Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2634: You thief...

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“Do you really think we can be together?”

When Xiang Yang was very worried that the remaining true immortals would directly admit defeat, he listened to a hesitant voice and saw that one of the true fairy faces looked at himself with doubtful colors.

In these years, they are not the opponents of Xiangyang, but if everyone adds together, they can form a simple array. When they don’t worry, Xiangyang will attack them, and they will not be afraid of Xiangyang. Grab their magic weapon, they feel that with their strength, the possibility of winning is still very large.

But does Xiang Yang really give them the chance to join hands?

These true immortals all look at Xiang Yang with a strange color on their faces, and they always feel that Xiang Yang is not really good for them.

"Of course, I said, I am not really going to hit you, just to make you realize the cruelty of the Million Island, so this time, I will give you the opportunity to do your best. You can Together, the agglomeration method can display all the magic weapons on the body. I will wait for you to prepare, and when you reach the true peak, I will shoot again and let you realize that you are between the real and the strong. The gap also allows you to practice well during this time and find out your own deficiencies."

Xiang Yang looked excitedly at these true fairy sayings, "I believe that after you have a confrontation with me, you will definitely ponder your own deficiencies and then improve. When you really get on the battlefield, you will find that I bring you It’s not just the advancement of the nouns in the Million Chapel, but it’s more likely to save your life.”

The more he said, the more excited he was. The more he said, the more emotional he was. He only felt that his heart was very moved. He said that he had to finally harvest a wave. This time, the fire family is not worthy of this trip.

Thousands of pieces of the best fairy are still a super wealth for Xiang Yang. He thinks that the big family like the fire family is the big fat sheep. No matter how you kill it, you will not hurt yourself. Can rest assured...

"Well, this is what you said. If you lose, don't regret it."

These Zhenxian Tianjiao are all excited. They suddenly think that Xiangyang is really a good person. As Xiangyang said, everyone knows very well that they will lose after they lost with Xiangyang. I will think carefully about why I will lose to Xiangyang, so that I have a certain experience, and wait until the real battle in the Million Island, or even after the outside world goes out, conflict with people, they are all Very helpful.


However, when these six or seven real immortals were ready to rush to unite against Xiangyang, the fire cloud dragon on the other side realized that something was wrong. He shouted and looked at Xiangyang and others in a sullen look. The man beat him, and if he loses later, wouldn't I have to play?"

At first, he felt that there was nothing wrong with Xiang Yangxian's confrontation with the genius of the fire family. However, when these six or seven were ready to rush to confront Xiangyang, they found that something was wrong.

If Xiang Yang loses, then the one sword is the six or seven guys. What else is there?

Even if Xiang Yang generously played another game with him? The Excalibur is gone, and he has no effect even if he plays again.

"This one..."

These six or seven real immortals are not stupid. They look at the look of Huo Yunlong, and they understand that it is definitely the one that Shen Yunlong worried about his six or seven people robbing Xiangyang.

After they had been indulging for a while, they exchanged voices with each other. One of the openings said, "The original challenge is only a one-on-one challenge. Since we are united to challenge Xiangyang, this has already violated the regulations, whether it is winning or losing. We will not want the one sword of Xiangyang, nor is it a real challenge."

"This way..."

After the fire cloud dragon listened, he was relieved. He looked at these brothers with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with the practices of these people. He thought about it, and later he would develop himself, and he would also pull one of his brothers. Everyone is a tribe of the fire family, and usually these people are headed by themselves, and they respect themselves for everything, and they have to give them some benefits.

In particular, when the fire cloud dragon looked at the sacred sword that was surpassed by the top of the celestial level by Xiang Yang, he felt very excited and had a kind of heart. This sword has already been It is his feeling.

"This is the first treasure sword in my life. Just let me warm up some years. When I achieve the day of Xianzun, it is the time when this sword becomes the treasure of the day. At that time, this is my card. Daobao, Xiang Yang, I want to thank you for sending me this soldier."

At the same time as Huo Yunlong thought, the whole person was already ignorant.

"Come here, come up."

Xiang Yang did not know that Huo Yunlong had thought very far at this time. He smiled and waved at other people. Suddenly, these six or seven real immortals all fell on their backs, and then they leaned back against each other. The color of vigilance looked at Xiang Yang, fearing that Xiang Yang would attack them.

"Don't be nervous, I have said that I will give you time to prepare. When you put all the magic weapons out, you will never lie to you when you put your own strength to the peak."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"it is good."

These six or seven people were relieved. They were really afraid of being cheated by Xiangyang. They had not had time to prepare them. They were sneaked by Xiangyang one by one. When they were released, they were six or seven. The top ten realists of the fire class were defeated by Xiang Yang together, and their reputation could really fall into the trough. Fortunately, Xiang Yang was not so shameless.

“Actually, others are still good.”

One of them whispered.

"Come on the strongest force and then form the formation. Right, what method do we need?" One of them, the second-ranked guy, asked.

"Do we have a battle?"

After listening to these people, all of them were paralyzed. At this time, they realized that they originally wanted to form a formation to deal with Xiangyang, but they did not cooperate with each other in practice. First, that is to say, although they have come together, they can only fight alone.

"Then try to cooperate with each other and exert the strongest strength to attack him. He is not saying that it is better to wait until we are going to show the peaks. Anyway, if we come together, there will be no face, then we will lose face. How about one at a time? One by one, you can show your big moves directly."

One of them is the voice.

"it is good."

Ever since, all these people have reached an agreement, and they watched Xiangyang one by one, and began to sacrifice all their secret treasures. At the same time, they were afraid that they would be attacked by Xiangyang, not only wearing the best fairy. The level of the Serie A, also removed other defensive magic weapons, some are defense shields, some are small clocks, all kinds of.

Moreover, they not only have the best fairy, but even the magic weapon of the upper class is also displayed by them.

Obviously, this time, they really listened to Xiang Yang’s words and used their full strength. It’s really a fight with Xiang Yang.

"This time, we are fully committed, no matter whether we win or lose."

"Yes, as long as there is nothing wrong with the heart, as he said, maybe it will make us gain something."

"Ha ha ha, Xiang Xiong, regardless of the outcome of this battle, I would like to thank you for letting us know what the real true fairy peak is like. I hope that you will also try your best to let us know your true strength."


These six or seven true fairy arrogant faces are full of excitement, their eyes look at Xiangyang, the heart gives gratitude to Xiangyang, because they want to really see the strength of Xiangyang.

Every practitioner is arrogant, just as they are the top arrogance of the fire family. They are the strong ones selected by the fire people from the million people. They represent extraordinary things. Even if they know that they are not opponents, they must fight with Xiang Yang.


With the sound of a roaring sound, I saw that these Tianjiao all burst into a horrible atmosphere, and the magic weapon of the body was absorbing the energy, as if they had broken through their own cultivation and became the great powerhouse. Generally, one by one is proud of one side.

Moreover, these six or seven people all released their own rules of the Da Luo. Although they did not control the four Da Luo rules and condensed the king of the king, they also understood the three rules. For a time, the avenue of the boulevard is pervasive, and the powerful energy changes qualitatively, causing the space around the ring to be distorted.

"Their strength has really exceeded the limits of this performance."

The elders of the fire family frowned slightly, flexing their fingers, and an energy rushed out of his hand. They fell directly on the platform and turned into a mask to hold the ring, making it all because of the six or seven people. The eruption of energy and the crumbling downfall suddenly supported it.

"The strength of all of you is much more powerful than the previous ones, and even this downfall can't stand it."

Seeing the energy released by these seven people can actually shake the downfall, so that the fire elders elders will be able to stabilize the collapse, Xiang Yang could not help but reveal the color of praise.


Xiang Yang’s discourse was another turn. He blinked and watched everyone have at least three pieces of the best, and he was very excited.

"But what?"

There is a true fairy asked.

"However, I should still thank you."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh.


These six or seven people have already brewed their own momentum to the peak, but when they listened to Xiang Yang, they should thank them. For a while, they suddenly stopped and didn't know what it was.

"Nothing is nothing, you continue."

Xiang Yang waved his hand and felt that since he had promised that they would let them release their strongest power, they couldn’t tell them a cruel fact now. So, smile and hold hands, watching all these people The power of oneself has been released to the peak, burning flames one by one, just like a small volcano, but Xiang Yang is motionless.

"What does he mean by this? Don't want to fight?"

"Or, he just doesn't put us in the eye?"


These people have incomprehensible colors on their faces. They originally thought that when they waited for the momentum to reach their peak, they would kill Xiangyang, but they saw that Xiangyang stood still, for a moment. They are embarrassed to take the shot.


However, at this time, I saw a cold flash in the eyes of Xiang Yang, and the whole person suddenly stood up straight, as if they had changed their appearance, making their faces change.

"not good."

When they realized that something was not right, Xiang Yang had disappeared in the same place. At the same time, Xiang Yang’s figure appeared directly in front of one of the true fairy arrogances. It happened that the guy was a local tyrant with four pieces of the best. After the appearance of Yang, there was a sword in the middle of the wave, and a sword smashed down. In an instant, thousands of swords broke out.

"Well, I am going to be there for a while."

After the guy saw it, it was a big joy, bursting out of his strongest power, driving the magic weapon above his head and pressing against Xiangyang.


However, at this moment, when Xiang Yang’s sword gas broke out, it seemed as if a breeze had flown in the same direction. This guy suddenly felt that he was not quite right. His original source of energy was constantly injected into the magic weapon. Suddenly Interrupted, not the energy was cut off, but all his magic weapons disappeared silently at this moment.

"this is..."

He looked at his head, and the best fairy that he intended to directly suppress Xiangyang also disappeared. And at this moment, there seemed to be a breeze blowing, and he suddenly felt himself. A little bit of two, look carefully, found that he was wearing a big pants, and the one of the best fairy-class geniuses was also missing.

Not only that, but also the one that was originally caught in the hands, it is also gone, all the magic weapons, one is not left.


He was crazy, but he did not expect that all the magic weapons in his body had disappeared in this blink of an eye, and he was suddenly stolen in his hands.

"You thief, still my magic weapon."

The guy's eyes were red, and even the supernatural powers couldn't be used for display. The whole person rushed toward Xiangyang, as if he had to fight with Xiangyang.

At this moment, this guy is only wearing a pair of pants, so he rushed over. Fortunately, Xiang Yang is not a big beauty. Otherwise, he will doubt that this guy is trying to do something unnamed.

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