Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2649: The sword of order (five more flowers)

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"Lotus... I want to kill you..."

At this time, I saw that the two men who were restricted to the original may be spurred by the destruction of the lotus soul. They even madly roared and opened the ban, and the body was huge, and one of them shot. To block the four immortals of the Wang family, the other is crazy to rush to Xiangyang.


He roared, and there was a devastating scent in his body, which was actually swelled at this moment.

"No, he wants to blew himself."

Seeing this scene, everyone is nervous, even Wang Biren is also angry and yelling, "Give me a crush."

"Ha ha ha, it’s too late, the power of the two sages is not what you can stop. You are dead, kill me."

The two male sages rushed to different people, but the scent of destruction on them was the same. They laughed wildly, but in this mad laugh, Xiang Yang could feel a sorrow.

After thinking about it, Xiang Yang suddenly understood why.

These two people are not really wanting to blew themselves, but they are banned by the lotus soul. As long as the lotus soul is really dead, the prohibition in their body will erupt, causing them to blew themselves. For the Lotus soul to be buried.

"It's too pathetic."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh.

"Go, go."

At this time, Wang Biren quickly rushed toward the fire, in any case, he must protect the fiery and leave, or else, if the little princess of the fire family had an accident on the site of the royal family, let alone him, even if it was The entire king can not bear the consequences.

As for the flower of the flower, I quickly yelled, "Go away."

After all, she didn't care about anyone, and her body speed was going to rush toward the distance. However, at this time, the power of the two male sages has already reached the limit, and it will soon erupt. .

Even if the presence of Xian Zun wants to escape, it is too late.


At this time, Xiang Yang sighed with a sigh, and a green skin gourd appeared in his hand. It was the squash cucurbit. At the same time, two knives flashed away in the mouth of the sacred gourd, and the two were about to blew themselves up. All the scent of the male sage was instantly solidified, as if it had been a balloon that had already swelled to the extreme. Suddenly there was a gap in the balloon, which caused all the airflow to dissipate and could no longer blew.


After all these breaths calmed down, the two knives returned to the sacred gourd in Xiangyang’s hand at the same time. His hand turned over and the saged gourd disappeared again. At the same time, he walked in front of the two sages. Directly point out, and at the same time, kill the two immortals, and then collect all the treasures that have fallen from them.

After doing all this, Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at other people. At this moment, everyone was stunned.

Although they just panicked and wanted to escape, but when the two self-destructive breaths dissipated, they had already felt it for the first time. Everyone was staring at Xiangyang.

They also saw the sacred gourd in the hands of Xiang Yang flashing away, knowing that it was definitely Xiangyang's display of the 斩 葫 葫 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。.

While the Wang family and the Baihua soul were relieved at the same time, they looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a sense of uncertainty.

"He is definitely not an ordinary fairy. It may even be that the top of the fairy disguise is a true fairy. Otherwise, how can he be qualified to become the husband of the fire family?"

Wang Biren’s heart is self-talking, and it has been completely determined that Xiang Yang’s cultivation is definitely not on the surface.

The Baihua Soul was very embarrassed at this time, because she had chosen to escape by herself, although it was the same result, but her two disciples were still lying on one side.

As a teacher, even at this time, he gave up his disciple and fled. Although it is also human nature, it is conceivable that after seeing the scene at the place, there is no good feeling for her anymore.

Xiang Yang smiled faintly and threw it away, throwing a superb fairy to the flower of the flower. "You bought two hoes from the hands of the black iron auction, which is equivalent to saving them. I shot it." The Lotus Soul and these two immortals can also save you two lives, so they cancel each other out. This is the best thing to compensate for the loss you bought at the time. Is that enough?"


The Hundred Flowers Spirit whispered, although she is Xianzun, and Xiang Yang seems to be only a true fairy, but when she faced Xiang Yang, she did not dare to say a word.

"You tell them yourself, then leave."

Xiang Yang said faintly, with a wave of hands, the two rays of light did not enter the body of Yulia and Yuliqin, who were sleeping, causing the two sisters to open their eyes.


After the two sisters sat up, they first looked at Xiangyang with an excited color on their faces, and then they looked at the flowers of the flowers with a calm face.

"Master, this is the last time we called you a master." Yulia whispered, "I don't want to forget the life-saving grace, but my brother has already compensated us for us. From then on, I will forget about the fairy world."

"No more." Yu Liqin said directly.

"Okay, from now on, the grace will be broken."

Hundreds of flowers and souls nodded. When the two women took the initiative to say that they wanted to break with her, she already understood that although the two women were sleeping, Xiangyang had already told the two women what had just happened, even The two women may not have fallen asleep, and they have witnessed the process of her active escape as a master.

She did not hesitate, and after she finished, she turned and left.

"The two sisters don't have to be uncomfortable. Such a master, when he is really dangerous, is to abandon his own disciple and escape alone. It is not worthy to be your master."

"Yeah, if it is not for her to have the salvation of you, she has already smashed her with the temper of Xiang Yang." Jubilee is the most clear about the character of Xiang Yang, she is very clear, If it wasn't for the two women who were saved by the Hundred Flowers, then the practice of escaping the Hundred Flowers Spirit just now, regardless of the lives of the two women, would be enough to let Xiang Yang scream directly to kill the Hundred Flowers.

However, Xiang Yang saw that the two flowers had bought the two women from the black iron auction and rescued them from the bitter sea. It was considered to be good for the two women. Therefore, there was no such thing as a hundred flowers, and she was left directly.

"Hmm, we know, thank you sister."

The two women nodded. In fact, they did not have much deep feelings for the flowers of the flowers, but only because they were grateful to the flowers and rescued them from the sea of ​​bitterness.

Otherwise, the Baihua soul received them as disciples. In fact, they are like a maid in front of the flowers, otherwise they will not be so afraid of the flowers.

Nowadays, I finally saw Xiangyang and got rid of the bitter sea. The two women were very excited. They looked at Xiangyang, who was standing still and smiling, and their eyes were red again.

"Okay, don't feel bad, I will be there in the future, and I promise that no one can hurt you anymore." Xiang Yang quickly came forward and said softly.


However, Xiang Yang did not think that he was not comforted. His comfort, suddenly caused the tears of the two women to break down, and directly cried out. Even Yu Liqin directly rushed over and tightened again. Holding Xiang Yang tightly, crying, "Xie brother, the family is gone..."


Xiang Yang’s face changed. He thought that the two women were auctioned by the Black Iron Auction. He seemed to understand something, but he did not immediately speculate, but asked, “What happened? Why did you come to the fairy world? ”

"It is a demon, the group of demons. They went to the elves and destroyed the entire elves. The elves of the elves were killed and killed. The ones caught were arrested, and none was left."

"Hey, my brother, we have no home anymore, those demons..."


"How could this be?"

After listening to Yuriqin’s words, Xiang Yang finally understood all the causes and consequences, but after he really knew these things, he was even more angry. The black-iron auction’s slave team went straight to the lower bounds of the universe to hunt everywhere. Then he even stared at the elves, and the elves were destroyed. The members of countless elves were arrested and auctioned in the world.

The two women were auctioned in the fairy world. Fortunately, they were bought by the Baihua soul. If they were bought by other perverted people, perhaps their days would be really bad.

"Black Iron Auction."

Xiang Yang’s eyes were cold, and there was a murderous outburst. The original killing of the black iron auction was completely spurred at this moment.

"I must destroy the black iron auction."

This is the first time that Xiang Yang said it in public. His eyes are calm, but there is endless murderousness brewing. At the same time, in the Promise of Immortality, his first demon avatar found Lao Wan and Xiao Ling. Point, I want to let Tu Shenwei and Blood Emperor all break through to Da Luo in the shortest time. At that time, their first battle is the Black Iron Auction. I want the Black Iron Auction to be completely in this fairy world. In demise."

"Yes, the boss can rest assured that it has already begun to refine. It will take a long time to refine it. It is not enough. If the boss is willing to let the black chaos fall into the Suzaku's fire, it will shorten the time to the limit, not even too For a long time, the outside world can refine the tower of the body repair in about three months."

Xiaoling cautiously looked at Xiang Yang.

"Okay, give it to you."

Xiang Yang’s first demon avatar’s face was calm. After hearing the words of Xiaoling, he said nothing, and directly sent that black flame from the body of the deity to the Promise Immortal House and handed it to Xiaoling.


When Xiaoling met, he suddenly showed excitement. "Boss, with this chaotic and fallen Suzaku's fire integrated into the Qiankun dynasty, it will definitely make the tower of the body repair stronger. You can rest assured that you are playing in the outside world." In the month, the tower of physical repair can definitely be handed over to you."

At the same time, the little guy is very excited to pat his chest. He is very intimate that the calculation time is not calculated by the time in the Promise, but even directly converted into the outside time.

"Give it to you, don't let me down."

When Xiang Yang’s first devil was talking, he went to retreat again.

This time, after knowing the behavior of the Black Iron Auction, he had completely angered Xiang Yang, and he had to completely destroy the Black Iron Auction.

Among the heavens and the kingdoms, there are strong and weak, although the flesh is weak and strong, but this is aimed at a certain world. The strong man of the immortal world has sent a team of slaves to the world of the universe. Beyond the bottom line.

Although Xiang Yang did not know why no one stopped the black iron auction, but he knew that the elves had been killed by the black iron auction in the lower bounds of the slaves, whether it was to give Yulia and Yuliqin. The two sisters revenge, or because of the previous festival of saving and the Black Iron Auction. This time, he has made up his mind to let the Black Iron auction be completely destroyed.

"All the worlds should have a certain order, and if there is no order, everything will be chaotic."

When Xiang Yang holds Yu Liqin and comforts himself, his heart is talking to himself. "Since all the powerful forces in the world, even the powerful forces in the fairy world, have no one to maintain these, then, after that, all I see. I will solve it if I don’t see it. If it is something I know, I will annihilate it."

"The strong people of the fairyland can only be active in the fairy world, but not in the lower bounds. Otherwise, if they are free to lower the boundary, aren't the creatures in the lower bounds all become meat on the chopping board?"

"After that, after the breakthrough of the Tushenwei and the Blood Emperor, all will be reorganized and re-named as the "blade of order."


Along with the words falling in the heart of Xiang Yang, the sky, the blue sky, the thunder of thunder is in the flow, it seems that the power of the boulevard broke out.

"this is..."

"Whoever did something earth-shattering, even Tiandao was alarmed."

"Who is it that has made such things that can change the world?"


At this moment, among the heavens and the bounds, countless ancient existences all show the shocking color, especially the strong people of the Holy Land. When they realized the Heaven and Earth Avenue, they have already sensed the avenue. It seems that the rules have changed, as if There is more order than usual.

"this is..."

At the same time, Xiang Yang, who still holds Yu Liqin, is not moving, but his heart is shocked. He quickly arranges the whole body with the power of the soul, so that everything in his heart cannot be sensed.

In the sea of ​​his soul consciousness, there is an illusory sword being generated. Although this sword is still illusory, it seems to be nothingness, but the breath on it is very horrible, and very mysterious, even, even Xiangyang is huge. The power of the soul can sense a crisis in front of this illusory sword.

"The sword of order!"

Author Meng Yu said: Today, the five chapters are updated and asked for flowers.

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