Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2628: Prepare for a duel

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"Your fairy island's formation is not bad. There is no secret door. However, this method is too weak. Shouldn't it be the original master?"

When Xiang Yang and others arrived at the fiery site, Xiang Yang looked at the small fairy island's formation, and his face was a strange color.

However, when his words were finished, he saw his face on his face with dissatisfaction. He seemed to say that this method was too weak to say that she was the same. Xiang Yang couldn’t help but ask strangely. Is this garbage array arranged by yourself?"

"What do you say?"

The fire snorted and looked at Xiang Yang with a bad color on his face. "This fairy island is actually only used when I am bored and bored. I don't want the original man to arrange the array." So, I arranged the array myself."

"I don't think that the fire chick is so versatile." Xiang Yang couldn't help but reveal the color of sigh.

After the fire was heard, the face was showing a smug color, and I couldn’t help but sigh. "I found out that this girl is versatile. After you really understand this girl, you will know what it is. Really versatile."

"Then I will wait and see." Xiang Yang chuckled softly, but the smile had not been held for a long time, and the dragon claw hand of the silver plaque around him was already placed on his waist.

Xiang Yang smiled helplessly, and quickly closed his mouth. He sighed in his heart. The silver 黛 chick didn’t know when he learned this way. His future life is really a bit miserable.


When she saw the movement of Jubilee, she suddenly became uninterested. She snorted and took a few people into the island. A group of maids came forward to salute. "I have seen Miss, I have seen you. Your guests."

"Is it all ready for you?"

Asked fiery.

"Already ready, Miss please." One of the maids said quickly.

"Come, come with me, I am ready to take over the wind for you. The family is really nothing to do, it is not as good as I prepared myself."

The flamboyant and eager enthusiasm for Xiang Yang and other people waved, then took them to the small island, went to the foot of a mountain, and found that there is still a waterfall, and under the waterfall, Some dragon fish are swimming, and each dragon fish has reached the real fairy.

"These dragon fish, but I stole it from the fish pond of the old man." The flaming face said with a proud color.

At the same time, she waved her hand and said very atmosphericly. "Today, I invite everyone to have a dragon fish banquet."

At the same time as she said, there were already little maids who came over with some barbecue grills and dropped them directly next to them. When Xiang Yang thought that these maids were going to start fishing, they saw that they all left, leaving only some Essential raw materials.

"Don't you say, you have to give us a barbecue by hand?" Xiang Yang looked shocked and looked at the fire.

"Not me, I didn't have a barbecue." Humei smiled and said.

"Who is that?" Xiang Yang had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Of course it is you." Fire and laughter said.

"I have already eaten just now."

Xiang Yang turned his head and turned away, and still did not have the slightest nostalgia.

"You give me back, bastard." Huo Mei called behind, but found that Xiang Yang even turned his head and refused, and suddenly her face was blue, "You bastard."

However, she was useless when she was angry. Seeing that Xiang Yang left, she could only keep up with it.

"Haha, this chick, I still want to hang me, let me give her a grilled fish, I really want too much." Xiang Yanghehe smiled, he was too lazy to play with barbecue.

Moreover, he does not have much time in the fire family, it is better to take this opportunity to take away what they can get.

"Oh..." Xiang Yang walked with a smile on his face. At the same time, Huo Mei has already followed. The girl screamed deliberately and didn't look at Xiang Yang. He said directly, "You come with me."

“Cognac?” Xiang Yang asked.

"Take you to see your things."

The sneer sneered, "I won't take you for sale."

"Good." Xiang Yang huh, a smile, the group continued to follow the fiery toward the front, and finally, Xiang Yang saw the special secret of the practice that the fire family promised to give himself.

This mysterious place burns with blazing flames, but these flames are not ordinary flames, but places that contain the fire of creation. In the secret world, there is a pool of magma flowing.

This is the fundamental mystery of the fire family. The core disciple of the fire family is precisely because they practiced in these secrets from an early age, can truly stimulate the blood of the body, make their talents stronger and stronger, and continue to reborn.

After Xiang Yang met, his face was smiling and whispered. "Yes, this mystery can really have a certain effect on my retreat. At the same time, it is also a good place for small blood."

"I took it away."


At the same time, Xiang Yang directly casts the spell and removes the entire secret. However, this secret is connected with the fire family. In the process, Xiang Yang spent a lot of effort, cutting a part of the fire from the source. Energy, as a result, makes the flame magma in this mystery at least allow him to practice for a hundred years, but after a hundred years, without the supplement of energy, this secret will become a waste.

"I will help you transform the formation."

Xiang Yang did not chat with Huo Mei and others, but began to help the fire to transform the array on Xiandao all a little.

Although Hu Mei knows a little about the formation of the law, but her level of formation is not even the master of the law, let alone the master of the array.

This charming island is small, but it is very extraordinary. It has connected the big array of fire people. There are fragments of heavenly law condensed in it. Although energy is not a gathering of chaos, it is rich. The airflow is squatting, but for Xiang Yang, what he wants to do with the fire is to open a passage, so that the place where the fire can be invincible can get the mysterious power of the Heavenly King.

This time, in order to help the fire, Xiang Yang has spent a lot of materials, and even after the completion of the fire invincible, all the remaining materials are not enough, and even added some of their own materials.

After all the arrangements were made, Xiang Yang also opened a passage to the mysterious space with his own power. He felt that there was a spring of energy that was like a fist, and it flowed into the pool and became a pool. Yang’s face finally showed a smile.

"With this place of retreat, from then on, the achievements of the fire chick should not be worse than the invincible boy." Xiang Yang chuckled, and spent a few hours, it can be said that the fire has been This small island of Mei is like a copper-iron bone. In addition to the method of entering, otherwise, even the master of Da Luo’s eight heavens may not be able to break through the island of Huo Mei.

"Fire chick, this time you really have to thank me very much."

When Xiang Yang found Huo Mei and others, he suddenly found out that Hu Mei was so happy to eat roast fish with silver enamel, small blood, small silver, Xiaohong and Xiaoguangtou sitting under the waterfall before the barbecue. Several maids are working very **** the side.

"what's going on?"

Xiang Yang couldn't help but stunned. His face was full of sorrow. Sure enough, the fire chick was deliberately embarrassed. When they were busy, they were so refreshing here.

Moreover, he looked at Huo Mei and Jubilee carefully and found that in just a few hours, Huo Mei and Jubilee never looked at each other any more, but with a smile on their face, they were drinking with each other. liqueur.

"Women are jealous..."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but sigh. He felt that he really couldn't understand the two women. The two sides, which should have been unsatisfactory to each other, have turned into good friends in these few hours.

"Boss, come and eat grilled fish, this arowana is delicious."

In the hands of a small bald head, a full-fledged fish with a dozen kilograms was eating full of oil. While sighing, "Compared with the food at the time of Buddhism, Buddhism is not a place to stay alone."

While talking, he bit a bite of grilled fish, as if to vent his dissatisfaction with Buddhism.

Everyone is already eccentric about the little bald heads, all looking at them with a smile, and the small blood is the stuffed fish that she bite a few mouths into the hands of Xiang Yang.

"Boss, eat fast."


After Xiang Yang met, he smiled with his face and ate with a few little guys. At the same time, he also gave out the monkey wine to several people.

"I think you are right. Our biggest enemy is not each other, but the little girl." At this time, the fiery and silvery women who are eating and drinking silently watch Xiangyang and Xiaoxue, they I looked at each other and made a decision.

"Yeah, this little girl is very powerful. She is the princess of the Kirin family, and she has been with Xiangyang for a long time. Obviously she wants to get the moon in the water."

Silver Jubilee said with a sigh.

"So, what happened to us before?" Huo Mei licked her big eyes.

"Complete." Jubilee looked up and extended a hand to the fire.


At this moment, the two women seem to have formed an alliance. After a slap in the face, they are holding the scent in their hands to respect each other.

They look at each other's eyes no longer like a rival, but look at the alliance.

"Miss, the nine elders are coming. He is being trapped outside the array and can't get in, we can't go out."

Just then, a maid came over and whispered to the singer.

At the same time, the little maid looked at Xiangyang with a strange color on her face. She was very aware of the nine elders of the fire family, but it was the sacred figure of the sacred heaven and earth, and even the legendary The nine elders are about to break through to the situation of Da Luo Jiuzhongtian. However, such a super strong person has been blocked by Xiang Yang’s array of arrangements that have been arranged for several hours.

These maids just saw it very clearly. Xiang Yang himself was running around on the island and changing the whole island's array of methods. Even these maids could not go out.

Of course, Huo Mei also does not know how to move.

“What is he doing?” Huo Mei snorted and came to Xiangyang and said to Xiang Yang, “The Nine Elders may be preparing to call you to fight the geniuses of the Fire.”

"The coming will come."

Xiangyang stood up and said with a smile, "Can you use the bet of the fire family, can I use a bet?"


The fire whitened Xiangyang and knew that Xiangyang was addicted to gambling. He couldn’t help but say, "As long as you have a way to let them be willing to bet, no matter how much you win, I can guarantee that no one in the fire will dare to find you. Trouble."

"This is good." Xiang Yang laughed, knowing that the juniors of the fire family must be rich and oily, so that they can make a small profit, at least, this one will not be beaten, this is only Let him feel much better in his heart.

"This is your array of fairy islands, including a secret door left, and some killings are all for you."

Later, Xiang Yang passed the method to Huo Mei. He did not have any reservations about Huo Mei. He also specially left a secret door for her. This is not to facilitate others to enter, but to facilitate the occasion of an emergency. Can give her a way out.

"it is good."

Huo Mei nodded and looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a soft color. After Xiang Yang and others came out together, the nine elders came in and said, “The younger generation’s competition is only left. The last ten, they asked you to join them and make a decision with them."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang agreed very quickly, which made the nine elders who thought that Xiang Yang promised to be a very difficult thing could not help but reveal a strange color.

The nine elders did not know that Xiang Yang even felt very sorry. In Xiang Yang’s heart, he only had to confront the ten fire-fighting Tianjiao. It was already too little. As long as he could make a baby, he felt that even with a hundred fires. It is no problem for the masters to confront each other.

Author Meng Yu said: I want flowers! ! !

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