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"It’s finally dead."

The emptiness of the emptiness, along with Tian Xinzhou’s goddess of the goddess of the goddess Tian Yilin was smashed, Xiang Yang was volley and standing, his eyes looked at the disappearance of Tian Yilin, who had disappeared completely. The place can't help but feel a thousand.

"It's a pity that all the treasures in her body, even the one that is the treasure, are also smashed by the smashing sword."

Xiang Yang sighed. I can imagine that there are many treasures in Tian Yilin. Although it should be a treasure of ghosts, it is already very extraordinary. If it is re-refined, it will have a very extraordinary effect, but it is a pity that After the display of the swordsmanship, the power is too overbearing, even if Xiangyang can not control the power, so that everything else is gone.

The people below have already been shocked. Even Zhang Jianyu has also opened his eyes and looked at Xiangyang incredibly.

"This sword... God, how can there be such a kendo in the world, this is this..."

Zhang Jianyu was staring at Xiangyang, only to think that this moment is like Xiangyang is the Supreme Swordsman, and his sword and swordsmanship is not a big deal.

"How can this be the case? The kendo that I am proud of is not comparable to a true fairy. Moreover, although the other party is a true fairy, it can play such a terrible sword, even if it is a big world with Da Luo. The strong one is right, it is estimated that it can kill the other party."

"This is the real first sword of the fairy world, it is terrible."

"No wonder, no wonder he can control my sword, so I don't dare to go down to him. It turns out..."


I saw Xiang Yang’s display of the sword of the heavens and the earth, and Zhang Jianyu’s swordsmanship, which has always felt that his kendo is the strongest, has trembled. He has doubted whether he is the sword of the sword. Respected.

"It turns out that you are so strong..."

Mei Ao Xue is so happy that she is crying. Her eyes are looking at Xiang Yang. At the same time, her face is full of excitement, and her body shape rises to the sky.


However, when Mei Aoxue approached Xiangyang, he saw Xiang Yang’s body uploading the voice of “咔嚓”, her face suddenly changed, and she looked at Xiang Yang with a horror, “No...”

I saw Xiang Yang in front of her, accompanied by the sound of '咔嚓', and there were countless cracks in the body. Then, the whole person seemed to become a broken porcelain, and the dense crack appeared on the body, most obviously. The thing is that a face has long since disappeared.

"How could this be?"

Mei Ao Xue stood in front of Xiang Yang with a slap in the face. She originally wanted to hold Xiangyang’s excited smile. However, she did not expect that Xiang Yang would have to be broken. This moment, even if she is Da Luo’s seven heavens. The fairy goddess in the world was also scared and pale, and all of them were shaking.

"Shi Zun once said that the sword in the legend can not be easily used. If it is used, if there is not enough support from the physical force, it will be seriously rebelled, and sure enough." Little bald head does not know when To the side of Mei Aoxue, the face said with a serious color.

"Little bald head, you know a lot."

As his voice fell, he heard a faint sound, and saw that the dense cracks in Xiang Yang’s flesh were all restored at the moment visible to the naked eye.


The little bald head stared at Xiang Yang. "Boss, are you practicing to be a golden body?"


Xiang Yang shook his head and said, "I am not ruined."


After listening to the little bald head, he was speechless. Although he was well-informed, he did not know what ‘the eternal annihilation was.’ Instead, he felt that Xiangyang must have practiced the physical body to the extent of the eternal body.

"Xiang Yang, you are fine..."

Mei Ao Xue is shaking and looking at Xiang Yang.


However, her voice just fell, and Xiang Yang’s body heard a crisp sound, only to see that Xiang Yang’s body was densely cracked.


Xiang Yang was so angry that he couldn’t stop the cracks on his body. He could only take a deep breath and use the voice of God to convey to Mei Aoxue. “Mei Xiaoniu is fine, this is just my display. The rebellion of a sword, my body is already the endless body, even if the power of counter-attack is so strong, it can not hurt my roots."

While speaking, all the cracks in his flesh disappeared again at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After seeing the little bald head, it was a little shocked and said, "This is not the undead golden body of Buddhism. It is not the same as the undead golden body of Buddhism. It is impossible for Buddhism's immortal golden body to have such a strong recovery. Ability, the body of the boss seems to be more like a **** demon in the legendary ancient times, the other body's flesh has an immortal resilience, but unfortunately was later suppressed by the body."

"What you are talking about is the ancestor of the blood family. His immortal resilience is really strong. However, if he does not practice home, he will be suppressed by the body and eventually refining by me, but I am different."

The snoring of the little bald head just fell, and he listened to Xiang Yang with a soft voice and said, "I am the real annihilation, the chaos is shattered and I am not destroyed. If I really cultivated into the state of Dacheng, between heaven and earth, No matter what kind of attack can't hurt me."

"Boss, you are amazing."

The little bald head sighed, but there was not much sincerity in this statement. He did not believe that Xiangyang would have the so-called true annihilation. This is just the legendary physique, even if it is the Holy One. How dare you say that you have that ability?

"Nothing is fine, nothing is fine." Mei Ao Xue did not care what kind of annihilation of Xiangyang, but looked at Xiang Yang with an excited color on his face.


However, Mei Aoxue’s voice seemed to be magical. When she finished speaking, it was accompanied by a sound of '咔嚓' crisp sound. Xiang Yang’s body again appeared numerous cracks, this time more than before. Thoroughly, the whole person seems to be broken.

Mei Aoxue was shocked. Even if others didn't say it, she also felt that she was a crow's mouth. Every time after her own voice fell, Xiang Yang had cracks on her body. This is incredible.


Xiang Yang’s gaze looked at Mei Aoxue and found that when Mei Aoxue’s face was full of annoyance, he immediately understood that the other party must be because every time her voice fell, she appeared cracked and felt her The mouth is too crow's mouth.

"Mei Xiaoniu don't worry, this time the power of counter-attack is too strong, even if it's my invincible body, I can't block all the power of counter-attacks at once. I guess it will last nine times."

Xiang Yang quickly comforted Mei Aoxue.

"Ah, how many times?"

When Mei Aoxue looked at Xiangyang with a shocking color on his face, he saw that as Xiangyang said, Xiang Yang’s body continued to crack and then recovered, so he insisted on nine times in total. Only completely recovered.

At this time, Xiang Yangcai finally dared to move. He put the Qingxuan sword away and sighed. "This sword is really not easy to use. If the strength is stronger, I am afraid that I am really I have to be killed directly by myself. Oh, I am crazy and I am afraid."

"You are still poor."

At this time, Mei Ao Xue dared to go to Xiang Yang. Originally, her face looked at Xiang Yang with excitement, but she did not dare to hold Xiang Yang, but after hearing Xiang Yang’s words, She couldn't help but laugh.


However, at this time, there was a roar of noise in the sky, and the huge force of air and gas in Tianxinzhou crashed from the sky and rushed toward Xiangyang.

"what is this?"

Xiang Yang looked at Mei Aoxue inexplicably, and he could feel it in faintness. Mei Aoxue also had the power of air transportation. However, the power of this air transport is not comparable to the original strength of Mei Ao Xue.

"This is the power of air transport." Mei Aoxue's face with a surprise color, "After you kill Tian Yilin, you are the goddess of heaven and earth, you will get everything for her."


After Xiang Yang listened, he was so scared that he fell into a shackle. He almost fell from the air. "How can I go to be a **** of destiny?"

He stared at Mei Aoxue with his eyes wide open, while the latter held back and smiled at Xiang Yang. "Yeah, the daughter of destiny."

"Give you something."

Xiang Yang did not say anything, his hands were pinched with a law, and a wonderful law-breaking atmosphere broke out. In a moment, the huge force of air in the sky was directed to guide the past.


Xiang Yang skillfully used the method of stealing the sky and changing the moon, and replaced Mei Ao Xue with the power of this majestic gas. Suddenly, Mei Ao Xue also showed a powerful air force, even Yu, also directly changed into a fox with nine tails, is the legendary super beast and the nine-tailed fox, this is the power of the blood beyond the countless beasts, even the super beasts that can be compared with the real pure blood dragon .


The nine-tailed fox screams in the sky, and under the infusion of infinite airpower, its figure becomes more and more solid, as if it is to become materialized.

However, Xiang Yang and others all know that this nine-tailed fox is only illusory, and it is the condensed power of Mei Aoxue. It is only because of this gas force that it accepts the spirit of Tianxinzhou. After the power, make it stronger.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang obviously can sense that after the proud force of Mei Aoxue, her breath became more sacred and inviolable, and she could not help but reveal the color of happiness.

This force of air transport, although Xiang Yang accepted, will bring him some role, but it is far less than the proud woman of Mei Aoxue accepted this air force.

Today's Mei Ao Xue has the power of this kind of air transport, it is equivalent to having a real earth-shattering ability, her power of luck will surpass other women of destiny.

"No, this force is too strong. Tian Yilin has killed other goddess of destiny and won the other's airpower."

At this moment, Mei Ao Xue gave an exclamation. She sensed that the power of air transport into the body in the sky is still a constant source. It has already surpassed the level that can be achieved in a continent. She understands that It was Tian Yilin who plundered the power of other goddess of destiny, and now all of them were transferred to her by Xiang Yang.

"Xiang Yang..."

I think that if Xiang Yang got the power of air transportation, it would have an infinite effect on Xiang Yang, and Xiang Yang did not hesitate to directly give this power to himself. Live to look at Xiangyang.

"Mei Xiaoniu, is it very moving?"

Xiang Yangzheng was carrying his hands and looked at Mei Aoxue with a smile.


If it was before, Mei Ao Xue would certainly refute him. However, at this moment, Mei Ao Xue did not have any rebuttal. Instead, he nodded gently and looked at Xiang Yang’s eyes with a soft light. .

Xiang Yang then said with a smile, "If you do, then you will be able to show me."

Mei Ao Xue had a look at Xiang Yang, but the heartbeat accelerated at this moment. Her eyes looked at Xiang Yang, and there was a soft love flowing in faintness.

After Xiang Yang met, his heart jumped, and his heart rose with a tender feeling, whispering. "This life will not be yours, you can't hurt your traces."

After listening to Mei Aoxue, I only felt that a heart suddenly became very pleasant. The whole person seemed to be like a blooming rose. There was a golden lotus in the whole body. A joyful feeling made everyone feel it. .

Xiang Yang’s eyes are soft, and he swears in his heart that he must protect Mei Aoxue in the future.


However, at this time, in the distance, the changes are prominent.

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