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"It's going to be desperate!"

On the same day, Irene offered a **** scimitar that surpassed the best fairy level. Xiang Yang couldn’t help but **** a cold breath. The power contained in this scimitar is the power of resentment. One of the most vicious energy between heaven and earth, revived with the power of resentment, must have infinite power.

Even Xiang Yang’s face is serious, and he is fully urging 'the annihilation of the body and the undead ancestor’.” Suddenly, a roar of sound in the flesh is constantly coming out, and all the dark green fires are forced out by him. Outside the table.

At the same time, the Qing Xuan sword in Xiang Yang’s hand kept trembled, as if he was excited, as if he had been desperate as Xiangyang said.

"Old man, you have sensed it."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, looking at the **** machete, even if he felt the heart tremble.

It is not a strange place to have a treasure that transcends the best of the best. As a true treasure, the real strange thing is that the other party has a super magic treasure with resentment.

If it is injured by this knife, even if it is only cut off the flesh, I am afraid that it will be riddled with the power of resentment. At that time, if you are not careful, you may die directly.

Xiang Yang sighed in his heart, and there was a breath of swearing out. At the same time, the sword of killing and the sword of the king on his head did not continue to merge, but directly turned into two lights and rushed into Xiangyang’s hands. Among the green mysterious swords.


When the three-inch **** killing sword and the three-inch gold king sword were incorporated into Xiangyang’s Qingxuan sword, there was an invincible breath on the Qingxuan sword, which made Xiangyang’s eyes bright and whispered. Tao, "It turns out that although I can't condense into an invincible sword now, I can use the sword in my hand to combine the sword of killing with the sword of the king to form a sword of invincible sword."


As the voice of Xiang Yang fell, he heard a roaring sound. He casually tilted the tip of the Qingxuan sword downwards, pressing the strong pressure of the other side, and taking the right foot one step at a time. The earth-shattering atmosphere is flowing.

This breath is like a sword that can smash all things in the world, open the chaos, and truly open up the world.

"This breath is a bit odd."

On the opposite side of Xiangyang, Tian Yilin, who gave out the **** machete, felt a bit weird when she saw this scene, but she remembered that this sword was the same when she got the ghost path. She has been full of self-confidence and cold voice. "No matter what oddity you have, you can't escape this knife. You can't escape it and turn you into a ghost in the ghosts."


At this moment, the scimitar in her hand burst into a terrible atmosphere, and an earth-shattering energy is flowing, and the power of infinite resentment broke out, breaking the world, and it was already forced to retreat. The heavens of the fairy world also seem to be infested into the general.

"This is the power of resentment. It is the most vicious force in the legendary world. I remember that it was recorded in ancient books. It is generally controlled by some immortal living dead, but in ancient times. After the dead people were completely destroyed, the treasures of resentment were all destroyed. There was a treasure of resentment in her hands, which was troublesome."

At this moment, the small bald head on the side of Xiang Yang took a breath and looked at the **** machete that Tian Yilin had sacrificed.

Obviously, although the little bald head is only a fairy king, but he knows a lot of things, even some ancient secrets can be said.

"However, the boss seems to be trying to show what big tricks are, and I don't know if I can kill a fairy who is in the world."

Then, the little bald head looked at Xiangyang, although Xiang Yang did not directly display any swordsmanship at the moment, but Xiang Yang only took one step to make a difference, and it has already reached the level of people's trepidation.

It is conceivable that if Xiang Yang really showed it out, it would be a stone stun.

"Xiang Yang!"

At this moment, Mei Aoxue gripped his fist and looked at Xiang Yang with a nervous color. Although she was very worried about Xiang Yang, she knew that even if she rushed forward, she could not help Xiang Yang. Now, what she can do is to look at Xiang Yang and hope that Xiang Yang can surpass each other.

"No, I can lend my strength to Xiangyang."

Suddenly, Mei Aoxue remembered that when Xiang Yang used his strength to give himself, her eyes lit up and suddenly understood what she could do for Xiangyang, and quickly instilled her power into Xiangyang.


At this moment, it is just that Xiang Yang is brewing a sword. At this moment, when he sees the invincible power of the other side of the Da Luo Eight Heavens, he shows a treasure with resentment power, he knows, When the other party did not wave the knife to himself, he already had to use the card.

Qiankun Chenghua Ding and Wanjuezhong are hidden in the Promise Xianfu, which cannot be easily used. Moreover, Xiang Yang is very clear. If you use the Wanjue and the Qiankun to make a tripod, maybe you will not face it next time. The master of the Xianzun level, but the strongman of the holy level.

In this way, what you have to do is only the sword that snarls the chaos.

Anyway, everyone knows that they are the descendants of that pulse. They display a sword and a sword. It is nothing more than letting people know the power of the sword in the legend. No, no one dares to blame their sword. thought.

However, when he was going to display the '斩天拔剑诀', suddenly he felt that there was an energy transmitted from the imaginary causal line and flowing into his own body, causing his cultivation to rise all the way, even blinking. Between the two has already had the power of the fairy king, he was scared and changed his face.

"Don't, Mei Xiaoniu, don't give me strength. You don't help me, but it hurts me."

Xiang Yang quickly cut off the energy that Mei Aoxue gave to himself. The power of '斩天拔剑诀' is endless, and the power of counter-attack is even more terrible. The reason why Xiangyang has never dared to use it is because he is afraid of his physical strength. Did not reach the level of ability to resist the counter-attack.

Nowadays, his cultivation is only a real fairy, and the strength of the flesh has reached the level that can be compared with the fairy king. Xiang Yang feels that even if he is using the "斩天拔剑诀", he does not have to worry about not being able to stand it. The anti-phagic and explosive body died.

However, Mei Aoxue is worried about the safety of Xiang Yang, so he directly transferred his energy to Xiang Yang, which made Xiang Yang possess the power of Xian Wang in this short time.

However, this is where Xiang Yang is most worried.

The power of his true immortality to display the power of ‘斩天拔剑诀’ has been terrible, and he is afraid that he will not be able to bear it, let alone the power of the king.

Xiang Yang feels the energy in his body. He has the feeling of crying and tears. "This time, even if my physical strength reaches the realm of the fairy king, I am afraid I will die halfway."


"Kid, this palace has no mood to continue to waste time with you, you are ready to die."

At this time, Mei Ao Xue is wondering why Xiang Yang does not accept his own energy. Tian Yilin’s face is sneer, she looks at Xiang Yang, cold channel, “This knife is called resentment. It is the ghost road that is supreme, and it is the magic weapon of the palace. You can die under this knife, it is enough to be proud, even if Zhang Jianyu is the first sword of the killing force, the sword of the sword The immortality of the world is also not qualified to let the palace use 'responsibility', you will feel at ease to become the ghost of the palace."


After listening to the words of Tian Yilin, I was really shaking in my heart. I felt that Tian Yilin was a bit scary. Zhang Jianyu couldn’t help but scream, even though he lost to Tian Yilin, he was almost killed by the other side. But Tian Yilin is still so small to see him, which gives him the feeling of lying in the middle of a gun.

Although, he did not qualify for Tian Yilin to use the knives of the blame, but he felt that the injury was a bit serious.

"Yu Lang..."

Hu Xinyu gently glared at Zhang Jianyu. She looked at Xiang Yang with a worried color on her face and asked curiously, "Is he a fairy?"

"He is just a real fairy."

The person who answered Mei Aoxue is not Zhang Jianyu, but Mei Aoxue.

Mei Aoxue stood on one side, and in the white, she was bright and clear, and there was a boulevard on her body. The power of creation was beating on her body. Although she was very calm on the surface, her heart was constantly beating. I am afraid that Xiangyang will have an accident.

At this moment, Mei Ao Xue sighed and said, "Xiang Yang is just a true fairy, but his combat power is comparable to that of Da Luo Xian Zun. However, he is the ghost mother who holds the top of the world. Tian Yilin, even Zhang Jianyu’s sword is not the opponent of Tian Yilin, and how is Xiang Yang her opponent?”

While talking, she lamented.

"I... oh..."

Zhang Jianyu felt that he was seriously injured. It seemed to be hit by Mei Aoxue. He couldn’t help but roll his eyes, but he looked at Xiangyang.

At this time, Hu Xinyu’s face was inextricably colored. “So, since he is only a true fairy, how could he have such a powerful force?”

"Because he is the descendant of that pulse."

Mei Aoxue said softly.

"That pulse? Which pulse... Ah, is it the legendary person of the pulse?" Hu Xinyu and Zhang Jianyu showed a shocking color at the same time.

Mei Aoxue did not answer, but sighed with a sigh, his eyes looked at Xiang Yang with a firm color, and he said to himself, "I will stand by your side anyway, life and death will accompany you."

At this moment, Xiang Yang in the void does not know what Mei Aoxue thinks. Although he has no choice but to pass on the energy of Mei Ao Xue, he has a short-lived power of the king. However, seeing Tian Yilin’s knife is going to When he kneels down, his face is with a cold, soft voice, "You are honored to be the first person to die under my sword after I became a fairy."


With the voice of Xiang Yang falling, he held the sword on his left, and he did not know when an imaginary scabbard had appeared in his hand. The Qingxuan sword was inserted inside the scabbard, while the right hand was held on the hilt of the Qingxuan sword. .

In his mind, there seems to be a boundless chaos. There is a supreme sacred man who is holding a sword of supreme sword and slowly pulling out the sword.


The Qing Xuan sword in the hands of Xiang Yang rose up from the scabbard a little bit by inch, only to hear the sound of 'Boom', the sky in front, the heaven and earth that was originally enveloped by the fairy ring of Tian Yilin, Suddenly there was a tremor, and a bright light screamed like the first light in the darkness.

This light directly opened the entire aura field, making Tian Yilin's face change greatly, and incredulously looking at Xiang Yang, "Impossible, what is this sword?"

"you guess."

Xiangyang face is expressionless, and the Qingxuan sword in his hand is slowly pulled out. He has a horrible avenue of breath. At this moment, he is sharp and sharp, even if the chaotic heaven is in front of him, he can also open it directly.

"Take you what swords are, give them to the palace to die." Tian Yilin screamed and screamed, directly controlling the **** machete toward Xiangyang.


At this time, the green mysterious sword in Xiang Yang’s hand was pulled out a little bit, and the glare of the light became more and more horrible. When his word “斩天” fell, he heard a huge roar and sounded him. At the center, the hundreds of thousands of miles around the void all collapsed in the same moment, and the infinite chaos of gas erupted from the void, making Xiang Yang the whole person standing directly in chaos, even, even Tian Yilin. When I felt that I was in chaos, it made her heart tremble, and there was a bad feeling.

Xiang Yang has pulled out the Qingxuan sword three inches high. Taking him as the center, a sword of the sky is erupting. This is the real sword that can open the chaos.

"Drawing a sword..."

When Xiang Yang said the second sentence, he pulled out the Qingxuan sword a little. Suddenly, a more violent sword broke out. The sword light seemed to directly open the entire fairy world and stand him. The chaos is open in general.

Even, even Mei Aoxue and others who are watching in the distance can obviously see it with the naked eye. The chaos with Xiangyang as the center is opened, the gas rises and the turbidity sinks. It seems that there is a new brand. The world of heaven and earth is generally generated around him.

At this time, the **** scimitar still slammed down towards Xiangyang, but no one had paid attention to it, because the Qingxuan sword in Xiangyang’s hand was slowly pulled out.

"If you want to kill you, come on a big one."

Xiang Yang whispered, looking at the scimitar that was still smashing down to himself, and suddenly pulled out the Qingxuan sword in his hand.



At this moment, the void trembles, and all the chaos with Xiang Yang as the center explodes, directly into a black hole, without any energy, even the chaos is ruled out.

However, among the black holes, there is another incomparable scorpion sword that bursts out and instantly passes through the void.


This sword comes quickly and goes fast. When it disappears, it seems to be eternal. In this world, there seems to be a brand of kendo imprinted directly in this void, eternal. general.


When the darkness dissipated, the chaotic gas had disappeared, and the fairy world returned to normal again. However, among all the eyes, the **** machete was floating, but with a crisp sound, The treasure that surpassed the level of the best fairy, even burst directly at this moment, turned into countless pieces falling down.


Not only that, but in the rear, only a roaring sound rang, and Tian Yilin’s figure suddenly exploded. Moreover, while her figure exploded, the whole person had completely disappeared into nothingness.

Under the '斩天拔剑诀', a sword smashes the void, chaos is shattered, everything is turned into nothingness, and, in this void, there is obviously a naked invisible sword that is imprinted here, as if forever Will not disperse in general.

‘斩天拔剑诀’, a sword is thrown out, chaos is shattered, the void is flowing, everything is turned into nothingness, everything is turned into eternity.

At this moment, the audience was silent, everyone was staring at Xiang Yang, especially Hu Xinyu and Zhang Jianyu, and even the pupils of the eyes were enlarged, like dementia.

Author Meng Yu said: I wrote these today, the fourth chapter is finally written, I hope to fall asleep early in the evening, don't let me sleepless... Insomnia is too painful, can't sleep at night, headache during the day, it is very difficult. Sorry everyone, today is updated late.

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