Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2657: transaction

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"Your remedy is taken by yourself."

When Xiang Yang took the jade bottle that was thrown by the fifth lord in his hand, he was relieved at the same time, but he was raised with a heart of admiration. The road to the nine avenues is not the nine avenues, the main forest Although Qi is also the peak of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, but in any case can not compare with the Nine Avenues, this point, from Lin Qi did not speak, but throw the jade bottle to the fifth Dao Zun can see it.

"Kid, this is what you refine, naturally it is yours. As for the agreed medicinal medicine divided into five parts, it is the division of the next remedy. I can provide you with a hundred percent refining materials. As long as five hundred are too golden, the rest, no matter how much you refine, it is yours. Do you think this is the case?"

At this time, when Xiang Yang felt that the fifth honor was very good, he suddenly heard the fifth smile and said.

"Five hundred are too golden?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly snorted. "That's still a problem. I already have nine Jindan, so I can use it. Why waste time refining 500 pieces of Jindan?" I can't get one without moving myself?"

Said, directly put the jade bottle in his hand, smiled and laughed at the small bald head and small blood, "Go."

"Cough... boss, I was stared."

However, when Xiang Yang greeted the little bald head to go, he saw Xiaoguangtou’s face with a sly look at Xiangyang, and said with anger, “Dao Zun adults are old because of my teacher’s respect, but they are afraid of my teacher. Respect will not come to see him, so I plan to leave me on the Jiu Di Mountain and let me wait for my teacher to come to me."


After Xiang Yang listened, he was stunned. His eyes looked at the little bald head, and he looked at the second respect behind the little bald head. His face had a quirky color and his heart was dark. This is really clever, small. The blood is the same as the ninth lord. After all, the ninth lord also has the unicorn blood, but even the little bald master’s fat monk has a hatred with the second lord, making the second lord use This method of detaining a small bald head here attracts the fat monk to come to him. This is really interesting.

However, let Xiang Yang feel a little hesitant, should he should take a small bald head to leave, look at the color of the look of the little bald head in his own eyes, Xiang Yang is very clear, this little guy is sure I really want to let myself take the other side away.

However, from the second lord's hand to grab people, Xiang Yang really did not end, so, Xiang Yang made a decision, with a smile on his face, pretending not to understand, the meaning of the little bald words Nodded to the little bald head, "Since your master is a confession with the Taoist predecessors, and the Taoist predecessors want to point you well, then you will stay with the Taoist, if I meet your master, the bastard, Cough, if you meet your master, I will tell him that you have been very good at Jiu Di Mountain."


After listening to the little bald head, it was dumbfounded. Even if I didn’t take my own walk, I even told my master that I had been very good on the Jiu Di Mountain. Is this trying to change from a bald head to a Taoist?

The resentment on his face is so resentful, and the second priest on the side hears Xiang Yang saying "Your Master's bastard", it is a bright eye, as if he found a confidant, haha Laughing and said, "It seems that Xiaoyou is familiar with the bastard. It's not bad. If the younger friend sees the **** next time, remember to tell him that his disciple is doing very well with me."

At this moment, other Taoist and Taoist priests saw the conversation between Xiangyang and the second priest, and they were not in a hurry to say that they were too golden, but they looked at Xiangyang with a smile.

Xiang Yang patted his heart and said, "Dao Zun's predecessors are relieved. I will definitely let the fat monk not worry about his disciples. Moreover, he will be very happy after he knows it, because the fat monk has always felt that he cannot handle his disciple. The trouble of entanglement of various energies, so I threw his disciples to me, and now there is a Taoist adult to help the road, he will certainly be grateful."


Originally thought that Xiang Yang was very uncomfortable to see the fat monk, and the second sage who was a friend of his own right was stunned after listening to Xiang Yang’s words. It seems that if he buckled the little bald head on the Jiu Di Mountain, It is not to retaliate against the fat monk, but to help the fat monk take care of the disciples, and also to try to help the little bald head to solve the problem of the future problems in the body.

At this moment, the second honor of Daomen suddenly felt that the whole person was not good.

"Forget it, you still have to go."

Later, the second sorrowful wave of waving to the little bald head, directly let the little bald head turn away, his heart is really too uncomfortable, this kind of distinction is to deal with the person who is not good, let the other side uncomfortable, but Instead, it became a feeling of being a nanny to the other party. He couldn't wait to slap a little bare head, but when he remembered the strength of the fat monk, he was paralyzed.

"Really?" When the little bald head heard the second respect, it was like a fog in the clouds. The excitement could not be self-sufficient. The whole person smirked and jumped up and rushed toward Xiangyang.

"Boss, thank you, you are so good, I know, you will not abandon me."

Xiaoguangtou looked at Xiangyang with a look of excitement. "I know that the boss is extraordinary. I can save me in a few words. It is the object that I will pursue in the rest of my life."

"To shut up."

Xiang Yang snorted, but his heart was a bit puzzled. It seemed that he had done something that was not quite right. It was obviously thinking of throwing a small bald head to the Jiuding Mountain of Daomen, and this second road. How did Zun think that he wanted to be on the other side?

I knew that I wouldn’t tell the second lord to help the little bald head solve the problem of countless energy conflicts in the body.

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked very excited, as if he had saved his life with a small bald head, could not help but sigh, "But it, let him continue to follow."

In the heart of Xiaoguangtou, Xiang Yang is not his own boss. In the face of the powerful existence of the Taoist Emperor of the Jiu Di Mountain, he will not leave himself. He is definitely the object of faithful follow-up for the rest of his life. .

Xiang Yang sighed and sighed, and when he was ready to leave, the fifth priest couldn’t help but open his mouth. "Kid, wait a minute, don't worry."

The fifth prince was originally thinking that Xiangyang is definitely the kind of person who can't afford to be early. Since he has been able to refine the Jindan, then the door provides the material for one hundred copies of alchemy in Xiangyang. Yang gave the gates refining 500 pieces of Jindan, and according to Xiangyang, the three-point material can refine the speed of nine golden dragons, and definitely can get 500 pieces of Jindan, and he still has the heart. Estimated, Xiang Yang must not only refine the nine Taihang Jindan, maybe more and more possibilities.

In Xiangyang’s case, it’s definitely a big profit, and Xiang Yang’s unwillingness, which makes him a bit puzzled, but remembering that he took the jade bottle on his own initiative is equivalent to taking over the cooperation with Xiangyang. The thing, naturally can not let Xiangyang leave.

"What happened to your young man? It’s as violent as before, and you leave without moving. If you think that there are too many 500 Jindan, you can say it, why bother to leave at once."

The fifth sigh sighed and said.

"Oh, do you think I am violent?" If Xiangyang would have a little respect for other Taoist priests, but in the fifth lord who had been beaten by himself, Xiang Yang’s heart couldn’t really afford anything to the other. Dear meaning.

"Don't you be violent?" The fifth priest also remembered the time when he confronted Xiangyang in the same realm. He was beaten by Xiangyang, remembering the place where he was not deeply buried by the Xiangyang bombardment. When the whole person fell into the mountain wall, he could not help but sigh. "This is the first time that the old man has met such a violent young man like you."


"I said the old man, what you mean is that this countless years, only a brother can beat you?" Xiaoxue said with a smile.

"Nonsense, that is to discuss, where is there anything that overbearing the deity?" After listening to the fifth priest, his face suddenly changed, and he quickly sipped.

While sipping, he glanced at the other sages with a guilty gaze, and found that when all the other priests were shining at this moment, he suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Five, do you dare to drink my niece?" The ninth sorrow sneered, although it was a woman's body, but she was in the face of the fifth honor in front of her, but it was not at all polite, cold. Channel, "Since then, the little blood is my niece, who dares to scream at her, the deity is desperate with him."

"I, I..." The fifth respected look at the nine avenues, the most well-behaved sister, now turned into a dare to threaten this brother, and he suddenly felt that there was a bad premonition. .

"Ha ha ha ha... I said that after you came back last time, you will immediately go to Jingxin Cliff to sit down. It was beaten by this little guy. You are so shameful."

"My God, are you still one of our nine gates? You were beaten by a real fairy, are you still coming back?"

"God, you are actually in front of me, it's incredible."


Next, the rest of the rest of the Nine Avenues are very happy to say, each one has an incredible color on his face, although the last time the fifth honor was beaten by Xiang Yang, but as a Taoist, his After self-esteem let him return to the Jiu Di Mountain, he did not say a word, so that the entire Daomen did not know that after the endless years, he would be beaten.

"My big brother is really against the sky. After playing the fifth lord, I can still live well, and let the fifth priest personally welcome him to the Shangjiu Mountain. This is really bold."

The Taoist Lin Xian was staring at Xiang Yang, and he was very impressed with Xiang Yang.

The Taoist Lin Qi also looked at Xiang Yang with great shock. If he said that he was a contemporary Taoist who was a Taoist, he felt that Xiang Yang’s cultivation was too weak and he looked down on Xiang Yang’s words. Now the Taoist The heart is full of admiration for Xiang Yang, it is too admirable Xiang Yang.

This is the fifth honor of the gate.

At the same time, the lord Lin Qi felt a bit ashamed in his heart. The existing Daozun, who has the highest status in the door, was beaten by Xiang Yang. What a shame for the whole gate.

"It's over..."

The fifth sorrowful face, gazeless, only feels that the whole person has a feeling of dying. He listens to the happy laughter of his brothers in his ears, only to feel that he is too miserable.

"Cough, I said the fifth respected senior, this is not what I said, you have to mention this thing, it has nothing to do with me." Xiang Yang saw the fifth face with a desperate color Look, I am a little worried that this old guy suddenly violently extinguished himself. At that time, even if he was beaten by himself, there is no need to worry about being told.

After all, his own person who had beaten him has been killed by him. Even if he is taken out, he has something to refute.

Xiang Yang didn't talk well. When he spoke, the fifth honor was exposed when the forehead was blue, and there was a kind of unbearable look. He snorted and gritted his teeth and looked at Xiangyang Road. "Not your kid... ”

"Predecessors said wrong, it is not my reason. I think that you are a senior in your predecessor. It is still the second highest level of cultivation. It is mainly necessary to know how to recognize yourself and to see yourself in a comprehensive perspective. It is a failure. If you win, you will win. If you win, you won’t be arrogant. This is the true predecessor style. If you are afraid of being said to have failed, you will kill those who defeat you. That's what you are wrong with."

"Then what do you think I should do?" asked the fifth lord coldly.

"Nature is to keep this mountain, I am always urging you, so that you can practice well and strive to beat me in the same realm." Xiang Yang said while carrying his hands and smiling, "The seniors think that I said Can it be?"

"Yes, it's too right."

The sixth Taoist was the first to be happy.

"Yeah, your mountain spurs the fifth lord to go forward, hahaha..." The seventh priest was equally happy to laugh out loud.


Seeing that these two Taoist gods seem to fear that the world is not chaotic, Xiang Yang’s heart is secretly obsessed with old things. It is too much. Is it necessary to let the fifth lord directly destroy himself?

He is really worried that the fifth priest will not be able to withstand the eyes of these sages, really want to smash...

"Ha ha ha ha..."

At this time, the fifth prince couldn't help but laugh out. What happened to Xiangyang and others was that this guy seemed to be nothing to do at this moment, and said to Xiang Yang, "Okay, these If things have passed, I won’t talk about them. Let’s talk about your conditions and give you a hundred percent of alchemy materials. How much do you give to the gates?”

Xiang Yang blinked and looked at the fifth lord who had returned to normal. He thought about it, and he might have to converge a little bit later. Otherwise, if the squad is too smashed, I am afraid that this old guy will be new. Hate all broke out together, when I was really not an opponent.

"Well, don't worry, when I raise the power of the body to the realm of Da Luo Jiu Tian, ​​even if you are the fifth honor of Daomen, it is not my opponent."

Xiang Yang sighs in his heart, and he is more and more expecting that the tower of physical repair can be successfully rectified. At that time, as long as he has been tempered for a period of time in the tower of physical repair, he can directly become a true supreme power, and no longer have to worry about noodles. What are the dangers to these old monsters in the fairy world?

However, now, before your strength has not improved, you can only give up a little.

At the same time, Xiang Yang raised the number of one hundred golden dragons that he had originally wanted to say, and said one bit, "Two hundred are too golden, this is still asking me to risk my big day." The risk does not even make it possible to refine so many Golden Dans. If it is possible, it will be sold. If not, I will go to the alchemy materials myself."

"it is good."

The fifth lord agreed to it. Originally, he did not think that Xiangyang could refine nine hundred golden dan with one hundred alchemy materials. After all, they gave Xiangyang three hundred copies of alchemy. According to the material, Xiang Yang only refines nine golden dans. Although he thinks that Xiang Yang is definitely a lot of possession, if there is no private possession, it means that only one material can only refine three golden dan. As a result, it is impossible for a hundred materials to appear as five hundred golden dragons.

"Linkey, go get the materials."

The next thing is very simple, the Taoist Lin Qi went to prepare a hundred materials for Xiang Yang, and after Xiang Yang took the materials, he went directly to the alchemy in the Promise.

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