Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2627: Vajra extract

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"I said the invincible big scorpion, your cultivation has also reached the six heavens of Da Luo, and even comprehend the seventh rule of the Da Luo, but your physical strength, how do I look like it is also general Look like."

On the invincible island of Fire, the fire is invincible on the side to Xiangyang tea, and Xiangyang is enjoying the beauty of the best fairy tea, while laughing.

After the fire was invincible, the heart was tired, but there was a request for Xiang Yang. He did not dare to be too uncomfortable with Xiang Yang’s performance. He could only mutter, “You feel that my physical strength is normal, then you Is the body very strong?"

He was very convinced in his heart, secretly cold, if he did not need Xiangyang to help, he had to tell Xiang Yang that his body of the fairy king was stronger than that of Xiangyang’s pseudo-Da Luo.

"It should be just like you." Xiang Yang said with a humble color on his face.

"I do not believe."

Huo Mei frowned and looked at Xiang Yang on one side. "Xiang Yang, you have to know that this invincible boy is not only costing a big price to the Western Tianyu from the Buddha to find the Vajra Bodhi liquid to quench the flesh. It is also the golden door of the Taoist Temple. At the same time, even some treasures of the Magic Road have been obtained. The body after being tempered with various treasures has already reached the same level as his cultivation."

"I rubbed, there is even the Vajra Bodhi liquid and the Daojin Jindan of the Daomen to quench the flesh?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he was shocked. The fire family is one of the five great celestial beings. Even such a super treasure can be obtained. If you have those treasures to temper, your body may be able to go further.

"For the practitioners, although personal talents and exercises are very important, the most important thing is various resources. In fact, many peerless arrogances are almost always behind the existence of a powerful Zongmen." Said dignified.

"This is true." Xiang Yang nodded.

"Isn't it just Vajra Bodhi, what's so rare?" The little bald head said on one side.

"It's simple, there is a kind of you take out the vajra bodhi liquid for me to see." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and looked at the little bald head, however, his words just finished, suddenly dumbfounded, I saw, the little monk was very easy to take out A large jar with a golden liquid in it, the Buddha's runes in these liquids are flowing, and there is a strong and unmistakable light bursting out, even if it is just a breath, you know the altar. The liquid is absolutely extraordinary.

"Vajra Bodhi!"

The invincible face of the fire changed, stood up directly, and looked at the altar of Bodhi Bodhi in the hands of the little bald head.

"What, this is Vajra Bodhi, and so much?"

Huo Mei is also shocked. What she knows is that when the fire family went to Buddhism for treasure, it took a lot of effort to get a few drops of Vajra Bodhi liquid. They all know the value of Vajra extract. However, in this little bald head, it turned out to be a big altar, which is simply worthless.


Xiaoguangtou said with a smile, "This is the time when Xiaoyan was drunk and got the guidance of the Buddha to collect it."

"Little bald head, I think it is your own secretly stealing from the secret of Buddhism?" The little blood looked at the little bald head with a contemptuous look.

"Amitabha, this is what the Buddha gave me."

The little bald head does not want to admit it.


However, his voice just fell, and Xiang Xiang directly waved his hand and took away the Vajra Bodhi liquid from that altar. Then, Xiang Yang’s face said indifferently, “The Buddha is for you to bring to me.”


After listening to the little bald head, it was a bit dumbfounded. How can I treat people like this? It is clearly that I have been hard to steal from Buddhism, and the result has become Xiangyang. This is too bullying...

However, when I saw Xiang Yang’s face look indifferent, Xiaoguangtou had nothing to say, but he could only cry and sorrow, and said with a sigh of relief, “breaking the money, destroying the money, destroying the disaster, and remaining the rest of the life... cough, Buddhism and I can go to the Buddha to ask for it later."


Fire and fire invincible looked at Xiang Yang personally took away the vajra extract of this jar, the eyes of the two were a little red, it was too embarrassing Xiangyang, and received a comparable to the six kings of the king The younger brother did not say that he could still get such a large jar of Vajra Bodhi liquid. If the Vajra Bodhi liquid of this altar is taken out, it is absolutely worthless.

Xiang Yang’s heart was very excited and said with awkwardness, “It seems that I should find a chance to chat with my five brothers. I believe that he is a Taoist Taoist. There should be no shortage of Jindan in the door. Unfortunately, The treasure of the magic road is not easy to find."

"You use nine drops of Vajra Bodhi, I will change the magic stone of the magic road with you." Fire invincible suddenly said.

"The demon stone?" Xiang Yang smashed, he is not very clear what the Tianmu stone is, only know the existence of the starting magic stone.

"The demon stone is the treasure of the magical Taoist refining, which is similar to Jin Dao and Buddhism's vajra bodhi. It can be used to temper the three treasures of Buddhism, Taomen, and Magic Road. The flesh can definitely make an earth-shaking metamorphosis in the flesh, and there will be no side effects." Huo Mei said on the side.

"it is good."

After Xiang Yang listened, he immediately agreed to it without saying anything, and then directly removed the jar. From there, nine drops of Vajra Bodhi liquid were invincible, "Give you."

After the fire invincible took away nine drops of vajra extract, he also took a fist from the storage ring of his hand and handed it to Xiang Yang. The stone appeared and suddenly there was a horrible magical explosion. Come out, this magical spirit is different from the beginning of the magic gas, etc., but the synthetic magic with special functions.

"This is the demon stone. Although it is called stone, it is actually a kind of remedy for the refining of the devil. It is the rare ancient clan in the devil world who knows how to refine the treasure of the devil."

The fire invincible explained.

Even if he didn't explain it, Xiang Yang knew that the fist-sized stone was a remedy when he got his hand. He wondered, and he couldn't think of the treasure in the devil world.

"As long as you go to the door to get the golden dragon, the three treasures consolidate the flesh at the same time, it is enough to make your body truly become the big Luo, comparable to those in the ancient times, the great Luoqiang strong." Fire said invincible.

Xiang Yang put the Tianmo stone away, smiled and watched the fire invincible. "Okay, it was sold."

"Young master, the material has been sent, and, this is the owner's instructions to the young master." At this time, there is a fireman's management to send two storage rings, one of which is invincible, the other is It is for Xiang Yang.

“Not bad.” Xiang Yang took over the storage ring and probed it. His face suddenly showed excitement. The things in this storage ring are indeed the treasures that the fire family promised to give themselves. However, these are some Some of the belts are walking, and some are the secrets of cultivation, and they cannot be carried with them.

"There are other spiritual practices that are also prepared, but they cannot be carried with them because of the particularity of the secret. However, the owner has used the great power to move it to the fairy island of the little princess." The answer was not equal to Xiangyang, and he said quickly.

"Okay, thank you."

After Xiang Yang listened, his face showed a satisfactory color. The fire family knows how to do things. Since everything is ready for himself, he should naturally do things for the fire family. In time, he will directly be in the name of the fire family. Go to the war.

Next, after the departure of the manager, the invincible fire was to hand the storage ring to Xiang Yang, which is needed for Xiang Yang's arrangement.

"You need to break through a hundred years, the most important thing is what you need?" Xiang Yang did not immediately start to arrange the array, but asked directly.

"It takes time to temper the body as the body of the fairy, and it is necessary to transform all the energy in the body into the power of the fairy." Fire invincible replied.

"You should not absorb the chaos of gas directly, you need a little refining to transform into your own strength?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Yes." He nodded.

"I understand."

Then I don’t need to say that the fire is invincible. Xiang Yang has already understood. In fact, the fundamental reason for the invincible retreat of the fire is to absorb the energy of the water mill. Then, the array method that you arrange only needs to make the fire invincible absorb energy quickly. It is enough to change the energy and the flesh in the fastest speed.

"In three months, let you complete the transformation of the body and energy."

Then, Xiang Yang’s face with a confident color directly began to arrange the array in the place where the fire was invincible. The arrangement he arranged was very simple. At first it was just a simple defensive formation and attacking method, and then mainly Arrange the array method internally.

Xiang Yang was busy in the inside, fire invincible and fiery and other people did not bother, but quietly looked at Xiang Yang.

"Big scorpion, come in and help me a favor."

However, at this time, Xiang Yang suddenly came out and waved directly to the fire.

"Okay." At this time, the invincible heart of the fire is curious about what kind of capital Xiangyang can say that he can let the body and energy complete the transformation within three months. When he hears Xiangyang, he immediately rushes in. .

"Use your full strength, bombard the void in this place, remember, concentrate all the power, not too scattered, only this." Xiang Yang pointed to a specific place.

"it is good."


Fire invincible does not say anything, directly condenses energy on the fist, a fist rushes into the void, suddenly, in the void, there is a punch through the formation, forming a common crack, do not know where to fly.

Xiang Yang looked at the front and saw where the boxing was. There was a mysterious space being opened. He suddenly smiled and waved directly to take out a piece of the best fairy and throw it into it. With both hands pinched, the pinnacle will be fixed, so that this channel can be shaped directly and can no longer shrink.

"this is..."

The invincible face of the fire changed. He raised the light and stared at the passage. As you saw in the passage, there was a powerful and pure energy that emerged like a spring.

This energy, fire invincible does not know what energy, but he can sense that this energy is definitely not weaker than the chaos of the level, and he absorbs it at will, suddenly found that this energy is instantly integrated In his body, there is no need for any conversion process at all.

"What is this energy?"

The fire was invincible and looked at Xiang Yang. At this moment, I finally understood why Xiang Yang dared to tell him that he could complete the transformation of his body and energy within three months.

There is such energy, let alone three months, one and a half months, he is enough to complete the transformation of his body and energy, and then, in a day or two, you can definitely complete the breakthrough.

"This is the cave fairy power."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "It is the method of practicing the caves that was studied by the King of Heaven. I just changed his method slightly and took power from what he said."

"Cong Tian Xian Wang!"

After hearing Xiangyang’s words, the fire invincible took a breath. “You actually got the inheritance of Dong Tianxian.”

"Get a part of it." Xiang Yang said faintly.

The fire is invincible and looks at Xiang Yang deeply. Shen Shen said, "I understand, but you should not tell outsiders that you will get the inheritance of Dong Tian Xian Wang. Otherwise, it will be dangerous before your cultivation will be upgraded."

“Why?” Xiang Yang squinted and asked inexplicably.

"In the fairy world, there are some forces that have always wanted to study the reasons why Dong Tian Xian Wang was invincible, but they have never been able to inherit the inheritance of Dong Tian Xian Wang. If you let them know that you have the inheritance of Dong Tian Xian Wang, for you Not a good thing." Fire said invincible.

"Okay, thank you." Xiang Yang nodded with a smile, threw out some materials, arranged it again, and then threw the remaining material in the storage ring into his pocket, smiling. Said, "The arrangement of the formation is complete, and the other ones you get it, I will go first."


However, when Xiang Yang was about to leave, he was invincible and shouted at him.

"Oh, our transaction has been completed, no, this is not a transaction, I am helping you." Xiang Yang looked at the fire invincible.

"No, I just want to ask you to help me again." The invincible face of the fire is embarrassed.

"There are still anecdotes." Xiang Yang haha ​​smiled and looked at the fire invincible, and suddenly found this invincible fairy king is actually quite interesting.

At least, the invincible fire does not look like a zombie face on the surface, but after really getting along, I found out that it is actually a good person and worth making.

"Help me to dispose of the secret doors on the formation, and then help me to re-edit all the formations." Fire invincible said, "I suspect that some of the fire people are in the same place as the original, or else, The original language does not dare to leave so many secret doors so bright."

"Well, you have to prepare the materials. After three days, I will help you solve it. However, in the past three days, the match of the fire family should also begin. I am going to the activities and activities."

Xiang Yang smirked and agreed, then waved his hand at the invincible fire, left the battle, and followed the fiery people to go to Xiandao where the fire was.

Author Meng Yu said: Miss brothers and sisters, please give me your flowers, so that we can keep the first.

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