Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2650: Do not be free

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"The sword of order!"

When Xiang Yang felt that his enormous and incomparable soul power had a life-and-death crisis in the face of this illusory sword, he realized that if the sword hits his soul, it is his soul. The body is better than the Holy Land, I am afraid it will be annihilated in an instant.

His eyes were carefully looked at the sword and found that the words "Sword of Order" appeared on the sword, which made him see, and he couldn't help but change his mind. He whispered, "I just set the order and will kill the gods and the blood. When Emperor Wei changed the number to the blade of order, in the midst of my spiritual knowledge, there was such a sword of order. Is this a man-made or a real avenue?"


Then, when Xiang Yang reached out and grabbed the sword toward the order, his soul body shrank and directly grasped the sword of the order, he felt the sword of the order in his hand trembled, and there was a message. Introduced into the body of your own soul.

"This is the order of chaos, the rule of breaking the heavens and the earth, everything is my intention, can destroy all orders, and can also set the supreme treasure of the order of the sword."

Xiang Yang’s soul can’t help but whisper, at this moment, he has completely named the sword of this order from where he came from, because his heart was too angry, and directly set a rule, Establishing the order of the world, let all the powerful parties of the heavens and the world go their own way. Therefore, it has led the avenue to come, and directly gave the sword of order that has never been controlled.

"Although it is the sword of order, it is only the illusory body. This is not the sword of the true sword of order. The sword of true order, in the depths of the chaotic avenue, needs the ability to get it."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself. He knew that the sword of order in his hand was not the body of the sword of true order. It can be said that it is only a spirit. It is the spirit of the sword of order that is rewarded by the avenue. Naturally, you can enter the depths of chaos to sense the existence of the sword of true order. You can find the sword of the real sword of order. At that time, if he can get the sword body, let the sword spirit and the sword body merge into one. That is the real horrible road to treasure, that is beyond the existence of chaos to treasure.

However, Rao is the sword of order now, but Jianling, but if it is displayed, it can also have very powerful power.

"A good sword of order, this is enough to really change the existence of chaotic rules."

Xiang Yang’s power of the soul raised his head and looked at the sky in his own spiritual world. He also looked at the soul of the soul who was still in the spirit of the sea and drifted with his incarnation to enjoy the scenery. Force, he said, "The power of the soul of this girl is almost crushed by me. It is time to give it to her, or else it will deteriorate. If the secret of my spiritual knowledge is known to her, I am afraid there will be trouble. ""


At the same time, among the restaurants, Xiang Yang has solved everything. With the departure of the flowers, the rest of the people are Xiang Yang’s own people. The powerful ones that Wang Biren waved between him left. And he himself is slightly in the courtesy of Xiang Yang. "I don't know what the adults still have to tell? Small people make a new place to dine for adults?"

"Okay, thank you."

Xiang Yang did not reject him, but smiled and nodded.


Wang Ruben saw that Xiang Yang had promised to come down, and his face was full of excitement. He quickly said to Xiang Yang, "Thank you for the adults to appreciate the light, adults please."

When Xiangyang took out the scented gourd and directly killed the two sages, in the heart of Wang Biren, Xiangyang is definitely not a true sacred, and it is very likely that it is the sacred fairy of the world. Respect, plus the cucurbit gourd in Xiangyang’s hand, even he has turned Xiangyang into a ancestor-level monster of the sacred knives...

As for why the little princess of the fire family is with the old monster, this is not what he can imagine. Anyway, Wang Biren is a business person outside. For Xiangyang, he is going to use everything. Ways to please Xiangyang.

Next, Xiang Yang and his party followed Wang Biren to the most luxurious high-end box in the restaurant. Naturally, they sang and played. Wang Biren was very busy waiting for everyone, so that everyone was happy, even Yulia and Yuliqin, although Excited, but under the persuasion of the people, coupled with the atmosphere, they gradually recovered, with a smile on the face and chatted with a few women.

"You are playing here for a while now, I am going to Xianfu."

While everyone was eating, drinking, and playing, Xiang Yang said to everyone, and then directly said to the soul seven, "You come with me."


The soul is eating and drinking. When she heard that Xiang Yang called her, she was depressed. Although she also followed Xiangyang during this time, she felt very uncomfortable. Xiang Yang seemed to just take her. As a superfluous person, although she did not drop her, she did not talk to her. Now Xiangyang suddenly told her to go in and let her panic.

"come on in."

Xiang Yang directly glanced at the soul of the seven seven, an energy sent out, and instantly rolled the soul seven seven into the Promise Immortal.

"Well, let you enter me into the fairy house. There is only one purpose, that is, to give back the power of your 30% soul. Then you can go back by yourself."

When the soul seventy-seven hearts were a little scared and followed Xiangyang into the Promise Immortal, they listened to Xiangyang’s faint remarks, and flew an illusory figure from Xiangyang’s body, which is the soul of the seventy-seven. The power of the soul constitutes a villain.


After the power of the 30% soul returned to the ontology, the soul accepted the soul of her own soul during this time. She widened her eyes and looked at Xiang Yang. "You..."

So majestic, more than a world, the spirit of the sea, this is a terrible existence, and there is a soul higher than the heavens and the earth...

Thinking of this, the whole person of the soul seventy-seven was shaken by Xiang Yang.

Of course, she was deceived by Xiang Yang, and all the secrets were revealed to Xiang Yang. The things that were given to Xiang Yang were sealed by Xiang Yang with the secret law, which made the soul of the Seven Sevens think that the power of their souls entered the vastness of Xiangyang. After the spiritual world, I lost myself. Until now, I have not seen the situation.

"You are really the saint of my family." The soul seventy-seven whispered and looked at Xiangyang. She had already confirmed that Xiangyang was the saint of the Soul, or else it was impossible to have such a terrible soul and sea. It is impossible to have the body of the infinitely high soul.

She was shocked to see Xiang Yang, although she had already realized that the strength of Xiang Yang was absolutely related to the reincarnation of the Holy Spirit of the Soul. However, it has always been a state of confusion. Until now, she is truly understandable. Xiang Yang is definitely a holy saint.

"Okay, let's go." Xiang Yang said to the soul seventy-seven, "Your 30% of the soul has been returned to you, you can go back, but I hope you can say to the soul queen after you go back, don't be too If you are too oppressed, you should let the body repair have a way to live."

"I, I don't want to go back."

The soul of seven seven is shaking his head and looking at Xiang Yang, "The saints, I don't want to go back, can I follow you?"

While talking, she looked at Xiang Yang's gaze with a look of hope, is really want to follow Xiang Yang, because she is very clear, even if it is back to the soul, although her identity is very extraordinary, but Among her masters, at most, it is only the level of the great soul of the soul. Where is the benefit of Xiangyang, the 'soul saint'.

She even felt that if she could let Xiangyang, the sage of the soul, accept her as a disciple, it would be a chance that she would never get it.

However, the soul seventy-seven can not know in any case, in fact, the means of the souls that Xiang Yang knows are all told by the soul seventy-seven, and the name of the so-called soul saint of Xiangyang is only A gimmick, he is a pure and fair immortal, can not afford the slightest connection with the soul family.

"Do you want to follow me?" Xiang Yang thought that after the soul of the seventy-seventh, after getting the power of her 30% soul, she should be happy to return to the soul family immediately, and I don’t want to stay with me for a moment. I didn’t expect that This chick didn't want to go back.


The soul of the seven seven-seven face looked at Xiang Yang with a firm color.

"Well, whatever you want."

Xiang Yang didn't want to stay in the soul of the seven or seven. Seeing that she was really determined to stay, Xiang Yang nodded and said, "In this case, you can be with me, but you have to Remember, when you are with me, you can't have any distractions, and you can't hurt anyone around me. Otherwise, I will let you and the whole souls understand what it is to betray me."

"You can rest assured that Qiqi must be with you with one heart and one mind."

The soul seventy-seven ecstasy did not take it, directly slammed down towards Xiangyang, and swear on the spot, "Soul seventy-seven in the identity of the seven souls of the soul, swear to the soul family, the ancestors, must follow the Xiangyang saint wholeheartedly, There will never be any disagreement."

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded, but the heart was very weird, the dark road, "If this little girl knows that she is not a soul saint, and what she knows is what she tells herself, I don’t know she will. What kind of expression is it."

However, seeing the soul seventy-seven has vowed, plus Xiang Yang, who did not care about the soul of the seven or seven, is laughing and saying, "Well, get up, don't call me any saints, directly Just call my name."

"This... is, seventy-seven is leading."

The soul seventy-seven first hesitated, and then immediately nodded with a happy nod, as long as he can follow Xiangyang, she thinks she has a way to let Xiangyang completely trust her, even let Xiangyang this soul family holy Receive her as a disciple.

"Go, let's go out."

Xiang Yang looked at the happy look of this girl, his face was more eccentric, but he did not think much, but left the Wuji Xianfu directly with the soul seventy-seven.

After arriving at the outside world, the people did not ask Xiang Yang to follow the story of the Seven Seventh. However, the two girls who looked at Xiang Yang and Huo Yin looked strangely. They wanted to ask what Xiang Yang did to the soul seventy-seven. After how come out, the soul seven seven seems to be very happy, and it is also very brisk to help Xiang Yang massage, how to see something is wrong.

However, they did not ask Xiang Yang, but looked at the soul seventy-seven, and greeted the soul seventy-seven.

The soul of the seven seven is originally very clear, if you want to follow Xiangyang, you must have a good relationship with the people around Xiangyang, so she saw a few women greeted her, but also very warmly greeted up, with a few The women got together and talked.

The way of communication between women is very weird. When both parties have an intention to make good relations with each other, it will take a long time for them to mix up with their sisters.

Xiang Yang is drinking the best scent while watching the friends in the field. The two women led by Huo Mei and Jubilee lead the little blood, Yulia, Yuliqin, and the soul of seven or seven women. Chatting together, talking hot, and the two little guys, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong, needless to say, they are like children, they have food and drink, they can’t take care of anything. Dedicated to eliminate the food on the table, as for the small bald head, this guy is holding a beast with a mouth full of oil, while the other hand is holding the beads, chanting, "Amitabha, this It’s a Buddha’s life. It’s the same for the rest of my life. I’m so happy...”

"The old man is really pitting me. Even when I am in the source world, I don’t want to eat meat and drink. I want to exercise my heart, and he is a big mouthful of meat, especially what I see next time. He, I must eat meat in front of him, let him envy me."

At the same time as the guy was chanting, the tearful face that was so moved, made Xiang Yang see it, but he looked at the little bald head with a strange look. "If you let the Buddha meet this guy, I am afraid they will be a good brother. Whether it is meat or drinking, it is estimated that there will be a common language."

At the same time, he missed his friends and relatives in the lower bounds.

"Millions of real fairy wars will take at least three years to enter the finals. It may take longer. In this case, in these three years, I am completely free. I can go to the lower bounds. Bring all the friends around me to the next, and then let them enter the tower of the body repair. At that time, after each one comes out, it is the time of the big and the nine heavens, that is, they can be at ease."

Xiang Yang knows very well that even if he wants to let people around him and the world go far and wide, it is definitely not just that his strength is strong enough to shelter them. What he has to do is to find ways to make everyone around him strong. Get up, have enough self-protection power.

"Too Jindan, I hope the old five don't let me down."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and after the physical strength reached the realm of Da Luo, he naturally practiced the quenching of the flesh through the tower of the body that would be refining soon. However, before this Ronaldo, it must be Thanks to the help of Jin Dan, Vajra Bodhi and Yuan Moshi. With these three kinds of help, Xiang Yang believes that enough people around him can break through to the state of Da Luo.


However, Zheng Xiangyang thought about it. After going to find Lin Xian, he had to find a way to go back to the lower bounds. He felt that there was a communication jade on his body, and he took it and injected energy into it. Suddenly, a light and shadow flashed through, and a phantom of a fairy appeared in the box.

As soon as she appeared, she suddenly felt that all the women in the box had a sense of ecstasy, as if it were a noble and boundless eternal temperament, and the most beautiful emperor flower that detached from Wanhua.

She is Mei Aoxue.

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