Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2630: Do you not together?

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"Is this guy ready to move what he did in Wanxue Tianzhou to our firefighter?"

After seeing this scene, the homeowners and elders of the fire family were all stunned. They naturally knew everything that Xiangyang had done in the martyrdom of the Wan Yao Tianzhou. He knew that Xiang Yang was the best of thousands. Fairy, it can be said that one of the super rich and the rich can not be overemphasized, however, what they did not expect is that Xiang Yang actually launched such activities in the fire show of the fire.

"It's no wonder that he knows that he has to fight with the younger generation of the Fireman to get the finals. He will be so refreshed, but he is already ready."

The owner of the fire family couldn’t help but smile.

"The Lord, can you stop him?"

An elder of the fire family asked softly.

"Why stop it?"

The owner of the fire, Shaoling, said to the elder, "Not only can't stop, but also help him."


Everyone is ashamed, the owner of the family, but the family of the fire family, even intends to help Xiang Yang pit a young man of the fire family, is he not afraid that the young people of the fire will have dissatisfaction?

"Our behavior has been said in advance with Xiang Yang, but we say that there are ten people. In fact, there are hundreds of people waiting here. Although it is not our idea, in fact, Xiang Yang has already been dissatisfied. We If you help him set this rule, he can naturally improve his mentality towards my fire family. If you decide this rule, maybe this kid will not agree with us at any time, even if he deliberately in the war. Lose, do not try to compete for the first place, do you think that who is suffering more?" Fire family chief fire Shaoling said.

"But, can he really get the first place?" an elder whispered.

"Not necessarily, but I think it is possible. If the descendants of that pulse can't get the first person, I don't know who can get the first place." The fire family's main fire, Shaoling, lamented.

His words made everyone tremble, yeah, Xiang Yang is not an ordinary casual, nor a descendant of the general forces, but he is the only descendant of that pulse, and, for the safety of Xiangyang, the pulse is even more It is a direct transmission of words, and the strongest of the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens cannot be dealt with Xiang Yang.

That pulse pays so much attention to Xiang Yang. If Xiang Yang still can't get the first place in the Million Chau Immortal World War, wouldn't it tarnish the reputation of that pulse?

Just in the words of 'that pulse', Xiang Yang is likely to get this first place.

"And, although the younger generation of the fire family looks very good, in fact, they stay in the family for years, and have not really experienced the experience of the outside world, their knowledge is too little. It’s too arrogant, it’s just easy to fold. Someone has to help us to quench these juniors. Since Xiangyang is willing to take the shot, why do we disagree?”

The fire family owner smiled and said.

"We understand that everything follows the opinions of the owner."

All the elders replied reverently.

After the fire of the main fire of the fire family, Shaoling nodded, and looked at the Tianjiao of these younger generations of Xiangyang and the fire family, shook his head slightly, and then his body flashed directly on the ring.

At this moment, Xiang Yang just took out a chair and sat on the top of his legs. He wanted to wait for the people of the fire family to sign the words and then started to work. As a result, no one cares about himself, which makes him feel very embarrassed.

Seeing the appearance of the sudden family of the fire family, Xiang Yang did not feel surprised, but said with a smile, "Is this the owner of the house is going to confiscate my desk and chair?"

Having said that, he did not move even when he was sitting. If the fire family owner really dared to accept his own table and chairs, Xiang Yang would pat the **** and leave. Anyway, the reward has already been obtained. I don’t have a grandfather, and I naturally stay in the place where I left.

"No, no, Xiaoyou misunderstood, I want to help the younger friend set a rule." Fire family leader Shaoling said with a smile.

"Hey, this is interesting." Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and after thinking about it, he already understood the meaning of the fire family's main fire Shaoling. He couldn't help but admire the fire family. This guy can become the owner of the fire family. Very extraordinary.

"I replaced the firefighter's juniors and promised the friend's request, but when they came to the stage to fight against Xiaoyou, they pressed ten pieces of the best fairy to bet. If they win, naturally, needless to say, the younger friends will not let them down. If it is lost, ten pieces of the best fairy are the little friends, I wonder if it is?"

Fire Shaoling smiled and said to Xiang Yang.

"of course can."

Xiangyang stood up and said with a smile. "I believe that even if these little guys depend on my account, the owner will not be willing to pay."

"of course."

The family of the fire family nodded, although they knew that the fire family would definitely lose money this time. However, within the fire family, there would be no shortage of refiners, even the masters of the refiners, and the best of them. It is not a rare thing, even if it is a thousand pieces of Xiangyang, the fire family can also take it out.

"Home, why give him a magic weapon?"

The face of the top 100 fire wolf said with a sly color.

"If you win, you can also get the bet that the little friend gave you. Do you have no confidence in yourself?" The fire family's main fire, Shaoling, gave him a glance.

"This... of course not."

The fire wolf naturally could not admit that he could not compare with Xiang Yang. He quickly shook his head and said, "I can naturally win him, but if I win, what should he bet?"

"I will bet on this sword."

Xiang Yang is too lazy to talk nonsense, directly take out a sword, it is his Qing Xuan sword, this sword is suspended in the air in front of him, there is a mighty sword swell out, making people in the place have eyes bright.

"This is the treasure that transcends the level of the best fairy."

Not only did the breathing of the younger generation of the fire family rush, but even the family and elders of the fire family changed their faces, and they were shocked.

The fire people do not lack the masters of refining, they can refine the best of the fairy, but there are very few to be able to refine the treasure beyond the level of the best fairy, after all, this is the treasure, even if the master wants to refine, There is also a small probability.

Not everyone has the luck of Xiangyang to get the best of luck, and the treasures like Qiankun and Zhiding are only one thing in chaos. Only Xiangyang can do everything, as long as there is With enough material, you can refine the magic of the corresponding level.

"Little friend, you are this..." The fire family's main body's shortness of breath, looking at Xiangyang, with an incomprehensible color.

"Nothing, if some of the juniors in the true realm of the fire family can win me, my Qingxuan sword is his, but among the fire people, is anyone my opponent?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang smiled and glanced at the elders of the fire-fighting fire family. They couldn’t help but smile and said, "It’s better. If you are elders, even the homeowners can do it. If the land of the fairy defeats me, my sword of the treasure is his."

His eyes looked at the strong people of the fire family, and he smiled in his heart. It is also good to make a fortune in the fire family. Moreover, Qing Xuanjian has already been exposed. Compared with him, Qing Xuanjian is only He has a relatively ordinary sword in his hand. He is not distressed even if he is gambling. Of course, the key is that he has invincible confidence in himself and knows that he is absolutely impossible to lose.

"All the people of the fire family can go to the end, as long as they can defeat him in the real world."

The elders of the fire family all blinked after listening to them, and each one had a feeling of eagerness to try.

"You, of course, if you are an elder, I think I am very likely to lose, so you can't just be a ten-piece genius, but you need twenty pieces of the best." Said the opening.

"Little friends, this is to let all of the fire people lose their light." The family of the fire family is very thorough. He is very clear about what Xiang Yang is doing in Wan Yao Tian Chau. It is not enough to teach these younger generations. When they even put their minds on these older generations, they could not help but smile.

"Come on, I want to challenge me to line up and write my own name. At the same time, I also need to find someone to help me collect the magic weapon." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"I will help you with the magic weapon."

Huo Mei quickly jumped up and said with a smile.

"Well, wow." It is the most appropriate thing to collect the magic weapon from the fire. After all, she is the little princess of the fire family. Her status is higher than that of the younger generation. I think these young ones. The true immortals of the generation do not dare not give her.

However, Xiang Yangsheng was afraid that the last time it happened, the fiery and fascinating thing was directly put into her own pocket after the fairy, but the vigilant confession of the fire. "After you charge, wait for the end of the war." I have to give it to me, I can’t take it for myself."

"Know it."

The fire is white and Xiangyang glances. She naturally knows that Xiang Yang is afraid that he will not give him as he did last time. At the same time, he is fascinated by the younger generation of the fireflies. "Come here, you start. Registering Ha, as long as there are ten best items, or treasures of comparable value, you can take them out, sign your own names one by one, and then hand over the fairy, you can wait in line to wait."

"Little princess, which side do you prefer?"

The fire wolf came to the front of the fiery, and asked with an ugly face.

"This girl does not help the pro, the people have already taken out the sincerity. You are the disciples of my fire family. Isn't there even a grasp of this victory?"

Fire and sneer and glanced at the fire wolf. "If you feel that you are not an opponent, don't register. Now you have time to step down, but you remember, people who want to play, now register, and then handed in I can't regret it after the magic weapon."


Xiang Yang and Huo Mei are clearly afraid that when they really start to work, Xiang Yang’s performance is too brave, so that everyone is frightened and afraid to play, so it is stipulated in advance that everyone must first The bet is taken out. As a result, everyone's magic weapon is also handed over. If you are on the court, you still have to hope to regain a game. If you don't come to power, it will be equivalent to giving Shi Xiang ten pieces of the best fairy.

However, at this time, they can also say that it is difficult to ride a tiger. If they do not come to power, they will be said that they are afraid. They absolutely do not believe that they will be weaker than Xiangyang.

Ever since, the fire wolf first said, "I will come first. However, I have not brought so many magic weapons on my body. Can I first keep accounts?"

"I don't know how to pay, I don't want to go to power without money." Xiang Yang waved and said.

"I really want to play, but if I don't bring enough fairy tools, I will first record it on the family's bill. After the end, the family will be given to the small friend." The fire family owner said generously.

"Thank you for your family."

Everyone in the fire family is full of happiness, but they also have doubts in their hearts. The words of the family owner seem to be not quite right. According to the meaning of the family, it seems that everyone is not Xiangyang’s opponent.

However, at this time, the fire family’s main fire, Shaoling, was too lazy to pay attention to this. Instead, he left the performance field directly. He really did not want to see the young people of his fire family being beaten by Xiangyang after spending the big price. The end of a game, then, the face of his fire family is really not very good-looking.

"You, start registering."

Huo Mei looked at Xiang Yang with his eyes. After obtaining the consent of Xiang Yang, he immediately started to register the fire wolf. Then, the people behind him jumped up to register their names.

At this moment, everyone has not taken out their own magic weapon, but decided to register the family treasures first. If they win, they can take Xiangyang’s treasure that surpasses the best of the best, if they lose. You can only let the family treasure house give Xiangyang first, and then they will find a way to return to the family.

"Well, everyone, since everything is ready, let's get started."

There are one hundred and seven people ready to fight with Xiangyang, and even seven are young people outside the top 100 of the fire family. They all look down on Xiangyang and think that they can defeat Xiangyang with their own strength. .

Of course, some people think that the people in front can defeat Xiangyang. They don't have to go to the stage to register in the back. They only register with the wind. This shows that they are not weaker than other peers.

For all of this, Xiang Yang is very happy. All of a sudden, it is more than a thousand pieces of the best fairy. In the bag, he feels that this is the best way to earn a magic weapon. I wonder if I should find a place. Put down the platform, and then put the Qingxuan sword out, let people come to the same realm challenge, so that I can estimate a lot.

"It's a good idea, I am so smart."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but boast of himself, and then he looked at the other elders of the fire family. He said with dissatisfaction, "Don't you want to go to power?"

The author Meng Yu said: begging for flowers... The last few hours have been exploded, not reconciled.

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