Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2667: a mountain (five more flowers)

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"Nothing is ok, you will know it after going out, I tell you, my boss is..."

The face of the little bald head is full of excitement, as if a simple boy has met someone he likes, and he can tell each other without any reservation.

Sun Yuxiu has a proud color in his heart and is very satisfied with his performance.

She has already seen that the little bald head is the kind of person who has not touched the woman’s hand until now. When she meets such a super beauty, isn’t it directly fascinated at the moment?

"The thief is finally able to know your true identity."

Sun Yuxiu said to herself, she swears, after knowing Xiangyang’s identity, if Xiangyang is very powerful, but if a yang is really an ordinary fairy, then she must Excavating Xiang Yang can make himself unable to make a sword, and even his own big brother's three talented swords can't block each other's secrets.


However, at this time, when Sun Yuxiu had gone to the head and wanted to hear what the little bald head said, suddenly, the little bald head violently, and the string of beads in his hand instantly entangled Sun Yuxiu.

Although Sun Yuxiu is also the top king, even her strength is no less than that of her brother Sun Chunyu. However, the little bald head is better. Plus, the little bald head is unintentional, she can’t react at all. I was caught by the small bald head, and then, in the small bald head, the string of beads exploded with golden light, and all the energy in Sun Yuxiu's body was sealed, so that she could no longer move.


Sun Yuxiu was dumbfounded. He didn't think that he had just used the means to deal with Xiangyang. Now he was used by Xiangyang's companions to deal with himself.

Moreover, I am still so stupid that the other party is really fascinated by myself, and it is so stupid to think about the other person so happily. As a result, it is now discovered that the really stupid person is actually himself.

"You bastard, you dare to lie to me."

Sun Yuxiu glanced at the little bald head and looked around. He wanted to find his brother Sun Chunyu. He hoped that his brother could rescue himself. However, her brother Sun Chunyu had already followed Xiangyang and did not know where to go. Going, I am not here at all, no matter how she wants to find it, she can't find Xiang Yang.

At this moment, she was a little desperate.

"How could this be?"

Sun Yuxiu wants to cry without tears. She only feels that she really planted this time. She wants to be a wise man in the circle of the great ladies in the giants of Xiancheng. Now she is deceived by a boy who looks very simple. If you pass it to your own circle, you really have to be laughed at.

"Hey, it’s useful to find a way to learn from the boss."

At this time, the little bald head was laughing and laughing, and the face was full of excitement. I felt that these methods of finding Xiang Yang were really useful.

When he habitually put his hands together, he has to announce a Buddha's name, but he thinks that he is not a small bald head now, and he has taken a fancy to each other. If he lets the other person know that he is a small monk, he may not be very good. So he Suddenly stopped, and said to Sun Yuxiu proudly, "Sister Sun, I am amazing?"

"You little bastard." The little bald head did not speak well. When he opened his mouth, Sun Yuxiu suddenly exploded and almost exploded.

"Hey, Miss Sister, don't be angry. I am not a jerk. These methods are only taught by my boss. Otherwise, I don't understand. And, I really like you, for the rest of my life, I hope. I look at you like this every day, and I hope to see the mountains and rivers with you, along with the rising and falling of the moon, and forever, the mountains and the mountains are not courageous with the monarch..."

While the little bald head was talking, he looked at Sun Yuxiu with a look and used the set he learned in the summer of the new world.

While talking, his face tried to make the excitement of the men and women that he had seen before, and his heart was very excited. He said that he is really a personal talent. After Sun Yuxiu listened, he would definitely be dizzy. At that time, by adding another force, you can definitely touch the other side.


Sun Yuxiu took a sigh of relief. She had heard such a thing. Seeing this kid looking at herself with deep expression, it seems that there is a heartfelt love for herself, which makes her heart tremble. If she hadn’t been fooled by a small bald head before, she would really be very touched.

Of course, it is also a little touched now, but when I think of it, when the little bald head used every means to lie to herself, she had a voice in her heart telling her that this kid is acting again and he can’t believe it.

However, I saw a teenager who looked very simple, and said such love words to her with such a loving eyes. Even Sun Yuxiu was very comfortable in her heart. She did not go to listen to these novel love words of a little bald head for a while. Disturbing the little bald head, but just looking at the little bald head.

Sun Yuxiu did not open his mouth to refute himself. Instead, he looked at himself with a 'deep love' look. The little bald head suddenly seemed to be encouraged by Tianda. He was very excited to continue to speak. "Sister Sun, why do you see where the mountain stands? That's because it represents my heart for you. That mountain doesn't move, my heart will never change..."


However, after his words had not been finished, he heard a roaring sound, and the mountain peak seen in the distance was directly shattered.


"Oh..." After Sun Yuxiu met, he couldn’t help but laugh, and the little bald head stayed, and his heart was angry. Someone even broke his own game at this time, but he resisted without attack, but continued. Said, "Mountain is moving, but my heart still does not move, do you see my heart, it is for you, because you make it strong and powerful..."

"Okay, don't talk, this lady is not a simple girl. My 108-year-old granddaughter is married. What are you passionate about?"

Seeing the little bald head exhausted the brain juice and telling countless love words, Sun Yuxiu beautifully flowed, with a playful color in the eyes, could not help but say.


All the love words of Xiaoguangtou were stopped at this moment. He looked at Sun Yuxiu with a desperate color on his face. "How can you do this?"

This time, the little bald head is really sad. What he didn't expect was that a woman she was fancy, a woman who really accelerated her heartbeat, had already had a generation of generations, and she still had Passionate speech.

"My heart is dead..."

The little bald head screamed, staring at his own heart, looking at Sun Yuxiu with a sad look. After seeing the latter, the latter felt that the kid seemed to be really sad. He was a bit unbearable, but remembered before being The little bald lie, only to make himself trapped by the guy with the beads, she couldn’t move, she couldn’t help but snorted.

"But it, in this case, then I can only take you to the boss."

Under the sadness of the small bald head, with Sun Yuxiu chasing up toward Xiangyang, although he was very sad on the surface, when he turned his head, his eyes were with a glimpse of his eyes. "This woman is too deceiving." Even the boss has been cheated by her. I think she should have no one hundred and eight generations of grandchildren, just to lie to me."

"Well, this kind of thing is still handed over to the boss."

At the same time as the little bald head was thinking, it was a hand-drawn bead that directly caught Sun Yuxiu to catch up.

At this moment, Xiang Yang did not know that Xiao Guangtou had already settled Sun Yuxiu, and he did not know that Xiaoguangtou knew so many incomparable love words. He followed Sun Sun’s San Caixian Wang Sun Chunyu, and he walked on the side of the road to see However, he, picking up a thing, just look at a few more eyes, after Sun Chunyu met, suddenly his eyes glowed, and quickly said, "Boss, this thing my master bought."

Then, regardless of how many celestial stones the other side wants, he directly throws at the other side a fairy stone that he feels is very ideal. Because of the existence of the treasure hunt, Sun Chunyu can often calculate the value of these things very clearly, and the price is almost the same. The expectations of these vendors were almost all sold.

Once and twice, Xiang Yang didn't care, but with more times, Xiang Yang was a little tired, and couldn't help but sigh and said, "I said buddy, don't chase me like this, I am just a real person. Xian, you want to apprentice, that is impossible."

"I don't believe that you are just a fairy." Sun Chunyu's face is full of excitement. He can't believe that Xiangyang will be just a true fairy anyway.

Can immortality block his own three-sword sword?

Can Zhenxian have such an imperial sword?

As a strong kendo, Sun Chunyu knows very well that he wants to practice Kendo to Xiangyang to such a degree that it is definitely not what Xian Wang can do. In his mind, Xiang Yang is definitely a supreme level. Strong.

"The fact is that I am just a true fairy."

Xiang Yang shook his head.

"Even if you are just a fairy, but you can beat me, your kendo is the sword of the emperor. This is the emperor of all the kendos in the heavens, I want to worship you as a teacher, and please complete." While Sun Chunyu was talking, he still went to Xiangyang.

"Don't, I am so weak, I don't dare to accept the apprentice." Xiang Yang quickly quit and retired. This time, he really spread his soul power to study whether Sun Chunyu is telling lies or telling the truth. .

With his soul fluctuations, he can sense that Sun Chunyu is not a lie, and that is so, Xiang Yang is not likely to accept the apprentice.

"Master, the disciple does not ask the teacher to teach the practice of the sword of the emperor, but to be able to follow the teacher, so that the disciple can see the mountain of the martial art."

Sun Chunyu has a firm color on his face. In his heart, Xiang Yang is a mountain that traverses all the martial arts practitioners. It is a mountain that cannot be climbed. It is too difficult to climb or even surpass. Then, as long as he can see this mountain at all times, he always remembers that he must work hard, and even realizes the artistic conception of this mountain, which has been very useful for his kendo.

After Xiang Yang listened, he was amazed and able to cultivate to such a degree. Sun Chunyu was not a fool, but he was very clever and knew how to improve his cultivation.

Xiang Yang knows that since the great sword of his king has been completed, he has erected a monument to all the swords in the heavens, a mountain. However, he also knows that there may be other mountains in front of himself. This is The so-called mountain is higher than a mountain, the next thing to do, thoroughly understand the invincible sword in the three martial arts, as long as the invincible sword can be completed, at that time, it is the real ability to become a Scorpio.

However, even if Sun Chunyu said that there is no reason, Xiang Yang can not accept the other as an apprentice.

"Don't follow me, I am not familiar with you."

Xiang Yang shook his head and turned away.

In his rear, Sun Chunyu had a lost color on his face, but he immediately continued to follow.

Xiang Yang saw that there was no way to take Sun Chunyu. He could only turn into a Wanbao line that is known as a baby. He asked directly, "Boss, can you have a magic stone?"

"Yuan Deshi!"

After hearing the voice of Xiang Yang, the little sly faces that were originally boring changed slightly, and quickly looked at an old man. The old man smiled and walked up and said to Xiang Yang, "This guest is very big. The heart, a mouth is about the magic stone, you know, the price of the yuan magic stone?"

Xiang Yang said with a smile. "It seems that you know the Yuanmo Stone, then I will not be white."

"Exactly, the old man really knows the Yuanmo Stone, but this is the best, does the objective person think that someone will sell it?" The boss shook his head.

"So you are playing with me?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he suddenly became a fire. This **** did not say that there was no Yuanmo stone at first. He only asked himself to know the price. He thought he had a magic stone.

I didn’t expect to say that no one would sell it, it’s just playing with myself.

Has been followed by Sun Chunyu, this has let Xiang Yang slammed a fire, and now see the boss's appearance, his flame broke out instantly, sneered and said, "You just said, I have defaulted you have Yuan magic stone, if you tell me now that there is no Yuanmo stone, you have to think clearly after the end."

"You threaten me?"

The boss listened with an unbelievable color on his face, and then he couldn’t help but sneer and said, "It’s interesting. For a long time no one dared to threaten the old man like this, and it’s just a kid in a real fairy realm. It’s really good. what."

His cultivation is the realm of Da Luo’s seven-day Tianxian Zun, and he can open a door to do business in such a chaotic place in the underground black market. Naturally, he is not a good person, nor is he a good bully. He sees Xiang Yang’s true fairy who dares to speak like this. At that time, the expression was cold and cold, and faintly said, "Come on, take him down, I have to see what kind of skills a true immortal can have, and dare to threaten the deity."

Author Meng Yu said: Today, five more, ask flowers

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