Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2675: They have an accident (four more flowers)

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Among the voids, Zhang Jianyu was sternly wrapped in a defensive magic weapon. He held a sword and a small bald head. The little bald head was more and more brave. Not only did he display the Buddhist practice, but later, he even practiced the Taoist and Magic Roads. He was also displayed by him. For a time, the power was unmatched, even Zhang Jianyu, who was in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens, was shocked.

The two men’s battles, one can do all the best, although the repair is relatively weak, but it is a true peerless arrogance, and the other is because Xiangyang holds two 斩 葫 葫 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在 正在So, for a moment, the two actually made a hard time.

Even after Xiang Yang met, he couldn’t help but smile. He said to himself, "There is no such thing as a small bald head, but the real strength is definitely not weaker than the item. However, Xiang Yu is now a fairy. It has already really swept into the sky, and it is only the strongest of Da Luo’s nine heavens, and the small bald head can’t compare with Xiang Yu.”

"It’s not a way to go on like this. Let’s go straight.”

At this time, Zhang Jianyu was very helpless. He felt that his heart was so tired. Ever since he was successful, he never thought that he would be bullied by two juniors one day, and it was still so miserable.

With a sword in his arms, a tens of thousands of swords smashed toward the small bald head, the power was fierce, and the small bald head had to retreat to avoid it. Then Zhang Jianyu's figure retreated quickly.

At this time, he suddenly felt a sense of heart, took out his message Yufu, and found that there were multiple messages, so he opened the communication directly.

"Yu Lang saved me, my sister and I were trapped in Tianxinzhou, coming quickly."


When Zhang Jianyu heard the first message, he suddenly changed his face and quickly went up to listen to other messages. He found that the other was to let him not deal with Xiangyang’s news, and Hu Xinyu and Mei Aoxue were about to Come over.

"The heart language has gone wrong."

"No, I have to save people right away."

Zhang Jianyu's expression changed greatly, his heart was flustered. He was not a trade relationship with Hu Xinyu. He was a real Taoist. At this moment, he knew that his own Taoist had an accident. He was anxious in his heart and would tear away the void.

"Boom! I want to go now, it’s too late."

Seeing Zhang Jianyu is about to leave, the small bald head in the rear is sneer and rushed up, showing the big day, like a fist, the infinite Buddha virtual shadow flew out from him, with the power of terror to suppress Zhang Jianyu.


Zhang Jianyu suddenly screamed, and the sword in his hand was displayed in a horizontal direction. A sturdy sword mans blocked the attack of the small bald head, and the figure was about to leave.

However, at this moment, Xiang Yang also saw that Zhang Jianyu was leaving. He smiled and said, "If you are here, don't leave so anxious. Let's play for a while."

At the same time, Xiang Yang collected the celestial gourd of the best fairy level, and the left hand held the 斩 葫 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 , , , , , , 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 超越 青 超越 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青 青Directly with the sword to kill.

"Let me come to you for a while, how terrible is this sword repair in the world?"

While Xiang Yangling was drinking, his body was proud and he screamed. "There is no sword, the sword lotus is open, and the sky is overturned."


Accompanied by Xiang Yang’s sword, he finally displayed his own sword, “The Infinite Sword”, this sword smashed out, the emptiness, the horrible atmosphere burst out, a million feet Jianlian’s breath with the king and the killing is instantaneous, and it appears under Xiangyang’s body.

At this time, just when Zhang Jianyu had to rush into the void, the sword lotus at the foot of Xiangyang opened, and suddenly there were infinite figures holding the sword and flying out, directly killing Zhang Jianyu.

"Come on, don't bother, kill me."

Although Xiang Yang’s attack couldn’t help Zhang Jianyu, but it blocked Zhang Jianyu’s body shape, so that the small bald head in the rear still caught up with him and fought directly with the other side.

Zhang Jianyu screamed with anger, and he wanted to leave, but Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou cooperated, but he could not get out of the battlefield. He understood that if he wanted to leave, he must kill two talents. However, just after fighting for so long, they have not smashed the two. How can he marry two people at a time?

His heart was furious, and the whole man was as crazy as a mad lion.

"This guy is a bit wrong. Just like taking out the message of Yufu, is it something urgent?" After Xiang Yang met, he suddenly showed the strange color.

"Okay, hey, since you came to kill me, now I am in a hurry to leave, then, although I can't leave you with a small bald head, let you not leave. The more you worry, the more happy I am. ”

Xiang Yanghehe smiled, watching the other side want to leave, it is very happy in the heart, the other person to deal with himself, that is the enemy, can not be a friend, then, let the other party feel uncomfortable, is their own Most happy.

"Sword lotus rotation."

Then, Xiang Yang’s mind was moved, and the infinite sword lotus at the foot began to rotate. Suddenly, there was a mighty atmosphere flowing, and the horrible energy burst out, at the same time, there was a strong and unmatched breath at this time. Exploded directly.

A sword was turned into a silk thread, chopped up in the void, and densely smashed toward Zhang Jianyu. Even after the small bald head saw it, it could not help but change its look, and the figure quickly retreated.

"In front of me, you dare to put out a sword. The deity is a martial art. It is a sword deity. You are a sword, you are a little fairy, dare to sword the deity, and look for a dead end."

Zhang Jianyu madly roared, urging his own sword, and even worse, among his dantian, there was a three-inch sword slowly rising up, it was his sword heart.

When the sword came out, there was a strong breath, even those attacks that Xiang Yang used to attack Zhang Jianyu were also blocked.

This is the most powerful foundation of the sword repairer. It is the sword heart. It is similar to Xiang Yang’s sword of killing and the sword of the king, but it is different, because this is the soul of the sword repairer, equivalent to the general The spiritual **** of the practitioner is average.

As a peerless sword, he displayed the sword heart, which is already a real earth-shattering, especially for some kendo practitioners, he has a complete advantage, even enough to completely suppress Xiang Yang.

"Haha, it turned out to be Jianxin. This is what happened." However, when Xiangyang saw the sword heart that the other party showed, it was the excitement on his face, and he couldn't help but laugh and said.


Zhang Jianyu feels a bit puzzled. He has already seen through the innumerable sword lotus exhibited by Xiang Yang. Although Xiang Yang is not a sword repair, he has already had a very strong achievement in the kendo. According to the truth, he is a supreme sword. After being repaired as a fairy, and showing the sword heart, it is definitely a nightmare for Xiang Yang, a martial artist.

However, Xiang Yang was so excited, as if the identity of the two was transferred.


At this time, I heard a soft bang, and I saw a golden three-inch small sword suddenly appeared on the top of Xiang Yang. It was the sword of the king who had practiced to the great perfection.

"this is?"

After Zhang Jianyu saw it, his face changed slightly. When he jumped up the sword of the king of Xiangyang, he had a bad feeling in his heart. Although he didn’t know why he suddenly raised this feeling in his heart, he was very vigilant. .

"In front of me, you are not qualified to play the sword."

Xiang Yang said with a soft voice.

"What?" After Zhang Jianyu listened, he was furious. As a peerless sword, he was trained to be earth-shattering. He could smash the heavens and the earth with a random movement. Who is his opponent except Da Luo’s master of Jiuzhong? However, Xiang Yang, a little fairy, actually said that he is not qualified to produce a sword? This is simply the biggest insult to his sword repair.


However, at this time, when Zhang Jianyu was surprised, he saw the three-inch golden sword on the top of Xiangyang’s head twitching gently, and an invisible wave spread out.

When this fluctuation spread into the scope of Zhang Jianyu, his face suddenly changed.

"This is... no, how is it possible?" Zhang Jianyu's face was shocked. The three-inch sword that he had worked hard to cultivate for hundreds of thousands of years and condensed the sword heart was directly at this time. Trembling, and then broke away from his figure, volleyed, so standing on top of his head, in the direction of Xiangyang, deep worship.

"No, how come... my sword heart feels a sense of fear, how can this be?"

"This is the atmosphere of the emperor in the kendo. How can this happen? How can there be such a kendo in this world? It is impossible..."

Zhang Jianyou the whole person trembled.

His heart has already been integrated with Jianxin. He obviously can sense the fear of his sword heart on Xiangyang. No, it should be said that the three-inch sword is displayed on the top of Xiangyang’s head. The fear is like an ordinary person facing a king, as if he was a common immortal fear of the Emperor.

The kendo is dead and alive, but it has never been heard that any kendo can become the sword of the emperor. This is incredible.

"You are finished." Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Zhang Jianyu. "If you don't show your sword heart, even the sword of my king can't have much impact on you, but you will show your sword." When you come out, you are finished, your sword heart is not my opponent, and you are not my opponent."

At the same time, Xiang Yang sighed and said, "However, my way of dealing with you is a bit of a rogue. You seem to have encountered something urgent, eager to leave, I don't know if it is because of fear of exposure or something, but, As your enemy, as a person you want to kill before, this time can give you a block, it is the best for me, I am the most happy thing."

"Bastard, do you really want to die?" Zhang Jianyu looked at Xiangyang coldly and screamed. "You should know that if you wake me up, the deity would rather kill yourself than to destroy the sword." Can you stop me by then?"

"Can't stop, but you won't destroy the sword heart." Xiang Yang shook his head and said, "Jian Xin is too important for a sword repair. You can't do this self-destructive future." Things, you have practiced hundreds of thousands of years or even millions of years to achieve today's achievements. No matter what you want to do, I believe that you can't bear to ruin the sword. Of course, if you are willing to ruin the sword, I I am also very happy, who will let you kill me, you must be prepared to be destroyed by me."


When Xiang Yang and Zhang Jianyu were chatting, Xiaoguangtou didn’t have such a good mood to chat with each other, but in the roaring, a powerful punch broke out. There were Buddhas singing in the sky, powerful forces overlapping and bursting. Come out and kill Zhang Jianyu.

"Touching..." Under the fist of Xiaoguangtou, Zhang Jianyu was so frustrated because of Jianxin’s being frightened by Xiangyang. He was not aware of it for a while, and did not deal with the small bald head, which made his first layer of defense magic broken. Open.

"Haha, come again."

After seeing it, Xiaoguangtou was overjoyed. Although he is a Buddhist disciple, he did not pay attention to what you are not willing to shoot. I am embarrassed to fight your code. In his opinion, it is most important to ask you to be sick.

Seeing that Zhang Jianyu’s first defense was broken, the little bald head smiled happily. At the same time, a hatchet appeared in his hand. It looked very ordinary, but there was a white flame burning. When it appeared, it suddenly had horror. The power of the pole broke out.

"I rely on, what kind of treasure are you?" After Xiang Yang met, he was shocked. I didn't expect the small bald head to have such a magic weapon. This hatchet seems to be very ordinary, as if it was for chopping wood. Even a little blunt, but when the white flame burned, both Xiang Yang and Zhang Jianyu were shocked.

"This is the firewood knife used to cut wood before I became a Buddha." Xiaoguangtou said with a sly smile on his face, said to Zhang Jianyu, "Although it is a hatchet, you don't mind, it is enough to hack you." ""


Xiang Yang suddenly felt that he and the small bald head really have a common language. This guy has definitely stayed in Xia Guo for too long. He has learned too many things and is already catching up with his own level.

Just like the words of the little bald head, I am afraid that Zhang Jianyu is really going to be crying.

Sure enough, Zhang Jianyu was originally scared by the small bald knives. At this moment, after listening to the small bald head, he was angry and angry, and screamed. "Primary, there is a kind of swordsmanship that does not suppress the deity, with the deity." Bright is playing a game."

Let's just say, he realized that he was not quite right. He had been playing for a long time. If he hits it again, his woman may have an accident. In a hurry, he hurriedly shouted, "Xiang Yang, don't stop. Me, your woman is with my woman, they are in danger, and I will save them with me."


Author Meng Yu said: Today, four more, ask for flowers...

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