Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2668: I must stop them from being together...

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"Come, throw him out."


When this sentence fell, the little cockroaches that were doing nothing in the store suddenly burst into turmoil. One of the cockroaches with the power of the celestial king had a sly smile on his face and instantly rushed toward Xiangyang.


Far away, this little cricket directly went to Xiangyang to catch the past, because Xiangyang’s performance is only the strength of Zhenxian. He even used all the repairs, but he used only a little power. Grasping can catch Xiang Yang.

After Xiangyang was hungry, he shook his head helplessly and sighed and said, "I really thought that I am a cat and a dog. Can you deal with it at will? You are too small to look at me. Since it is your first move, then, today. I am going to tear down your Wanbao Pavilion."

This time, Xiang Yang really wants to do it directly. He is unhappy in his heart. Since this is a underground black market, since there is no rule, it is a big fist or a rule. Then he will dismantle this so-called Wanbaoge. Look at what kind of treasures this Wanbaoge has.

"Bold, I dare to disrespect my master, you are looking for death."

However, Xiang Yang did not really start, he heard a loud scream, and Sun Chunyu, who was behind him, broke out with a powerful force and went straight to Xiang Yang, punching the little bang.


Sun Chunyu can be privately named as the Sancai Xianwang. His strength is strong. In the king of Xian, he is definitely the most peak. At this moment, he really burst out with a fist, and instantly smashed the little cockroach that was the same as the king of the fairy king. Go out.


The little screamed and screamed in the mouth, his fists had been smashed into powder by Sun Chunyu, and the whole person was smashed into the back hall, apparently losing the power of fighting again.

The boss and other little sisters did not expect that Xiang Yang would follow Sun Chunyu as a strong man. He screamed in anger, and other little sisters would start. The boss waved his hand and looked at Sun Chunyu, sneer. "A good grandson of Sun's genius, how can you always come here, you think that Sun Jia can cover the sky and touch the underground black market?"

"That's not it."

Sun Chunyu shook his head. "I just came with my teacher. You dare to bully my master. I am looking for death. Everything else has nothing to do with Sun."

"Well, since it has nothing to do with the Sun family, it will be over."

Obviously, the boss himself is the great man in the fairy city, or he is afraid of the grandson in his heart. At this moment, he heard Sun Chunyu say this, suddenly smiled on his face, sneering and waved, and other little sisters directly toward Sun Chunyu. Encircled up.

"They are not my opponents. You are not alone. You are not necessarily my opponent. Unless you join forces, you have no chance." Sun Chunyu looked at the boss with a serious look.


At the same time, his three-handed three-sword sword has emerged, and a strong atmosphere is flowing, and a sword is bursting around him.

At the same time, Sun Chunyu's body is surrounded by six Dalu rules. These six rules are full of sharp powers, and all of them are all rules of kendo.

The rules of the kendo Dalu of various attributes, obviously, this Sun Chunyu is the same as the sword king sword. It is a person who focuses on the kendo. It is a sword repair itself. It pushes the kendo to the king of the fairy king. Its combat power is The most terrible.

Xiang Yang sighed, this guy can be said to be a sword idiot, no wonder he would always want to worship himself as a teacher.

"A good Sun Chunyu, a good three-time fairy king, although you can not compare with the sword king, but it is not far away." The boss sneered, but did not fear.

"However, although you are powerful, you are only a fairy king."


After all, the boss broke out with a smashing weather, and a halo field spread out. This is the area of ​​Xianzun that can only be exhibited after it has reached the level of Xianzun.

"This is the aura of Xianzun."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and after ringing his own physical breakthrough, the **** aura that broke out could crack the field of Xianwang, but he did not know whether he could also face the field formed by the aura of Xianzun. Crack.

"If you are a fairy, how can I swear by myself?" Sun Chunyu has a firm color on his face. In order to be able to follow these Xiangyang, this time, he wants to reverse the immortality and let Xiangyang understand himself. The use, even if Xiang Yang does not accept himself as a disciple, he must also be with Xiang Yang.

Keeping up with Xiangyang, the kendo mountain, will have incredible benefits for him.

"Under the fairy, all the kings will be turned into fly ash." The boss sneered, his hands clasped the law, his body had a black sword bursting out, this little sword with a horrible Murderous, so that after Xiang Yang felt it, suddenly his face changed slightly.

"There is a familiar feeling that this is the killer of the dark world."

Suddenly, Xiang Yang’s brain flashed, and this black little sword brought him a familiar feeling. He remembered it. This is the dark world that the fire family met after he met him. The black knife that the killer's killer teamed up with was the same feeling.

Xiang Yang understands that this boss is definitely the killer of the underground dark world, and this so-called Wanbaoge is probably a stronghold of the underground dark world.


Xiang Yang whispered softly. Since he knew the origin of this Wanbao Pavilion, he would not have any burden on him if he took over these Wanbaoge.


At this time, Sun Chunyu and the boss directly launched a confrontation, the fairy king field against the other side of the fairy aura, Sun Chunyu's field is like a sword to kill, and the other side of the fairy aura is born to the king There is a repressive force in the field.

The two men started to match the field and the aura, but they were evenly matched. However, Xiang Yang clearly saw that although Sun Chunyu was strong, after all, he was not the opponent of the other side, and his field of Xianwang was obviously in a disadvantageous position.

The boss of the fairyland is only the fairyland of the big seven heavens, but with the extraordinaryness of the fairyland, it gradually gains the upper hand.

"Three talented kings, but that's it."

The boss sneered, the black little sword turned into a sword mang, and immediately passed to Sun Chunyu.

"Although in general, it is enough to kill you."

Although Sun Chunyu was in a downwind, but it was very strong, while sneering at the same time, the three talent swords turned, and the three swords of the sword smashed the void to meet the little sword.


At this moment, there was an earth-shattering confrontation. The array of methods in the Wanbaoge broke out with incomparable light. I wanted to do my best to suppress the aftermath of the two men’s wars. However, the power of the two men’s war is too strong. The terrible power explosion caused the Wanbaoge's formation to break apart in an instant, and the powerful forces spread out in all directions, causing countless people around them to be affected.


"Wan Bao Ge, you are crazy."

"If you don't give an explanation to Laozi today, I have to tear down your Wanbaoge. Oh, we don't have to do it. Wanbaoge has to be demolished."

"Interesting and interesting."


It’s not a good person who can come to this underground black market to do business, especially those around this Wanbaoge. Because of the power that broke out in the Wanbaoge, their small vendors have been crushed, and even many of them The things that were prepared for the pit people were also shattered by this shock wave. All of them were so angry that they wanted to rush into Wanbaoge to find the boss. As a result, they found that Wanbaoge collapsed and the two men collided with each other. The inside rushed out, and the strength of their respective outbursts was too strong, so that everything that went through was all affected.

Among the Wanbaoge, Xiangyang suddenly had bright eyes. After discovering that the building of Wanbaoge was damaged, some treasures were protected by seals. The little ones were rushing to collect those treasures.

One of the crystal boxes is sealed with a black stone, which is half a tall and tall, and it is actually a magic stone.

"Good, finally found."

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, and his figure rushed into the front of the piece of the magic stone, and he would close it up between the waves.


After Xiang Yang’s body, a small donkey was ready, and he was preparing to collect the Yuanmo stone. When he found that Xiang Yang had taken the lead, he suddenly became angry and roared. He shot directly toward Xiangyang. "A real fairy in the district is also dare to let go, Sancai Xian Wang Sun Chunyu can no longer protect you, you will die."

The other party is a fairy king in the world of Da Luo, although the strength can only be regarded as the bottom of the fairy king, but against the immortal below the fairy king, he feels that he can crush each other, this palm is ready To shoot Xiang Yang directly.


At this time, when he was about to reach the front of Xiangyang, he heard a roar of eruption, and a **** spurt out of Xiangyang’s body. This is the vitality of Xiangyang’s own outburst. The reason, the richness of blood, turned into a million-year-old **** river flowing in his body.

"It's you who are looking for death."

Xiang Yang sneered at the same time, a punched out, the rules of the boxing Da Luo and the rules of the overbearing Da Luo at the same time into this boxing, suddenly, the power of terror is condensed in it, the moment with this little 厮Clashing together.

"Do not..."

That little sister wouldn’t think of it anyway, his life would end like this. He is a fairy king in the world of Da Luo’s four heavens, and he’s only dealt with a true fairy. It’s just one in his eyes. The true fairy of the little sheep broke out directly at this moment, turning into a deep white great white shark, and instantly smashed the bones of his body.

Xiang Yang’s **** condensed fistprint runs through the heavens and the earth, and after the body and the gods of this guy are smashed into pieces, the soul of Xiang Yang’s soul swept out and the soul of the other’s soul was also smashed. Come, the other party is completely disappeared in the long river of time.

At this moment, Xiang Yang is also faintly able to see a time and space disappearing. He knows that it is the river in the legend, but what role it is, definitely not what he can explore now.

Xiang Yang did not care about the existence of that river, but collected the Yuanmo stone. By the way, some of the treasures around him were collected, and it was too late to be excited. The other three or four small cymbals around it had already erupted a powerful force to kill. come.

These little shackles can be the strength of the king of the sacred kings. Although there is no singular king of the six heavens of Da Luo, there are two of them, the two are the four heavens of Da Luo, and the two are the four heavens of Da Luo. The situation.

After the outbreak of the four people, the power is unmatched, and even if the same fairy king came, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

At this time, Xiang Yang’s body was flashing, and the strong blood gas was filled again. He pinched his fists with both hands, and at the same time punched and roared, and the four punches flew directly out, and the four kings were instantly bombarded. Fly out.

"My current body is combined with the rules of the overbearing Dalu and the rules of the Taekwondo, and it is enough to kill the King of the Kings. Even if it is for the King of the Kings, it will not necessarily lose to the other side."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself. Since his physical body broke through to the state of Da Luo, he opened the channel of the mysterious space and the physical body that Dong Tianxian said. There are more than 100,000 channels in his body. The energy flowing from that mysterious space has made his body stronger all the time. At this moment, his physical strength has already had extraordinary power.

"This kid is weird. He is not an ordinary fairy. He is absolutely pretending to be a king, killing him."

After the four little immortals were smashed, they were screaming and screaming, and the most horrible forces erupted toward Xiangyang.

The four immortals, at the same time, bombarded Xiangyang from four directions. Moreover, the four were not ordinary shots, but they condensed a field of formation, and the strength of the four people was combined to suppress Xiangyang, making Xiangyang Feel the pressure.

"It's a bit interesting."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, and in his whole body, powerful and unmatched blood, there was a terrible breath, and a **** aura was looming, making the formation of the four people merged and met him. When the **** halo is in a moment, it dissipates in an instant and can no longer affect him.

"It turns out that." Xiang Yang whispered to himself, with a light smile on his face. He finally understood that his own blood halo could not only crack the field of Xianwang, but also seemed to be able to use such a force. The crackdown also has the function of cracking.


Since he has already understood the role of his own blood halo, Xiang Yang is no longer merciful, holding a fist in one hand, and a sword in one hand, directly killing the four people.


Xiang Yang, with the power of the true fairy, was confronted with the four immortals.

However, at this time, the onlookers did not think that Xiangyang was just a true fairy. In their view, Xiang Yang was definitely a fairy king, just to hide his true identity, and deliberately only showed the power of true fairy. Only.

"The boss is really a cow."

At this time, Xiaoguangtou had already caught Sun Yuxiu and went around. He saw that Xiangyang actually resisted the four immortals with the power of the true fairy, and could not help but reveal the color of praise.

"It is obviously a fairy king, but pretend to be a true fairy. Is it interesting?" After Sun Yuxiu met, it was the color of sneer on his face.

At this moment, she felt that she had already seen the true strength of Xiang Yang. It was just a fairy king, not even better than herself, and her brother, who was planning to worship such a person...

"I must stop them from being together."

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