Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2678: court death!

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However, just as Mayo Snow was about to give up the hard-won breakthrough and fight against Tian Yilin, suddenly, a roar of sound was heard, and then the transmission array behind her broke out.

"Whoever dares to move a woman, I want him to die."

At the same time as the sound of a rage sounded, the two figures appeared in the transmission array. Although the figure of the other party has not fully manifested, there has already been a horrible sword.


At this moment, it seems that there is a sly sword light coming from the distant void, pulling across the sky, the unparalleled light swept past, and instantly squatted in the hand of the ghost that Tian Yilin showed.


This sword, like the natural restraint of a ghost hand, makes the original powerless, enough to scream with the ghost hand of any big tyrant, and then quickly retracts. .

"who is it?"

Tian Yilin was so angry that she didn't expect her to be defeated again and again. At this time, some people appeared from the transmission array, and when they did not fully manifest their body shape. There is already a sword light coming from a distant place.

She knows that this sword light is not a real sword, but a sword, but it is because this sword is too horrible, even if this ghost hand she once got has the horrible strength. It was also blocked by the other side.

"Xiang Yang..."

At this moment, the energy of Mei Aoxue, who is preparing to take out, is recovered. She glanced at one of the two people who had gradually emerged from the transmission array, and her face burst into a sly smile.

At this moment, she obviously feels that the majestic energy in her body is getting stronger and stronger. She knows that this is because Xiangyang is getting closer and closer to himself, and the more energy the other person passes to himself. The more there is no waste.

"You came."

Mei Ao Xue said to himself in his heart, with a happy smile on his face.

At this time, in the void, the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, the old man was staring at this scene, exclaimed, "This is a twist and a twist. I can’t think of my descendants, even with that. A pulse of people has a relationship, my God, this is too crazy."

"No wonder, the original force is this kid to Cher, haha, not bad, although it is only a real fairy, but as the only descendant of that pulse, let alone this party Even in the real big chaotic world, infinite chaotic world, who can compare with him?"

"So I am relieved."


The ancestors of the nine-tailed fox screamed and danced with excitement. They only felt that their descendants were so powerful that they could have a relationship with Xiang Yang.

Perhaps in the fairy world, Xiang Yang is just emerging, and in the heavens and the world, Xiang Yang is nothing, but in the realm of the Holy Land, it is very clear to these strong people. Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse. Many of the sacred strongs even thought about getting in touch with Xiang Yang, so that they could know the descendants of that pulse, but they did not dare to appear blatantly in front of Xiangyang. If Xiangyang has a good relationship, he can only listen to the fate of life. If one of his descendants' disciples can have an accidental relationship with Xiangyang, it is also good for them.

Even if it was the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox, he was very excited after seeing the relationship between Mei Aoxue and Xiang Yang.

At this time, Xiang Yang had completely manifested his body shape. He was murderous like a rainbow, and he rushed out of the transmission array. When he appeared, he frowned and looked at the void, with doubts. color.

"Is this kid discovering me? Isn't that so powerful?" After the ancestors of the nine-tailed fox squad saw it, they suddenly showed a strange color, and then they screamed, "Forget it, can't be here." I saw that if this kid really has something to discover me, then it is not good, or just leave quickly."

At the same time, his body shape disappeared into the void and disappeared.

Xiang Yang regained his gaze, although he was still puzzled, but when he saw that there were more than a dozen Da Luo’s seven heavens in the vicinity of Mei Ao Xue, the deity was jointly suppressing Mei Aoxue, and there was also a big Luo’s eight heavens. The master of the situation is stunned by the ghosts. When he is holding a ghost claw that has just been returned by his own sword light, Xiang Yang’s face reveals the color of dignity and anger.

"Well, so many people are bullying a fairy king, how are you."

At this moment, Xiang Yang really wants to be mad. He finally understood that Zhang Jianyu said that there was nothing wrong with it. When he remembered that he was desperately trying to stop Zhang Jianyu and not let the other party come to save people, he felt a regret in his heart. I am also glad that I have come over at the fastest speed.

His eyes looked at Mei Aoxue and found that Mei Aoxue looked at himself with a smile on his face. He was relieved and whispered. "Mei Xiaoniu, I am coming, nothing, you can rest assured." ”

"I know you are here."

Business Cloaking smiles, she looks like a business girl, she looks at Xiangyang. If it’s not that you gave me my strength, maybe you come here. I can't see anything."


After Xiang Yang saw it, he took a breath of cold air. He sensed the breath of Mei Aoxue and found that the blood of the other party broke out. This kind of outbreak, according to the truth, that normal practice is impossible. Only after experiencing real life and death, will it completely erupt under the real desperate circumstances, Xiang Yang suddenly understood, how terrible the experience of Mei Aoxue before.

"Sorry, I am late."

Xiang Yang said with a sigh in his heart, "But I am here, everything is with me."

At the same time, his eyes have a firm color. "I will not let you hurt any now or later."

"Well, I believe in you."

Mei Aoxue’s heart trembled and looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a soft, soft voice. “You take back your strength. I don’t need so much energy now. I can absorb energy by myself. ""

"It's no problem, this is not my strength, but the energy that I have absorbed from a mysterious void. It has a great effect on your breakthrough. Although you have absorbed the practice, as for this ugly, give it to you. I will deal with it."

Xiang Yang said with a wave of his hand.

The energy he passed to Mei Aoxue is not his own energy. He knows that he may face a life-and-death battle in the future. His own energy is naturally preserved at the peak, and hundreds of thousands of his body. The portals all turned into a hole in the world called Dong Tian Xian Wang, which constantly provided him with energy. The energy he passed to Mei Aoxue was transmitted from the hundreds of thousands of portals.

Moreover, it is not enough to transfer all the energy to Mei Ao Xue, it is enough for Mei Ao Xue to practice.

At this moment, Mei Ao Xue looked at Xiang Yang. She found that Xiang Yang was always in the peak state, and the energy should not be known when she was taken from Xiang Yang. She suddenly let go of her heart and whispered. "Then you can help me block her for a while. After I completely consolidate the cultivation of the big seven heavens, I can shoot."

After all, she stopped talking nonsense with Xiang Yang, but she quickly closed her eyes and began to consolidate her cultivation.

Her breakthrough was because the pressure was too big and she broke through temporarily. She suddenly jumped from the big Luo five heavens to the big Luo seven heavens. Although she was forced to break out because of the power of the blood, she also needed her. The consolidation can truly stabilize this realm. Moreover, the energy required for this process is too large. Most people go directly into chaos and collect chaos to practice.

Of course, in general, Xianzun needs a process to collect chaotic essence, and then refining needs a process. As a result, the general Xianzun truly breaks through the Dalu Xianzun and takes centuries.

However, Mei Aoxue does not need it. The energy she got from Xiangyang is the purest power of Hongmeng, and it has no attributes, and it seems to contain all the attributes, as if it is the origin of strength, can be absorbed by her instantly, transforming For her energy, the repair of Mei Aoxue has been steadily improving.

"Bastard, you still dare to flirt."

At this moment, after Tian Yilin met, she was almost angry and violent. She looked at Xiangyang and Mei Aoxue coldly, and saw that they both saw themselves as non-existent, but instead flirted on the side. When she was pretty, she only felt that she was going crazy.

"go to hell."


Tian Yilin directly erupted a powerful attack. The ghost hand in her hand broke out again and out of the house, and with a strong breath, it bombarded Xiangyang.

Although she was hit by the Jianguang before, when she saw Xiangyang’s cultivation, she felt that Xiangyang was too bully, an ordinary fairy, and it was not here to send it. Is it a dish?

"What about the nine-tailed fox? Today, the palace wants to eat him a little bit in front of your face." Tian Yilin looked coldly at Xiangyang.

Although it was against Mu Aoxue at the beginning because of Hu Xinyu's reason, at this time, Hu Xinyu was forced out of the original shape and could not be moved. Instead, Tian Yilin even hated Mei Aoxue, even for a short time. It is impossible to kill Mei Aoxue, and she wants to let Mei Ao Xue look at Xiang Yang’s own eating and grief.

"You are pitiful."

Xiang Yang’s gaze looked at Tian Yilin, seeing the other person’s distorted appearance because of his anger. He couldn’t help but sigh and sigh. “A person can be twisted to such a degree, you are a poor worm. ""


At this moment, just when Tian Yilin’s ghost claw was caught in Xiangyang, Xiang Yang had not yet started, and the little bald head on one side could not help it.

"Haha, boss, do you know why I entered Buddhism?"

Xiaoguangtou stood in front of Xiangyang and asked with a big smile.

“Why?” Xiang Yang wondered, this guy could be so embarrassed at this time, it seems a bit too bad.

"At the time, when I was a child, I was very afraid of ghosts. As a result, the old guy of my master appeared. I even lied to me that the method of learning Buddhism can catch ghosts. I thought it was true. I found that this place has changed, and all ghosts have to enter. A river, and then through that river scattered in all directions, so that the ghosts in the heavens and the real world are too few, so that my Buddhist method can not be used, so I am angry, I have practiced the practice of all the big systems."

The little bald head sighed and said.

"Then you can learn to use it now." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

"Yeah, boss, look at me."

At the same time, the little bald head said, the hands clasped together, the smile on his face converges, as if the moment has become a high-pitched sorghum, and behind him there is a huge golden Buddha Buddha's illusion emerges.

"Amitabha, see the old man, cough, and the little demon to destroy the demon."

I saw his hands bloom, and suddenly, the golden light of the Buddha was flowing, and the infinite light shone toward the front.

"Buddha shines!"

At this moment, the light that bloomed in the hands of the little bald head illuminates this fairy world, transcending the light of the fairy world itself, as if he was a glowing sun.



The ghost hand that caught in Xiangyang met the Buddha light that the little bald head showed, and suddenly screamed, and the ghosts kept smoking, as if they were cooked.

The ghost hand returned without success, and the black bones had been smoking on the bones. Even if Ignatius saw it and then changed his face, he whispered. "It turned out to be a disciple of the Western Heavens Buddhism, but unfortunately, The repair is a little lower, just the realm of the fairy king, otherwise, the palace should be careful."

"However, just because you are a little fairy king also wants to fight against this palace, it is simply looking for death."


Tian Yilin, who had never used her ghosts twice, was completely angry. She held her hands in her hands, and the boundless black mist filled her to completely cover her. In this boundless dark fog, her His face changed constantly, and the original beautiful face also seemed to become a ghost. A black hair spread out, full of a sense of scent, a burning greenish flame in his eyes, and a **** ghost air flow.

A huge panic spread out.


She didn't move at all, just breathe a little, and suddenly the surrounding void bursts open.

"No, this is too strong, I have to use a hatchet." After seeing the little bald head, his face changed greatly, and he would take his chopping knife out.


However, at this time, the transmission array behind them was bright, and then there was a figure that appeared, it was Zhang Jianyu's figure.

After he appeared, he saw Tian Yilin, who had become a boundless ghost, and saw Hu Xinyu, who was forced out of the prototype. He suddenly changed his face and screamed with anger. "Tian Yilin, you are looking for death."

"Zhang Jianyu!"

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