Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2654: Daomen no Dan (five more flowers)

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"Xie Xiaozi, come, don't talk nonsense, I haven't seen you for a long time. Let's take out your monkey wine and ask us to have a drink."

The fifth sighs and laughed and took Xiang Yang to the side of the table and sat down. Looking forward to Xiang Yang, the last time, although Xiang Yang gave him a jar of monkey wine, but returned to the nine emperors. In less than a few hours, it was divided up, making the Nine Avenues on the Jiu Di Mountain very much miss the days before Sun Qingya and Monica did not go up the mountain. After all, there were still monkeys on the Jiu Di Mountain to make wine for them. As the two hoes went up the mountain, they did not know where to get the little monkeys.

"It turned out that the monkey wine brought back by the last five is given by your kid. It’s great, come, boy, I think you think hard."

"Yeah, I hope to see you, you are finally here."


The sixth and seventh princes also looked at Xiangyang with the same color on their faces, as if they had really waited for Xiangyang for a long time.

"Are we familiar?" Xiang Yang looked at the two avenues with a shocking look. If the fifth lord said that he missed himself, there is still something to say, after all, everyone has seen it once, but These two guys who don’t even know themselves, even thinking about themselves, this is simply too absurd.

"Hahaha, not thinking of you, but thinking about your monkey wine." Two Tao Zun said with a smile.

"Well, it's rare to have a drinker. Since both Taoist people like monkey wine, then we are not drunk today." Xiang Yang chuckled, this time, he was very rare and directly took out ten times. A few altars of monkey wine were placed on the table, and at the same time, whispering in the void, "How about a few more cups to drink together?"


After listening to Xiang Yang's words, the Taoist Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian were both trembled. They looked up and looked at all directions. They did not feel that other Taoists were here.

"Kid, can you sense our existence?"

However, when the Taoist Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian were wondering whether the teacher and the teacher were thinking about whether Xiangyang was talking nonsense, but they heard a laughter coming, then they saw six figures from the void. Appearing, their faces have a faint smile, although one is a child's face, it is the other six respects of the door.

Six Avenues appeared here, looking at the dozens of altars on the table, all of them showed a smile, each of them was very rude, and they directly opened the lid and drunk directly with a jar of monkey wine.

"Call... comfortable, still the taste."

"Before the two little hoes came to the Jiu Di Mountain, we could get some monkey drinks from time to time. After the group of small monkeys were ran away by two little hoes, there was no monkey wine for a long time."

The first sigh sighed and said.

"Yeah, but where did the two little girls go? It seems to go to the lower bounds to play. I don't know what they will bring us when they come back this time?"

"Yeah, suddenly I missed two little girls."


When talking about the 'two gimmicks', all the Taoist sighs are full of emotions. At the same time, they still have the expectation in their eyes. It is like a child who expects parents to go out and bring something delicious and fun. same.

Seeing this scene, Xiang Yang was shocked. He naturally knew that the little gimmicks mentioned by these avenues were Sun Qingya and Monica, especially when he saw the playing cards on the other side of the table. These are the two little gimmicks 'passed to the nine avenues on the Jiu Di Mountain.

He sighed in his heart. I don’t know what kind of skills the two gimmicks have. They can make the nine priests on the Jiu Di Mountain miss them so much. You must know that the nine avenues are the ones who have survived since the ancient times. Although they have never broken through to the sub-Sacred realm, but in Xiangyang’s powerful soul perception, it is obvious that the nine avenues have reached the level of entering the sub-saint, as long as They are willing to be the peak of the Yasheng at any time.

Such a person has already seen too many differences in life and death. I am afraid that ordinary emotions cannot arouse the slightest wave of their hearts. However, Xiang Yang can sense that when the nine avenues talked about two women, they really liked it. The two women seem to regard the two women as their true disciples.

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang’s heart trembled and secretly said that his mother was really a supernatural powers, and he was able to send two gimmicks to the Jiu Di Mountain.

The hearts of other people are shocked here. It is the Jiu Di Mountain of Daomen. I dare not let it go. Even the little bald head is also drinking wine on the side, while a few women are chatting together.

Only Xiangyang and Jiu Avenue blew the cowhide to drink wine, and my heart sighed. This door is actually a very good place. The Jiu Di Mountain can be said to trace the avenue everywhere. If it is practiced here, it is its own. It can also be repaired for thousands of miles.

Of course, among the people, the most depressing person is the Taoist Taoist and the Taoist Lin Xian of Daomen. Although these two people are also assigned to a group of monkeys, they face the Jiu Dao Zun of Daomen. Although it is the Taoist contemporary Taoist and the future Taoist, it is really not a character. He can only drink at the door, and he can’t even say a word.

"Kid, let's talk, what do you do for the Jiu Di Mountain?" After the three patrols, the fifth dowry looked at Xiangyang with a strange color.

Although several other Taozuns are also drinking wine on the other side, their eyes are on Xiangyang, and they are also with a strange color. As the leader of the road, the nine strongest status holders, known as the Nine Avenues, naturally know Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse.

They were very surprised and wanted to know what Xiang Yang had specifically ran to the gate.

"I am not coming to the Jiu Di Mountain, but to come to my five brothers." Xiang Yang smiled and looked at Lin Xian said.

"Five brothers?"

Whether it is the Nine Avenues or the Taoist Lin Qi, they all look at the Taoist Linxian, one by one, and the color of Xiangyang is not comparable to that of the Taolin, regardless of age or cultivation. However, Lin Xian actually It became the fifth brother of Xiang Yang, which is a bit interesting.

"Cough... that, I, like the fifth honorable adult, I lost my brother and my brother, so I ended up with my brother." In the face of everyone’s eyes, Daozi Linxian coughed a few times. At the same time, when I was talking, I looked at the fifth honor.


The fifth honor looked at Lin Xian, and suddenly felt that the bad place he lost to Xiangyang was exposed. This kid became the fifth brother of Xiangyang and he also said that he was too much. .


Lin Xian lightly coughed a few times and bowed his head and dared not speak.

"What do you ask him for?"

The fifth honored stunned Lin Xian, and then asked Xiang Yang.

"I need something, I think only the door is there, so I want to find a door to ask for something." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"What can you let yourself run to the door?" The fifth curious looked at Xiang Yangdao. "You are not very rich, how many treasures are you?"

He remembers that before the battle with Xiangyang, Xiang Yang directly proposed to use dozens of pieces of the best fairy to gamble with him. As a result, he was the fifth honor of the Taoist but could not be taken out. Despise a lot.

Of course, the fifth priest did not know that Xiang Yang was in the Wan Yao Tian Chau, a person who earned thousands of pieces of the best fairy, and if he knew it, he would definitely be shocked.

This is thousands of pieces of the best fairy, I am afraid that in the entire fairy world, to find out who can take out thousands of pieces of the best fairy, and only Xiang Yang.

"I want to be too golden."

Xiang Yang said directly.


After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, everyone was silent. I didn’t expect Xiang Yang to find the treasure that was asked for the door to be too golden. Of course, if there is still a lot of Jin Dan in the gate, For the identity of that person, they naturally don't mind giving Xiangyang some, but the key is that in the door, no one knows how to refining Jindan, and the inventory of Daomen is almost gone.

"what happened?"

When Xiang Yang’s eyes saw that the Nine Avenues or the Taoist and the Taoist were all silent, his face was inexplicable, and his heart raised a bad premonition. He said, “Is it too golden? Is it so valuable for Daomen? Would you even give me something?"

Although he knows that Jindan is definitely a supreme treasure, but in his opinion, he will pay a certain price exchange at most, and he will be able to exchange for Jindan.

"Small friends, Taishang Jindan is the treasure of my door, but it is the treasure that the ancient ancestors and the ancestors of the Taoist priests still had when they were still at the gate. Now, with the ancestors of Taishang Dao After the old pro-disciples of the old man left the gate, no one in the gates could refine the golden dragon."

The lord Lin Qi looked at Xiang Yang with a dignified color on his face.

“No one can refine it?” Xiang Yang’s people watching the door said, “Is there a way to refine or not?”

"No, but no one knows the law of refining."

This time I spoke to the Taoist Lin Xian, who had a helpless color on his face. "In the middle of the road, although there is also an alchemy, but because the Taishang Dao and his disciples left the heavens, even though the gates Among them, there is still Danfang who refines Jindan, but no one can refine it."

"There is Danfang."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was relieved, and there was a small spirit. As long as there was Dan Fang, it seemed that there was no need to worry about what could not be refining.

Of course, the materials of alchemy can't be less. After all, the role of Taishang Jindan is amazing. It can make people's cultivation break through to the realm of refining, and there are such precious treasures, raw materials for refining. It must be very rare.

"There are Danfang and refining materials, but no one knows how to refine."

The first sigh said, "After ancient times, many of the medicinal herbs of Daomen have been lost. It is not because of the loss of refining methods, but because no one can refine, and the younger generations are incompetent, and they are humiliated." ”

"Actually, I still have a lot of research on alchemy." Xiang Yang said with a smile.


After hearing Xiangyang’s words, all the people in Daomen shook their heads. “Impossible. There are hundreds of alchemy masters in the gates, but no one can refine the medicines such as Jindan and Dan. Even if you are a master of alchemy, you can't refine these medicinal herbs."

“It’s better to make a bet?”

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

"How to gamble?"

The fifth cautious look at Xiang Yang, when he last battled with Xiang Yang in the same realm, he was almost bet by Xiang Yang, but later because he was too poor to take out a bet, and ultimately only He was able to give up, which made him feel too shameful. At this moment, when he heard that Xiang Yang said that he wanted to bet, he came to interest.

"Give me the Danfang and the alchemy materials, and I will bet on whether I can refine the Jindan."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the crowd. "If I can refine the Jindan, I will refine the medicinal herbs, and 90% of them will return to me. At the same time, I can help the doormen to refine some of you. Unable to refine the medicinal herbs, of course, the quota is unchanged, ninety-one points."

"Kid, are you a fool at the nine avenues of our door?"

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, the fifth priest couldn’t help but laugh. He pointed to the nine avenues, including himself. “Do you think that our nine avenues are stupid pigs or that the Taoist and Taoist are stupid pigs? ”


This guy actually asked a question with such philosophical connotations, even after Xiang Yang listened, he could not help but stunned.

Taoist Lin Qi, "..."

Daozi Linxian, "I..."

The two men were lying in the middle of the gun. They felt very wronged, but they did not dare to refute. They could only look at the fifth and other Taoist deities, but they saw the indifferent look on the faces of other Taoist people. This makes them feel that the fifth lord is only for the two of them, that is, they are both stupid pigs...


Xiang Yang blinked and looked at the fifth honor. "My repair is so weak, how do you know what your body is?"


After the people in Daomen heard it, they felt that something was wrong. Xiang Yang was changing his way to follow the words of the fifth honor. However, they seem to be really bad to refute Xiang Yang. The key is that this is the fifth honor. Looking for death.

"You are embarrassed." In the end, the fifth lord was helpless. He felt that he could not bicker with Xiang Yang. In this short period of time, he had passed with several other Dao Zungou. He said directly, "Dan Fang can give you, You can also provide you with refining materials once, but if the refining is successful, divide it into five or five, and if you can, give it to you. If you can't, you don't have to talk about it."

"The deal." Xiang Yang smiled and took it on the spot.

"Hey, how do I feel that the door seems to be losing again?"

Xiang Yang promised so refreshing, but it made the Daomen’s strong people feel a little uncomfortable, but they have already promised Xiangyang, but there is no way to repent, especially the fifth honor, only feel that they lost again. Xiang Yang once, once in his heart, can only tell the Taoist Lin Qi, "Give all the materials and Dan Fang to him."


Since the Taoist commander, the Taoist Lin Qi naturally did not dare not do it, but immediately left to prepare materials for Xiangyang, only Xiang Yang with a smile, sighed in his heart, this time came to Daomen is worthwhile. .

Author Meng Yu said: Today, the five chapters are updated, ask for flowers, thank you all...

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