Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2677: Erupted blood

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"Why did I suddenly feel distressed at this time, no, is it that Mei Xiaoying has an accident, no, it will not."

On the same day, Irene’s hand slowly fell toward the head of Mei Aoxue’s head. Xiang Yang, who was on the fast track, suddenly felt his head hurt. His face changed greatly and he angered. “Who dares to move her, I want him to die forever."

"No, the transfer takes time, it's still too slow, I have to rush over with the fastest speed, but every time I slow down, the more dangerous Mei Xiaoniu is, what can I do?"

"I can borrow the energy of Mei Xiaoniu, then my own energy can also be instilled in Mei Xiaoniu. Yes, my energy is not strong enough, but I can give her some support. At least my energy source is endless enough to be instantly replenished. All the power she consumes."

"Give me a drive."

Suddenly, after Xiang Yang understood this truth, he was transmitting at the same time, and with his connection with Mei Aoxue, he began to actively transfer his energy to Mei Aoxue.


At the same time, in the depths of Xiangyang's body, the endless portal of the cave appeared, hundreds of thousands of portals simultaneously emerged a huge amount of energy into the internalization of Xiangyang as the energy of Xiangyang itself, and almost every time of breathing, Xiang Yang The power in the body disappears along the line of cause and effect in the midst of it.

It is he who uses the method of borrowing power backwards to pass all his power to Mei Ao Xue.

Xiang Yang is really only a true fairy, but the quality level of his energy is too high, even the ordinary fairy can not be compared, and in the world of his body, every breath has a source of no The emergence of absolute power has enabled Xiang Yang to pass on his own power.

At the same time, in Tianxinzhou, Tian Yilin displayed the method of ghosts, turning his own hand into a sacred bone, slamming on the top of Mei Aoxue’s head, and suppressing a horrible ghost. All of Mei Aoxue will be deprived of it.

"Ha ha ha, as long as you thoroughly refine and refine you and get everything for you, this palace will be able to break through in one fell swoop, and it will be the existence of the Yasheng level, even if it is the old guy of the nine-tailed fox." Hahaha."

Tian Yilin’s excited body was shaking, and the more horrible force shrouded Mei Le Xue’s life, which refining Mei Ao Xue.

"No... Is there no way?" Mei Aoxue was shaking all over, her blood was boiling, and the seventh Da Luo rule had been completely formed. The aura of the fairy is firmly covering her. Resist the strength of Tian Yilin's refining, but Tian Yilin is too strong, even if Mei Ao Xue broke through and could not resist.

"Although I have reached the realm of Xianzun, although I have learned the seventh Dalu rule, but the power is not enough, if there is enough power to give me this time, I can break through, as long as I can break through to Da Luo. The Seven Heavens, although not necessarily her opponent, but it is enough to resist her, but where the energy is for me..."

Mei Aoxue’s heart is mournful. She knows that her breakthrough is too slow. Although the realm has been reached, there is no place to absorb energy and break through cultivation. In essence, she is still only the king of the Five Kingdoms.

If she can break through to the big seven heavens at this moment, and let the realm and repair a complete breakthrough, she will be able to resist Tian Yilin's refining power.

“Did I really end up here in this life?”

"I am the only descendant of the nine-tailed fox, a super-beast, no less than the existence of dragons and phoenixes, I am not willing to..."

"I haven't really been with someone I like. I haven't seen everything in the world with people I like. I really don't want to be..."

Mei Ao Xue roared in her heart, but it was useless. Tian Yilin’s energy invaded her body, and it was destroying her everything a little bit, and she should thoroughly refine her.

Tian Yilin practiced the most vicious and extremely rare method of spiritual practice in the heavens and the world. This method is the most vicious, and it is even more painful when used to refine people.

Mei Aoxue only feels that his soul is going to be broken. Even if his own bones have already been as if they are not their own, she is not willing to resist, still resisting a little.

However, her resistance obviously did not have much effect in the face of an old monster who did not know how long it would become a great place. Her eyes became more and more confused and lost her agility. Only one belief made her suffer. Supported.

"Xiang Yang, I can't hold it..."

"But it, just give up, so that Xiangyang will be injured, but there is no danger to life. Compared with the loss of life in the battle of Wan Tian Tian Ming, it is already a good one." The result, just, I am still not so reconciled..."

Mei Aoxue whispered, and at this moment her whole body had already burned a spooky fire. This kind of flame eroded her everything, even if her aura of the heavens was shaken.

"Hahaha... It’s fast, everything is going to be mine, and it’s not going to take much time.” Tian Yilin laughed excitedly, remembering that she would get everything from the nine-tailed fox right away. She is very excited.

At the same time, no one knows that there is an old man standing in the air, and his eyes are looking at it all. He was held back by his hard life.

"Wait a second time, I said, this gimmick can only truly stimulate everything in the body after real life and death, in order to truly detach, to truly rise, I can not shoot, must be said at the last minute."

Although he whispered, but the whole person was shaking, especially when he saw the pain that Mei Ao Xue was suffering, the old man was even more breathless. He did not alarm Tian Yilin and others underneath, but In the chaos of chaos behind him, because he couldn't stand the violent force passed in, the entire chaos had an earth-shattering explosion.

He is the true ancestor of the nine-tailed fox, a presence that once existed in the ancient times, and is said to have even been the servant of the sage.

However, at this moment, he is watching Mei Aoxue endure the pain.

At this moment, Mei Aoxue does not know that his ancestors are watching themselves in the void. Her eyes have been lost. After the eyes, a person is flashing, it is Xiangyang.

In her mind, it is like a movie. There is a scene that constantly appears. It was the kind of Xiangyang that happened to her in the source world and the world. She had a smile on her lips. It was to be thoroughly put. Open, desperate smile.

"Rely, Laozi no matter what, what breakthrough, what will activate the blood, what will come back to life, I am not, if my descendants need to bear such pain, I would rather she can not recover all the blood in her life, ah ah ..."

Seeing this scene, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox were finally unable to bear it. He was ready to shoot while he was screaming.


However, just as he was ready to take shots, there was suddenly a majestic energy in the body of Mei Aoxue, which made Mei Yaoxue’s energy that had almost dried up because of resistance to the refining of the other side. Activated in general.


At this moment, the power of blood in Mei Aoxue's body is completely boiling. Her eyes are no longer grayish and desperate, but full of **** light. This is the blood of her blood is erupting.


Her heartbeat is accelerating, her whole person's breath suddenly becomes high, and it is one after another, and it continues to grow stronger.

Even if it was a little bit of intrusion into her body, the wildfire that refining her suddenly lost contact with Tian Yilin, and Tian Yilin’s energy was assimilated by her blood.

"Is not likely to?"

Tian Yilin’s face is full of shock, and her little half energy is refining Mei Aoxue. Originally, she wanted to refine the Mei Ao Xue before she recovered the energy. However, she really felt What is shocking is that at this moment, the energy has completely lost contact with her.

That energy is instead refined by Mei Ao Xue.

"This palace does not believe, even if the power of the blood is completely activated, no external energy is absorbed for you, the more powerful your blood is activated, everything will become the palace."

Then, Tian Yilin couldn't help but scream, her hand burst into a horrible atmosphere, and she would rise up and continue to move toward Mei Ao Xue, and refining Mei Ao Xue.

However, she did not know that at this moment, Mei Aoxue’s body was not only fully activated by the blood, but the power to activate her blood was not the cause of Mei Aoxue’s own, but the power of Xiang Yang’s The causal line that exists in it is passed over, and the source is endlessly input to Mei Aoxue.


At this moment, Mei Aoxue was full of blood. On her head, there was a nine-tailed fox that was full of millions of feet. The nine-tailed fox was shaking and resisting Tianyi a little. At the same time of Lin's refining, she raised her head and made a scream in the sky.


"Ha ha ha, well, finally it is really completely and fully activated. This is the real nine-tailed fox, gimmick, you finally succeeded, great, hahahahaha..."

At the same time, among the voids, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox that had already been prepared to shoot, after seeing this scene, were excited and laughed.

While laughing, he was inextricably colored. "It’s amazing. I just watched it. The energy in the skull has been completely exhausted. Suddenly there is a constant flow of energy. This is Where did you come from?"

"That seems to be a causal line? Who is lending to the girl..."

Then, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox were incomprehensible, even if he was an enemy without survival from ancient times, even if he used to be a close guard of the chaotic sage, he could not see Who is in the dark to help Mei Aoxue.

"However, this power is a bit interesting. It seems to be from the depths of chaos. I once heard the Emperor said that only the real place of saints can set the place for the people. Do you know the saints after this girl? Is it possible?"

At the same time, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox screamed at the same time, but he was very excited to look at the bottom. He didn't know if he would want to shoot him. However, he was not angry, but he was very happy.

His purpose has been reached, the blood descendants of his own vein, the only purebred nine-tailed Tianhu Mei Aoxue, broke through at this moment, and still directly broke through to a very strong degree, as he expected, already It is a great surprise for him to completely activate the blood. If he does not want to leave Tian Yilin to Mei Aoxue, he will be able to destroy the other person with one thought.

"It's okay, leave her to Cher, hahaha..."

The ancestors of the nine-tailed fox screamed haha.


At this time, in the lower part of Mei Aoxue, because every breath has the influx of all the energy of Xiangyang, and this energy enters her body, it does not need to be transformed at all, and instantly becomes her. energy.

Others don't know who this energy is. However, Mei Aoxue is very clear. This is the reverse call. Only those who have signed a contract with themselves can do it.

"Xiang Yang..."

At this moment, Mei Aoxue’s heart is shaking. She can’t wait to go straight to find Xiangyang. However, she knows that she has to undergo the final transformation. Although the blood force has been completely activated, the next step is to Let all the power of oneself break through the realm of Daluo Xianzun.

Although she does not know why Xiang Yang can provide herself with such awesome and pure enough that she does not need refining, she can become the energy of her own power in an instant, but she knows that she still has an enemy. That is Tian Yilin, who is in the world of Da Luo.

In any case, the other side's cultivation is a big and arduous world, and it is still practicing the old predecessors who don't know how many years. In the face of such a strong person, even if Mei Aoxue breaks through the big seven heavens, Dare to say that you can kill each other.

"No... you are so embarrassed, you can survive in desperation, don't know where to borrow strength, I want to kill you."

At this moment, Tian Yilin is already crazy. She never thought that Mei Aoxue could turn over at the last minute. Not only did she refine her power, but she also used the idea of ​​not knowing where to borrow it. The energy has undergone a complete transformation.

She screamed wildly, and her right hand showed a black hand bone. The hand bones looked nothing like the bones of normal people. However, after the appearance, it broke out with the horrible ghost, as if at this moment. Tian Yilin completely turned into a evil spirit.

When I saw that I was completely unable to suppress Mei Aoxue, Tian Yilin was already crazy. She wanted to really destroy Mei Aoxue. Even if she could not get the blood of the nine-tailed fox, even if she could not get the fox fur, she also To kill Mei Aoxue completely.

At the moment, Irene looks at the pressure that is breaking through her own pressure. She is full of **** and arrogant Mei Aoxue. She is very blandered. Everyone is a **** of destiny. In her own field, she is the real destiny. After that, why the destiny is not on oneself, but it seems to become the fate of the other side.


Tian Yilin screamed with anger, and the black hand in his hand became a ghostly scent of horror, as if he had come alive, and directly grabbed it toward Mei Ao Xue.

At this time, it was just when Mei Aoxue was breaking through, and although the power of Xiangyang came very timely, she did not completely break through, and when she saw this ghost claw, she could only wrinkle. Browing at each other, whispering, "But it can only be a fight."

Thinking of this, Mei Ao Xue will stop to make up his own breakthrough, ready to resist this ghost, her heart with regret, because this breakthrough is really too rare for her, she used In exchange for life, if we stop the breakthrough in this way, we can continue afterwards. However, for her, there is no such good opportunity. Maybe after that, she needs thousands of times to break through.

However, she has no choice but to stop the breakthrough and resist the attack of Tian Yilin.


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