Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2662: Underground black market (four more flowers)

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"Boss, you finally came out."

When Xiang Yang came out of the Promise Immortal, he saw the little bald head rushing over, as if he had seen his long-lost relatives grabbed his own hands and looked at himself with tears.

"What's wrong, how long have I left?"

Xiang Yang looked at Xiaoguangtou strangely. Although he spent a long time in the Promise Xianfu, the Promise Xianfu has been widely opened by himself for a thousand times, and the outside world has the most time in the past one or two days. Only.

"Not long after, it was only two days passed. The ancients had words. They didn't see each other for three days. I haven't seen the boss for two days. It is already six autumns, and I want to be the boss."

The little bald head sighed and said.

"Speaking people." Xiang Yang frowned at this guy and always felt that this guy had no good things.

"Cough, boss, this is the case, I want to borrow some money from you." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.


After Xiang Yang listened, his face was a strange color, and the body of the small bald head was absolutely very rich. This point, from this guy’s hand, he can directly see a lot of vajra bodhi liquid. However, this guy actually wants to borrow money?

Is this a joke?

"Yeah boss, lend me some best fairy stone, and I will return it to you as soon as I have money." Xiaoguangtou looked at Xiangyang with a longing look.

Xiang Yang threw a small storage ring to Xiaoguangtou, which contained hundreds of thousands of rare fairy stones. For Xiangyang, the role of Xianshi has been very small. These can be said that nearly half of the best celestial stones in his body are in Inside.

"Wow, so much, hahaha, that's great. I have to kill the Quartet this time, let the **** take a good look, and even dare to win the Buddha's money, it is simply looking for death."

When the little bald head saw the many precious stones in the storage ring, he suddenly screamed with excitement.

"Are you going to the gambling house?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he frowned. He didn't expect to look down on his own hair and ask for the best singer. It was actually to go to the gambling gambling. I didn't even know that this little bald had a hobby.

"Cough, I just go to play." Xiaoguangtou said quickly, "The boss is relieved, I am absolutely not addicted to it, I just earn those guys who won from me, I will not play." It is."

"How much have you lost?" Xiang Yang frowned and looked at the little bald head.

"Not much, just a few thousand best fairy stones." After the number of small bald heads counted, he said.

"Oh, then forget it, don't play, you can buy something with me."

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly became speechless. This little bald head is also a superb fairy king. It is definitely comparable to the immortal king in the fairy world. However, he actually went to the gambling gambling and lost. It is really Too shameful.

"Don't be the boss, this is the first time I went to the gambling house to play. If I didn't win the lost stones, I wouldn't be reconciled." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.

"The first time." After Xiang Yang listened, he was relieved. This little bald head was obviously too boring these two days. When he strolled around the central fairy city, he just saw the gambling house. Just curious to enter the gambling house to play once, and as a result, he did not understand the rules, he lost the light...

Fortunately, the little bald head is not stupid. He did not take out all the treasures on his body to gamble. Otherwise, it is estimated that the little bald head is really going to lose all the light, and even crying has no place to cry.

"Right, just the first time, let me play again. This time, I must fix the other party." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.

"Can't you listen to me?"

Xiang Yang looked serious at the little bald head.

"Listen..." After listening to the little bald head, he suddenly shrugged his face and never dared to mention the gambling.

"Go, go shopping with me."

Regardless of the desperation of the little bald head, Xiang Yang waved his hand directly and left with a small bald head. As for the few women who were flamboyant, they did not know where to go to play.

Xiang Yang is not worried about the safety of Huo Mei and others. This is the Central Fairy City, which is the site of the fire family. The local snakes of Huo Mei are going to play with the girls. No one dares to provoke a few women without opening their eyes.

"Boss, where are we going?"

Xiaoguangtou followed Xiangyang. When he passed through several big gambling gamblers, his eyes slammed in and out, and he wanted to go all out to kill him, but he looked at Xiangyang’s leisurely walk in front. The look is hard to resist, can only bitter face looked at Xiang Yang, I hope that Xiang Yang can quickly end the purchase of goods in the retreat into the Promise Immortal, then he can be liberated, think What to do if you do anything.

"Go to the auction."

Xiang Yang whispered softly. He had already asked before he went out. There is just a big auction just about to start. There should be some treasures at the auction that he needs. If it can be auctioned to Yuanmo Stone. That is even more cool.

"Ah, that doesn't mean anything." After listening to it, Xiaoguangtou didn't kill interest. If it was a real good thing, who would come out to auction? Moreover, with so many forces in the Central Fairy, he does not believe that if there is something good, he will stay until the auction.

"I need to buy some yuan magic stone." Xiang Yang sighed and said.

"Isn't it the Yuanmo Stone? I know there is a place that I can buy." Xiaoguangtou immediately became interested, and quickly said.

"You just came to the Central Fairy City just like me. How long can you buy the Yuanmo Stone?" After Xiang Yang listened, it was a shocking color, and he could not help but look at the small bald head.

"Haha, although I have just arrived in the Central Fairy City for a few days, but I just know that there is a huge underground market in the Central Fairy City. They are selling some treasures that cannot be seen. Those who enter the underground market need it. Change your face, you don't know who the real face of the other person is, and you don't know where the other party's goods are coming from. Maybe you are dealing with your life and death, even if you can see your ancestors. The treasures are being auctioned."

The little bald head laughed and said with a smug look.

"I can't see the treasures on my ancestors. I don't know when I was auctioned. But I think I might see you in the underground market and you are being auctioned." Xiang Yang said with a black face.


The little bald head did not dare to speak.

Although he is more powerful than Xiangyang, he does not know how many times, but when he really faces Xiangyang, somehow, there is a feeling of fear rising in his heart, not because Xiangyang is his big brother. It is not because he wants Xiang Yang to help him solve his physical problems. Anyway, there is a feeling that if he is angered Xiang Yang, he has absolutely no good fruit to eat.

He sighed in his heart that his boss is too weird. He must not offend the boss at the same time, but he quickly said to Xiang Yang, "The boss comes with me, I will take you to the underground market, and will never let you down." ""

"it is good."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, while walking along with the small bald head, his face and breath had begun to gradually change a little bit. When he went out for a kilometer, he had completely changed himself.

"Boss, not far from the front, I rely, who are you? My boss?"

The little bald head originally led the way. Although he was a road idiot, he worked very hard and exhausted all his thoughts. He did not take the wrong path, but because he really thought too seriously about the underground market he knew. In the place where, for a moment, I didn’t realize that Xiang Yang had changed. He certainly found out that the person who was with him was no longer the familiar look and smell of Xiang Yang. Great thing.


Xiang Yang released a sigh of his own, and then slammed on the head of Xiaoguangtou, and smiled. "You are looking for the road too seriously, even the boss doesn't even know?"

"Ah, who made you suddenly change your appearance." The little bald head groaned, and it was confirmed that the person who looked very strange to him was his own boss. He sighed that the secret of the boss was extraordinary, even he himself Was smashed.

"Come on, don't worry."

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head. He felt that this little monk was a bit wrong. The monks in his imagination should not all seem to be full of compassion, not good words, and mouth shut is ‘Amitabha’?

Why is this little bald head not only a voice, but also a little silly?

"Cough, I have found the way, the boss came with me, this time there will be no mistake." Xiaoguangtou said with a serious pat on the chest.

"What, you have taken the road before you are wrong?" Xiang Yang almost blown up after listening, and sure enough, the small bald head can not be trusted.

"No, I just walked a little more." Xiaoguangtou quickly explained.

"Forget it, let's go." Xiang Yang was speechless to this guy. He vowed that he would never let the little bald head lead the way. Maybe it would be possible to be sold by this guy.

"Go away."

This time, the little bald head took the road very seriously. Finally, he came to Xiangyang with a small alley that looked quite remote. Then his body shape began to change and he became the same as a teenager. The face, this is followed by Xiang Yang into the alley.


When they entered the small alley, they felt a burst of light in the surrounding space. The road surface that looked very ordinary under their feet turned out to be a transmission array. However, this is not a large transmission array, but an array method. However, they are directly led to the underground.

In the underground of this small alley, there really was a huge underground market. When Xiang Yang and the little monk appeared, they were shocked by the prosperity in front of them.

This underground market looks like a huge vegetable market. There are countless streets, shops, and people standing on the roadside. There are countless people walking and looking around.

"The freshly-frozen nine-turn Jindan, this is the famous Jindan of the Taoist ancestors of the Taoist school. One is served, and the site becomes Da Luoxian Zunha, and he can buy it quickly."

"I have a treasure in the day after tomorrow. You can smash the heavens and the world without causing cause and effect. If you need it, you can come and see."

"Don't miss the passing, the store is called Wanbaoge. In fact, the treasures in the store are not only Wanbao, but also treasures. Only you can't imagine, there is no treasure you can't find in the store."


Listening to countless screams in his ears, Xiang Yang felt stunned and couldn't help but watch the little bald head that had become a teenager. "Are you sure this is not a vegetable market?"


The little bald head almost spewed out an old blood. Did you hear it wrong? My boss actually asked myself if it is a vegetable market, your sister's vegetable market, where do you see where there are vegetables to sell?

"Look at it, the day after tomorrow, when the radish is sold, this hour, if you miss it, there will be no more."

When the belly of the little bald head just fell, I heard a guy who was squatting on the ground next to them and shouted out of the scorpion. After he heard it, he was very depressed. Could it be that this guy heard his own voice, deliberately Do you do it right?

The little bald head glanced at the guy who would sell the radish after the day. Under this look, suddenly his face changed and he quickly said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, there is something good on this stall."

"I know."

Xiang Yang nodded. When he appeared, he was careful to sense. Although the mouth said that this place is like a vegetable market, only he himself understands that this place is very extraordinary because he actually It senses the breath of the Holy Power, and there is more than one sacred place.

It is no wonder that in the Central Fairy City, such a ‘the foot of the Son of Heaven’, it is possible to afford such an underground market. It turned out that there are people with a great sanctuary sitting in the town. Maybe even the Eastern Heavenly Emperor is involved.

At the same time as Xiang Yang’s heart was squatting, it was with the small bald head coming to the small stall in front of him.

This stall is a small stall. In fact, it just pulls out a large black cloth and lays it on the ground. There are no more than ten things in twos and threes.

Of course, there are things on the top, even the ordinary implements, but the surface is coated with a layer of black material, which can affect the observation of other people's knowledge, even if it is Da Luo Xian Zun Come, the gods of Xianzun may not be able to discover through this layer of black matter that it is just an ordinary one. Even if it is lost in the realm of cultivation, there are few instruments that the comprehension is willing to take.

However, these tricks are useless to Xiang Yang, who is comparable to the power of the Holy Spirit. He looked at it casually, but the main gaze was a few more black cloth wrapped around these things.

Of course, the small bald head is different, and the small bald head is placed on a small black stone.

Both of them are very clear. Although they have taken a fancy to their respective goals, they must not behave too eagerly. Otherwise, they will be slaughtered as big fat sheep.

Xiang Yang casually picked up a black knife and asked with a smile, "What price?"

"When you look at it, it is a peerless sage. The vision is really good. This is a treasure that has almost been able to raise the spirit of the spirit. Although it has not become a true treasure, it has surpassed the best. The level of the device, don't look at it small, but it is powerless. In legend, it is very likely that it is the immortal flying knife of the imitation of the master of the ancient ancestor to the celestial knives. Imitation, but it is also a treasure."

Upon hearing the price of Xiang Yang’s opening, the hawker suddenly became spiritual and began his speech.

After Xiang Yang listened, with a faint smile on his face, he listened to the small vendor who continued to blow the cowhide and did not interrupt the other party.

"This is the 斩仙飞刀, although there is no 斩仙葫芦, but with its identity as a supreme treasure, it is absolutely worthless. If it is not because I am too low, I dare not use such a treasure. If you don’t sell it, I’m not asking for it. I just want some best products. You can see that this piece of treasure is not measured by the best, but I will see you. It’s a very good deal, just take a thousand pieces of the best.”


This guy finally finished, he looked at Xiang Yang with a dry mouth, with a 'simple' smile on his face, as if he really said it, the equivalent of the lower class fairy knife Give Xiangyang the price of a thousand pieces of the best fairy, as if he really lost.

Xiang Yang looked at the little vendor with a playful color on his face, letting the other person say that the mouth was dry and said directly, "Ten pieces of the best fairy stone."


When the guy heard it, he suddenly blinked and quickly agreed.

"Wait, I am talking about ten pieces of the best stone, buy all the things on your stall." After seeing these small vendors promised, Xiang Yang said that he waved his hand.

"Impossible, I can all be topless, not to mention this 斩 飞 飞 飞 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Going, this is impossible." When the guy listened to Xiang Yang, suddenly the whole person jumped up and looked at him. It would be exaggerated to exaggerate.


The little bald head is about to open.

Xiang Yang took him directly and stood up, faintly said, "If this is the case, then forget it, let's go."

After all, he really turned and left, without hesitation, without the slightest color of nostalgia.

"Wait a minute, give it to you, hurry up, all for you."

However, they had not gone far, and they were stopped by the guy. The little vendor quickly wrapped everything up with the black cloth.

Anyway, these things are just that he used less than ten top grades of Xianshi Amoy. Ten pieces of the best stone were sold to Xiangyang, and he has already earned it.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded and glanced at the small bald head. The latter consciously took out ten pieces of the best stone and handed it to the other party, and picked up those things.

"The money is clear." The guy laughed happily. He was very happy to leave with ten pieces of the best stone. He only thought that this time he earned this pen. He could at least spend a long time.

"let's go."

Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou are also very happy. Xiang Yang values ​​the black cloth, while the small bald head is the small stone. It is the relic of the Buddhist monk. It should be a strong Buddha. The person who stayed after sitting down, has the fruit of the immortal strong.


Author Meng Yu said: Today's four chapters of the big chapter, ask for flowers...

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