Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2661: Kindly doing bad things

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"Sister Mei, where are you?"

When the man named Zhang Jianyu left, Hu Xin, who was still half-solved in the blouse, lay in bed and contacted Mei Aoxue.

At this moment, Mei Ao Xue has just finished the work of Qingqiuzhou, got the permission of the family ancestors, went directly to the transfer array, and was preparing to go to the Central Fairy City to find Xiangyang.

She saw that she was a good sister of her childhood, Hu Xinyu found herself, and suddenly her face was strange and her heart was dark. "The heart has not contacted me for a long time, plus this time the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming, she After attending, she almost broke contact with me. How come I suddenly found me?"

At the same time, she told Hu Xinyu truthfully, "Heart, I am preparing to go to the Central Fairy."

"Why? At this time, my sister shouldn't be preparing for the next Wanzhou Destiny's Battle? How come suddenly to the Central Fairy?"

Although Hu Xinyu had already bought the people around Mei Aoxue, he deliberately pretended to be ignorant and passed it with a strange voice.

"This is a difficult story. I am ready to give up the battle of Wanzhou Tianshou." Mei Aoxue sighed and told Hu Xinyu about her preparation to give up.

"Is there such a situation? My sister should not rush to the Central Fairy City, first come to Yinhuzhou to find me, I will think about ways to see if there is any way to help my sister through this difficult time." Hu Xinyu Said in a tone of voice.

"But..." Mei Aoxue’s face was hesitant. She originally promised Xiangyang to go to Xiangyang. If she had to go to Yinhuzhou again, I would have to take too much time. Once, it is estimated that it will be nearly a month. At that time, it may be possible for Xiangyang to leave the Central Fairy City and wait for himself.

"Nothing is good, my sister is coming, are you still afraid that I will hurt you?" Hu Xinyu said quickly.

"We grew up together, and others may have sisters who are disabled, but we naturally don't, how can I doubt you?"

Mei Aoxue whispered softly, and when he saw that the other party said this one, she naturally refused to accept it. She had to promise it. "In this case, I will go to you right away."

"Ok, I will wait for you."

Hu Xinyu heard that Mei Aoxue said that it was impossible to hurt the other two sisters. Her heart was very moved. She couldn’t help but her eyes were reddish. After turning off the transmitter, she whispered, "Mei sister, we are young. Growing up together, maybe I don't have any real sister feelings for others. However, you saved my life in the past. If it weren't for you, there would be no me, I will definitely help you."

Hu Xinyu did not tell Mei Aoxue that he had let his 'man' Zhang Jianyu go to the Central Xiancheng to deal with Xiangyang. She knew that Mei Aoxue should come soon, and it should be very fast. After all, Qingqiuzhou and Yinhuzhou would not far.

After she quickly cleaned up and neatly, she changed to another hospital and waited for the arrival of Mei Aoxue.

Sure enough, less than three hours later, with the connection with Mei Aoxue, Hu Xinyu had already felt that Mei Aoxue had already appeared in the scope of Yinhuzhou. She stood up and hurriedly rushed over the void. Just in the transmission line to meet Mei Aoxue.

"Sister Mei."

Hu Xinyu is still a silver fox coat, her face is charming, even if it is attractive, even more attractive than Mei Ao Xue, because Hu Xinyu is a silver fox, can be said to be a real fox, face, and then In addition, she has paid attention to her fascination from an early age, which makes her better than Mei Ao Xue in this respect.

However, Mei Aoxue is different from her. Mei Aoxue is the kind of real kind of person. She practices spirituality, and as a woman who is destined, she is destined to be true. The destiny of the people has a completely different temperament than Hu Xinyu.


Mei Aoxue once again saw his childhood sister, very happy, and quickly hugged with Hu Xinyu, two peerless beauty, and are the daughters of destiny, standing together at this time, naturally attracts the attention of countless people.

However, this is Yinhuzhou, the site of the silver fox family. Hu Xinyu, as the little princess of the silver fox family, naturally has a very extraordinary status. After seeing Hu Xinyu, everyone around them dare not go forward to bother.

"Go, go to the place where I live."

Hu Xinyu whispered, tearing the void with one hand, and rushing with Mei Aoxue toward where she lived.

"Heart, I can't think of these years, your cultivation has already been upgraded to the level of Da Luo Xianzun. It is too fast." Mei Ao Xue saw the strength of Hu Xinyu, and suddenly it was a bit shocking, although Mei Aoxue The cultivation has reached the realm of the Da Luo Wuzhong Tianxian Wang. However, Hu Xinyu, who needed Mei Aoxue protection in his childhood, has reached the level of Da Luo’s seven-day Tianxian Zun, which is two levels higher than her.

"I just got lucky, I got the inheritance of a silver fox ancestor, and I can improve it to the present level. However, my sister is also very extraordinary, and I have also cultivated it into the realm of the big Luo, and I must have In time, you can reach the realm of Xianzun."

Hu Xinyu took Mei Aoxue out of the void and suddenly went to the place where she lived. She gave people a drink and a variety of tea, and then took Mei Le Xue to sit down.

"If there is no battle for the woman of Wanzhou, it may take a few years for me to reach the realm of Xianzun. However, now I don't want to fight, I don't know if life can be saved, let alone the situation of Xianzun. "Mei Xue said with a wry smile.

"Ms. Mei, the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny, since she participated, she can’t quit. This is the rule set by the elders, and it’s the old ones who control it. You and I are clear, and, Even people who participate in the war can't be replaced temporarily, unless the people who participated in the war have already died before the war has begun. You can replace it. Why don't you..."

Hu Xinyu said softly.

"say no more."

Mei Aoxue shook his head. "Heart, if I don't worry because Xiang Yang's cultivation is too weak, it is absolutely impossible to persist in this war. How can I give up this war and come to us?" Say, who can stick to the end, is the real person who can become the fate of Wanzhou, and even eventually become the whole person who is in charge of the entire fairyland air transport, who does not want it? However, everyone has an unclear feeling, Xiang Yang I know him in the lower bounds. He is really very interesting. I signed a co-death contract with him. This time, if he is killed and killed, I will die. If he does not participate in the war, I will Not necessarily dead, at least, it will leave us a life."


After Hu Xinyu listened, his face changed greatly. The whole person lost his body and stood up and said, "Sister, what are you talking about?"

At this moment, Hu Xinyu was really panicked. Her face was panicked and the whole person was in a state of disappointment. Why did she ask her lover to deal with Xiangyang? Isn't it just to help Mei Aoxue?

However, at this time, she found that she had done something wrong. If Zhang Jianyu had extinguished Xiangyang, it would be equivalent to letting the lover out of his own hands and destroying the good sister who wanted to help.

"No, no, no."

"Yu Lang..."

Hu Xinyu quickly took out the communication jade, however, what made her desperate was that her 'Yulang' had a habit, that is, when she went out, she would not take out the communication jade, no matter what she did, unless Zhang Jianyu took the initiative to contact her. Otherwise, she is unlikely to contact Zhang Jianyu through one-way.

"what happened?"

When Mei Aoxue’s eyes saw Hu Xin’s face with a nervous color, he suddenly frowned, and there was a bad premonition in his heart.

"Sister, I am sorry for you."

Hu Xinyu was about to cry. She looked at Mei Aoxue with a nervous look and bowed her head. "I, I was thinking of helping you to change the blade of the battle, so let my people go to destroy Xiangyang.. Yes, but I don't know that you have signed a co-death contract with him. I, I am sorry for you..."


After Mei Aoxue listened, he couldn’t sit still anymore. He stood up and looked at Hu Xinyu with a cold face. "You said, you let people kill Xiangyang?"

At this moment, Mei Aoxue is also in chaos, and even the tone of his speech is extremely cold.

"Yes... I... I..."

Hu Xinyu looked at Mei Aoxue with a sigh of relief. Her heart was shaking and she looked at Mei Aoxue. She regretted it very much. She knew very well that since Mei Aoxue signed a co-death contract with Xiang Yang, if Zhang Jianyu killed the item. In the words of yang, Mei Ao Xue will also be devastated by the power of the contract.

"When did he leave?"

Mei Aoxue asked quickly.

"Just before I contact you." Hu Xinyu said.

"Let him come back." Mei Aoxue looked cold and angry.

"There is no connection. When Yulang went out, he always directly threw the communication jade on one side. I can't contact him." Hu Xinyu said in a panic.


Mei Aoxue glared at Hu Xinyu and asked, "What is he doing?"

"Big, big Luo eight heavens, Zhang Jianyu, he entered the road with a sword, comparable to the repair of Da Luo Jiuzhongtian." Hu Xinyu replied stutteringly.


Mei Aoxue did not say anything, his body flashed and turned directly into a ray of light. If Hu Xinyu’s person was just a fairy king, she could not worry about Xiangyang’s, but to deal with it. The person of Yang turned out to be the super strong man in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. He was trained to be comparable to Da Luo’s nine heavens. This kind of strength is terrible. How can Xiang Yang’s talents be just a few years, how can he block each other? ?

Fortunately, the other party is just leaving soon. As long as you are on your way, you may be able to catch up with each other before you find Xiangyang.

"Wait for me, I will accompany you."

Hu Xinyu was busy chasing after him. The reason why she let Zhang Jianyu deal with Xiangyang was mainly to protect Mei Aoxue. She did not expect that she would do bad things with good intentions. She was nervous and knew that she must keep up with it. Otherwise, Zhang Jianyu really Starting from the hands, the six parents do not recognize, will not control Mei Aoxue.

At this moment, among the restaurants of a fire family in the Central Xiancheng, Xiangyang’s friends are playing in twos and threes, while Xiangyang disappears, and his deity has also entered the Promise.

In this Promise Immortal, he first refined all the alchemy materials into Taishang Jindan, and then he took a bit of Jindan to feel it. He found that this is too much for Jindan. Useful, but it is really only useful for the refining monks below the Da Luo territory. If it is more than the Da Luo situation, it will be too small.


After Xiang Yang thought about it, he directly grabbed a person from the Promise of Immortality, who was in the real world of the ascetic.

With the help of Xiang Yang, most of them have already broken through to the physical body of Da Luo, but there are still a few people who have made a very slow breakthrough in their cultivation. There is still no breakthrough.

"the host."

As soon as this physical repair appeared, he quickly went to Xiangyang to worship.

"Take it, then practice for a little while, tell me if there is any change in your cultivation."

Xiang Yang directly handed one of them to Jindan.


The other party did not hesitate to hesitate. He took the one-on-one Jindan directly into the mouth. After a while, the guy was full of blood and burst into flames. He quickly sat down. Entering the state of practice, however, after a short while, this boiling breath is obviously weakened.

"It is the effect of the drug is too weak, and it is impossible to make a real breakthrough. However, if the cultivation is low, such as Xiaobai and others, as long as they have not become a fairy, a golden dan is enough to make them into immortals. ”

Xiang Yang whispered to himself and had a better understanding of the role of Taishang Jindan. At the moment, he waved his hand to let this true fairy body leave, and he himself was in a state of contemplation.

"Tai Shang Jin Dan, Vajra Bodhi Liquid, Yuan Mo Stone, and later the door quenching body fluid, these four things are blended together according to a certain proportion, and should be able to play a better role."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself and began to melt some of the Jindan and Yuanmo stone into liquid, and then began the process of careful debugging.

His goal is to let all the friends and relatives in the lower bounds break through to the body of the body, and then, after the completion of the refining of the tower, each can break through the tower to the peak. The big Luo Jiuzhong is in the flesh, and by then, their strength is among the strongest in this fairy world.

These treasures in Xiang Yang’s hands are all capable of letting people break through the things of Da Luo. As long as he makes good use of them, although he can’t make hundreds of thousands of 'order blades' break through, it’s enough for the friends and family around to break through. .

Next, Xiang Yang exchanged for a dozen of the realities of the real fairy. Every time he was adjusted according to the proportion, he was renamed to 'body repair liquid' and he took these experiments. At the beginning, The first one was almost killed. Xiang Yang took a great price to save the other party, and personally helped the other party to break through to the state of Da Luo to compensate the other party.

Then, one by one, the experiment, although not as much as the first one was killed, but it is not very good.

Although these men will not have any resistance and dissatisfaction when they are driven into the magic species by Xiang Yang, Xiang Yang is also good to them. As long as he accepts the experiment, he will personally help the other party to break through to the state of Da Luo as compensation. other side.

When the tenth experimental product was served under the body repairing liquid of Xiangyang, finally, he burst into the brilliance of the body, and the body roared constantly, like a thunderous sound, and it seemed to be a knife and a chisel, accompanied by a series of sounds. The unrestricted explosion of blood on his body, after the accumulation reached its apex, instantly rushed into a new level, which is the realm of Da Luo.

"Okay, finally the deployment is complete."

After Xiang Yang met, it was the color of excitement on his face. Even if it was used by the masters of Zhenxian Peak, it would be useful for those of his friends and relatives, but the weight should be mastered, or else, with their Repairing is too weak, and swallowing too much at a time may not be able to withstand it.

"The Yuan Magic Stone is not enough, no, you must find a way to buy some Yuan Magic Stone."

Then, Xiang Yang looked at the liquid after the melting of the Yuanmo Stone. Because the experiment had already consumed a lot of time, he suddenly felt very distressed. He made up his mind and tried to get some Yuanmo Stone and went to see it. The tower of the body repaired by Xiaoling discovered that after the Hongmeng Xuantie and Hongmengjing finances that he had obtained from Daomen, the refining of the tower of the body repair was smoother, and he was happy to leave the Promise. Xianfu.

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