Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2666: Little bald spring

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"Master, the disciples sincerely worship the teacher, but ask the teacher to respect the disciples and let the disciples follow the master."

Among the underground black market, Sun Chunyu, a young man known as the Sancai Xianwang, is a descendant of the grandfather's grandson in the Central Fairy. His cultivation is earth-shattering, not even weaker than the invincible power of the sword king and so on. At this moment, even the five-body casts a very respectful tribute to Xiang Yangxing, so that everyone sees it and then shows a look of laughter and laughter.

Xiang Yang is also a bit sluggish, and the situation of this situation seems to be a bit beyond his expectations.

Xiaoguangtou has infinite admiration for Xiangyang Daily. He only thinks that Xiangyang is too powerful. Sun Chunyu’s sister, the design deceived Xiangyang, and the woman who was almost successful was angry and angry. "The little thief, there is a kind of lie to my brother, dare to show the true face?"

She is really dizzy, what is her brother's character, if it becomes a fairy, there is still a chance to attack the status of the sword king and become a sword, but now I don't even know what Ecstasy is being used by the other party. It’s crazy to say that the other side’s five bodies are going to bow down.

She knows that she can't hold this stubborn brother. Then, she can only look at Xiang Yang's true envy. When she played with Xiang Yang, she knew that Xiang Yang was very weird. It should not be the appearance of the face. It’s just a true fairy. After Xiang Yang’s true face, if Xiangyang is a peerless sage, it’s okay for his brother to worship each other as a teacher. If, in case, the other party is just a true immortal, then In any case, she is not allowed to let her brother worship each other as a teacher.

"I lied to him?"

After Xiang Yang listened, his face was innocent and looked at the woman. "I said chick, it’s just that you lied to me. I have cheated you, I asked him, where do I lie to him? Already?"

His words suddenly made the woman's momentum condense, and there was no such arrogant atmosphere before. Indeed, Xiang Yang did not really deceive her brother, but her genius brother was very respectful and active. Apprentice.

"Then you dare not show the true face?" The woman snorted.

Now, she only asks the other party to be a peerless deity. Then, even if she is a big brother, she also recognizes it.


Xiang Yang shook his head and said, "You are all bad people. Everyone is trying to lie to me. Who knows what you and your brother are, and I will show you the truth in the future. You have to I am not stupid when I think of ways to deal with me."


This woman usually became the great lady of the fairy city, and she was the upper-level figure. They were all forwards and even princesses. At this moment, when they heard Xiangyang’s words, they almost beat others. The other party actually felt that they wanted to lie to each other. It was simply unacceptable.

"I didn't lie to you. My brother is a Sun family. He is known as the Sancai Xianwang. His skill can't be simulated. I am his sister Sun Yuxiu, and I don't have to lie to you."

After thinking about it, the woman finally resisted, all in order to see the true face of Xiang Yang.

Even when she talks again, she takes out the identity token of her own representative of the Sun family to prove her true identity.

While Sun Chunyu was worshipping, he also looked up and showed his true face. He is still a handsome and handsome young man. Even his face is more handsome than before. If he goes out, he will definitely attract countless women to look back. A little white face, with a serious and respectful color on his face, facing the Xiangyang line of courtesy, "Dr. Sun Chunyu, willing to serve the teacher for the rest of his life, and ask the master to accept it."

"See it, we all show the true face."

Seeing that Sun Chunyu has become a true face, Sun Yuxiu also showed her true face. Her face is very delicate, and there is a kind of gentle beauty of Xiaojiabiyu. It is thin and thin, looks like a pitiful look, and is now opposite to Xiangyang. The image has a completely different temperament. At the same time, she said to Xiang Yang, "We have done it, and it is your turn to show your true face."

After all, she looked forward to Xiang Yang, hoping that Xiang Yang will be a legendary old monster, even a super strong, so that she does not have to worry about her big brother apprentice will suffer.

"Little brother, let's go."

However, Xiang Yang only took a look at the two of them and ignored them. Then they waved and turned away from the small bald head.

"Oh, okay."

Xiaoguangtou looked at Sun Yuxiu on one side, only felt that his heartbeat was accelerating, his face was red and red, and his heart was secretly screaming. This is really a fairy, but he still hasn’t waited for him to look at it, he heard Xiangyang tell him to leave. He had to promise to keep up with it.

"Boss, this is not very good, people have already shown the real body, should we also show the attitude?" Although the little bald head followed Xiangyang, but he was a bit reluctant to Sun Yuxiu, he was in Xiangyang. Chattering around.

"Are you looking at Sun Chunyu or looking at Sun Yuxiu?"

Xiang Yang glanced at the little bald head and suddenly found out that this guy was really red-faced. He couldn’t help but laugh out. It seemed to be a bit interesting.

"Cough, boss, I, I don't have it." Although the little bald head really looks at Sun Yuxiu, it seems that he is destined to be destined. Although he has no rare beautiful fairy, but for Sun Yuxiu, it is the first At first glance, he was fascinated by the other side, but when he faced Xiang Yang with a sly smile, he did not dare to admit it.

Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at the little bald head. "I didn't see the family when I was tempted. It was very good. I hope you can achieve what you want."

At the same time, he still walked toward the front. This attitude made the little bald head very puzzled. Since Xiang Yang hopes that he can achieve his wish, why should he continue to leave? It should not be left with Sun Chunyu and Sun Yuxiu. Do brothers and sisters do a good job?

However, at this moment he had to hurry up to follow.


In their rear, Sun Yuxiu looked forward to Xiangyang with full expectation. She thought that Xiangyang would show her true body and let her see what the big man was. As a result, Xiang Yang did not go back.

She was mad, and there was a horrible atmosphere in the whole body. The huge energy was flowing, and I couldn’t help but swear. "There is too much deception. This lady has already shown you the true face. You turned around." It’s too much.”

"Give me a stay."


While talking, her body roared, and immediately chased in the direction of Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou.

"Little girl, don't be disrespectful to my master." In her rear, Sun Chunyu shouted and quickly caught up.


"The Sun family is really extraordinary. There is a San Caixian Wang Sun Chunyu. The strength of his sister Sun Yuxiu is also very good."

"Sun Yuxiu, interesting."

Among the onlookers, there are some big wealthy people in Xiancheng. However, everyone is changing their body shape and coming into the underground black market. At this moment, when Sun Yuxiu’s explosive power is so powerful, all of them are surprised. .

In the past, Sun Yuxiu did not show the mountains and did not reveal water. They all thought that Sun Yuxiu’s cultivation was general, but the grandson of Sun’s family should belong to the kind. In a few years, if there is a suitable person, the woman will be exchanged for interest. Unexpectedly, after Sun Yuxiu broke out, the strength was not weaker than Sun Chunyu.


When Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou were walking, they heard the horror of the rear bursting out. Xiang Yang was not surprised at all. He smiled and said to the little bald head, "Do you not like her? Your chance to come Come on, take her, take it, go as your cottage lady."


After listening to the small bald head, it was a tweaking color, and whispered, "Boss, this is not good."

Having said that, the expression of his movement on his face is to let Xiang Yang know that this kid is definitely on the other side. At this time, he really wants to take Sun Yuxiu back as he said. .

"Okay, don't think about it. Anyway, you know the identity of the other person. After you go out, you can find a chance to get close to each other. Don't do something with the other person now. Your identity is fake now, even if it is Now that people are watching you, after waiting to go out, she doesn't know who you are. Now, let me get rid of her first, I don't want to stay here."

Xiang Yang patted the shoulders of the small bald head, and did not really let the small bald head shot, but the body shape fluttering, and instantly went forward.


The little bald head was very sorry to respond, and it was quickly chasing it in the direction of Xiangyang.

"Are you running?"

In the rear, when Sun Yuxiu saw that Xiang Yang and Xiaoguangtou ran faster, she was even more angry and angry. At the same time, her figure was getting faster and faster, even chasing it directly through the void, even Xiang Yanghe. The little bald head could not escape.

"It turned out to be so powerful." Xiang Yang couldn't help but look at each other strangely.

"Boss, do you want me to shoot?" said the little bald head.

"Well, you have to play with her, I will go find things first."

As Xiang Yang said, he still flew away in front, and the little bald head was very happy. He laughed and turned his head. "Little lady, cough, that, girl, I will come to you for a while." ""

At the same time, the small bald head also burst into a breathless atmosphere, and immediately met Sun Yuxiu.


The two men’s physiques were directly confronted in the air, and the small bald head did not move. The body shape of Sun Yuxiu’s impact was also blocked. She was so angry that her forehead was exposed and shouted. “You let me go, I am looking for People are not you."

"Not me..."

After listening to the little bald head, I only felt a little uncomfortable in my heart. There was a feeling that my own secret crush had the feeling of a boyfriend. However, I remembered that Xiang Yang didn’t seem to feel like the other person. He came back again, laughing. Said, "Nothing, I am looking for you."

"Since you don't let it go, then Miss Ben will open you up." Sun Yuxiu sipped and saw that Xiangyang had disappeared. She shot directly under her anger, holding her hands in her hands, suddenly, in the void, there was Numerous arrows rained out of the air, as if there were thousands of horses behind her.

"Good means, look at me, in the palm of your hand, let your army and horses be the same." Xiaoguangtou laughed aloud, his right hand stroked, a whirlpool appeared in the palm, all the arrows and rain were all included.

However, the other party's means is obviously not so simple. In the rear of the arrow rain, Sun Yuxiu does not know when an ice-blue bow has appeared in her hand. She is volleying, Zhang bows the string, and a strong breath bursts out. An ice blue arrow was formed, and the unscrupulous killing was shot at the small bald head.


At this moment, the void was bursting, and the space in the underground black market seemed to be unable to withstand the arrow of the other party and exploded. After seeing the little bald head, I couldn’t help but reveal the shocking color. "It’s amazing, it’s me. The person who is fancy is extraordinary."

While talking, his face with a beautiful color, his hands are right, a red robe flew directly from his body, and instantly blocked the arrow.


The power of this arrow is too strong. Even the red robes that the little bald head casts are powerless, and they can't block the attack. At this moment, his red robes are torn open. The ice and blue arrows sealed the void, and everything was sealed.

"so smart?"

The little bald head frightened and jumped away. If he broke out his own magic weapon and all his strength, he could naturally block the arrow. However, Xiang Yang did not let him use anything to prove his identity. The treasures and exercises, he is a bit imaginary, can only escape.

"孬 。."

Seeing a small bald head to avoid it, the arrow still chased up toward the small bald head, Sun Yuxiu sneered, and continued to catch up with Xiangyang.

"Really, actually said that Buddha is a kind of cockroach?"

The little bald head was running. I didn't expect the other party to dare to say that he was a kind of cockroach. He suddenly became angry. He screamed with anger and folded his hands together. He burst into a terrible magical spirit. When he caught it, he suddenly felt like a devil's claw. In general, the ice blue arrow was directly caught, and then he himself rushed forward, directly blocking Sun Yuxiu.


After Sun Yuxiu saw it, she frowned. She looked at the small bald head that burst into a powerful magical spirit. Her face had a disgusting color. "The bold devil head dare to enter the fairy world. Today, I don’t care about you. I met you and decided to marry you."

At the same time, she had a bad feeling in her heart, and angered. "I said that I didn't dare to show him the true body. It turned out to be the devil of the devil world. I dared to lie to my eldest brother, today. Miss wants to kill the devil."

After all, it is necessary to go over the little bald head and then deal with Xiangyang.

"Who are you talking about?"

However, Sun Yuxiu has not rushed over, and she saw the little bald head turning into the clear air, and the whole person became sultry, as if there was a rhyme flowing around him, so that Sun Yuxiu suddenly stopped after seeing it. .

"Is this a descendant of Taoism?"

Sun Yuxiu is a bit confused. This kid is not a devil, but a disciple. What is this?

"There is still." When the little bald head saw the other side revealing the shocking color, he suddenly felt very proud. When he smiled, his body changed again. At this moment, he seemed to become a poetry book. Like the show, the body glowed with white light, and a good spirit rose up.

"Confucian disciple?"

Sun Yuxiu felt that his head was not enough. He originally sweared to chase down Xiangyang. However, at this time, he was a little bit of a bald head and didn’t want to chase Xiangyang. Curious about the magical place in the face of this magical door, Taoist and Confucian exercises.

"Oh, there are, but I won't tell you."

Xiaoguangtou was very proud of his heart. Seeing that he finally attracted the other party, he felt that he had already succeeded in half. He smiled and said to Sun Yuxiu, "You see, your brother has already caught up with my boss, you want to chase It’s useless. If you have a brother who wants to be a teacher, you can’t do it to my boss. If you do, you might as well be with me. After we leave the black market together, you will know my boss. Who is it?"

"It seems to be."

After Sun Yuxiu listened, she nodded and felt quite reasonable. Then, her eyes looked at the little bald head and said, "But I think you are not good."

"No, no, how come, I am too late for you, how could it not be good for you." Xiaoguangtou listened, suddenly anxious, and quickly patted his heart.

Seeing the little bald head, Sun Yuxiu’s eyes flashed, and a smile was on her lips. She said to the little bald head, “But you will lie to me.”

"No, I will definitely not lie to you." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.

"Do not believe." Sun Yuxiu snorted.

"Hey, what do you want to believe in me, or else, I will tell you who my boss is..." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.

"Not good." Sun Yuxiu revealed the color of hesitation.

"Nothing is ok, you will know it after going out, I tell you, my boss is..."

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