Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2680: Get the first for you

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The chopping knives volleyed, the white flame erupted, turned into a knife and went down, and instantly fell into one of the faces, the figure of the grimace was solidified, and then only heard the 'bang' The loud noise rang, and the face was smashed directly by the knife of the small bald head.

However, the little bald head is not good. At this time, all other faces are rushing toward him. Moreover, it is no longer a mouth-sucking, but a black mist is wrapped around the little bald head, and the Buddha light on the little bald head is eroded a little. Even the golden lotus under his seat also sheds light, and the golden Buddha light that erupted from the golden lotus is also corroded.

"I rely on, I finally understand why the boss has to take the initiative to enter the grimace, he is to give me all the remaining faces." Little bald head seeing this scene, his face is green, can not help but 嘀咕With.

After listening to a few people in the rear, I almost fainted. The little bald head has clearly encountered the danger of being a big one, but he seems to be not afraid of it. He is still thinking about being Xiangyangkeng.

"Zhang Jianyu, to save Xiangyang, you deal with Xiangyang, I will not care about you."

At this time, Mei Aoxue said to Zhang Jianyu.

After the blood of the gods and beasts of Mei Aoxue was fully activated, her whole body of golden lotus was everywhere, and her whole body seemed to become the most noble **** between heaven and earth. With her opening, there was also a majestic explosion. After listening to Zhang Jianyu, he couldn’t help but nod his head and promised, "Okay."

At this moment, Zhang Jianyu has not thought that Mei Aoxue is just the place of Da Luo’s seven heavens. If he can deal with himself, he will not help himself, and the sword in his hand will turn to the air, and he will rush to the past.


However, when Zhang Jianyu was ready to start, he heard a huge roaring sound, and the ghost face swallowed by Xiangyang suddenly burst into countless swords. These swords contained a terrible thing. Qi, as if it can accommodate everything in the world and destroy everything.

At the same time, this grim face, which had already had a million feet tall, was a scream of pain. "Ah...hey...hey..."


It’s like the sound of a baby crying, this grimace with a painful look, and then a little bit of being stretched up, then suddenly heard a loud bang of the 'bang', the whole face is here The explosion exploded for a moment to reveal the situation inside.


Among the blasted faces, there is a multi-million-foot tall flame lotus flower, and a strange blood-colored flame on the lotus is burning. This is the life-and-death lotus of Xiangyang.

At this moment, Xiang Yangzheng was carrying his hands on the fire and the lotus. His face had a faint smile. With a prestige, he blew his hair, making him look like a fairy. Holy general.

"this is..."

The face of the blast that blew open instantly burned the flames. Almost a blink of an eye has turned into a smoky smog that has disappeared and can no longer be formed. Tian Yilin’s face is changing on other ghost faces. The eyes fixed on the life and death of the lotus at the foot of Xiangyang, exclaimed, "What kind of flame is this, is it the nemesis of my ghost?"

"This is a devilish fire." Xiang Yanghe smiled and looked at Tian Yilin. "Maybe I am really your nemesis, my flame is really a natural restraint."

"Even if you can control the power of the ghost road? You are only a true immortal, and can not cause any threat to the palace." Tian Yilin sneered, and then her body flew a burning green The short sword of the flame, she squeezed her sword in her hands and shouted, "Hundreds of ghosts kill the sword, kill."

"Kid, no matter who you are, today, this palace is not interested in knowing, and is not interested in eating you, this palace must kill you first, and then refining the two foxes."


While Tian Yilin sneered, the short sword that burned the green wildfire instantly smashed toward Xiangyang.

This sword is a sword that she has smashed down as a strong man in the world of Da Luo. Although it seems that the power seems to be general on the surface, at this moment, in the eyes of Xiang Yang, there is a ghost burning. There are countless illusory ghosts who are rushing toward themselves.

"How come you don't give up."

Xiang Yang sighed at the same time, the life and death of the lotus under the feet began to slowly rotate, he whispered, "life and death, reversal, to die!"

As his voice fell, and the fire and lotus were spinning, there was a terrible force of death. At this moment, the invisible ghosts that followed the short sword were all annihilated, not only that, but even It was the flame on the short sword that was extinguished at this moment, but it was still driven by the power of the other gods to Xiangyang.

Although the fire and the lotus can destroy everything, but the other side is too strong, the power of the fairy is too strong. After driving this sword, the power that really broke out is very terrible, even if it is The power of death on the fire and the lotus is also unable to block this sword.

"Boss, great, your flame lotus seems to be more powerful than mine." Xiaoguangtou said to Xiangyang with amazement.

While talking, he looked at the golden lotus at his feet and couldn't help but sigh and said, "I knew that I should have stolen the golden lotus used by the Buddha when I was young, so I don't have to be afraid of her."

He looked up and was about to continue to look at the life and death of the fire at the foot of Xiangyang with envious eyes, but he saw Xiang Yang sighing, and the fire and lotus of his feet began to shrink sharply, instantly turning into a slap-like size. The flame lotus, then slammed toward the dark green short sword.

And Xiang Yang’s figure is not hesitant, just turn and run.

"Is this afraid that the power of the two is too strong?" The little bald whispered.


However, the next scene made him suddenly unable to speak. When he saw that a fire and death lotus hit the dagger, there was no resistance, and it was instantly opened by the short sword.

"This... how is it so weak?" The little bald head seemed to be scared. He once again looked at this golden lotus under his seat. This golden lotus was in the dark fog because of the other faces’ faces. A little bit eroded, there is a feeling of irresistible, but no matter how you look at it, it is much stronger than the flame lotus that Xiang Yang is suddenly thrown out of.

Xiang Yang’s figure is flashing rapidly, jumping directly to Zhang Jianyu’s side, laughing and saying, “Well, when you get on, this woman is a bit scary, I think you are still careful.”

"Do not worry, I used to play with her." Zhang Jianyu nodded, did not laugh at Xiangyang, because he always felt that Xiangyang did not seem so simple on the surface, this point, he can handle with Xiangyang Looked out.

Moreover, just a life-and-death fire of Xiangyang, even let Zhang Jianyu feel that there is a crisis of life and death, he looked at Xiangyang with a deep look, always feel that Xiang Yang really motivates that flame lotus, even if It is not the opponent of Tian Yilin, nor can it be so simple that it will be opened by Tian Yilin.

Zhang Jianyu flew out of the volley, and the whole person turned into a sword light. He was very overbearing and appeared directly in front of the dark green sword that had been chased by Xiang Yang because he had just opened the fire and lotus. A sword smashed in the past.


The next moment, his sword, powerless, directly cut off the dark green dagger, and then manifested Zhang Jianyu's body shape, he did not hesitate, his hands clasped swords, the life of the sword quickly fly Out, go straight to Tian Yilin.

"Zhang Jianyu, you are so courageous, this palace has not yet come to you to settle accounts, you dare to deal with this palace first, do you want to die?"

In the distance, Tian Yilin saw Zhang Jianyu actually killing herself. Her expression was cold, her anger was screaming, her right hand was pointing, and there were countless magic weapons flying from her body toward Zhang Jianyu.

"Tian Yilin, I spared you that year, I thought you would change it. I didn't expect you to dare to deal with the heart. Today, I must marry you."

Zhang Jianyu screamed and screamed, showing a powerful sword to kill Tian Yilin.


At the same time, the golden lotus under the small bald head bursts out of the buddha light. At the same time, the chopping knives in his hand burst into a white flame, breaking the heavy black fog together with the golden lotus under his seat.

Originally, this guy was going to kill Tian Yilin, but when he saw that Xiang Yang had already run aside, he looked at Zhang Jianyu and looked at Xiang Yang again. He felt that if he rushed to join Zhang Jianyu, It may be possible to be killed by Zhang Jianyu when he was killed. So, he also flew to Xiangyang and said with a smile, "Boss, I am coming."

Xiang Yang was too lazy to pay attention to the small bald head. Instead, he looked at the side and stared at himself to see Hu Xinyu. He smiled and asked, "Do we have hatred?"


Hu Xinyu showed a smile on Xiang Yang, full of temptation. Even the demon girl who is specialized in practicing the charm of Baihuagu could not compare with it. However, Xiang Yang turned a blind eye to this. He knew that this is the Fox family itself. The characteristics that are carried.

"That's really weird. Since there is no hate, I don't know you. Are you yelling at Zhang Jianyu's **** to kill me?" Xiang Yang sneered at Hu Xinyu, although the other party eventually stopped Zhang Jianyu, let Zhang Jianyu not She shot herself, but her blocking was obviously useless. If she was not enough to block Zhang Jianyu, she would have been killed by the other party before she sent a message to Zhang Jianyu.

After all, Zhang Jianyu is a peerless sage in the world of Da Luo, and he is just a true fairy on the bright side.

"Because I don't want you to drag Mei sister."

Even if Hu Xinyu was facing Xiangyang, he did not hide anything, but said directly, "In order to prevent you from participating in the war, Mei’s sister decided to give up the battle of Wan Tian’s destiny, you know that this is for her. What does it mean?"

"What does it mean?" Xiang Yang had an incomprehensible color on his face.

"The daughter of the destiny of every continent, from the time of birth, is already the most distinguished existence of this continent. It is the person who gathers Qizhou’s air transport. Everything about her is related to her being a goddess of destiny. If the identity of the woman who lost the destiny is equal to all her things, including cultivation and life will disappear."

Hu Xinyu looked at Xiang Yang with a sneer on his face. "And, you know, Wan Tian’s daughter is not wanting to participate, she can quit, she wants to quit, she wants to quit, she must give up the **** of destiny. The identity, at the same time, will also be the life of the goddess of destiny."


After Xiang Yang listened, his mind was greatly shaken. He looked at Mei Aoxue, who was closing his eyes to the rear and entered the final state of practice. The latter also looked up at Xiangyang at this moment and whispered, "In the beginning, I I didn’t know that it would be so dangerous. Later, when I knew that the most desperate woman in the battle of the destiny was the fairy **** of the big seven heavens, even the old monsters of the big Luo Jiu Tiantian were said to have I regret to let you fight."

"So you would rather choose to sacrifice your own life, but also let me quit?" Xiang Yang looked at Mei Aoxue, and his breathing was quick.

When he heard that Mei Aoxue said that he wanted to give up the battle of Wanzhou’s destiny, it was a bit difficult to understand. At that time, he thought that Mei Aoxue felt that he had won hopelessly, so he gave up. He still had some I am not convinced, I feel that after the completion of the refining of the tower, the strength of my body can break through to the peak of the Da Luo Peak at this moment. If it is too late, I will be able to get a first place for Mei Ao Xue.

Only Mei Aoxue did not have the opportunity to explain to himself. He said that he would give up. Xiang Yang was still thinking about waiting for Mei Aoxue to find himself and then talk about it.

Unexpectedly, Mei Aoxue was afraid that he would be in danger of his own participation in the war. He would give up when he knew that the cost of giving up was so great.

"If you don't give up, after you lose the battle, I will lose everything and lose your life. There is no need for it." Mei Aoxue said softly, because practice has arrived. At the crucial moment, I had to close my eyes and go all out to consolidate and repair.

"Silly girl."

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at Mei Aoxue’s eyes with infinite tenderness.

At this moment, his heart was really touched.

A woman is willing to give up everything for herself, even after she knows that she will give up her life, and she will be in danger.

How affection is this?

Xiang Yang is not a person who likes to be touched. However, at this moment, it was really touched by Mei Aoxue’s practice. He stared at Mei Aoxue with a shocking color on his face.

After Hu Xinyu met, his face with a sneer, "I think you'd better think about how you can survive in the battle, even if you can't get the first place, you must at least enter the previous one. One hundred, to ensure the safety of you and Mei sister."

"What is the specific rule?"

At this moment, Xiang Yang has not considered Hu Xinyu to let Zhang Jianyu deal with his own affairs, but asked with a humble color on his face.

"There is no rule, but anyone who participates in the war will have nothing to say when he dies. All the qi of the woman who is destined for life will be deprived. If he survives, he must also stick to the top 100. As for one. The airlift of those who are after a hundred will also be deprived. However, after they have been deprived of the air transport, life can be saved, and eventually all the deprived air transport is the top ten or even I don’t know how to divide the top 100. However, this time the Wanzhou Destiny Women’s War has evolved into a very cruel battle. Since the registration, we can only go all the way until we reach the top ten. Otherwise, leaving it to you is only a dead end."

Hu Xinyu said faintly, "Do you know why I want Yulang to kill you, and finally let Yulang not deal with you?"

“Why?” Xiang Yang’s face had an incomprehensible color.

"That is because I know that after Mei Sister wants to give up the battle, I know that her renunciation is not only the qualification for participation in the war, but also her life. Later, I know that Mei Sister signed a contract of life and death with you, if When you have an accident, after Mei’s sister will be hurt, I will not dare to deal with you.”

Hu Xinyu looked at Xiang Yang and did not hide her dissatisfaction with Xiang Yang. "Your cultivation is too weak. Maybe you are indeed a enchanting person in the real fairyland. How can you fight against the fairy king? You should know Yes, this time, your enemy is an old monster of the age of eight or eight heavens. In the face of them, you have no resistance at all. Therefore, this time you participate in the battle, which is equivalent to harming Mei’s sister."

After Xiang Yang listened, he was silent. His eyes looked at Hu Xinyu with complex colors. After the woman’s explanation, he finally understood why he had no enmity with the other party. The other party would let Zhang Jianyu kill. I am.

After really understanding all of this, Xiang Yang did not blame Hu Xinyu. After all, all that the other party did was for Mei Ao Xue.

Just, remembering that Mei Aoxue was trying to give up everything for himself, he only felt awkward in his heart, and a heart had already boiled up.

"You really treat me, then, I will help you get the first place in Wanzhou's destiny." Xiang Yang looked at Mei Aoxue, who was in the midst of retreat, his heart talking to himself, with his face on his face. A firm color.

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