you come with me."

Huo Mei quickly came forward and said with a very happy smile.

"Okay, let go."

Xiang Yang smiled softly, then followed him with a small bald head and others, but he was puzzled by the fact that when they left, the invincible guy, though a black face, also followed. Come up.

"What do you keep up with?"

Xiang Yang looked at the fire invincible.

"Don't you say that you have to help me arrange the formation?"

The invincible face of the fire is reddish, but it is hard to say.


After Xiang Yang listened, his face looked strange and invincible. He couldn’t help but smile and said, “I don’t think our invincible big scorpion would want to ask me to help arrange the array. It’s not bad.”

"Let's laugh."

The fire invincible snorted. "So, are you going to help me arrange the array?"

"Help, definitely help."

Xiang Yang laughed and said directly, "Go, now I will help you arrange the array, but there are some things you want people to send."

At the same time, directly take out a blank jade, record the material you need very quickly, and then hand it over to the fire.


Fire invincible was very excited to take over Jane Jane, and quickly told the voice to come over, let the other party take the material according to Xiang Yang's request, and they arrived at the invincible fairy island waiting for the material to be delivered to the door.

The author said: The flower list is over, uncomfortable, the last few hours, everyone to see if there are flowers in the account, give me a look, see if we can make surprises in the end, thank you.

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