Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2672: How is Da Luo’s eight heavens?

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In the distance, the little bald head is still fighting against the fairy godmother. The small bald buddha law is unveiled and powerful. At this moment, he seems to be transformed into a diamond lord, and he directly launched with this sacred lord. The hard hit, so that the opposite of his immortal process in the process of bombardment, can not afford.


The killer of the dark world, the sorrowful anger, screamed, and looked at the little bald head with horror. At this moment, he was already wondering who was the fairy.

The little bald head is only the realm of the immortal king. He is lower than him. However, he can crush him strongly. This makes him too shocked. Then he sees another companion of his own being killed by Xiang Yang. He is even more confused.

"Can't continue to entangle, this time the attack failed."

Although he did not want to say it, the celestial singer could only scream with anger and greet the four kings who had already escaped from poverty and were also prepared to flee, announcing that this mission failed and was ready to flee.

The four emperors, the four deities, were actually the first to be killed by the three deities, which is really amazing for them.

"I haven't left your life yet, how can you go?"

The little bald head sneered a sneer, and he shot it with a palm, and the infinite print of the palm of the hand was in the void, making the sacred lord of this big seven heavens want to rush into the void and escape, and can only scream. "Little bald head, do you really want the deity to fight with you?"

"You don't have that qualification yet."

The little bald head is sneering, and continues to shoot, and this time the strength of the shot is stronger, so that the sacred statue of this big Luo seven heavens is also insisted, and can only roar again and again, but the injury is It is constantly increasing.

At this time, seeing the four immortals are ready to escape, all the swords in Xiangyang even closed up the Qingxuan sword, but he held the cucurbit gourd with his hand and said softly, "Junjun take care."

"not good."

Who in the world does not know the fairy gourd?

Especially in this fairy world, Zhu Xianfei's knife is very famous. When Xiang Yang held the 斩 葫 葫 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 笑 看着 看着 看着 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , To open the void is to escape.

However, when Xiang Yang decided to use the Zhu Rong gourd, it was not the escape of these several kings.


The 斩仙飞刀 flashed in the mouth of the 斩仙葫, and when it reappeared, there was a head of the celestial king falling down. Then, Xiangyang’s head had a **** heavenly oven and flew over, instantly Into it.

"Let's go on the road together."

Then, Xiang Yang put his hands on the law, and his own power was madly injected into the 葫 葫 葫 , , , , , , , 被 被 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小 小The other three celestial kings are preparing to rush into the void to escape, and they are instantly solidified, and then their bodies are cut into countless tiny pieces.

The heaven and earth oven flashed away, and the remaining three kings were swallowed in an instant. When they returned to Xiangyang again, they turned into rolling energy and integrated into Xiangyang’s body, supplementing the consumption of this war. Almost the same energy.

Originally, for Xiang Yang, this war seems to seem very relaxed, but in fact it is very dangerous. It can be said that it is lucky to kill three Xianzun successively, because the other person has looked down on him, making When he actually shot, he was able to completely annihilate the other side.

However, Xiang Yang’s practice of training has not yet reached the level of real earth-shattering. Even the situation of Da Luo has not been reached. Even if there is a universe in his Dantian?

There is no change in energy, and after all, you can't really do whatever you want.

In this battle, Xiang Yang's energy has almost been exhausted. Even in the numerous portals of the body, the mad spurt of energy into Xiangyang body can not supplement Xiangyang's energy in a short time.

Therefore, Xiang Yang can only use the 'Heaven and Earth Oven' again. After refining and refining the four emperors, he has supplemented his energy. However, he stood pale in the void.

"I have a big idea. Although I am strong, I still have a big gap compared with Xianzun and Xian Wang. It is enough to deal with the general Xianjun."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, his eyes were a bit bleak.

At the same time, his heart is very vigilant, the power of the soul has been all over the void to find the enemy.

Before that, he felt a big crisis coming. He knew that there were enemies coming, and the strength of the enemy was absolutely terrifying. It surpassed the situation of the big seven heavens. Maybe it was a big day, maybe It is the super strongman of Da Luo’s nine heavens.

"found it."

Then, Xiang Yang’s soul power was in silence, and found a strong person hidden in the void. The other side’s sword was powerful and unparalleled, as if it could be transformed into a swordless **** at any time. The soul of Xiang Yang was far away, and he felt a guilty heart.

"When is the master of the sacred kendo sect, the tyrant of the heavens, when did I offend such a master?"

Xiang Yang’s heart trembled and his face was a little white. This time, he was not pretending, but it was really white, because the other party’s strength was too horrible. In his induction, the other party was a big man’s heaven and earth. Lu Qingxian is much more powerful, and even if the other party really broke out, even if it is compared with the fairy goddess of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, I am afraid it is not weak.

"Boss, you should take a break for a while, wait until I kill this guy and say."

In the distance, the little bald head laughed and saw that he had already gained the upper hand. He was afraid that Xiang Yang rushed over and grabbed his opponent. He also specially dragged the one of the great Luo Xianzun toward the distance.

After Xiang Yang met, he was a little relieved. Although the little bald head was only his younger brother, Xiang Yang was very caring for these brothers who would like to follow their own brothers. It is impossible to tell the little bald head that there is danger here, and it is impossible to let The small bald head blocks the danger for himself.

Since the little bald head is far away, that's fine. At least, the little bald head will not be any danger.

At this time, Xiang Yang’s eyes saw that he had been locked by the other party, and he was anxious. On the surface, he was holding the celestial gourd at the level of the fairy. He sighed softly and said, “There is the existence of this 斩仙飞刀. You can kill any fairy, otherwise it will be dangerous this time. What's special, the killer in the dark world is really crazy."

"However, why do I feel as if I feel a little dangerous? Is it because there is a killer in the dark world?" Xiang Yang said deliberately, the cucurbits of the sages swayed in his hands, and it seemed that they could be shot at any time. Kill the enemy in general.

"Rely, is this kid's induction so sensitive?"

At the same time, Zhang Jianyu was very uncomfortable in the void. He had already appeared when Xiangyang killed the first Xianzun. It was originally thought that if Xiangyang was killed by the killer of the dark world, then It was the best thing. I didn't expect that Xiangyang, a real fairy, could kill three Xianzun and four Xianwang. This made his heart beat and realized that Xiangyang was really extraordinary.

He has been hiding in the void, waiting for a suitable opportunity to deal with Xiangyang.

Of course, Zhang Jianyu is a fairy statue of Da Luo’s eight heavens, and he is also a sword sect who specializes in kendo. His strength is very strong and definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Don't say that Xiang Yang is only a true fairy. Even if Xiang Yang has cultivated into the realm of Xianzun, he dares to shoot Xiang Yang.

What made him jealous was the cucurbit gourd in Xiang Yang’s hand.

When Xiang Yang killed the fairy goddess and the four fairy kings with the best fairy-grade scorpion gourd, Zhang Jianyu, who was originally prepared to change hands, changed his mind and did not dare to do it.

Even if he is the top of the world, he is not sure that he can survive under the knives.

"This kid is too keen, I am afraid he has already sensed my existence, but he is not daring to move."

Zhang Jianyu said to himself in his heart. He was scared by Xiang Yang’s suspicion. If Xiang Yang did not know his existence, he could quietly sneak into the back of Xiang Yang and directly kill Xiang Yang with a sword. It is.

However, Xiang Yang has sensed his existence. At the same time as he is alert, the 斩仙葫芦 is ready. If he dares to sneak into Xiangyang, it is estimated that he can smash Xiangyang, but Zhu Xianfei The knife will also fall on him.

"Damn, the heart language didn't even tell me that this kid turned out to be a descendant of the sacred knives."

The more Zhang Jianyu wants to be, the more uncomfortable he is, the feeling of being betrayed by his favorite person.

It can be seen from here that Zhang Jianyu is just a scattered repair. There is no powerful martial art behind him. The reason why he can practice in such a realm is because he had a powerful moment when he was young. The kendo inheritance, with strong talent and perseverance, has been practiced step by step to the present level.

Otherwise, if there is a powerful force behind Zhang Jianyu, he will not dare to deal with Xiangyang blatantly.

"Where did this guy come from?"

Xiang Yang is very puzzled, although he thinks this guy should be the killer of the dark world, but as a killer, and still a sacred celestial being in the world of Da Luo, it’s not even bright, it’s still hidden. Let Xiang Yang be very upset.

"Do you want to use another 斩仙葫芦?"

Xiang Yang is very entangled in his heart. He also knows that Xian Zun, who can kill the three big seven heavens, actually has a lot of elements to rely on luck. After all, many of his killers have not been displayed.

If the opponent is prepared, even if he displays the best fairy-level knives, it is impossible to kill the opponent.

Xiang Yang feels that his greatest excellence lies in his self-knowledge and his ability to clearly recognize his strength. Although he killed three Xianzun and four Xianwang, he is not proud at all. Because, in his vicinity, there is also a fairy who is in the world of Da Luo, who is hiding from killing himself.

He sighed in his heart, if the other party really appeared, he had several choices, one was to display the '斩天一剑' that had not been used for a long time, to see if he could kill the fairy statue of Da Luo’s eight heavens. The other one is to use the 斩仙飞刀 beyond the level of the best fairy.

Of course, Xiang Yang felt that the grasp of the 斩仙葫芦 was relatively large. After all, when the 斩仙葫芦 exhibited, even the top ten killing gods in the dark world were scared away by him.

Ever since, at this moment, Xiang Yang resolutely decided to use his baby.

"Although it is the sacred gourd, but with his strength as the real fairyland, Xian Liben is limited. Although he can kill the fairy goddess of the big seven heavens, but all rely on luck, his When the energy is insufficient, even if it is a display of the 斩仙飞刀, it is impossible to have too strong power. I only need to defend myself with the best fairy, so I don’t have to worry about the power of the 飞仙飞刀, obviously, his 斩The fairy knife is unable to break my defense."

Zhang Jianyu said to himself in his heart. He felt that he was the martial martyrdom of the Da Luo Eight Heavens. Even the people who dared to confront Da Luo’s nine heavens would be scared by a junior in the real world. It made him feel very embarrassed.

At this time, he has already decided that he must make a resolute shot, and in any case, he must kill Xiang Yang.


However, when Zhang Jianyu offered a defensive magic weapon, it was a tortoise shield. Suddenly, his face changed, because he found that the cucurbit gourd in Xiangyang’s hand suddenly disappeared and then appeared again. Then, when When Xiang Yang’s newly-appearing, seemingly identical 斩仙葫芦 was in his hand, he suddenly felt a terrible life-and-death crisis.

"this is..."

Zhang Jianyu's breathing was so fast that the whole person was a little trembling.

"Beyond the best fairy level of the 斩仙飞刀, this, this ... special, how is this possible."

Although Zhang Jianyu is a dissertation, his knowledge is indeed not weak. At this moment, he has already understood that the sacred gourd in the hands of Xiang Yang is definitely the sacred gourd that surpasses the best fairy level.

He was staring at Xiang Yang, and he had a feeling of being in love.

"What's special, heart language, heart language, you are tired of me, want to change a man, this kid is definitely getting the attention of Tianda in the vein of Zhu Xianfei knife, even Zhu Xian The ancestors of the flying knife also gave him his own magic weapon, and I still tried to fight."

"With this kid's card, Wanzhou is the battle of the woman of the destiny, who can block his 斩仙葫芦?"

Zhang Jianyu almost went crazy. He just made a decision to shoot Xiangyang. As a result, it was locked up by Xiang Yangxin, which surpassed the best fairy level, and the strong crisis of life and death rose to the heart. The cold sweat on his forehead continued to drip, and the whole person could no longer remain calm.

At this moment, what Xianzun demeanor, the temperament of the martial arts strong, all abandoned by him, in his eyes, only Xiang Yang in his hand has the candied gourd that can kill him.

"Do you come out by yourself, or do you want me to come out with a knives flying knife?"

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