Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2669: Shooting sun

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"I must stop them from being together."

Sun Yuxiu said with a powder punch.

"Together?" The little bald head was shocked after listening. The girl is worthy of being a fancy person. It is really different. Fortunately, the boss is fighting. If he hears this sentence, it is estimated that the whole person will Oh no.

What Xiaoguangtou didn’t expect was that Xiang Yang didn’t hear it, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it. When Xiao Xiaotou appeared with Sun Yuxiu, he had already sensed it, and when he heard Sun Yuxiu’s words, he was upset. The thoughts in my heart are so different that people who can see the little bald head are really different.

At the same time, Xiang Yang’s heart sighed, and Jian Jian showed it out. One finger pointed out, and an earth-shattering sword gas broke out instantly and smashed the past toward each other.

At this moment, the body of a fairy king was torn by his sword, and instantly turned into a **** rain.

In the hands of Xiang Yang, there is a fairy sword of the best fairy level. When a sword is turned over and blocks a black sword, it is rotated again. A horrible sword tears the sky and annihilates one of them again. .

In the blink of an eye, it was only two swords. Xiang Yang had already killed two of them. After the other two Xiaoxian Xian Wang met, their faces changed greatly, and they looked at each other and chose to escape.

They themselves are the people of the dark world. This is very deceitful. They can sacrifice everything for money. They can also betray everything for their lives. Seeing that Xiangyang is so brave, they naturally cannot fight with Xiangyang.

"I want to go, it’s too late."

Xiang Yang whispered softly, and there was a big bow in his hand. This big bow had a wind and thunder and two airflows, called the wind and thunder bow, which is quite powerful among his many fairy instruments.

Moreover, not only that, the wind and thunder bow is also equipped with wind and lightning arrows, each of the arrows is the best of the fairy level, with the use of it, can play a super power.


Xiang Yang instantly opened the wind and thunder bow, two arrows on the top, the wind and thunder two air flow, the horrible breath burst out, and then the two arrows shot toward the front, respectively, in the blink of an eye, it has already caught up. Two fairy kings who are running away.

"Do not.."

These two little screams roared, and their bodies each showed a defensive magic weapon. They were all the magic weapon of the fairy level. They instantly blocked the arrows that shot them, but they could only block one arrow. .


In their rear, Xiang Yang once again bowed and arched, and this time it was not two arrows, but a large one, and dozens of arrows appeared in his hands at the same time, he sneered. "The big shot is the sun."


At this moment, his whole person has changed, as if he had become an ancient hunter, able to shoot the **** of the sun in one eye. When he loosened the bowstring, dozens of arrows turned into a long dragon, and instantly crossed. The void disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, it has already passed through one of the little celestial kings. What took away is the vitality of this little body, as well as his **** and soul.


When the figure of the first little cockroach exploded, the long dragons condensed by these dozens of arrows were once again appearing in front of another little celestial king, in the eyes of the other party’s horror. Shooting each other, and then dozens of arrows returned one by one, actively flying around Xiangyang.

At the moment, when everyone below saw this scene, they were all shocked.

"This is the arrowhead of the legendary ancient **** who shot and killed nine suns. He turned out to be a post-rumor."

"Oh my God, it is said that the ancient arrow **** is really earth-shattering, shooting with one arrow, and even shooting the strong people of the Holy Land, and this person is actually a descendant of Arrow God, although it is a real fairy, but also It is too strong to shoot the king of the same."

"Unfortunately, the bow and arrow in his hand is not the shot of the Japanese arch used by the ancient gods of the year. Otherwise, if he can get the Japanese bow, I am afraid that it will threaten the fairy with the power of the immortal. ”


In this underground black market, although everyone does not show people in the true face, but the fish and the dragon are mixed, maybe there is the patriarch of the nobles in the fairyland, and even the gatekeeper of a sect. It is definitely not the average person. Comparable, one by one, it can be seen that the arrowhead that Xiang Yang has displayed is the **** of the ancient gods who shot and killed the sun.

At this moment, all of them are shocked. In their view, the reason why Xiangyang can have the power to kill the Xianwang is precisely because of the power of Xiangyang's ancient gods.

"In fact, many exercises can be used casually." Xiang Yang whispered to himself.

When he got the catastrophe, he got some ancient gods that were collected in the past or should be collected by the tens of thousands of robbers. The gods are very powerful, and each one can be robbed. Practice, and now, in such a underground black market, since he wants to hide his identity, he can change all kinds of gods at will, and no one knows what his true identity is.

In particular, the power of this ‘shooting sun 诀’ is absolutely very powerful. Even after Xiang Yang’s display, he couldn’t help but tremble in his heart, and even gave birth to the idea of ​​practicing this practice well.

"Let's find a time for Xiaoling to create a shot of the Japanese bow. At that time, with this shot, you will shoot him. Even if Xianzun is coming, he will shoot him."

When Xiang Yang thought about it, he just saw some people sneak into the Wanbao Pavilion and tried to steal the treasures he had not taken away. He suddenly became angry. "I want to steal the old man." Treasure, you are looking for death."

After all, the wind and thunder bow in Xiang Yang’s hand has been opened, and the wind and thunder arrows that wrap around him are once again winding.


Xiang Yang did not have the slightest mercy, this wind and lightning arrow directly turned into a long dragon, instantly disappeared in front of everyone, when the long arrow of the arrow reappeared, the two guys who sneaked directly into the lower two Throughout.

"Is it easy for Laozi to lay down Wanbaoge, who dares to come to grab the treasure with me?" At the same time that the wind and arrow arrows came up, all the treasures in the Wanbaoge were collected by the way. After Xiangyang collected the treasures, It is the hand holding the big bow, but the voice is full of hegemony.

Although he is only a true immortal, at this moment, no one dares to look down on him, even if it is a fairy, but also looks at Xiangyang with a dignified color on his face.

"The descendants of the ancient arrow gods are really extraordinary."

In the distance, many people are talking to themselves. In order not to be misunderstood by Xiangyang, they have retreated very far, and this is carefully watched.

Although for these onlookers, they are not afraid of Xiangyang, but they do not want to conflict with Xiangyang for no reason.

"The boss is really amazing." The small bald head was shocked. Even when he faced the wind and thunder bow that Xiang Yang showed, he felt very dangerous.

Sun Yuxiu, who is surrounded by a small bald head, looks at Xiang Yang with a complex color on his face. "What is the identity of this guy? I can sense that his kendo is very powerful, but the archery is equally amazing. Is it? Can a real fairy really have such a terrible power?"

At this moment, Sun Yuxiu’s heart is truly full of curiosity about Xiang Yang.

Originally, she had already determined that Xiangyang was definitely a fairy king. However, when she saw Xiangyang’s display of the sundial and heard the people around her, she felt that her judgment might be wrong. It may be really a true fairy, and Xiangyang is so powerful because it is really terrible in terms of kendo and arrow.

It may not be unreasonable to think that my brother’s brother has always thought of worshipping Xiangyang as a teacher.

Sun Yuxiu looked at Xiaoguangtou and asked seriously, "Who are you?"

"Oh, hey, don't tell you." Xiaoguangtou said with a smile.


After Sun Yuxiu listened, she suddenly burst into flames. The very honest and honest little bald head that she showed just now showed such a look. It really made her want to beat people. However, she was sealed by a small bald head, only Being able to follow the little bald head honestly can't escape.

"Little guy, tell your sister who you are, my sister will let you touch it?" At this time, Sun Yuxiu suddenly blinked and used a trick she had never used before, that is, the beauty of the man.


However, as Sun Yuxiu’s voice fell, she felt that the sensitive part of her body had been photographed. She suddenly opened her eyes and looked at the small bald head incredulously. “You dare...”

"Sister Sun, do you think that I still need your consent when I want to touch you?" Xiao Guangtou looked at Sun Yuxiu seriously. "I am honest, but you can't deceive."

At the same time, this guy is excited and excited, only that the whole person has to be abolished, he can not wait to squat, this feeling is really wonderful.

Sun Yuxiu is almost crazy. At this time, she really realized that this little guy in front of her was actually a bastard. She only wanted to cry and hope that her brother would come back to save himself. Otherwise, there is really Maybe it will be how this guy is.

At this time, Xiang Yang, who was standing in the air, was shocked when he saw the little bald head. "I even received a color monk as a younger brother. This is incredible."

Thinking of the small bald head actually openly swaying a woman, Xiang Yang’s heart is very unhappy, although he usually does not do such a thing, but he is doing this with acquaintances, not a woman who does not know.

However, when I think of a small bald head, I was tempted by a woman. He felt that he could not bother him. When he thought of it, he shook his head and said in his heart. "Forget it, as long as this kid is not doing too much, then It doesn't matter to him."

The little bald head did not know that Xiang Yang almost taught him a meal because he was too untrue.

At this moment, the little bald head is still excited, thinking about whether this is already a broken ring, so that he should have cleared all the rules and regulations of Buddhism, and his name is really worthy of the name. It is.


At this time, there was still a roar in the distance. It was Sun Chunyu’s voice with the boss of Wanbaoge. The Xiangyang stared at it, but they saw that each of them was injured. However, Sun Chunyu’s injury was even more serious. some.

Not enough, Sun Chunyu himself is a strong kendo, and the emphasis on the book is to go forward, even if it is injured, he still desperately rushed to the other side.

When the owner of Wanbaoge saw that his old camp had been razed to the ground, he was screaming with anger. "Damn, bastard."


"You are looking for death."

Then, this guy broke out in madness, and his body was full of horrible power. First, he sacrificed a magic weapon to block Sun Chunyu's attack. At the same time, he moved instantly and rushed through Xiangkong toward Xiangyang.

"Well come, I have long wanted to find you."

When Xiang Yang saw this guy rushing toward himself, his face was a smile. At this moment, the dozens of arrows that had been flying around him were returned at the same time, all of them were caught in his hands, and then Pulling the bow on the string, at the same time, his body is full of horrible blood, making him as if he is covered in the blood, the people around can not see his current situation.

In the situation that others can't see, Xiang Yang's body has emerged a rule of Da Luo, first the rule of the Da Luo, and then the rule of the Da Luo, the rule of the Dao Luo, the rules of the three Da Luo into the arrow Among the vectors, the breath that broke out of the arrow has reached a very terrible level.

"Give me kill."

Then, everyone only heard a roar of Xiangyang in the blood, all the blood fog converge, and blended into the arrow in his hand, this arrow was wrapped in blood fog, turned into a **** Changhong , instantly disappeared in the big bow of Xiang Yang's hand.


At the same time, when this Changhong disappeared, the boss of Wanbaoge, who was rushing toward Xiangyang, suddenly changed his face. He only felt that there was an earth-shattering murder that locked him. He couldn’t help but scream. To sacrifice a small black sword, you must squat down.

However, his reaction speed is very fast, but he is not as good as Xiang Yang who has performed ‘shooting the sun.’

Along with the huge roaring sound, a **** Changhong wrapped up dozens of arrows and rushed out of the void to rush out, with the invincible, unbreakable power, impacting the past, in the blink of an eye, the boss of the Wanbaoge was directly The strong man who has the power of Da Luo’s seven-day Tianxian Zun.

Although there are only a few dozen arrows blended into Changhong, it is like a thousand arrows in the heart, and he will run through the whole person in an instant, and then it will explode in an instant.


Seeing this scene, the people around them who had been close to Xiangyang because of their own being Xianzun, involuntarily took a breath and walked back a few steps toward the rear.

They suddenly felt that even if they were Xianzun, it was not safe to be close to Xiangyang.

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