Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2629: They are all little fat sheep.

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"Dragon brother, you said that the owner spent a great price asking the guy to do something? Isn't that looking down on us?"

"Yeah, Long brother is the first person of our young generation of fire people. It is absolutely invincible in the real fairyland. This time, the first place in the Million Island Real Fair, Long Ge definitely got it, still What the outsider needs to do."

"Hey, don't look at his record seems to be quite brilliant. In fact, his real record is taken out, even we can't match it, let alone the dragon brother."


Among the huge martial arts field of the fire family, a group of young people in the real world of the real fairy are coming together. These people have hundreds of them, and their focus is on having a standing in the center and carrying their hands. A young man with a stunned face.

The name of this young man is called Huo Yunlong, and he is ranked first in the real immortals of the younger generation of the fire.

These young people of the fire family are naturally very dissatisfied with the outsider of Xiangyang. The fire people have worked hard to cultivate them, and their own strength is also very strong. In their view, the first of them, Huo Yunlong It is enough for the first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War, and Xiang Yang actually ran to compete with them, and also robbed them of a place directly into the finals, which is simply unforgivable.

"The fire family has a total of three places to enter the finals. He has to run to compete with us. He is thinking too beautiful. This time, we must not give him the opportunity."

"Yes, I don't need to shoot Long Ge, I can beat him up, let him know how powerful the temperament of our younger generation of fire people has reached."

"Haha, well, we beat him one by one in turn."


"The home is here."

When the true celestial arrogance of this group of fireflies was very excited to say, they heard a voice coming over. Everyone was quiet, and they saw the family of the fire family and a group of long walkers coming in and sitting directly in the audience.

"I have seen my family and I have seen elders."

These young people of the Fire family quickly greeted the owners and elders of the fire family.

"You don't have to pay more, we just look at the excitement. You don't have to be cautious. If you don't have it, you can do it." The fire family's main fire, Shaoling, said with a smile.


The youths of the fire family are all excited, although the fire Shaoling said that they can not exist, but everyone knows that this is the time for their performance.

The Fireman has a total of three places to enter the finals, and the first person among them, Huo Yunlong, can get one, the other two are competing among other people, and everyone is also competing in the top ten. These ten people are all gearing up at the moment. They want to defeat Xiangyang first and then compete with each other for the two places.

They are very clear that as long as they are doing well in front of their homeowners and elders, even if there is no way to become the first place in the Million Island, the resources they will receive in the family will increase in the future.

"It's a pity that the fire-fighting people other than Huoyunlong, it is still very difficult to compete for a thousand people before the Battle of Million." The fire family leader looked at the people of the fire family below, helpless Sighed and said.

"Homeowners, this is not necessarily the case. The top ten who chose this time, each of them has learned more than the three rules of the Da Luo. The child of Yunlong has even realized the rules of the four Dalu, in the real fairyland. It’s incredible to say that they don’t even have the chance to compete in the top ten of the Million Island.”

An elder's face around the fire Shaoling showed a disapproval.

"Oh, do you think that the rules of the four Dalu are very powerful?"

The family of the fire family shook their heads helplessly. "Almost every major force has people who understand the rules of the four Dalu in the real fairyland, and even a lot of them. Moreover, it is not the first to understand the rules of the Da Luo. One of the keys, the real old monsters that have survived in ancient times, some of them are even older than you and me, but they are hard-pressed to suppress to the real fairy, just to get this Once in the first place of the Million Chau Immortal World War, do you think such a person, who is an opponent?"

"Is there really such an old monster, will the hard-boiled ones be suppressed in the real fairyland for hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years?" The elders of the fire family all showed a shocking color.

"According to the recent news, many old monsters have been born." The elders said faintly, "I know that a man named Chi Xiong is just waiting for me to exist in an era. It is said that he is in chaos. In the middle of the retreat of a million years, but has been repaired to suppress the real fairy, such a person, who can be enemies?"


Other elders who did not know the situation were shocked.

"Chaos retreats a million years, is he practicing himself to the chaos?"

"I am afraid that he has already learned the rules of the nine Dalu."

"I know that he is the first place in the Million Island Wars in the area of ​​the owner. Moreover, he is the first day of the younger generation. The strength is very strong. It can be said that there are few people who can compare. He later suddenly disappeared suddenly, and nothing happened to it."


When these people of the fire family were discussing, Xiang Yang finally arrived. Under the leadership of the nine elders, he came with Huo Mei and others. When he stepped into the battlefield, all the voices in the field were all Disappeared, especially those masters of the real fairyland, all of them look at Xiangyang, with a sneer on his face.

"Little friends let us wait." The fire family and a group of elders laughed and got up to meet Xiang Yang.

For them, Xiang Yang is indeed the last chance of the fire family. After all, the generation of the fire family does not have real arrogance, even if it is a fire cloud dragon, although it is claimed to be the first day of the fire generation, but the competition Hundreds of people have some difficulties, let alone the first.

Although the fire family and other people do not know the extent to which Xiangyang’s strength has reached, they know that Xiangyang is a veritable master of the law. This point is from the fire-fighting group. The secret door among the arrays that Xiang Yang gave is being studied and can be seen.

If you really use it, even if you really use it, you will definitely be able to play very strong strength even in the battle of the Taiwanese. At that time, even if Xiangyang is in the identity of the great master of the law, he wants to get the top ten. It is also very likely.

Xiang Yang smiled at the celestial arrogance of these real fairy tales of the fire family, and when they saw that these guys were all dissatisfied with their own hostility, he was relieved, this time he seems to really make a small profit.

Seeing the family of the fire family and a group of elders personally came to greet, Xiang Yang’s face quickly showed the color of fear. “How dare the family and the elders come to the reception personally, Xiangyang fears.”

"Well, you don't pretend to be pretending. Everyone is an old acquaintance. There is nothing to fear. I originally asked you to join the war as a fireman, but you still have to play with these little guys of the fire." One, I hope you don't blame us." The fire family's main fire Shaoling said with a smile.

"No matter, I can talk to the arrogance of the fire people. I am very happy. I, this person, likes to talk with these high-profile handsome Tianjiao." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

When he said this, he knew that Xiang Yang’s character, such as the small bald head, all showed strange colors. Even if it was flamboyant, he knew that Xiang Yang would definitely want to fight against the fire tales of these fireflies, and then he can earn. Some immortals and the like, think of Xiangyang’s various 'defects' in Wan Yao Tian Chau, they are saddened by the Tianjiao of these real fires.

"It's really pitiful. What they don't know is that they have become the fat sheep to be slaughtered in Xiang Yang's eyes."

Smell in the heart of the fire, very clear that these guys now look at Xiangyang is not good, and the more easy it is, the easier it is to get Xiangyang's tricks. At that time, even if they don't have to take time off, they will lose a lot.

"Xiang Yang, talk nonsense, start directly."

At this time, some of the geniuses of the younger generation of the fire family shouted directly. "Our goal is the first place in the Million Island, not yours. After we have solved you, we have to go back. Retreat to practice."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was happy. He smiled and looked at the young people. "Do you want to deal with me together?"

"Oh, do you still need to deal with it?" The young man who started to sip Xiangyang at the beginning sneered and said, "I am called the fire wolf. I rank first in the real fire. I will deal with you." enough."

"Ha ha ha, it is the pole, the fire wolf shot, to deal with you is actually overkill."

"Let's talk nonsense, let's go to the game soon, we have to go back to the retreat after the fight."


The other younger generations of the Fire family all laughed loudly, and they did not know what kind of existence they were facing.


After the family of the Fire and the elders heard it, they were furious. Their rule was to let the young people of the fire generation rank in the previous generation to challenge with Xiangyang. However, this guy is dare to jump out in the first hundred. Challenge Xiang Yang, which made them feel that their majesty was provoked.

Moreover, Xiang Yang is a foreign aid invited by the family of the fire family. They are so small to see Xiang Yang, does it mean that the eyes of the fire family and the elders are too bad?

"Don't be angry, they are still young and ignorant, let me teach them well." Xiang Yanghe smiled and said to the family of the fire family and a group of elders.

"Little friends are really unparalleled."

"Yeah, the little friend has a broad mind. The young people of my fire family can't compare with you."

"In this case, everything is handed over to the little friend."


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the family and elders of the Fire family sighed and praised Xiang Yang. They were still afraid that Xiang Yang would be angry. Now they see that Xiang Yang is not only angry, but when he smiles, they are loose. In one breath, and praised Xiang Yang without hesitation.

The appreciation of the owner and the elders naturally has no feeling for Xiang Yang. He knows that these old guys are just boring and boring to tout themselves in order to stabilize their own hearts. For these geniuses of the younger generation of the fire family, It was mad, and they did not dare to have any opinions on the homeowners and elders. They could only vent their anger to Xiangyang.

The former number one fire wolf was shouting and shouting, "Xiang Yang, come over a battle."

While talking, he himself has stood in the center of the battlefield, holding a sword of the top grade in his hand, Jianfeng pointed to Xiangyang, and looked at Xiangyang with great prestige.

"it is good."

Seeing the prestige of the fire wolf, the other younger generations of the fire family all showed their appreciation. Even some elders laughed. Although this guy is only ranked in the top 100, the momentum is also very Uncommon, if it is placed in the outside world, it is already very powerful among the true immortals.

Xiang Yang stepped out and disappeared instantly in the same place. When he appeared, it appeared on the ring.

This is exactly the magical power that he has shown in his own world. However, this magical power can't be regarded as a magical practice among the immortals. Everyone can do this, and no one feels that there is any good shock.

Xiang Yang didn't care about this, but looked at the fire wolf with a smile. "I don't usually do it easily."

"What are you doing here?"

The fire wolf screamed.

"I promised that the fire people would help the fire people to teach the top ten people among the younger generation of the fire. I am sorry that you are ranked in the first hundred, there is too much difference, there is no qualification for me. Teaching." Xiang Yang said with a reserved smile on his face.

"Do you dare to look down on me?"

The fire wolf looked angry at Xiang Yang.

"It's not a small look at you, but a fact." Xiang Yang said, "Of course, God has a good life. I used to be a teacher when I was in the world. I don't know what a profession is. The elders, as well as your master, are similar. I have a kind heart. In fact, as long as you can get the tuition fee, I can still educate you."

While talking, he took out a table between the waves, with a pen and a piece of paper on it, and said to the young people of the fire family. "You, everyone is the same. Now I will make an appointment. Who wants me to teach?" Sign your name on this piece of paper, and then write down the tuition fees you have to pay. At the same time, prepare your tuition fees, and then come on stage, I will teach you well. Of course, tuition is not voluntary. How much to give, my rule is that the tuition fee is more than ten pieces of the best."


Author Meng Yu said: I want flowers! ! !

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