Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2656: Quenching body fluid

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At the moment, on the Jiu Di Mountain, Xiaoguangtou was sitting with a look of wonder, seeing that he really wanted to be detained on the Jiu Di Mountain by the second lord. He felt very uncomfortable in his heart. A altar of monkey wine gulping.

However, Huo Mei and Jubilee are very smart to make good use of time. The two women have gone together and asked the nine Taoist people to practice the things they practiced.

Under normal circumstances, even if it is the Tianjiao of Daomen, it is almost impossible to get the guidance of Jiu Dao Zun. However, in this special period, Jiu Avenue is here, even because of Xiangyang’s reasons, no matter The two women have doubts, they all answer the questions, making many of the problems in the two women's hearts instantly unravel, and have a great understanding of their own practice.

Not only that, but the Taoist Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian also grasped this opportunity and went forward to ask several Taoist leaders to guide some problems.

Although several Taoist priests also answered the questions of the lord Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian, they responded more carefully to the questions of Huo Mei and Jubilee. For the descendants of these two gates, only Just click on the opening.

Later, the ninth lord, the only female priest in the gate, looked at the little blood, with a gentle smile on his face, whispering, "Poor child, young It is necessary to forcibly endure the pain of being transformed into a **** unicorn. It is really suffering you."

"I... I don't suffer."

The little blood felt a bit weird, but shook his head.

"The Kirin family is really a jerk. When they went to chaos, they would have left you." The ninth dictator, the female Taoist, was very good at the little blood. While talking, he even opened his mouth. Kirin family.

"Nine sisters this is..."

After the other leaders met, they first groaned, and then they laughed. "The chance of this little unicorn came."

"Yeah, the body of Jiu Mei is also a unicorn. Now, the other unicorns among the various celestial worlds are running into the chaotic caves. It can be said that this little unicorn and nine sisters are the only two of the heavens. A unicorn."

"Haha, it's not bad. It's rare that there are nine sisters who can see it."

The other avenues are all very familiar with each other. When they see the ninth lord, they suddenly understand that the ninth lord is a little bloody.

However, both are unicorns, and the blood is connected, naturally it will be different.

As the ninth vener is close to the small blood, the small blood can obviously sense the unicorn blood on the other side, and can't help but stare at each other. "You are..."

At this moment, the blood of the little blood has rushed up. This is the member of the same family she saw for the first time. Moreover, although the other party is the ninth sect of Daomen, it is essentially the blood of the Qilin family. It is Kirin.

"Good boy, you have suffered for years."

The ninth sigh whispered softly, holding the little blood gently, the small blood was first smashed, and then the other was tightly held, this is the same family of the Qilin family, although they do not know what the other side is unicorn, I don't know the identity of the other party in the Qilin. However, the small blood can sense that the other party is definitely the only family in the world.

"The little blood has a relationship with the ninth lord..."

At this time, Xiang Yang has quietly and quietly emerged from the Promise Immortal. His eyes looked at the little blood and the ninth lord, with a strange color on his face. Then, suddenly, his gaze condensed. With the power of his soul, there is a causal link between the little blood and the ninth lord. It seems that the connection between the blood and the blood is the same. He suddenly understands, and this is actually the same family. .

"What a coincidence."

Xiang Yang’s heart was self-talking, and he did not expect the ninth sect of Daomen. The only female Taoist priest was actually a unicorn.

"Xiao Zizi, what about your Golden Dan?"

At this time, the fifth lord also found out that Xiang Yang came out. He looked at Xiang Yang and always felt that Xiang Yang would appear at this time. It should be that the refining failed.

After all, although Xiang Yang has refining Taihang Jindan in countless times in the Promise of Immortality, even to the extent that practice can make perfect, almost zero error, but the time difference of Promise Xianfu was opened to 20,000 times. The flesh is almost unbearable, and the real time of the past is not a while.

"Has it failed?"

The Taoist Lin Qi and the Taoist Lin Xian shook their heads at the same time. Although they did not hope for Xiangyang, they really felt a little disappointment when they saw that Xiangyang came out empty-handed.

"This door is too difficult for Jin Dan to be refining."

Xiang Yang’s face was with regret and he sighed and walked over.

"Nothing, there are hundreds of alchemy masters in the gate. They don't understand how to refine Jindan. It is normal for you to fail."

The lord Lin Qi said softly, "But it is a pity that there is no extra Jin Dan in the door to give to a small friend. Otherwise, you can give the little friend some golden dan."

Obviously, this guy is just talking about the fart. There isn’t even a remedy in Xiangyang’s unbelievable door. It’s just that this guy is reluctant to take it out. Instead, he will prepare the materials for the refining of Jindan. Share, it looks very generous, let yourself try alchemy, if you can't refine it, you can send yourself. If you succeed in the refining, you can get the medicine, which is the door to the big business. Said, still earned.

It is a pity that the landlord Lynch was a little disappointed that Xiang Yang did not bring him an accident.

"It's okay, you are just a fairy. When you practice to the level of Daluo Xianzun, come back to the door to find Lynch's materials. I believe that Lynch will definitely give you a surprise." Xiang Yang is an old acquaintance. He saw Xiang Yang’s face with regrets, and he also thought that Xiangyang’s refining system failed. He was comforted.

All the people present in the scene have opened their mouths. "The little friends don't have to be disappointed. No one can refine the golden dragons in the whole gate. It is really because Jindan is too difficult to refine."

"Yeah, the golden door of the Daomen is only the Taoist priest and his disciples can be refining. It is normal for you to refine."

"Presumably, in order to get the golden dan, the little friend wants to temper the flesh. In the door, there are some other methods of tempering the flesh. Although it can't be compared with Taishang Jindan, it is not much weak. Lin Odd, let's take some for a little friend."


Even the ninth lord who was originally holding a small blood speaks up and tells the landlord that Lynch will give something to the other smelting of the sacred door, so that Xiang Yang can get other methods of assisting the refining.

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly showed a surprise color on his face. He did not expect that there were other ways in the door. He quickly made a courtesy to the Ninth Road. "Thank you for your respect."

"You don't have to be polite."

The ninth Taoist smiled softly. "I have just communicated with Xiaoxue. The little girl is a little princess of the Kirin family. It was because of the negligence of the Qilin people that she left the crack in the battlefield of the fairy. Among them, I am following you now, you are very good to her, and my body is also a unicorn family, naturally I should thank you very much."

Obviously, if it is not the cause of small blood, the ninth lord can not give Xiang Yang other methods.

At this moment, the landlord Lynch’s face with hesitation is obviously a bit reluctant, and after the ninth sire met, he waved his hand and told him, “Quickly fetch it to the little friend.”


The Taoist Lin Qi was still hesitating. It is really a very precious method for the door of the refining body. Even if he is also very reluctant to give Xiang Yang, the ninth lord has already Opening, he could only bite his teeth and agreed to turn and leave.

Soon after, the Taoist Lin Qi came back again. He handed Xiangyang a storage ring and whispered, "Xiang Xiaoyou, this is the quenching body fluid of Daomen, which is a collection of 999 kinds of panacea, for Da Luozhi. There is a strong quenching effect below the territory. As the body reaches the Da Luo situation, the effect is relatively small."

After seeing Xiang Yang, he found that there is a small pool of about ten feet in the storage ring. There is a pool of liquid in it, which exudes a mysterious atmosphere. It is the quenching body fluid of Daomen.

"" The ninth dissatisfied looked at the host, Lynch.

"Dao Zun, among the gates, the quenching liquid that transcends the Da Luo's realm is really too little. Nowadays, they have all been assigned to the Tianjiao of Daomen. After they have been tempered, they have to go to participate in the Battle of the Immortals. It is really no. It’s superfluous.” Lynch quickly ceremonially.

While talking about it, he was afraid that Xiangyang’s heart was unhappy, and he quickly said, “Please also ask the little friend forgive me.”

"It doesn't matter, it's enough."

Xiang Yang is very happy. For him, what is missing is the treasure of the former quenching body of Daluo. As soon as he reaches the realm of the body, there is a tower of physical repair that can be used. Things.

Although the Taoist just gave a pool of quenching body fluid, but there is more than nothing, it is enough for Xiang Yang.

"Thank you for your friend's understanding." Lin Qi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiang Yang did not rely on the relationship with the Taoist priests and was unreasonable. He wanted to have a more advanced quenching body fluid. Otherwise, he would have to turn the door. The collections are all taken out to Xiang Yang.

Seeing that Xiang Yang is so reasonable, the Taoist Lin Qi’s heart has an infinite affection for Xiang Yang. He sighs that Xiang Yang is not the person of that pulse.

At this time, Xiang Yang saw that the treasure he could get had already got his hand. His hand swayed and a jade bottle appeared. His face said with regrets, "The door is too good for Jin Dan." Refining, I failed twice, and the third time was successful, but only nine golden dragons were refining."


After Xiang Yang’s words were finished, everyone in the gate was shocked. Lin Qi, the nearest Taoist from Xiang Yang, was even more stunned. He instantly took the jade bottle from Xiang Yang’s hand and opened the lid to pour out a golden color. The medicinal herbs, the scent of the scent is flowing, so that everyone understands, this is the most authentic Taishang Jindan, and the purple air is surrounded by it, and the high quality is scary at first glance.

"Toojin Jindan, and it is still the highest quality Taishang Jindan, this..."

The other Taoist priests all gathered up, one by one, watching the one in the hands of the Taoist Lin Qi, and then their eyes looked at Xiang Yang, his eyes with an incredible color.

"Boss, don't you say that your refining has failed?" Daozi Lin Xian asked Xiang Yang with a strange color.

"I just said that it is very difficult to refine, and did not say that it failed." Xiang Yang sighed and said.


After everyone listened, it was found that it was exactly like this. Although Xiang Yang said that it was very difficult to refine, but did not say that there was no refining success, but after everyone saw Xiang Yang’s expression, It is only natural that Xiang Yang did not succeed in refining.


If you want to say the most wondering person in your heart, it is naturally the Taoist Lin Qi, and he also misunderstood, thinking that Xiangyang refining failed. Otherwise, how can he be willing to give the door of the quenching body fluid to Xiangyang?

You should know that these hardened body fluids can be said to be the treasures of the Taoist temple. They can cultivate dozens of Taomen Tianjiao true immortals. However, they gave Xiang Yang, and he even thought that Xiang Yang did not ask. To have a higher level of quenching body fluid, I feel that Xiang Yang is really a very good person. Until now, he realized that Xiang Yang is really too bad. He has already refining Jin Dan, but he does not say it. After waiting for the benefits from yourself, this will take out Jindan.

Xiang Yang obviously can sense the resentful gaze of the main lord, and his face with a sly smile on the face of the lord Lin Qidao. "It is a pity that it is too difficult to refine the Jindan." However, I am only reluctantly refining nine medicinal herbs. Well, according to our agreement, the two sides are half-pointed, I don’t know..."

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s face was smiling, and he gave the initiative of the nine medicinal herbs to the Taoist Lin Qi. He wanted to see if the Taoist Lin Qi was to give himself four medicinal herbs. Still have to give yourself five remedies.

"Old ancestors."

The Taoist Lin Qi did not dare to be the master, but looked at the nine avenues. At the same time, silently handed the jade bottle containing nine medicinal herbs to the fifth lord.

When Xiang Yang saw this trend, he suddenly felt cold and secret. "The door should not be so shameless. I want to have all the nine medicinal herbs swallowed. If I can really do this, then I am in danger." ""

At the same time as he thought, his body shape was slightly stepped back toward the rear, ready to leave at any time.

Of course, he also knows that on the Jiu Di Mountain, if the nine avenues of Daomen want to be like themselves, even if the power of their own soul reaches a very incredible degree, it is impossible to block the nine avenues.

Seeing the action of Xiang Yang, everyone was exposed to the strange color, and felt that Xiang Yang was too wary.

The fifth prince couldn’t help but smile. "You little guy, do you really think that we will detain you, and then let you be the master of the alchemy?"

"It's really possible."

Xiang Yang nodded very honestly, but there was no relaxation in his heart.

“噗...” Seeing Xiang Yang’s very honest way of saying it, everyone is speechless, especially the fifth prince holding the jade bottle, and even throwing the jade bottle directly to Xiang Yang, “This is You refining the remedy, take it yourself."

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