Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2673: Overplayed...

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"Do you come out by yourself, or do I use the 斩仙飞刀 to invite you out?"

When Zhang Jianyu's hair was erected and he felt that there was a great crisis, he heard Xiang Yang pass with a light voice.

"Damn, is this kid really a fairy or a fairy?"

Zhang Jianyu was furious in his heart. Xiang Yang’s words proved that Xiang Yang had already discovered him. All the actions he had just made were Xiangyang’s deliberate attempt to tease him.

He was furious in his heart, and he could not wait for a sword to open Xiangyang. However, he knew that he could not do it. In the face of Xiang Yang’s hand, he surpassed the best fairy class, even if he was a big man. There is no means to defend the fairyland.

"The ancestors of Zhu Xianfei's knife are so valued to him, even if I really killed him, I will be seen by the old monster in the future to see the true body. At that time, the other party will shoot. How do I be an opponent?" Zhang Jianyu sighed, knowing that he could never be Xiangyang’s opponent, nor could he kill Xiangyang.

In desperation, he had to come out of the void of hiding, looking at Xiangyang with a depressed face.

"You are not the killer of the dark world?" Xiang Yang frowned at Zhang Jianyu and found that this guy was not the strongest in the dark world. He was a bit puzzled. In addition to the dark world, when did he sin such a supreme kendo? Strong?

Could it be that the backstage of a guy who was defeated by the robbing in the Demon Tianzhou was invited?

"Nature is not."

Zhang Jianyu stood in the void far away, and did not dare to approach Xiangyang casually. Although he also knew that since he was locked by Xiangyang’s hand in the hands of the best fairy class, even if he stood far away, there was no Use, but he feels that he can never get close to Xiangyang.

Xiang Yang looked at Zhang Jianyu carefully and found that there was a strong sword in the other side that was brewing. It was obviously a supreme sword.

The so-called sword statue is the sacred statue of the sword, and concentrates on the kendo. The power of killing is the best among the practitioners of many systems.

Xiang Yang is very aware of the terribleness of such a strong man, but since the other party is not the killer of the dark world, he wants to deal with himself.

"You came for the treasures of me?" Xiang Yang asked again.

He really thinks this guy should be staring at himself in the underground black market.

"Not at all." Zhang Jianyu shook his head again. He looked at Xiangyang with some anger. "The deity is a peerless sword, a powerful and honest man. How can you stare at a real treasure? There is a squash in your hand, and I can't steal you."

"Is it impossible to grab my 斩 葫 ? ?? This is beyond the level of the best fairy 葫 葫 葫 ,, can be called a big killer, you do not want?" Xiang Yang face with suspicious color.

"Who dares to ask."

Zhang Jianyu snorted and felt that Xiang Yang was insulting himself. Although it is not a mistake to go beyond the best fairy level, it is a big killer. However, this is the treasure of the ancestors who flew to the pulse. Who dares? Grab it, isn't it obvious that you have to fly to the same line with the celestial being?

"It turned out to be."

After Xiang Yang listened, he understood the meaning of the other party. He couldn’t help but laugh out. So, he could take out the 葫 葫 葫 , , , , , , , , , , , , , 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般Your own treasure.

After all, even if it is the fairy goddess of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian, you must also be afraid of the ancestors of the ancestral flying knives.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Jianyu saw Xiang Yang laugh out loud, but his heart was very angry. He felt that Xiang Yang was a jerk, a guy who was not high, but very odious.

At the moment, Zhang Jianyu’s head was topped with a superb weapon-level defensive magic shield. The shield hangs down on his body and guards him. However, he knows that the so-called guardian is only superficial. When Yang really displayed the words of the sacred gourd in his hand, the power that broke out was powerful and unmatched, and it was definitely not the defensive magic weapon on his head that could be blocked.

"Nothing to laugh at." Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at each other. He knew that since the other side came out from the place where the void was hiding, then he would no longer have to worry about the master of this great world.


Zhang Jianyu snorted and turned around and was ready to leave. Since he could not kill Xiang Yang, he did not dare to do it. He did not have any effect in keeping it, or he left quickly.

"Man, I let you go?"

However, when Zhang Jianyu turned around, he heard Xiang Yang’s slow sound, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn’t help but sigh. “What do you mean? Do you want to kill me?”

"That's not it."

Xiang Yang sighed and said, "I don't want to kill you, but I feel that you are hiding in the void and want to kill me. If you leave me without giving me an explanation, I will not explain it after I go back."


After Zhang Jianyu listened, it was the pupil shrinking. When he heard that Xiang Yang went back, it was not easy to explain. It was not good for the ancestors of the ancestral knives. Although they are not afraid of anyone, they are not arrogant. Going back to the ancestors of the ancestral knives of the celestial knives, if they are the strongest who have drawn the pulse of the sacred knives, they are chasing themselves. Although they are the peerless swordsmen of the great world, they cannot escape. The immortal attack of Xianfeidao is the same.

At the same time he was shocked, he never dared to look down on Xiang Yang, but asked Shen Sheng. "What do you want?"

"Man, you are so funny."

Xiang Yang sighed a sigh. "I don't even know why you are coming to deal with me. I don't know if you let me deal with it. If you let me go, wait, when I don't pay attention, you are this big Luo. The fabulous fairy goddess of the Eight Heavens is working on me, how can I be your opponent?"

"You want to know who asked me to kill you?" Zhang Jianyu listened a little relieved, but fortunately, Xiang Yang is not going to use Zhu Xianfei knife to deal with himself, or else, he really has to work hard. .

It’s a bit funny to say, as a peerless swordsman who is a big and arduous world, when faced with a little fairy like Xiangyang, he needs to work hard. This is something Zhang Jianyu never thought before.

Xiang Yang smiled and nodded. "Nature, you have to leave, I won't stop you, but I want you to do two things. The first is to tell me who will let you kill me. Why kill me?" The second is that you have to give me a promise. I will not deal with me from now on, nor will I find someone else to deal with me. Otherwise, I will use the knives and knives to kill you at all costs."

"You don't doubt if I can kill you with this 斩仙飞刀, rest assured, although my strength is only a real fairy, but you have just seen it, I can already kill it by my own strength. Da Luo’s seven-day-class fairy respect, although you are stronger than them, but I use this 斩仙葫芦, even the top ten killing gods in the dark world are scared away by me, not to mention you.”

At the same time, Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at each other with a fearless look on his face. However, only Xiang Yang knew that his palms were all sweat.

The other party is the peerless sage of the Da Luo Eight Heavens, and it is still a sword repairer. A sword can break the law. Xiang Yang does not know what type of kendo is practicing in the other side. In case the other's kendo is very strange, there is The method can be used to crack the words of the 斩仙飞刀, even if it is in his own hands, this 斩仙葫芦 is a 斩仙飞刀 that transcends the level of the best fairy, and Xiang Yang does not have the slightest grasp to kill each other.

"The dark world used to kill God to deal with you?"

After listening to Xiang Yang’s words, Zhang Jianyu’s face is unbelievable. The top ten underground gods in the underground dark world, each one is earth-shattering. It is the existence of the assassination of the strong people of the Holy Land. How can you personally shoot? To deal with Xiang Yang, such a small fairy?

"Believe it or not."

Xiang Yang swears, although the top ten killing gods in the dark world have tried to deal with themselves, but they have been stunned by the 斩仙飞刀, this is not a proud thing, after all, if it is spread, the dark world The top ten killing gods feel that their reputation has been ruined by themselves. To kill themselves and prove that this is a paradox, then they can be miserable.

"How do you choose?" Xiang Yang held the gourd gourd in one hand and looked at each other with a faint smile on his face. Although he had sweated his nervous palm, he was still very calm on the surface.

"I am not going to kill you, but just passing by to see you, a real fairy can actually kill the fairy, curious to stop and look." Zhang Jianyu said quietly.

At this time, he lied, as a fascinating fairy in the world of Da Luo, he was lying in the face of Xiang Yang, such a true immortal, even if he himself felt a little embarrassed.

"Your blush." ​​Xiang Yang said mercilessly that the other party was lying.

"I have no enmity with you." Zhang Jianyu can only say.

He sighed in his heart, never thought that after he cultivated himself into a peerless sword of the world, he would have been forced to such a degree.

Maybe other big Luo Xianzun helped the woman of the destiny to participate in the war for some purpose. However, Zhang Jianyu was really sincere to Hu Xinyu. He had known Hu Xinyu a long time ago, and even the battle of the daughter of this destiny has not yet begun. Before, the two were already together, and he could not supply Hu Xinyu for this matter.

"I know no innocence, but you want to kill me." Xiang Yang stressed.

Zhang Jianyu was helpless. He felt that Xiang Yang was too stubborn. He even had to force himself to get a truth. If he left, he would not need to use any knives. Isn't this a very good thing?

"I can't tell you who asked me to deal with you, but I can guarantee that I won't be able to deal with you in the future." Zhang Jianyu had to continue to step back.

He has already retired to this step, and it seems to him enough. With his strength as a great singer, Xiang Yang can't really push him.

"Then I can only try to see if my 斩仙飞刀 can kill the sacred lord of the big heavens."

Xiang Yang sneered a little, and before he figured out what the other party was, he could never let the other party leave. However, although he was hard-pressed, he was thinking about ways to make the other party not jump to the wall. After all, The other party is a real powerhouse. Before he breaks, it is too dangerous for the other party.

"Kid, do you really want to be with the deity?"

At this moment, Zhang Jianyu's face was cold, his concession was enough, and Xiang Yang still forced him repeatedly, making him really angry.


However, Xiang Yang did not speak, but inspired a horrible murderousness in the knives of the celestial knives. Zhang Jianyu was locked in an instant. At this moment, the cucurbit gourd in his hand looks very quiet on the surface, but the internal force However, there is a knife that seems to be able to open up the sky, so that after Zhang Jianyu feels, the whole person's face has changed.

However, Zhang Jianyu himself is a top sacred man, and he has yet to decide that he will not regress, but the whole body is shining, and a rare fairy-class genie appears on his body, putting him in the whole body, making him seem to become Like a robot, especially in the position of the neck, he directly puts on a layer of the best fairy-level collar. Xiang Yang looks at the score. The collar is originally a storage ring set on Zhang Jianyu’s finger. The result was used by the other party to cover the neck to prevent the cockroach flying knife from killing his neck.

"This guy is really a bit afraid of death."

When Xiang Yang’s heart sighed, it was not over yet. Zhang Jianyu had a defensive magic weapon. This time, his head once again flew a small tower. The small tower is also the best fairy, suspended on the top of the head, hanging down the light. As before, keep him firmly.

In this way, Zhang Jian is expected to be really three layers and three layers, guarding his own layers. Even after Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but feel that this guy is a bit boring. Look like.


Then, Zhang Jianyu seems to have sensed that his defense is enough. His back slowly emerges a fairy sword, which is his life fate, as the sword of the sword repairer.

When the sword came out, there was a horrible sword that broke out. He did not even have a real sword. It has made the sky change. If he really has a sword, he will be able to open the void. Really can do a sword to smash the world.

"Hey... this guy is really going to be desperate."

After Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, his heart trembled, and his right hand was firmly holding the cucurbit gourd, and shouted. "Don't move, otherwise, you and I really can only desperately." At that time, when the celestial flying knife is out, you are dead or alive, I don’t know."

"Do you think you can still threaten me?" Zhang Jianyu looked cold, and the one behind his life flying sword had already flown into his hand. He had a sword in his hand and a strong self-confidence rose to his heart.

As a sword repair, I need to have the determination to open a chaotic world with a sword. Even if the other party is strong, he is not afraid of the other side.

Since Zhang Jianyu decided not to give in, he could not stop under Xiangyang’s drink.

After Xiang Yang met, he felt a headache. Suddenly he didn’t know how to end it. Is it too much to play? Otherwise, let this guy leave...

At the same time, Xiang Yang looked up and prepared to tell the other person with a thick face, he did not care.

"Boss, there are people who dare to deal with you, not afraid, look at me."

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