Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2664: Was cheated

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"You are actually watching the fun?"

When the young man’s eyes saw that the woman who was standing with Xiangyang stood watching the lively woman, he almost immediately wanted to hit someone. Whatever special, the two of them were working hard here, originally thinking, since this bling The guys are so arrogant that they can stick to them and wait until the little maid will threaten the golden king with the imperial concubine. As a result, his little maid does not move...

"Ah...less, young master..."

The maid realized that she was not right at this time. After she stayed, she quickly looked at Xiangyang and held the sword in her hand, but she did not have the courage to attack Xiangyang.

"Don't listen to him, he is not an opponent. I just want to let you do it to me. It's too much." Xiang Yang said to the little maid with a gentle smile.


The maid only thought that Xiang Yang’s words seemed to have a strong appeal, which made her feel a bit strange, as Xiang Yang said was true. She couldn’t help but stare at Xiang Yang, whispering, “ Just, I, I am his maid..."

"Do you have any life and death contract with him?" Xiang Yang asked.

"No." The woman shook her head.

"So what do you have to be controlled by him?" Xiang Yang asked again.

"No." The woman still shook her head.

"That won't be."

Xiang Yang said with a smile, "Since he has no way to control you, and your cultivation has also reached the king of the king, why should you sell for him? Everyone is free and equal, with your immortal The strength of Wang Yufeng can completely set up a martial art and become the ancestor of the mountain. If you want to listen to him, why should you listen to him?"

"It seems to be the same." The woman seemed to suddenly wake up. She whispered, and only thought that Xiang Yang’s words were too reasonable.

She couldn't help but whispered to Xiang Yang. "That, what should I do?"

Upon seeing this woman's appearance, Xiang Yang's heart was weird. I didn't expect to be able to reverse the other side in a few words. I was sighed. This little maid was so deceived at the same time, she said with a smile. "It's very simple. It’s okay to get rid of him directly. You can find a place that is far away from him. You can go to Xinjiang to become a ancestor, and you can do everything. Isn’t that very good?”

"This is not very good." The woman hesitated, although there was a thought in her heart that told her that it was very good, but she saw that her young master and another companion had been fighting with Xiangyang’s companions. At the time, she was a bit stunned and didn't know what to do.

"Forget it, you should stay well, don't worry about his sipping." After Xiang Yang met, he shook his head. Although he knew that if he added a few more fires, the woman would definitely be rebelled by herself, but thought about it. I don’t have much hatred with the kid, just stop.

However, this is the case, the young man has been stunned, can not help but screamed, "Good, smart, you are really good."

While screaming and screaming, he looked at the little bald head and shouted. "You angered me. This time, I want you to pay the price."


As his voice fell, he heard a roar, and a hill appeared on his head, directly pressing against the small bald head, and as the hill appeared on the head of the small bald head, the one suddenly The hills will grow bigger, and then they will be suppressed toward the small bald head.

"With the power of a million mountains, if you are a fairy, you may not be able to stick to it." The young man sneered, his hands clasped the law, and suddenly, the hill was not infinitely magnified, but it was unimaginable. The pressure was pressed down against the small bald head, which made the face of the small bald face slightly change, even if the golden light of his body was also constantly compressed.


However, in the face of the suppression of this hill, the little bald head just sneered, his body burst out of a strong breath, suddenly burst into the top with a punch, roaring, "give me."


Accompanied by the small bald head of the bombardment, only a roaring sound, his fist burst out of the incomparably golden light, so bombarded on that hill, suddenly, the hill trembled, was a horrible After the bombardment of the force, it was only for a short while, and it was directly blasted out.


The young man’s face was shocked. He didn’t expect the strength of the small bald head to be so strong. The punch could fly out of the hill. He spit out blood in his mouth. It was because of the power of counterattack.

"Go to death."

The other maid is a man and a sword, and turned into a sword light to kill the past with a small bald head.

After seeing the little bald head, his eyes were cold, his hands were together, and a bunch of beads appeared in his hands. Suddenly, there was a golden light shining from the edge. There was a golden shadow of the Buddha in his back. This kid It turned out to be the strongest force to explode and display his Buddhist practice.

"Stop." After Xiang Yang met, he hurriedly screamed, causing all the light on the little bald head to dissipate, but the maid did not listen to Xiang Yang's words, but still attacked the small bald head.

"Let you stop and hear it?" After seeing the little bald head, he snorted and the bunch of beads in his hand threw directly toward the sword light. Suddenly, the beads seemed to be infinitely magnified, and the little maid would be instantly The sword is set in the light, and then narrowed. In the blink of an eye, the maid can no longer maintain the state of the sword, but is directly tied to the ground.

The young man finally took back his one, and looked at the maid who was banned by the little bald head. He looked at Xiang Yang again, and his face showed helplessness. "But it, this time I planted it, not playing." It is."

While talking, he said to the little bald head, "You let me go."

"Oh..." The little bald sneered a few vocals. "You said you have to start by hand. If you say that you don't hit me, you should let your people go. Are you dreaming?"

"I..." After listening to the youth, he frowned. He said to the little bald head, "You have nothing to lose, but I still vomit blood. What do you want?"

"Boss, this guy may be sick in his head, unable to communicate, what should I do?" The little bald head ignored the young man, but turned his head to look at Xiangyang, with a stunned face.

"You forgot what you want to do?" Xiang Yang felt very headache, thinking in his heart, and he should educate the little bald head in the future. Otherwise, this kid is really stupid, and he does not know how to rob.

"Yeah, I am going to rob."

After listening to the little bald head, the face suddenly realized the color, and the face looked excited with the youth, haha ​​smiled and said, "The kid, nonsense, if you want your woman to live, then take all the magic weapons on your body. Come out and change, otherwise, this woman is mine, hahaha..."

"What do you want the woman to do?" Xiang Yang looked at the little bald head inexplicably. As a close, he even wanted the other woman. Isn’t this a trouble for himself?

"Cough, boss, I am not too excited?" Xiaoguangtou also realized that he was not doing the right thing, so he touched his head and smiled with a thick face, but Xiang Yang was obviously from this kid. A look of slyness was found in the eyes.

"This guy is going to break the ring."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. This little bald head has a future, not only eating meat and drinking, but now even wants to break the ring.

However, this guy's name was originally called a broken ring. Maybe it is possible for him to enter the Buddhist temple to break the ring. If Xiang Yang thinks this way, he feels that there is no problem. He is not a Buddhist man anyway. He can't limit this little bald head. Everything is there.

Ever since, Xiang Yang said with a smile to the little bald head, "You are free, if you like, you can grab her."

"Oh... I dare not dare."

If Xiang Yang didn't let the little bald head grab the maid, maybe the little bald head would really be a bit heart-throbing, but when he listened to Xiang Yang to let him feel free, he felt very wrong and shook his head.

When the two of them spoke here, the young man was so angry that he was about to explode. These two guys, a real fairy, don’t know what to do, let their maids stand directly beside each other, as if they were the other’s maids. The same, and this guy is even more abominable, even intends to grab his maid.

He screamed with a small bald head in anger, and screamed with anger. "Boy, don't take a shot. Otherwise, your grandfather and grandfather will want your life."

"I am not happy if you say this."

Xiaoguangtou learned the way Xiangyang used to, carrying his hands and saying to the young man, "Now give you two choices, one is to surrender all the magic weapons, and then take your people away, the second one is to let me beat you. A meal, then grab your people and all the magic weapons in your body, you leave, you choose."

He felt that he was very aggressive in talking like this. He couldn't help but carry his hands and his own unparalleled look. However, his appearance was just like that of a teenager. When he saw him, he almost laughed. Come.

The young man was so angry that he was trembling, and between them, the three swords of the best fairy level were surrounded by the body, and three swords were flying around him, bursting with a sword.

"This is a three-handed sword."

Among the crowd, some people recognized the three swords that the young man showed, and exclaimed, "I know who he is, and it is actually the three swords of the Sun family."

"Three swords fairy king?"

When Xiang Yang heard it, he suddenly came to the interest and couldn't help but ask the person who spoke. "Man, what do you mean by these three swordsmen? Is he only knowing three swords?"


After the person who was asked by Xiang Yang listened to Xiang Yang’s words, he almost spit out an old blood and couldn’t help but screamed. “Not that he only knows three swords, but that he has the gods and swords of the heavens and the earth, forming the three talents. The sword array, the power is unparalleled, although there is no recognized title for the three talented king, but within a small scope, everyone in this circle called him the three talented king."

Say, that person said to Xiang Yang, "Well, since this guy exposes his identity, it means he must be killed. I advise you to come and open it, don't mess with him, whether he or he. The people behind are not irritating."

"Is this kid so powerful?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Hey, did you think that your brother really defeated him? The Sunjia’s Sancai Xianwang itself is a supreme martial art strongman. Although he can’t compare with the sword king, it is said to be only weaker than the sword king. A little bit, if it is really life and death, it is not necessarily the one who wins with the sword king."

While the guy was talking, he turned and fell into the crowd and disappeared.

Obviously, he was afraid that he would be retaliated after he said the identity of the youth, so he took the opportunity to rush.

"Three talented kings, interesting."

Xiang Yang smiled and looked at the erupting youth. He said to the little bald head, "You don't want to let me try his kendo."

After all, his stature will go towards the youth.

"You don't go over." However, what makes Xiang Yang feel shocked is that he just wanted to go in the past, and he saw the woman who was standing by her side and watched the lively woman actually grabbed the sleeves of Xiang Yang's clothes and whispered, "Young Master. His strength is too strong, definitely not weaker than the sword king, you are just a real fairy, definitely not his opponent."

Xiang Yang looked at the woman in a weird color, did not expect that the other party was really surrendered in a few words? This is too incredible.

Seeing the true concern of the woman in her eyes, Xiang Yang couldn’t help but smile and said, "Do not worry, it’s okay."

While talking, he patted the woman's hand gently, and then prepared to go to the guy who is known as the three-time fairy king.


However, when Xiang Yang’s hand had just been lifted from the woman’s hand, the woman’s hand suddenly turned upside down, and a small golden bundle of fairy cords appeared directly, and immediately tied Xiang Yang’s hand, and then tied As soon as the fairy rope is moving forward, it will be tied to the whole person of Xiangyang.

"It was actually cheated by you."

Xiang Yang's figure was quickly retreating, but the bundle of fairy ropes had already touched his hand. At this moment, he was still spreading toward him quickly, and he was going to tie him all.

This bundle of fairy ropes is the best fairy-grade bundle of fairy ropes. If it is tied up, even Xiang Yang is not so easy to get out of trouble.

There was a strong blood in his body, and the roar of the blood directly formed a circle of blood-colored shields against this bundle of fairy ropes. At the same time, his eyes looked at the woman with a smug color on his face and could not help but sigh. Said, "Your acting skills are really good."

"Giggle, you finally got caught by me." The woman changed her clothes and said to Xiang Yang with a smug color on her face, then turned her head and said to the youth, "This time I succeeded again. ”

"You gimmick, even if you suspect that the other is a fairy, you can't take risks." Sancai Xianwang, the young man shook his head helplessly. At the same time, the three swords of the whole body broke out more and more. It made his whole person completely change, and it seems that at this moment it has become a sword of the sheath, ready to open the sky at any time.

"It turns out that you are a brother and sister, not a maid." Xiang Yang understood that this young man and the woman around him turned out to be brothers and sisters. I couldn’t think that I was wrong. I thought this woman was the same as the other. Who ever thought that the other party turned out to be a veteran of the acting, and even he was deceived.

He sighed helplessly. "I don't think you even fooled me. It is really amazing."

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