Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2681: Want to break through! (six more flowers)

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In the Promise of Immortality, the place where Xiangyang’s first demon was resected, suddenly accompanied by a roaring sound, his first demon was separated from the volley, and his body was brewing with a horrible atmosphere.

"If you want to fight, let's break through."

Xiang Yang’s first demon whispered to himself.

"But before that, I have to ask Xiao Ling first, when can I refine the tower of the body repair, or else, I am only comprehending the rules of the Daluo, and suddenly I can’t become a big Luo Jiuzhong. It’s a pity that it’s a peak.”

At the same time, his first demon whispered to himself, and his body volley changed, and instantly appeared in Xiaoling and Laowan.

At this moment, Xiaoling and Laowan are refining the tower of physical repair. At the same time, they are blowing the cows when they are idle. "I said Lao Wan, look at it. After I have successfully rebuilt the tower of the body, the boss will definitely be very Excited, at that time, as long as the boss’s deity and avatar are practicing at the same time, the strength of self-protection can be enhanced, and we don’t have to worry about when our master suddenly disappears. ""

The little inspiration sighed and looked at Lao Wan. "We are really not easy. The strength of the boss is so weak, but I like to cause trouble. We can only continue to wipe his butt, and then find ways to let him improve." I hope that he will be able to transcend the realm of the Holy Spirit in the future and be able to enter the place in the chaos. It is enough for us to see us there and see what is there."

"Cough... I think the boss is very good." After listening to the old man, the original face was feeling with the same feeling, but suddenly, his face changed, his look was full, and he answered with a serious answer.

"Cut, what do you old guys put in front of me? Last time you complained to me that the boss's training was too weak, and it can cause trouble." Xiaoling said with a smile.

"is it?"

At this moment, a light voice came over, which made Xiaoling’s mouth that had not been closed suddenly stiff. He turned his head and looked at the back. He saw Xiangyang’s first demon avatar and did not know when he had appeared in him. At the rear, I was watching him quietly.

"Cough, boss, boss, how come you, hahaha, I and Laowan are complimenting you." Xiaoling looked first stiff, and then looked at Xiangyang, laughing and said.

While talking, he did not see the case in Xiangyang, erected a **** against Lao Wan, especially what he finally understood. The old Wan has already seen the arrival of Xiang Yang, even Do not notify yourself.

"Well, don't talk nonsense, I ask you, how long will it take for the tower to be refining?" Xiang Yang rolled his eyes and was too lazy to care about the two guys, but asked directly.

"Come on, faster than expected, the outside world can be refining in less than three months." Xiaoling said directly.

“Can you be faster?” Xiang Yang asked again.

"Does the boss rush to break through?" Xiaoling and Laowan also saw the urgency of Xiangyang.

"Yes, I am preparing to participate in a big battle. There are a lot of opponents who are big and big, and even the master of the nine heavens. I need strength." Xiang Yang nodded and said.

"In that case, it may not be possible to get it. After all, after the successful refining of the tower, the boss wants to break through to the state of Da Luo. At least it takes 10,000 years to truly break through the success. That is to say, the outside world must at least have one. The time of the year." Xiaoling said quietly.

"is it?"

After Xiang Yang listened, he sighed helplessly. "It seems that my avatar can only break through."

After all, his body shape turned directly and he was going to prepare for a breakthrough.

"Boss, in fact, not only your avatar, but even your deity can also break through to the state of Da Luo." At this time, Lao Wan suddenly said.

"Why?" Xiang Yang had a strange color on his face.

"Your first demon avatar has already learned the rules of the eight Dalu?" asked Lao Wan.

"Yes." Xiang Yang nodded. His deity had completely controlled the seven rules of Da Luo in addition to the rules of the Dafa Road in the process of brewing, and the first demon avatar was the ultimate in magic. And thus turned into a rule of the beginning of the devil, so that the rules of the Da Luo controlled by the beginning of the devil are more than one of the deity.

"In fact, your deity and avatar are one. For the Qiankun sinhua, there is no difference between righteousness and evil. Between heaven and earth, everything is in the realm of creation. The genie is part of the creation, and your deity is also It is also possible to use the rules of the first demon, which is understood by the first demon avatar. Even if your deity can comprehend the rules of the sacred nature, your avatar can also be used. As a result, your deity also has eight The Da Luo rule can also be broken directly."

Lao Wan said, "The practice of Da Luo's realm, the fourth Da Luo rule and the seventh Da Luo rule is a threshold, because comprehending the fourth road is the fairy king, comprehending the seventh road can become Xianzun However, there are many other immortal sects in the heavens and the world that cannot be broken. They are stuck in the ninth Dalu rule after they have learned eight. And can't break through, but your deity already has eight complete rules of the Da Luo, and the ninth Da Luo rule is also brewing. You don't have to worry about not being able to comprehend the ninth Da Luo rule. Even if you All of them will break through to the context of Da Luo’s eight heavens, but will accelerate your understanding of the ninth Da Luo rule."

"Are you sure that I can directly break through to Da Luo's eight heavens in one breath?" Xiang Yang looked at Lao Wan with a smile on his face.

Even if it was Xiangyang, before he broke through, he did not dare to say that he could directly become the fairy of the world of Da Luo’s eight heavens. He just thought that if he could break through to become a fairy king, he would use the power of the fairy king. It is absolutely able to fight against any fairy who is in the world of Da Luo.

"Others can't, but the boss is OK."

Lao Wan’s face has a firm color. “You are the master of these two chaos and treasures, and even if you can’t break through to Da Luo’s eight heavens, I’m afraid these days. In the world of Wanxiang, no one can ever break through this realm."

"Well, in this case, then my avatar is also a time to break through."

Xiang Yang’s face has a firm color.

"Cough, boss, in fact, after you break through, I, no, it should be a million robbery, there is a gift to give you." Lao Wan said with a mysterious smile.

"What gift?" Xiang Yang was curious.

"Now can't give you, it is not good for your growth, only after you break through the situation of Da Luo, can you give it to you." Lao Wan shook his head and said.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang nodded. He did not force Lao Wan to give the so-called gift to himself. Instead, the figure disappeared directly in front of the two people, ready to find a place to start retreating.

"Old guy, are you going to give those things to the boss? Is this too early?" After Xiang Yang left, Xiaoling looked at Lao Wan with a strange color.

The latter sighed and said, "Don't give it to him. If you want to change today, even the so-called five-party Emperor of the Immortal World will realize these problems. So, what kind of thing has it been so grandly made? After the real battle of the real fairy, when the first place was chosen, it must have been found in order to find a strong genius to gather all the air traffic in the fairy world. Although this first place is definitely the boss, but the boss is your master. He has a heavy responsibility. Is it so a little bit of luck for the so-called first place? He needs to grow up quickly, and he needs to be a strong person beyond the tens of thousands of robbers."

"If you want to surpass, you should go out of your own path. Although the current combat strength of the boss is very good in this realm, he still has not left his own path because his knowledge is too little, he feels Everything is too little, so if you want him to go out of his own path, he should let him get everything first. He will understand all the laws of the heavens and the world. At that time, he will be able to extract these essences and get out of it. The strongest way."

"I believe that with the talent of the boss, you can definitely get out of your own strongest path."

At the same time as Lao Wan said, his face had a firm color.

"Well, don't blow the cowhide, or quickly help to rectify the tower of this body repair." Xiaoling rolled his eyes and said.


Lao Wan quickly and busy with Xiaoling, the two around the huge Qiankun made the tripod, and even the tens of thousands of robbery clocks were directly mobilized, the tens of thousands of bells rang, and the voices were introduced into the Qiankun for the smelting to help smelt These materials.

Smelting a magic weapon with two pieces of chaos and treasures, it can be seen that if the tower of this body can be completely refining, it will be unparalleled in power and horror.

At this time, Xiangyang’s first demon avatar has entered the deepest part of the Promise Xianfu, which is the central hub. This is the core of the whole Promise Immortal, which can open the time to Xianfu. The maximum extent of tolerance.

"If you want to break through, you must be prepared. First of all, you must have sufficient energy source guarantee. Not only the outside energy is absorbed by me, but also from the inside out. Then, I should practice the cave king. The method of the cave, the hole in the body to open the genius."

Xiang Yang whispered at the same time, directly closed the space of this place, and then began to open a hole in the body.

For the method of opening up the hole, Xiang Yang has already been familiar with the road. He found the mysterious space of the party very easily, and then opened one channel after another to reach his body in Dantian, but without his deity. As a precondition for those portals that have already been opened, the speed at which he wants to open a hole is much slower.

However, at this moment, Xiangyang’s first demon avatar has opened the time limit of the Promise Xianfu to the maximum extent. Even if the time required for the breakthrough is longer, the conversion to the outside time is nothing.

At this moment, in the outside world, after Xiang Yang gave half of his consciousness to the beginning of the devil, he clearly felt that the consciousness of the deity had a short-term confusion. However, his power of soul consciousness was originally too strong. It has returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

In front of Xiang Yang, Hu Xinyu’s face looked at Xiang Yang with a strange color. She didn’t know if Xiang Yang was shocked or what, after she said it all, Xiang Yang actually stayed for such a time, however, She did not care about what happened to Xiangyang, but looked at Zhang Jianyu with a worried look, whispering, "Yu Lang, you must not have something."

Hu Xinyu itself is also a master of Da Luo’s seven heavens. She knows very well that this time when Tian Yilin faced Tian Yilin, Tian Yilin’s strength grew too much, and Zhang Jianyu was barely able to I won Tian Yilin, and now I will fight again. Can I kill Tian Yilin is still the same thing.

"Your lover is going to lose."

Xiang Yang stood by Hu Xinyu and said with a soft voice.


After Hu Xinyu listened, Liu Mei was upside down and said with a sneer. "Yu Lang is a sword repairer. The power of killing is the strongest of all spiritual systems. He and Tian Yilin are also the same. It is impossible to lose to Tian Yilin."

"is it?"

Xiang Yang did not know if he could smile. Jian Xiu is indeed very powerful, but he also has to look at people.

There are many powerful exercises and practice systems between heaven and earth. However, within such a system, the combat power of each practitioner is also different. This is to look at people.

Zhang Jianyu's strength is indeed very strong, but it is only for people like Xiang Yang and Xiao Guangtou who have not yet reached the real Da Luo Xianzun. If they really meet the Da Luo Eight Heavens, the situation has been reached. When he is truly the best player, he is a lot weaker.

Moreover, Zhang Jianyu’s biggest loss is that his magic weapon is too small and his power is too weak.

The little bald head on one side said with a smile, "Boss, after this guy wants to lose, do we have to help? Or look at him being eaten by the demon girl?"

"And let this demon girl come to eat you?" Xiang Yang asked.

"Cough, the boss is too small to see me, how can I let the demon woman have the opportunity to eat us, when Zhang Jianyu lost, we will leave directly from the transmission array." Xiaoguangtou said quickly.

"You are quite smart. You know you should run if you can't beat it." Xiang Yang glanced at him, his little bald head.

"Of course."

After listening to the little bald head, it was a smug color on his face. "That is of course." At the same time, he said quickly, "Boss, or do we run now?"

"We can run, but if we leave, it is not cheaper."

Xiang Yang took his hands and looked at the front with a smile. He whispered, "When you go with them, I will kill the demon girl and leave. She dares to hurt my woman. If I don't kill it." She, am I still Xiangyang?"

"Ha ha..."

After listening to Hu Xinyu on the other side, it was a disdainful color on his face. He ridiculed, "You are a true immortal, and you want to kill Tian Yilin, who is in the realm of Da Luo’s eight heavens? Tian Yilin will die today, but, The person who killed her is definitely not you, but my rain."

At the same time, her face has a color of pride. Although Zhang Jianyu’s cultivation is only one level higher than her, as a supreme sword, it is definitely the most combative in the context of Da Luo’s eight heavens. The existence of a strong group of people, so she was very confident in the battle for the daughter of Wanzhou, who was participating in this time.


However, at this moment, after the voice of Irene fell on the day, I heard a huge roar, and then I saw Zhang Jianyu’s whole person being suddenly blasted out.

Author Meng Yu said: Today is six chapters, each chapter is a chapter of long words, ask flowers, everyone have flowers to give it to me, thank you.

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