Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2648: That river

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"Don't ask Xianzun?"

Xiang Yang temporarily let go of the lotus soul, and looked at the masked female fairy of Yulia and Yuliqin. For this female fairy, Xiang Yang did not figure out the other side is really saving Yulia. And Yuliqin, before using the two women and so on, he did not have any maliciousness to the other party, but it is not possible to be too good for the other party.

"She is called Baihua soul, it is my counter-attack, and there is anti-bone behind the brain. The younger brother must be careful of her." However, the female fairy has not yet opened, and the lotus soul has already sneered.

"Do I let you speak?" Xiang Yang looked coldly at the lotus soul.


When the lotus soul saw Xiangyang’s cold look, her face suddenly changed. After a few deep breaths, she said to Xiang Yang, “My brother missed me, but my sister really likes my brother. Just don't want to be hurt by this counter."

"You will say a word again, I will let you know what the end of the mouth is."

Xiang Yang sneered a little, his eyes did not have the slightest feelings, so that the lotus soul could no longer be loaded, but quickly shut up and whispered, "I don't talk."

Xiang Yang gave her a look, and she never dared to speak again.

Then, Xiang Yangcai looked at the female fairy, the flower of the hundred flowers.

The Baihua Soul has never spoken yet. Until now, when she saw that Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the lotus soul, she only sipped her lips and whispered. "She has already said, my name is Baihua Soul, I used to be her disciple. However, later, after I learned about the activities of Baihuagu, I went back to the division and had another chance to become the realm of Xianzun. It was just that the lotus soul did not give up, and always led people to chase me, even wanting to I sold it."

Xiang Yang nodded, and with his powerful soul power, he was able to clearly sense that this hundred flower soul did not lie.

The powerful and unparalleled role of the soul is manifested at this time. With the powerful soul of Xiang Yang, although it lacks the corresponding masters of the holy master, it is impossible to permanently exert the power of the soul to attack. Others, however, can clearly distinguish whether the other party is true or false.

"Hundreds of flowers and souls, dare to ask how you know Yulia and Yuliqin?"

Xiang Yang asked again.

While asking, his eyes are fixed on the flowers of the flowers, no matter what, no matter how much the other party's cultivation has reached, as long as he is under his eyes, he believes that the other party is not even a fairy. speak.

"They are the two little slaves I bought at the Black Iron Auction. I was so sad because I saw them crying at the auction. I remembered that when I was a child, I couldn’t bear to buy them. It was originally I was planning to let them follow the tea that I was drinking at my side. Later, I found that their physique is very suitable for my inheritance, so they were accepted as registered disciples." Baihua soul did not conceal these situations, directly put everything Tell Xiang Yang.

She can already see through that comfortable big bed. Xiang Yang must have something to do with the two women. She was fortunate in her heart. She saw that these two gimmicks were poor, bought them, and then accepted them as registered disciples. Now it seems that his good deeds have to become their own life-saving straw.

"Good." Xiang Yang nodded and said directly to the two immortals who were obsessed with the soul of the flowers. "Please also let the two put a hundred flowers and souls."


The two Xianzun have already received the instructions of Wang Biren. At this moment, after hearing the words of Xiang Yang, they quickly released the Baihua Soul and respected her, and lifted all her bans, enabling her to possess the power of Xianzun.

"Thank you."

Hundreds of flowers and souls looked at Xiang Yang with a grateful color on his face.

"The two sisters Yulia and Yuliqin are the little sisters I met in the lower world. I also found them in the billboards of the Black Iron Auction, but when I rushed over, they have been You bought it."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "Fortunately, it was you who bought her at the time. Otherwise, I might have been guilty for a lifetime because I missed them."

"Maybe it's all fate."

The Baihua Soul Xianzun also sighs. His cause of the day, the fruit of today, can be said to be the most suitable for her.

"Since the Lotus Soul is your master, how does Baihuaxianzhao plan to deal with her?" Xiang Yang asked.

"I have long had nothing to do with her." Baihua soul with a cold color on his face, cold voice, "In that year, after I practiced the fairy, just like the moment I sold it to others, I I have already been with her, and since then I have nothing to do with Baihua Valley."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and looked at the lotus soul. The latter was scared and pale. But after seeing the cold eyes of the flower, the lotus soul was even more angry. "Hey, you remember that you also The poor worm that was bought by the aging mother from the black iron auction, do you think that you can beat the aging mother by the things you do? If it is not the aging mother, you have already been killed, how could there be today, you want Give me the righteousness, hahaha, do you think you can do it? You haven’t repaid the old lady’s kindness, even if you get the inheritance, you can’t achieve higher achievements, hahaha..”

"The cause and effect, you will always be holding your conscience, so that you can not break through."

While the lotus soul is talking, she laughs happily. Although her cultivation has not reached the level of Da Luo’s eight heavens or even the nine heavens, she knows that some people who practice to the highest level need all the cause and effect. Can truly achieve unscrupulous breakthroughs.

After the flower of the flower, the brow was wrinkled. As the lotus soul said, because of the reason of her practice, it is now the limit to break through the big seven heavens. If I want to make another breakthrough, Must start from the lotus soul, but the cause and effect.

"It turned out to be."

After Xiang Yang listened, his face showed a light smile and said to the lotus soul. "In fact, you don't know that there are still a number of methods of causality."

"what way?"

When the lotus soul saw Xiang Yang’s face with a faint smile, the heart had already raised a bad feeling.

"That is, killing you, letting you completely dissipate in the heavens and the world. Of course, the so-called gods and gods are not completely dissipated. There is still a trace, and I killed you. There is no trace of traces that you have."

Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"No..." After the lotus soul listened, it turned his face.

Regardless of disregard of Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang directly sighed. "In fact, if you don't show the revenge of revenge on the little blood, I still don't bother to kill you, but you dare to show resentment to my people. I know, you can't keep it."

"No, no, I don't, I don't dare, I can't do anything about her, spare me..."

The face of the lotus soul changed greatly, and he quickly asked for mercy.


However, her voice for mercy has not yet fallen, and she saw Xiang Yang pointing out, and a black flame emerged directly from his fingers and instantly fell on the lotus soul.

"No, this is what the flame, no, no... let me go....ah..."

The lotus soul screams, this black flame instantly engulfs her, even if he is the fairy of the seven heavens in the big Luo, in the face of this flame, there is no resistance at all, blink of an eye It has been turned into fly ash.


At the same time, Xiang Yang squeezed a law with both hands, and there was a force of the soul spreading out. With a low-pitched sound, the only true spirit of the lotus soul, which should have disappeared into the void, disappeared into time and space. However, at this moment, it was directly crushed by the powerful soul of Xiang Yang.

Not only that, Xiang Yang relied on the power of a powerful and unparalleled soul, he looked up and looked at the void above, this time, he actually saw a different place.

There is a long river that exudes a magical and strange atmosphere. His head is flowing in the void. There seem to be countless waves and splashes. Every wave has a very strange atmosphere. It seems that a drop of water is a world, a flower. The spray is a chaotic general.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang’s breathing was soaring, his face changed greatly, and the whole person was shocked. He looked at the long river at the top of his head. However, he did not wait for him to see it carefully because of the true meaning of the lotus soul. After the spirit was destroyed, this long river disappeared.

"Is this time and space, or the fate of the river? Or what else? Is it true that after the death of any creature in the world, is the last glimpse of the true spirit immersed in this long river? Only when someone dies, it will Is it manifested?"

Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked. Even if he was able to compare with the sacred powers with his soul power, he just barely saw a little bit, but could not see clearly where the long river came from, and he was going to rogue. Where to go.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar in the Promise of Immortality directly appeared a sense of consciousness, which was the temporary injection of Xiang Yang. The first demon avatar directly found the Xiaoling and Laowan who are in the process of refining the body of the body. .

"I just saw a long river outside, and there are endless waves of slaps. According to my point of view, it seems that every drop of water is a world. Every wave is a chaos. Is it mysterious?"

Xiang Yang asked the two directly.

"Boss, I can't think of you already seeing that river." After Lao Wan and Xiao Ling listened to Xiang Yang's words of the beginning of the devil, suddenly he was shocked.

"What do you mean?"

Xiang Yang looked at them inexplicably. "Is that the river of time and space, or the fate of the river, or something?"

"No, he called that river." Lao Wan said.

"Hey..." Xiang Yang smashed, how do you feel that the river is so unfair? The name is exactly who made it. When you hear it, you always feel that you are not quite right.

"What the **** is that?" Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the question of the name of the river, but looked at the two with shortness of breath.

"When I think that the boss has got the power of the soul of Chaos Demon, he has already touched the threshold of the Holy Land, so you can see that river."

Lao Wan said, "The name of the river is called that river. It is omnipresent, and it seems to have never happened. No one knows what kind of river it is, but whenever it is above the level of the Da Luo. After the death of the strong, the last glimpse of the true spirit will be inhaled by that river. At the same time, if you want to find a person's life, even if the other party is dead, as long as there is enough skill, you can enter that. A river, traced to the source, is very likely to find the trace of the existence of the other side, and if you want to completely kill a person, you must also enter that river and destroy all traces of the existence of the other party."

"That river is too mysterious, there are other functions, but there is a real threshold for entry, that is, only the strong people of the Holy Land can see the existence of the river, but the Holy Land is only seen. If you want to find that river, you must at least be a chaotic sage, not an sacred and quasi-holy. If you want to enter the river and explore, you need to have the realm of chaos."

"Yeah boss, that river is too mysterious. It is not what you can understand now. After your cultivation has reached the realm of chaos and saints, you will have the qualification to know the existence of the river."


Lao Wan and Xiao Ling, you can tell Xiang Yang about what they know about the river, but persuade Xiang Yang not to take care of the river now. After all, the river is too mysterious. Non-sacred strongs cannot know, and it is by no means what Xiangyang can explore now.

"I know."

Xiang Yang nodded. He also knew that his current strength is too weak. It is absolutely impossible to be qualified to explore that field. However, what shocked him is that there seems to be too much in the field of the Holy Land. The secret, and the river, it sounds like it is omnipotent.

Xiang Yang did not bother the two refiners. His first demon avatar once again went to retreat, and his consciousness was all recovered to the deity. He looked at the true spirit of the lotus soul that was destroyed by himself. I also feel a bit puzzled. In this way, is the Lotus Soul completely destroyed by myself?

However, Xiang Yang did not know that when he was wondering, Wang Bili and other immortals were all frightened by Xiang Yang’s behavior.

Xiang Yangyi pointed out that black flame, so that all the Xianzun and Xianwang in the presence felt a sense of death. They knew very well, not to mention that the black flame only fell on the lotus soul, even if it fell. On their bodies, they also have to be burned and destroyed.

"Is he not a true immortal?"

At this moment, Wang Biren and others all trembled in their hearts, thinking that Xiangyang is not a true immortal, but a person who plays pigs and eats tigers. Even Wang Biren’s heart is too gratified. I feel lucky that he is very polite to Xiangyang, or else Under Xiangyang's anger, if a large piece of black flame is sacrificed, it is estimated that the entire restaurant will be burned.

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