Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2636: illegitimate child?

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“Say good, give us the opportunity to do our best?”

These guys were angry, especially the guy who was eyeing Xiangyang, but he was also bitter in his heart. However, when he saw Xiangyang rushing toward him, he also rushed out and yelled. "How can you be so powerful?" It’s just a fairy, I don’t believe how strong you can be.”

While shouting, his hand broke out with powerful power, and a pair of superb fairy-level gloves were worn by him. Then, the two fists shot together, and the horrible power exploded to Xiangyang.

"This pair of gloves is good, suitable for my big sister Chen Menglong."

After Xiang Yang saw it, it was the eyes shining, could not help but laughed aloud, punched out, and the bare hand punched on the opponent's fist.


Suddenly, the guy’s bones smashed and the sound of this guy’s tears fell out. He didn’t expect Xiangyang’s strength to be so strong. He could even pass him through his best fairy-level gloves. The hand was shattered, and, not only was it blasted, but his two fists instantly turned into powder, which he could not forget for a lifetime.

Although the real fairy has been able to live and die, it will take some time for the world to re-grow his hands.

At this time, after Xiang Yang took the two gloves away, he saw the guy’s hands smashed, his face was embarrassed, waved his hand, and a force of creation broke out, instantly blending into the guy’s hands. Among them, suddenly, the guy’s already shattered hands returned to normal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Sorry, it hurts you, but now it's alright, it's okay, you can give me all the magic weapons and go down."

At the same time as Xiang Yang said, the speed of his hand was very fast. All of the magic weapons on this guy were all smashed down at once, and then they immediately shocked the guy and flew out of the ring.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang smiled and turned his head to the other masters, laughing and saying, "You, it's your turn."


At this moment, Xiang Yang did not stop at all, and while screaming at the same time, he ignored the killings of several people. He appeared in front of these people in an instant, holding a sword of the best fairy level in his right hand, sweeping a sword with his hand. In the past, a pair of swordsmanship was pulled through the void, as if there was a glimmer of light in the darkness, and it seemed as if it could open the ground and instantly turn all the attacks of these people into invisible.

Then, Xiangyang’s speed did not stop at all, and the fairy sword was thrown out in his hand, his hands licking his sword and whispering, “Wan Jian cage.”


At the same time as his law was finished, he heard a roar, and the sword in his hand suddenly morphed into tens of thousands of identical swords, trapping the remaining few people.

"No... this is..."

The faces of these people have changed greatly. They can be seen as the masters of these peaks. It is natural to see that the power of these swords is unmatched. If they do not move, it’s fine. If they move, I’m afraid they will be instantly The infinite sword light cut becomes countless pieces.

At this moment, several of them were all stunned and did not dare to move. They looked at Xiangyang in a dull moment. They only felt that their own minds had countless grass and mud horses running wildly, and could not help but scream, "This is not fair."

"Oh, not fair?"

Xiang Yang sneered a sigh of relief, and his mind was moved. The siege of these people was all rotated. Suddenly, the horrible energy burst out, and all the energy of several people was sealed in an instant. They couldn’t even speak. At that time, Xiang Yang smiled and looked at a few people and said, "You, thank you, you know, you know that you will be scared and will not come to power, even if you are on the stage, you dare not take out the magic weapon, such a Come, I don't have any spoils, so I will allow you to deal with me together. Of course, I am still very kind. I really taught you to let you know the sinister heart, so that you will know from the battlefield. What should I do to better protect myself, but now, haha, it’s time for me to harvest."

As Xiang Yang said at the same time, the speed of his hands and feet was very fast. He took all the treasures of these people down very arbitrarily, and then he dropped these people down the platform and then put away the one. Xianjian, patted the clothes on his body, and screamed at the stunned fire cloud dragon. "Man, it's your turn."

At this time, the fire cloud dragon that originally wanted to go to the stage against the Xiangyang suddenly did not want to go on stage. When he saw the siege of the strong man in the face of Xiangyang, he did not even have a rule of Da Luo. When you show it, you can easily crack the attack of these seven people. He understands that Xiang Yang is truly strong and strong, even if he does not understand the four Da Luo rules as he himself. I am afraid that the combat effectiveness is definitely not weaker than myself.

"My advantage is the field of Xianwang, the ancestral home records, it is extremely difficult to understand the field of Xianwang in the real fairyland. I specially invited the invincible Xianwang to help me, with a powerful force to suppress all the rules of Dalu. Forced to merge it together, and finally become the field of Xianwang, I will not believe, he will also understand the field of Xianwang, perhaps, he is a refining pseudo-Duo Luo who has not even understood the rules of the Da Luo."

Huo Yunlong’s heart is talking to himself. Although he feels that Xiang Yang’s strength is so powerful, it’s a bit weird. However, at this moment, he has regained his confidence, and his figure flew up to the ring, carrying his hands and looking at Xiang Yang, proudly Said, "Xiang brother, your strength is indeed very strong, Yunlong admire."

"In this case, are you still playing?"

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at him.

"Nature wants to fight." Huo Yunlong looked at Xiang Yang with a serious look. "We will learn from each other, regardless of life or death. Only one outcome will be won. No matter what the outcome is in the ring, I am willing to pay you this time. friend."

While talking, he looked at Xiang Yang with a sincere color on his face. "I don't know if the brothers are willing to pay me this friend?"

He said very sincere, his heart is secretly laughing, he is the first day of arrogance of the younger generation of the fire, the future is destined to become the second invincible fairy king or even beyond the existence of the invincible fairy king of today, to His own identity has taken the initiative to put down his body and make friends with Xiang Yang. Xiang Yang will be very happy.

"Hey, do you want to meet my peers?"

After Xiang Yang listened, it was a strange color on his face.

"Does the brothers think that I am not worthy of your identity? Everyone is the real fairyland. I am the first of the true people in the fire, and I have already realized the realm of the fairy king. I believe in the real fairy. Few people are rivals. There is no fairy king in the world that I can't meet with my peers." Huo Yunlong frowned at Xiangyang.

At the same time, he was very proud of his heart, because he called Huo Yunlong, and he rushed to these three words. He felt that he could definitely walk in the central fairy city of the oriental fairyland, if he said that he would like to be true. If the masters of the immortals meet with each other, who will refuse in the entire Eastern Tianyu? Who feels that they are not worthy of each other?

"No, no, you misunderstood. I also think that you can understand the field of Xianwang very well in the real fairyland. However, I think if you want to meet with my peers, you should first ask my big sister to disagree." Xiang Yanghehe smiled and waved his hand.

"Your big sister?"

The fire cloud dragon smashed, and felt that Xiang Yang was a problem with his head. He wanted to make a relationship with Xiang Yang. He even asked Xiang Yang’s big sister if he wanted to agree.

Others say that they want to ask their wife or Laozi to disagree, but when they go to Xiangyang, it seems that his big sister is higher than Xiangyang’s status, as if Xiangyang is still being controlled by his big sister.

"As a true master, I was still being controlled by my own big sister. This kind of person, I actually disdain to make friends with him." Huo Yunlong thought about it, but remembered that Xiang Yang was invited by his family. If you want to defeat Xiangyang later, you must not use such a proud look. Otherwise, Xiang Yang at this moment represents the face of the fire family. To some extent, if you are playing the project, It is equal to the face of the family.

Ever since, Huo Yunlong could only endure the unhappiness in his heart and asked Xiang Yang, "Who is your big sister? Call him over, I asked him if he agreed with me to meet with the brothers."


Xiang Yang lightly coughed a few times, and was preparing to say the name of the invincible fire. Just at this time, the invincible fire was ready for the materials that Xiang Yang had prepared for him, and he was preparing to find Xiang Yang to help him arrange the formation. He stepped in.

After Xiang Yang met, he was happy. I just thought of Cao Cao. Cao Cao arrived. The timing of the invincible big scorpion is really right. He directly waved at the invincible fire. "Invincible big scorpion, come over."

"This guy is a master of the true fairy peak, and the strength is so strong, even so timid, can not become a big climate, I have met with his peers, I am too disadvantaged, but, in order to make the home happy A little bit, even if I let me down, how about?"

When the invincible fire has not yet appeared, Huo Yunlong still sighs in his heart. The more he thinks, the more he feels that Xiang Yang is not qualified to let him get in touch.

However, the next second, Xiang Yang screamed at the invincible fire, shouting 'invincible big scorpion', he suddenly stunned. "What situation? Invincible big scorpion? His scorpion's name is invincible, how The same name as the invincible fairy king?"

"I am looking for you."

Invincible fire has long been screamed by Xiang Yang all day, shouting invincible big scorpion, and now I saw Xiang Yang swaying at himself. He didn’t think about it, he jumped directly to the ring and blinked. Xiangyang, "What are you looking for?"

Originally, when the fire was invincible, Xiangyang was very tired. However, this time Xiangyang arranged a huge array of methods on his fairy island, and even quoted the mysterious energy connection in the inheritance of Dong Tianxian Wang to practice him. The time that allowed him to break through to the fairyland can be shortened indefinitely. In addition, he wants Xiangyang to help him arrange the formation. At this moment, he does not give Xiangyang any bad face.

"The big blind you are coming, this brother is looking for you."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and pointed to the fire cloud dragon who stood on the opposite side and was already invincible by fire.


Huo Yunlong looked silly and looked at his invincible fire. He knew very well that this person is indeed the heir to the future homeowner of the family. He is known as the invincible fairy king, and he has an invincible fire.

However, Xiang Yang also said that if he had to meet with Xiang Yang's peers, he had to ask Xiang Yang's big sister-in-law. Who can think of it? Xiang Yang's big scorpion turned out to be invincible.

your sister.

What do you say directly about your big sister is the invincible fairy king? You must also say that your big sister, are you not intentionally going to harm me?

At this moment, Huo Yunlong felt as if he had been smashed by countless heads of wild and wild animals, with a bitter color on his face, whispering, "I, I..."

What should be said later, he really can't say it, although the invincible face of the fire is calm, but he feels that his legs have begun to tremble.

"Invincible big scorpion, this kid knows that you are my big scorpion, I want to meet my peers, I want to ask you, which guy is your uncle?"

Xiang Yang smiled and said invincible to the fire.


Huo Yunlong was so trembling that he was shaking, his face was pale, and he almost fainted on the spot. He was so pitiful. He really didn’t know that the invincible fire was the big scorpion in Xiangyangkou. If he knew, how could he have such an idea? How can you dare to meet with Xiangyang's peers?

He stared at Xiang Yang and looked at the calm fire invincible. He only felt that the whole person was shaking.


He knows that he was distorted by Xiang Yang. If he was misunderstood by the invincible fairy king, he would not even have to open the invincible fairy king. The elders on the elders would directly abolish themselves.

Although Huo Yunlong has always vowed that he can become the second invincible fairy king, but who does not know, this is simply impossible.

From the appearance of the fire family, there is only one invincible fairy king, from the time of birth, there is invincible gas, so it is called invincible, and what is his fire cloud dragon?

Huo Yunlong knows that Xiang Yang is definitely intentional, but he has no way to deal with Xiang Yang. If he already knows that Xiang Yang is invincible and has this relationship, how can he find his own death? Yang knotted it.

However, he is very confused in his heart, fire invincible is the big scorpion of Xiang Yang, then what is the identity of Xiang Yang?

At this moment, he felt a deep shock. He only felt that he had discovered what the secrets of the day were. He finally understood that the family of the fire family would let Xiang Yang participate in the war, and it is said that it cost a great price. I will come to Xiang Yang.

If he is really the owner of the fire family... illegitimate child, then what do I fight with him?

The fire cloud dragon was shocked and thought, and the heart had already given birth to a retreat.

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