Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2635: Go together

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"Man, don't be like this, it's useless if you take it off, I don't like you."

Xiang Yang’s face was full of serious colors. At the same time, he kicked out and directly flew the guy out of the ring, and then his body instantly disappeared into place.

At the same time, when his figure reappeared, it was split into two, and appeared in front of two Tianjiao true fairy, and the sword in his hand broke out with powerful power and rushed toward them.


This sword, it seems that Xiang Yang wants to kill them all in general, with a meaningless sword, seems to be able to cut the entire fairy world, so that these two people are dignified and their breathing is stagnant.


Then, the two men roared, and at the same time, other people also screamed and rushed toward Xiangyang with their own magic weapon.

For a time, the remaining six true fairy peaks, each offering their own magic weapon, with the strongest force to the Xiangyang bombing, all kinds of magic weapons flying, powerful energy rolling.

"This time see how you escaped our attacks."

"Even if Da Luo Xianjun came, he would be killed by us. I hope that you can live a life."

After seeing one of the six companions on the stage, they were counted by Xiang Yang, and they no longer have any mercy on Xiang Yang. Even if they feel that they are so full of killing the past, they may kill Xiang Yang. They can't take care of them, as long as they can defeat Xiang Yang, even if they destroy Xiang Yang, they don't care.

"It's not good. If it is really bombarded, even the king of the four kings of Dalu will be injured and dying, not to mention Xiang Yang. Although his strength is very strong, he will certainly not be able to block it."

Among the elders, the faces of the elders changed. Although they wanted to let Xiangyang lose, they did not want Xiangyang to be killed.

"What should I do now?"

All the elders will look at the elders. At this moment, the energy of the elders has protected the downfall, and whether or not to protect Xiangyang from the thought of the elders.

"I don't think he will be so easy to do so."

The elders said quietly.

He hesitated, after all, did not do it, because he also wanted to see how Xiangyang was defeated by the elites of the fire family. It is really that Xiang Yang was too strong in the face of these elites of the fire family. In this way, the younger generation of the fire family was all settled by Xiang Yang, and it was definitely not good for the reputation of the fire family.


When he hesitated, the attack of the six best fairy devices had fallen on Xiang Yang. However, it is shocking that when these attacks fell on Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang’s body suddenly chose one. The vortex makes all the attacks fall into the whirlpool, and instantly disappears into the invisible. Of course, these magic weapons disappear at the same time.

At this moment, the connection between these six Tianjiao and their magic weapon was interrupted instantly. Their faces changed greatly and exclaimed. "No, he grabbed our magic weapon again."

"Don't let the magic weapon touch him closely, and the pressure of our usage treasure will kill him far away."

"Use the sword."


When they yelled at the same time, they had already acted, and they activated other magic weapons one by one. For a time, not only did the skyfire pour down toward Xiangyang, but also the infinite swords and swords, etc. all killed to Xiangyang. .

"The ability to adapt is good."

Xiang Yang smiled softly, regardless of the energy that he attacked himself. Instead, he stared at the two people in front of him. Just because he was too fast, he directly displayed the method of shadowing and splitting. Two people, now can't do it. Now his avatar has dissipated, leaving only one person.

His hand stretched out and grabbed it directly toward one of them, and he still grabbed it with the sword of the sword that had come to him.

"Are you crazy?"

When the guy saw it, he showed an incredible color. In his heart, he was overjoyed. He couldn’t think that the person who got a blood in this ring would kill him.

He smirked and couldn't wait to laugh at him. He felt that Xiang Yang was too stupid, and he had to fight against his own best weapon with flesh and blood.

At the same time, his sword has already erupted the strongest power, and even he roared, "Heavenly swords, kill me."

For a time, the fire broke out, the flames and swords were merged together, and there was no power to run. This guy was the true fairy tales of the fire family. When the power suddenly broke out, even Da Luoxianjun came. I dare not face up.

After Xiang Yang met, it was a strange color in his eyes. For a long time, these people of the fire family gave him a little weak performance. He felt that the fire family’s arrogance was not true. Now, after seeing the true strength of this guy, he finally It feels a bit interesting.

"I am determined by the power of your sword."

Xiang Yang declared very seriously. "All the magic weapons in your body, I will not leave it to you. The greatest cruelty to the enemy is the kindness to yourself. It is also the way to make you understand the cruelty of the enemy. I am this. Teaching you."


While talking, his hand has already passed through a lot of obstacles and appeared in front of the other side. The swords and the skyfire can not cause any harm to his hand, even he feels warm and tolerant. Can't help but say, "comfortable..."


Xiang Yang’s opponent, the Tianjiao of Zhenxian’s peak, was able to pass through his own attack simply and rudely by seeing Xiang Yang’s hand. He suddenly felt uncomfortable in front of himself and suddenly heard Xiang Yang’s magicality. When he heard the sound, he suddenly stayed a little bit.


However, he did not wait for him to guess what was wrong with Xiang Yang. He saw that Xiang Yang’s hand had been extended, and he directly grasped his Jianfeng, and then forced it with force. Suddenly, there was a horrible creation and power. When it broke out, it instantly sealed all the forces on his body.

In the blink of an eye, he couldn’t even move the whole person.

Xiang Yang is slow and collects the sword of the best fairy level in his hand, and then knocks down the fairy on his body. There are other magic weapons, one is not left, even this guy The storage ring on the hand is almost stunned by Xiang Yang. Unfortunately, the storage ring is connected to the other party's flesh and blood, unless Xiang Yang cuts off the other's finger, otherwise, it is really impossible to kneel down. Can only be awkward.



At the rear, the attack of other people has arrived, and Xiang Yang’s body shape flashed, and the whole person disappeared instantly, leaving only the guy who was sealed by him to face those attacks. Of course, Xiang Yang did not forget to put the guy’s The seal is untied, otherwise it is murder.

"You stop and miss the wrong person."

This guy turned pale, not knowing that it was frightened by Xiang Yang after stealing all the magic weapons, or was scared because he saw these attacks falling toward him.

While he was squatting, the guys who attacked him in the rear were equally embarrassed, because Xiang Yang had disappeared in front of their eyes, and their attacks were originally targeted at sex, so that is equivalent to They are their own people, but they want to close their hands, and they can only watch their attacks fall toward the guy.


That guy is dumbfounded, desperate, and he has five powerful attacks, all of which are energy attacks, and five out of the arrogance that are not weaker than themselves, absolutely no weaker than him, if it is really bombarded In the middle, he must have been dead.

"Do not..."

He exclaimed, his body shape wants to retreat, but these five attacks have shouted the power of ban, making him unable to dodge, seeing, these attacks are enough to divide his five horses, everyone can not help but close The eyes.

"Don't you, are you all fools, do you beat yourself?"

Even the fire cloud dragon under the stage can not help but scream.

However, it didn't work. These attacks couldn't be controlled by them. The five guys were also desperate. Because they tried their best, they were ready to let go. Who would have thought that Xiang Yang was so cunning.

"My life is resting."

The unlucky one only feels that the whole person is desperate. If he still has a defensive magic weapon, he will surely block a wave of attacks with his best weapon-level defensive magic weapon. Even if it is a fairy, it can also block it. The attack is not to die, but the key is that all his magic weapons have been taken away by Xiang Yang, and even the best fairy level of the body is also smashed down. He only wears a pair of pants. There is no way to defend at all.

However, at this time, when everyone thought that he could not block it and was to be bombarded, suddenly, the disappearing Xiangyang, which had disappeared, reappeared.

Xiang Yang appeared in front of this guy, shaking his head and sighing and said, "You are so stupid, you just have to scream and admit defeat."


After that, Xiang Yang flew the guy out directly, and at the same time turned himself to face these attacks.

At this moment, the remaining five saw Xiang Yang unexpectedly sent to the door to face their attack, they all showed excitement, could not help but look at Xiang Yang happy, "Great, this Once you find yourself dead, you can't blame us."

"You, do you think that I have been fighting against you in various deceptive ways, so that you feel that my strength is just normal?"

However, at this time, when they thought that Xiang Yang would either be killed by their attack, or they would run, they saw that Xiang Yang not only did not run, but rushed into their energy, and at the same time, Xiang Yang’s voice. Passed over.


When they didn't have time to think about what Xiangyang meant, they saw a **** glow on Xiang Yang, who had crashed into their attack. It was unmatched blood, and Xiang Yang’s body reached A very terrible degree can really be displayed.

Their attack, although bombarded in Xiang Yang's body, but Xiang Yang's blood gas has formed the strongest defense around Xiang Yang, making them attacked after bombardment, as if bombarded on the defensive treasure, even unable to confront Xiang Yang Cause any damage.

At this moment, they are dumbfounded.

"this is..."

"He used his own blood to form a defensive shield. Did he use this method to block us?"

"God, this is his real strength. In fact, he is not afraid of our joint efforts. His body has really reached a very terrible level."


All five of these masters were paralyzed, and the bottom was originally very unhappy because they were defeated by Xiangyang. They felt that Xiang Yang was using his intrigues to defeat them. They all widened their eyes and felt their hearts tremble.

"Xiang Yang is awesome, you are the best."


However, in this shock, there were a few very happy voices coming from under the stage. It was a fiery voice. This little girl didn’t know when to sneak around the little blood and watched Xiangyang’s exhibition. At the time, she was very happy to pat her hand with the little blood.

"Your sister, little princess, which side are you standing on?"

These true celestial beings of the fire family are all smashed. If only those people around Xiangyang do this, then you are a little princess who is a real fire-fighting family. You see that your own people are so miserable, even Still don't care, but very excited, shouting Xiangyang is great...

"Although his body did not engrave the rules of the Dalu to achieve the true body of the great Luo, but it has been tempered to such a terrible degree, saying that his current body is the body of the king of the immortal."

"How does he age a hundred true immortals how to temper the body to such an extent?"

"..." The elders of the firemen on the elders all showed a dignified color. Although they did not see that the body of Xiangyang was terrible at first, but at this time, they saw the blood of Xiangyang. The force condensed, and it was able to block the attack of five real immortals, which made them have to shock.

No matter what, at this moment, Xiang Yang was attacked by these people, stepping forward toward the front, and came to the crowd in the blink of an eye. The thick blood on his body dissipated, but his face looked with a serious color. These five masters.

"You, I know that you are not willing. If this is the case, I will give you the opportunity to take the shots. I will also take the shot. However, the end of your loss is that all your magic weapons are for me."


After that, Xiang Yang’s whole person broke out with a arrogant breath, and instantly slammed into one of the real fairy.

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