Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2676: Breakthrough

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"Xiang Yang, don't stop me, your woman is with my woman, they are in danger, and I will save them with me."


When Zhang Jianyu was in a hurry, he suddenly remembered that Mei Aoxue, who was trapped with Hu Xinyu, was the woman of Xiangyang. He was busy and shouted out his voice. In his opinion, Xiangyang would be very excited after listening. Follow him to save people.

Although he did not think about relying on the strength of Xiang Yang to save people, but as long as Xiang Yang does not stop him.

However, he forgot that as a sword repairer, he was a lonely character, and even hundreds of thousands of years of retreat, so that he did not understand how to use the simplest words to fully express his meaning, Xiang Yang After listening to it, it was awkward.

"What do you say? My woman is with your woman? Who are you special?" Xiang Yang sighed, and already determined that this guy must be forced to jump to the wall, deliberately find an excuse to deceive himself.

For this kind of deceit, Xiang Yang’s last experience, he looked at Zhang Jianyu with a pitiful color on his face. “It’s really pitiful. As a big man, the goddess of the heavens and the heavens is forced to go crazy. ""

"Boss, don't worry about him. I have taken out this hatchet. Let me smash him." The little bald head was very excited to sacrifice the hatchet, ready to use the Western Buddha. Cut a hatchet to kill a fairy who is in the world of Da Luo.

"You have this knife, is it really used by the Buddha?" Xiang Yang looked at the little bald head with a strange color.

"Yeah." Xiaoguangtou said with a smile, "This is the most desirable collection of my master's life, but later I was stolen by me... I coughed and took it away."

"It's no wonder that your teacher will give you to me." After Xiang Yang listened, it was very touching. If the hatchet was really used when the Buddha was young, it would be equivalent to one piece. To the treasure, Xiaoguangtou stole his master’s knife, and his master was not in a hurry to blame.

"I am Zhang Jianyu. My woman is called Hu Xinyu, the daughter of the fate of Yinhuzhou." When Xiang Yang and Xiaoguangtou spoke, Zhang Jianyu did not have the glorious history of the little bald head, but explained it quickly.

"Shu Xinzhou's goddess Hu Xinyu is your woman?" Xiang Yang looked at Zhang Jianyu with a 'sounding color' on his face. Suddenly he understood why the other party was going to kill himself. It turned out to be a destiny. The female person wants to rule out her competitor in advance.

"Yes, it is Hu Xinyu." Zhang Jianyu thought that Xiang Yang knew Hu Xinyu's name. He was very excited and said quickly, "They are in danger. Don't bother me, let me save them."

"Oh." After Xiang Yang listened, he sneered and said, "Where do I know what Hu Xinyu is? What kind of thing does she have when she is in danger? What about your sister? She asked you to kill me. Then she met. When it is dangerous, you let me hurry to save you. Is there a problem with your brain or is there a problem with my brain?"

At the same time, Xiang Yang was very emotional, and the other party seemed to be a bit of a problem with his head.


On the other side, when Xiaoguangtou saw Xiang Yangzheng chatting with Zhang Jianyu, he did not choose to listen to the chat between them. Instead, he sacrificed the knives in his hands to cut the hatchet and went straight to Zhang Jianyu. .

"Mei Xuexue, your woman, Mei Aoxue and Xinyu are good sisters who grew up together. They are in danger when they come together to find you." At this time, Zhang Jianyu saw a small bald head smashing down. At the same time as his face changed greatly, he hurriedly shouted and finally expressed his words.

"What?" After Xiang Yang listened, his face changed greatly. When he saw the little bald head, the knife would go down. If it was really smashed, even Zhang Jianyu would not be better. He quickly shouted, "Stop, Don't move him."

"What's wrong?" The little bald head managed to control the hatchet and let the hatchet float on the top of Zhang Jianyu's head. His face looked at Xiangyang with a strange color. I don't know why Xiangyang suddenly stopped letting go.

"You said Hu Xinyu is the sister of Mei Aoxue? Are they in danger together?" Xiang Yang asked quickly.

"Yes, this is my message, you see."

While Zhang Jianyu was talking, he directly threw his message Yufu to Xiangyang, in which Hu Xinyu desperately contacted Zhang Jianyu during this time, letting him not deal with Xiangyang’s news, and they also encountered dangerous news.

After Xiang Yang listened, his face changed and changed, sneer and said, "Hu Xinyu, okay..."

After that, he directly threw the communication jade to Zhang Jianyu, and then sacrificed the moon boat, shouting at the small bald head, "Go, go to Tianxinzhou to save people."


The little bald head responded quickly, then jumped directly on the broken moon boat and said to Xiang Yang, "Boss, is it really necessary to save the donkey?"


Xiang Yang glanced at him and directly drove the broken moon boat toward the transmission array. As for Zhang Jianyu, it would not matter to him. Although he already understood that Zhang Jianyu should not do it again, It is impossible for him to let Zhang Jianyu go to save people together. If Zhang Jianyu is concealed on the road?

Zhang Jianyu is the sword of the big Luo Eight Heavens. If you really want to kill yourself, Xiang Yang does not have the slightest grasp to block the other side.


The broken moon boat broke the void and quickly rushed toward the direction of the transmission array. At the same time, Xiang Yang rang what seemed to be, and quickly took out the communication jade that was left in the Promise.

Sure enough, there are some of the letters in the jade, which are the voices of Mei Aoxue. Many of them are about getting him to be careful about Zhang Jianyu, and there is the road that Mei Aoxue has already rushed over, but there is no more behind.

"Is it really dangerous, or is Hu Xinyu and Zhang Jianyu set up another bureau?" Xiang Yang's face changed.

"In any case, you can't give up trying to save people. Even if there is a million possibilities, it's a trap. As long as there is a slight possibility that Mei Xiaoniu is really dangerous, I have to save people."

Xiang Yang’s face with a firm color directly drove the broken moon into a transmission array in Xiancheng. The next moment, he directly threw out the token of the nine-way avenue of the gate to himself. Send me to Tianxinzhou."


The token of the donation of Xiangyang of Daomen Nine Avenue can be said to represent the true supreme power of the Taoist Gate, and the Daomen as a very powerful force in the Central Fairy City, the tokens are out, the people who guard the transmission array tremble I didn’t dare to ask Xiang Yang’s identity. After revering the token to Xiang Yang, I started the transmission array at the fastest speed. The goal is Tianxinzhou.

"Adults please go slowly."


Then, with the sound of a group of guards respectful, the body shape of Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou, who had already taken up the moon, was in the middle of the battle.

"Send me to Tianxinzhou."

When Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou disappeared, Zhang Jianyu rushed over and threw out a bunch of superb fairy stones and erupted into the powerful atmosphere of the super strong man who was born in the world of Da Luo, and shocked these guards.


In the fairy world, its own strength is the real king.

Although Zhang Jianyu does not have a strong token of Xiangyang, but his strength is too strong, and the great celestial celestial being in the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens, these guards did not dare to hesitate, and quickly sent him away. .


After the two sides left, the group of guards had an incomprehensible color. "What happened in the end, why did the predecessor of the Daomen leave Tianxinzhou, and this strong person who has never seen it before? Also go to Tianxinzhou?"

"Take him, we can do our own thing."




Tianxinzhou, next to the transmission array, Mei Aoxue and Hu Xinyu sat back to each other with their backs and knees together. Both of them had a strong breath bursting out around them. Around the body of Mei Aoxue, Jinlian was everywhere, and the sound of the road continued. The pervasive, although suppressed, but her body is more and more powerful, the body first appeared five rules of the Da Luo, and then, slowly, the sixth Da Luo rule emerged.

"She has broken through." The celestial eyes around the dozens of big Luo’s seven heavens saw this scene all revealing the shocking color. You know, in their eyes, Mei Aoxue is just an ordinary Da Luoxian. However, under the suppression of more than a dozen of them, there is no resistance at all. Even if the heart of the seven-day heaven of Hu Xinyu is also suppressed, it is impossible to move, but Mei Ao Xue is in this way. It is incredible to make a little breakthrough in the situation.

"The only blood descendants of the nine-tailed fox are really extraordinary." At this moment, even Tian Yilin also showed a shocking color.

Originally, she wanted to suppress Mei Aoxue and Hu Xinyu, let the two women show their original shape, and then personally peel the skin, but at the moment it is a bit of a change of mind.

"If I really killed her, I don't know if the old things of Jiuwei Tianhu will be crazy. At that time, I am afraid that even I am not good." Tian Yilin naturally has its scruples, she whispers. Looking at Mei Aoxue’s eyes with hesitation, but when she thinks that she has a strong backstage, she bites her teeth, "even if you are a descendant of the nine-tailed fox. How, the palace does not believe, and who is the skin can not be stripped."

"Give me the suppression, are you not eating? Even for so long, they have not forced their original form out, and let the foxes break through. If they do not suppress them, the palace will eat your appetizer first."

Tian Yilin shouted at her men.


After listening to more than a dozen of the sages, they were screaming with anger, bursting out the strongest pressure, and suppressing them with the mighty atmosphere of more than a dozen sages, even if it was Hu Xinyu’s sacred heaven The fairy can not be blocked, snorted, the whole person softened on the ground, the body trembled, began to slowly change, turned out to be forced out of the silver fox prototype.

However, Mei Aoxue is still struggling to support. At this moment, her sixth rule of the Da Luo has just begun to appear, and she is suppressed by a little bit. However, she bites her teeth and still tries to make it appear slowly. However, it is useless. The power of more than a dozen Da Luo Xianzun's full force is definitely not the resistance of the singular king of Mei Luoxue, which is a big Luo, and even if she wants to break through, it is impossible to be so powerful. Under the pressure, the sixth Da Luo rule will be fully manifested.



As time went by, Mei Aoxue couldn't help it. A blood spurted out of his mouth, his face was pale, and all the rules of the Da Luo were suppressed into the body. Her whole person was gradually suppressed and fell to the ground, unable to resist.


At this time, Hu Xinyu could not bear this power first. With a screaming fox screaming, her figure began to change. At the beginning, it was to become a silver that always reminded that there is a million feet tall. The fox, however, was suppressed by the powerful forces around her, which made her body size shrink a little and became a silver fox with only one tall man.

This silver fox squatted on the ground with a sorrowful and angry color in his eyes, but he couldn't move with it.

Although it was suppressed by the prototype, but for Hu Xinyu, her consciousness is still the same, just because it can't move, plus the prototype, the grief in the heart, can only make a sad cry.

At this time, Mei Ao Xue is also self-restraining, her eyes with a firm color, my heart said to myself, "I can manifest the prototype of the nine-tailed fox, but it can not be under the pressure of others. Under the manifestation, because I am a descendant of the nine-tailed fox, it is among the heavens and the world, except for the ancestors, the only beast and the nine-tailed fox, I can not be forced out of the prototype, I want to break through, only to break through The big seven heavens and even the eight heavens can truly get rid of the current predicament."


Along with the falling of the self-speaking voice in Mei Aoxue's heart, only one roaring sound was heard, followed by a strong breath, and a terrifying energy broke out from her blood.

At this moment, the blood is shining, it is the blood of the beast and beast in the depths of Mei Aoxue. It is completely activated. A horrible energy flow, and the rules of her body are re-emerged, one after the other. Until the sixth line of the original Da Luo rule that has just formed and re-emerged, and after the sudden growth, not only, but when she was full of blood, there was a seventh **** rule of Da Luo, which was as thick as the rule. Thousands of dragons and dragons burst into a terrible atmosphere.


In the shock of everyone, Mei Ao Xue stood up a little bit, she was under strong pressure, and the seven Dalu rules were under the leadership of the newly appeared seventh-colored **** Daro rule, a little bit Blended together, turned into a **** halo suspended behind her head.


Xianzun aura!

Tian Yilin’s face was shocked. She stared at Mei Aoxue and exclaimed, “How could someone be able to make breakthroughs in one fell swoop, and suddenly break through the big Luo’s five heavens to the big Luo’s seven heavens. Even if you are a beast, the nine-tailed fox is not possible, no..."

Even if she did, it took hundreds of thousands of years to practice the Dalu Seven Heavens, and Mei Aoxue was in front of her eyes, a little bit, because of the suppression of her men, breaking through to the big Luo Qizhongtian.

"Breakthrough, how is it, Da Luo is seven heavens, and has not yet consolidated the fairy goddess, just can deprive better fox skin for my use."

Then, Yilin suddenly sneered out, and she walked toward Meiaoxue step by step, and there was a terrible atmosphere in her body. This is the power of the super strong man in the world.

After her brain, there is also a halo, which is the aura of her sacred heaven and earth. After the appearance, there is a horrible atmosphere, one is more than a dozen The immortality of the situation is combined and displayed, and even more terrible pressure is pressed against Mei Aoxue.


Rao is Mei Aoxue has broken through to Da Luo’s seven heavens. However, she has only just learned the seventh Da Luo rule, and under this strong pressure, she has become a fairy aura, but her body, Her roots have not changed yet. Even at this moment, her energy is actually only the king of the Five Kingdoms of the Five Kingdoms. How can it block the suppression of Xianzun in the world of Da Luo?

Her mouth spurted blood, and her heart trembled. She realized that even if she realized that the eighth Dalu rule could not reverse Tian Yilin, her heart was shaking.

"No, I am not willing, my cultivation is a breakthrough. I have not seen Xiangyang yet. I am not willing to be killed by the other side."


Mei Aoxue whispered, her figure was shaking, and there seemed to be an eighth Dalu rule to be manifested. At this moment, Tian Yilin finally shocked, her voice trembled and said, "Nine The blood of the tail fox, no, can't kill her like this, it's too wasteful, this is a real super beast. If I can get her blood, then I can break through in a very short time. Da Luo’s nine heavens.”

"You are mine, your blood, everything is mine."


Tian Yilin burst into the most horrible atmosphere, and she has completely erupted her strength in the world. The whole person’s breath is as if it is a supreme god. Snow suppressed the past.

At this moment, only Mei Aoxue is being suppressed by Tian Yilin. As for Hu Xinyu, after showing the original shape, it has been unable to move after being suppressed by more than a dozen Xianzun.

Although Mei Aoxue is the blood of the beast, she has no potential at the real juncture. However, the time given to her is too little, even if she can't resist Tian Yilin.

Seeing, Tian Yilin has already reached the front of Mei Aoxue, and directly reaches out her hand. Her hand has a singular flow of ghosts, and her image is inconsistent with her nobleness. A horrible murderous and ghostly It fell on the top of Mei Ao Xue.

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