Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2665: Xian Wang wants to apprentice

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Xiang Yang was really pitted this time, and it was the only time he was deceived and looked away. He couldn’t help but sigh and watched this bundle of fairy ropes entangle himself. There is a black flame on the body, although it is only very small, only a trace, but this silky black flame burns directly, and instantly burns this bundle of fairy-grade fairy cords.

This is after Xiang Yang gave all the chaos and fallen Suzaku's fire to Xiaoling, and he left the last trace, very very little, but it is enough to burn this superb fairy level.

"How can this be?"

After the woman saw it, it was a horror. "This is the best fairy-grade rope. What kind of flame can ruin it? Who the **** are you? It is such a horror." The flame."



At the same time, the opponent of the small bald head, the young man who claimed to be the three talented king finally broke out. He had the power of the three swords in his body, and the three swords turned, and an incomparable sword gas broke out instantly. A little bald head squatted down.


The little bald head whispered the Buddha and was ready to use his power as a strong Buddha.


After Xiang Yang saw it, he coughed a few times. The little bald head suddenly changed his face. It was originally going to break out. But at this moment, it was hard to stop, but biting his teeth and throwing a shield and shield. Instantly zoomed in and greeted the incomparable sword.


That sword slammed down, and instantly smashed the shield of the best fairy level. The face of the little bald head changed. After thinking about it, it was throwing a magic weapon. It was also the magic weapon of the best fairy level, but it was It was a bamboo stick. After this bamboo stick broke out, there was a terrible power to sweep into the void. Even if the fairy statue of the big seven heavens was hit, it was not good, but the next scene Suddenly let the little bald head stunned, I saw that the sword is still breaking the bamboo stick.

"Rely on, deceiving people too much."

After seeing the little bald head, he was angry. His golden light was shining, and the bunch of beads in his hand would burst into a powerful atmosphere to attack each other.

However, at this time, Xiang Yang came to the side of Xiaoguangtou, gently pressed his shoulder, and then said to the little bald head, "Don't worry, let me come."


The little bald head stunned and said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, don't you can, this guy's strength is too strong, definitely not weaker than your brothers, even if I want to kill him, it will take a little power."

"Ha ha..."

Opposite the small bald head, the young man who called the Sancai Xianwang listened to the color of ridicule. He said disdainfully, "Little guy, although you are not weak, can you stop my sword?"

"There is a sword in the area. You didn't see that I haven't really exploded yet? If I really broke out, I would even be afraid of myself." Little bald head sneered, if it wasn't Xiang Yang appeared on his side and suppressed him. He has already tried his best.

"This sword, but it can smash your weak king." The young man sneered, although he did not believe that the strength of this kid can really fight against himself, but he really wants to force the little bald When he came out, he wanted to see what the two guys met in the underground black market could have made him almost a bit of a slap.

"Unfortunately, my boss will not let me shoot. If it is outside, I can kill you with a punch." The little bald head sighed with infinite regret.

"You don't have any chances." The young people don't believe, the little bald head will not go all out.

As for Xiang Yang standing next to the little bald head, in his view, although Xiang Yang possesses that strange black flame, it can burn the best fairy stalks, but no matter how he looks at Xiangyang, he is just a true fairy. Can you block his sword?


The young man no longer hesitated. Although he did not think that he really wanted to kill, he wanted to force the true identity of Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou. After all, even he showed his true identity. He felt that if he did not If Xiang Yang was forced out, he would be too disadvantaged.

His body is full of three sacred swords, and there is a terrible atmosphere of horror. There is a strong energy flow, which makes the sword more and more powerful. Even if the underground black market is unable to suppress his sword, To explode, it is okay. At this critical time, there is an invisible force sweeping over and suppressing the void, so that this underground black market will not be opened by this sword.

However, the power of this sword is still very strong, going down to Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou.

Xiang Yang shouldered his hands and stood by the little bald head, thinking in his heart, whether the sword of the king in his great perfection can fix this sword. If it can be done, from then on, the heavens and the world, the infinite sword In the midst of repairing, we should respect ourselves.

However, the little bald head saw Xiang Yang calmly standing by his side, seeing that the sword was going to kneel down, the little bald head was anxious, and quickly said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, you have to take a quick shot. Shoot, or else the sword will come down, and both of us will be finished."

"Not urgent."

Xiang Yang’s face with a faint smile, still standing with his hands on his back, watching this three talents, the heart is dark, this guy is also a talent, can actually evolve the three talents to such a degree, although it just looks Very ordinary swordsman of heaven and earth, but when it really broke out, it has terrible power.

Seeing that this sword broke out completely, this power is probably not weaker than the sword king. It is definitely a big talent.

"It is really a personal talent to be able to practice the Sancai sword to such a degree." Xiang Yang is not only nervous, but also sighs.

After listening to the little bald head, I almost scared and cried. "Brother, boss, big brother, don't be like this, I am afraid... although I am not young, but I am not sanctified, I have not yet owned the Buddha. The rules and regulations are all broken, I can't just die like this."

"Don't you suppress me, let me go? I will be able to beat him up."


The little bald head can almost be said to look at Xiang Yang with the tone of forgiveness. If he let out his full force, he can surely beat the one who wants you, but the key is that Xiang Yang will not let him do it.


This sword has already slammed down towards Xiangyang, but Xiang Yang still has a faint smile on his face. "No hurry."

"I don't worry about your sister, don't worry..."

The little bald head almost screamed, but at this time, he found that he was too late to think about it. This sword can definitely open his Buddha's golden body and it has reached the top of their head. Even he can already sense this. The horror of the sword.

"I'm dying..."

The little bald head couldn't help but close his eyes. He only felt that the scalp was stinging, even if his bald head had the immortality of the golden body, it could not block the attack of this horrible sword.

However, after a while, the little bald head suddenly became a little bit wrong. It is reasonable to say that the sword should open his head. However, it seems that there is still no movement until now, and he just feels that his scalp is still a little painful. He couldn't help but open his eyes and saw that the sword gas did not fall down toward him, but floated on the top of the two people's heads.

"How could this be?"

The strange voice of the little bald head has not yet come out. He heard the young man who is known as the three-character king in the opposite side making an incredible voice. The little bald head had not been able to irritate himself and was robbed by the other party. He looked at the young man and found that the guy was desperately trying. Pushing the three-handed sword around the body, it is necessary to control the sword to the Xiangyang and the small bald head, but it is useless, let his three-handed swords break out and join the sword again. In a sword, there is still no way to control that sword.

The three talented eager eager sweats on his face, looking at Xiang Yang with an incredible look on his face, and even at this moment, through the communication with his own fairy sword, he can sense that the three swords of his body are actually brought Fear, as if I saw the king.

"I don't believe it. Since Jianqi can't go down, I will use a three-man sword to marry you."

Although the young man did not get the title sword king, it was because he was weak in the fight with the sword king sword, which made the sword invincible get the title of the sword king, but he did not get the title, can only be private The bottom is the three kings.

However, his strength is unquestionable. In his view, he is absolutely no less than any superstar. At this moment, he does not know what reason was blocked by Xiangyang. For him, it is a shame for him.

At this moment, he spurred the three talented swords, and the three swords that reached the peak of the best fairy were rotated. Under his control, they successively turned into three swords and went down to Xiangyang.

He has already seen it. It is Xiang Yang who does not know how to block his sword. This time, he is specifically targeted at sex.


However, when these three swords are going to Xiangyang, they will see Xiang Yang look up and look at the three swords. Suddenly, the three swords seem to meet the nemesis. After stagnation, then the sword was moving, as if to worship the monarch, and directly volleyed toward Xiangyang.


"What is the situation? The Sancai Sword has been blocked, and it is wrong. It seems that these three swords do not dare to hurt him. Is he a sword king?"


The onlookers were all shocked when they saw this scene, and the three talented kings, the young man, because the three-handed sword was not under his control, so that he spit out an old blood, his face looked with a shocking look. Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang had a faint smile on his face, and he was very satisfied with his heart. The sword of the king in the great consummation did not disappoint himself. Just when the sword was going to kneel down, Xiang Yang directly inspired the sword of the king. Makeing that sword is like a rat encountering a cat, it will come down in an instant, and you will never be able to kneel down towards yourself.

Then, the three talented kings exhibited the three talented swords and went down to Xiangyang. Originally, even a strong man like Jian Wang Jian had no such evil, but he was afraid to be careful. However, he was still the sword of the king. The sword was blocked, and even the three swords were directly worshipped by Xiang Yang, as if the courtiers worshipped the emperor.

The people around him were scared, and the young man was with an incredible color. He urged the three talented swords and took back the three swords. He carefully realized the remaining swords in the three swords. I understand why my attack is ineffective for Xiangyang.

"The king of the sword, the real emperor, it turned out to be..."

The young man closed his eyes and whispered in a low voice. Then he opened his eyes and looked at Xiangyang again. It was already deeply shocked.

His younger sister, the woman who had not succeeded in attacking Xiang Yang before, also came to the youth, whispering. "This guy is weird, we are not opponents, or retreat."

"Retreat, why should you retreat?"

The young man suddenly laughed. "I hate the invincible martial art. Even when I was fighting for the name of the sword king with the sword, I was only defeated because of one trick. Later, I have been practicing Jiandao for so many years, not just to Become the strongest kendo, can you see the peak of the kendo? Now, there is such a supreme martial art strongman in front of me, this is a sword in the emperor, how can I just withdraw?"

"Sun Chunyu, you can't beat it, what do you want to stay and do?" The woman was angry after seeing it, and shouted loudly.

At this time, Xiang Yang did know the name of the so-called San Cai Xian Wang, which was originally called Sun Chunyu.

The young man said to the woman, "Who said that I want to fight? I am going to apprentice."

After all, the look on his face was awe-inspiring. He walked forward and went to Xiangyang to bow down. Christine said, "Dr. Sun Chunyu, ask the teacher to take it."


At the same time, the guy’s head collided with the ground and made a crisp sound.

"Hey... is this guy crazy?"

"Sun's genius sword repair, the most powerful opponent of the sword king in the same year with the sword, but only defeated the sword without evil. Then, although not a sword king, but because his three talented swords, few people can Broken, known as the three talented king, now, actually want to apprentice."

"It’s incredible. You know, this is in the black market. No one knows who the other party is. He is going to apprentice. It’s crazy.”


The people around me saw that this scene was all stunned. I think this guy who is known as the Sancai Xianwang must be crazy because his attack was blocked by Xiangyang. Otherwise, why would he just follow the teacher casually?

"Boss, what have you done to this guy? It is incredible that he is a super fairy king who wants to worship you as a teacher." The little bald head also looked at Xiangyang.

He clearly stood by Xiangyang. He clearly did not find out what Xiangyang had done to the other party. The moment before, the other party would kill himself and Xiangyang. However, at this moment, he was directly squatting and asking for the project. only.

The little bald head only thinks that Xiang Yang is too mysterious and too powerful. Even silently, he can conquer such a strong person, but how is it done?

Not only is the little bald head surprised, but everyone else is shocked. I don’t know why this fairy king who can compare with the sword king will be surrendered by Xiang Yang and willingly apprentice.

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