Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2653: Shangjiu Mountain

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"The third child doesn't play, who of the two of you came to the top of the third place?"

At this time, the third sage stood up and said to the Taoist and the Taoist, his body shape disappeared directly.


After hearing the words of the third priest, the Taoist and Lin Xian were a little bit forced. At this time, even the Taoist had to admit that his little disciple seemed to be right. The four sects are not In the process of exploring the avenue, but in the play, as for whether they are gambling, they do not know.

"What are you doing there? Come over soon."

When the two are dumbfounded, the fifth honor is called two directly.

"Yeah, we are all waiting for you here, still standing there, do we need us to take you in the past?"

Several other Taoists are also calling.

"You go." The Taoist quickly pushed his own disciple, and the latter changed his face. He said quickly, "No, I don't know how to play, Master is smarter, or you can go."


The Taoist really wants to cut the Tao. What is special, how good his own young disciple used to be, and now it has become such a look, even the words of his own master are afraid to listen.

"Lin Qi, come over to me, stand up and do something?" The seventh Taoist priest opened the door to the Lord.

"Yes." Seeing that the seventh priest had already spoken, the Taoist naturally did not dare to hesitate, but instead came to the three Taoist robes.

"Sit down, come, I teach you how to play, this is poker, we need this, so..."

After the Taoist sat down, the three Taos were very enthusiastic about how to play, the Taoist learned very fast, and suddenly understood the gameplay, although he felt that playing this kind of thing called 'Poker' was very naive, but He said confidently to the three Taoist statues, "The disciples have understood."

"Oh, yes, it seems that Lynch has the talent to play poker. It's not bad. If Sun Qingya Xiaonizi is here, he will be very happy." The sixth smile said.


When I heard the sixth Taoist saying the name that made them afraid and didn’t dare to go to the Jiu Di Mountain, both the Taoist Taoist and the Taoist Lin Xian had already understood that it was all the two little devils and grandmothers. Come.

"Come here, start, no one is tempted to use force. If you dare to cheat, let you look good."

"Haha, come on, this time I want to kill the Quartet and win ten more."

"Fart, there is me, can you win? Dream."


The next scene is simply to make the Taoist Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian tremble, these three Taos are very excited to start 'shuffling', they seem to be crazy, obviously already alive I don’t know how many years old the old guys are, the more they play, the more excited they are, and they don’t pick up their arms and fight with each other.

"God, I said that the two little grandmothers are demons. Not only did the gates make the chickens fly, but even the nine Taoist monks on the Jiu Di Mountain changed."

"Fortunately, fortunately, the two little grandmothers are no longer on the Jiu Di Mountain. Otherwise, we are really finished."


Lin Xian looked at his master and smiled with the three Taoist statues. His heart was both sad and gratified. He only felt that Sun Qingya and Monica had left the Jiu Di Mountain. .

"Strange, how does the Master feel as if he is getting more and more excited? Is it really fun?"

However, after playing for a while, Daozi Linxian found that his teacher’s look also changed. At the beginning, it was very stiff. Now it seems that he has begun to enter the state. When he is playing very embarrassed, he suddenly feels shocked. There is trepidation, "What the **** is this, 'Poker', what is 'Poker'?"

"Playing things and mourning, playing with things and sorrow, even the master of the Taoist priest is caught in it."

Daozi Linxian was shocked and thought, and saw that his master was also in the state. He followed the three Taoist screams and screamed and slammed the 'playing cards'. He is getting more and more I think this 'Poker' is full of magic.


At this time, the message of the sect of Lin Zixian was brightened. At first glance, he found out that it was Xiangyang’s communication. He saw that several Taoist priests were playing very embarrassedly. The communication should be fine, so he ran to the side and connected the communication jade.


Seeing Xiang Yang’s figure appear in front of him, Dao Lin Lin Xian shouted with a respectful and respectful voice, although he was not willing to worship with Xiang Yang, the master, seeing the boss of Xiang Yang here, he as a five brother, should shout out The voice is still to be shouted.

"Is this the door?" Xiang Yang's projection appeared out of thin air. He looked around Lin Xian. Suddenly, he looked at the faces of the four guys who were playing big cards and showed strange colors.

"Old man? Are you there too?"


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Daozi Linxian suddenly trembled and said, “The boss is not rude. The three are the three Taoist sects of my door. The one is my master, the contemporary of the door. Taoist..."

"Haha, Xiang Xiaozi, how come you?"

However, Lin Xian’s words have not been finished yet. The fifth priest who just finished playing a game also saw the shadow of Xiang Yang. He suddenly went to Lin Xian’s side and smiled at Xiang Yang. “Boy, you. Think about me?"

"It may be a little missed the feeling of hitting you last time." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Kid, do you have itchy skin?" The fifth priest listened to Xiang Yang's words, remembering the last time he was beaten by Xiang Yang, he suddenly showed an unnatural color.

"Haha, no wonder the last time you came back, you were very upset. It was originally played by this kid."

"Hey, the old five, the fifth, you are really miserable, the fifth honor of the gate, even beaten by a real fairy, you are too embarrassed to say."

"Haha, laugh at me..."

The other Dao Zun are laughing and laughing.

"Go and go, don't mess, there is a kind of you who are playing with this kid in the same realm to see who you are his opponent?" The fifth sighed and then looked at Xiangyang, his eyes had already No longer as enthusiastic as before.

"What are you doing?"

At the same time as the fifth reverence, the Taoist Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian on the one side have already been shocked, especially Lin Xian, who has a feeling of crying.

He looked at the fifth lord and felt that there was a feeling of mutual sympathy between the two. At the same time, he felt that Xiangyang was a big liar. Since he knew that he was the Taoist priest, he once used the fifth violent battle of the gate. After a meal, why don't you tell me, but also beat me once?

Mard, if he knew that the fifth priest was beaten once, he would have given the Taoist Lin Xian a hundred courage, and he did not want to confront the Xiangyang dynasty.

He looked at Xiang Yang with a look of his face, and felt that he had lost his heart. When Xiang Yang’s five brothers seemed to be unsatisfactory.

Xiang Yang smiled and said to the fifth Taoist, "I don't want to miss you, come to the door to find you? Come and meet me soon."

"Let's be rude, not rude." After listening to Xiang Yang's words, the Taoist Lin Qi was shocked and shouted.

"Shut up, don't talk to you, what mouth?"

However, Lynch’s words just fell, and he saw the fifth honor, and looked at him with a bad look. He never dared to speak again.

However, in the mind of the lord Lin Qi, there was a stormy wave. This is the Taoist priest. After being beaten by Xiang Yang, he still defended Xiang Yang. Who is Xiang Yang?

At this moment, the Taoist Lin Qi does not know the identity of Xiang Yang.

At this time, the fifth honor drank Lin Qi, he smiled and said to Xiang Yang, "The kid waits for me, I will get you in."

While talking, he pinched a law, suddenly, the void circulated, a black and white light spread out instantly, directly outside the gate of the gate.

At the moment, outside the Damen Gate, Xiangyang and his party were standing. Xiang Yang had a smile on his face, turned off the communication Yufu, and said to the people around him, “There will be people who will meet us soon.”


Sure enough, with the voice of Xiang Yang falling, I saw a black and white light stretching directly out of the gate of the gate, reaching directly to them and turning into a black and white bridge.

"this is..."

In the gates of Daomen, the masters of the guardian hills who took turns in the post all saw the shocking color. They knew very well that the person who can drive such a black and white bridge is definitely the strongest in the Daomen By.

"Let's go." Xiang Yang whispered, and took everyone on the black and white bridge outside the mountain gate. In a moment, the black and white bridge contracted out of thin air and directly turned into a light into the door.

Daomen Guangbo, but it is not in the fairy world, but has a space world. After the mountain gate enters, the void flows. Xiangyang’s group of people can obviously feel that they have appeared in a world full of rhymes. This is the real world of Daomen.

The light is flowing, this black and white light traverses the sky above the door, the speed is very fast, and it has already reached the Jiu Di Mountain in the blink of an eye.


Daozi Linxian saw the appearance of Xiangyang and his party, and he quickly made a gift to Xiangyang.

"You are a relationship?" The fifth lord looked at Xiangyang and Daozi Linxian in a puzzled way.

"Lin Xian is my brother of worship, he is ranked fifth." Xiang Yang said happily.

While talking, his eyes looked at the fifth honor, and sighed and said, "The old man, long time no see, I miss you."

When everyone in Xiangyang heard the words "I miss you" that Xiang Yang said, they all showed strange colors. They remembered very clearly that Xiang Yang said 'I miss you' every time. When I have four words, I will not think about any good things in my heart, but I will treat each other as a big fat sheep.

"Boy, welcome to the Jiu Di Mountain."

The fifth smiled and looked at Xiang Yang, although he always felt that Xiang Yang looked at his eyes a little bit wrong, but he was the host and Xiang Yang as a guest, he was very welcome.

"This is, Jiu Di Mountain!"

The fascinating eyes looked around, and suddenly the heart was shocked, with a shocking color. Although she had never been to the Jiu Di Mountain, she heard that the family’s elders had heard that the Jiu Di Mountain was the supreme holy land of the Taoist Temple, and even the legend. Within the Jiu Di Mountain, there are nine Taoist priests who have been traversing the ancient world in the ancient times.

She was shocked to see Xiang Yang and the fifth Tao, thinking in amazement. "Is this one of the nine avenues? But, Xiangyang District is a true fairy, how it looks like a good friend of the other side. ?"

"Old man, how did you forget this girl?"

The little blood was on one side, and when she saw that the fifth lord only greeted Xiang Yang and did not say hello to her, her face suddenly showed dissatisfaction.

"Cough... It turned out to be a small blood unicorn. I can't think of you breaking through to the state of Da Luo, and it is really amazing to become a fairy king." The fifth smile said to the little blood.

"That is of course, this princess is definitely amazing."

The little blood said proudly.

"It's a pity that the blood of the sacred unicorn has turned into a **** unicorn."

"However, this little **** unicorn seems to have changed. Well, this bloodline is more sacred than the unicorns I have seen before."

Next to the two avenues, after seeing the little blood, they looked at each other a few times. The comments were added. With their strength, they can see the details of the small blood at a glance.

However, what makes them curious is Xiang Yang. They are not listening to the fifth lord who heard about Xiangyang. They also know that Xiangyang is the sacred person of the pulse. They both are too lazy to play cards. Played, but came directly to Xiang Yang, curiously looking at Xiang Yang, "You are Xiang Yang."

"Hey, it is said that you used to beat the fifth?"

"It's amazing, I have long wanted to beat the old five, and you actually did it better than me. It's not bad, the young man is very promising."


The two old men around the Xiangyang is a compliment, nothing more than because Xiang Yang beat the fifth violent storm to make them feel very excited.

The Taoist Lin Qi listened quietly, although he did not dare to speak, but he knew that Xiang Yang had beaten the fifth lord. He was even more shocked and knew the identity of Xiang Yang.

"It turned out to be him, the descendant of that pulse, but even if he is the descendant of that pulse, can it make a few Taos treat this special?"

The Taoist Lin Qi was shocked, but he did not dare to speak, but stood quietly.


Seeing the two old men around themselves, they were very excited about the fact that they had defeated the fifth honor. Xiang Yang blinked and coughed a few times. "If the two Taoist seniors feel that they want to try it. If I have the strength, I don't mind having a battle with the two predecessors."

"Ha ha..."

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the two avenues’ endless mouths stopped and let them fight with Xiang Yang. Isn’t this purely looking for abuse?

Although they did not see Xiang Yang’s shot, they could sense the incomparable blood of Xiang Yang’s real fairy. It’s very clear that if they shot with Xiang Yang, don’t say it would be suppressed to the same as Xiangyang. The real fairyland, even if they are based on the strength of the big three heavens is not enough to play Xiangyang.

"It’s really boring." Xiang Yang saw that the two old men were unwilling to do it. They could only helplessly sigh. They originally thought that if they could follow one of the two Taoist princes, or even gamble on one, maybe Can get too golden, but unfortunately these two avenues simply ignore him.

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