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"It turned out that the Holy One is here."

"God, I can see the power of the Holy Spirit."



At this moment, after the Xiangxian people around Xiangyang heard that the other party actually said that they were a sacred place, their faces all changed greatly. Looking at the eyes of the hunchback old man, they had a respectful color, but because of the item The existence of the master of Yang made them not go forward to salute each other.

At this moment, Xiang Yang looked at the front and looked at the strange color. It was like watching the hunchback old man watching the monkey show, and he felt the other person feel a little wrong.

After the narcissistic old man was very narcissistic, after feeling the other people around Xiangyang, he was very proud of his respectful eyes. However, when he sensed the eccentric gaze of Xiangyang, he felt a little bit It’s not right.

"What is the situation? This kid is not respectful of the saints, too bold." The hunchback old man feels that Xiang Yang is a bit too much, seeing his ‘sage’ is still so eye-catching.


He coughed and decided to teach Xiang Yang a good meal.

"Little guy, you..."

"Old man, roll down."

However, when the hunchback old man just opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Xiang Yang in a very arrogant tone. He saw Xiang Yang sneer and said, "Less what big tail wolf is on the top, what are you, me? More clearly than you, I limit you to roll down in front of me within a hundred breaths, otherwise, the consequences will be how you think about it yourself."

"You, how dare you?"

This hunchback old man suddenly looked dumbfounded. He originally thought that Xiangyang was just not open. Who ever thought that this guy was not without reopening, but the problem was too big.

This little monk in the real fairyland, dare to call himself an old man, dare to let himself down, how dare?

At this time, the old man completely forgot that he was only the spirit of the battlefield of the fairy, and forgot that Xiang Yang was the master of the battlefield of the fairy. He was so angry that he had only one thought in his mind. That is, Xiang Yang did not respect the saint. It’s too much to dare to disobey yourself.

"The junior, the deity is born in chaos, watching Pangu open the earth..."

He trembled and continued to say his origins, and wanted to let Xiang Yang 'enlightenment' come over. However, Xiang Yang saw that this guy was so uninteresting, frowned directly, his hand turned over, and a stone tablet appeared. The core token of the magical battlefield, then, he looked coldly at the humpback old man and began counting.

"Ninety... ninety-one..."

"As long as I count to a hundred, if you haven't rolled down yet, I don't mind letting the magical battlefield change another."

"Ninety-four, ninety-five..."

Xiang Yang's tone is cold, and a mysterious energy erupts into the stone tablet. After the hunchback old man saw it, his face suddenly changed. He finally understood his problem.

"This kid actually saw that I was the instrumental spirit of the battlefield of the fairy, and even dared to threaten me, I..."

He almost went crazy, looking at the stone tablet in the battlefield of Xiangyang in the hands of Xiang Yang, can sense the power of this stone to imprison himself. He understands that Xiang Yang took control of the stone tablet and took it out at this time. Control yourself, although Xiang Yang’s current strength can’t be done by Xiang Yang’s, but Xiang Yang, the master of the battlefield of the fairy, will definitely have such strength in the future.

"Ninety-eight... ninety-nine!"

At this time, Xiang Yang’s voice was cold and cold, and his number had not stopped. The blink of an eye had reached ninety-nine. After the hunchback old man saw it, his breathing was short, and he saw that Xiangyang would open his mouth. At the time of the 100th, he could no longer stand calmly in the air, but appeared in front of Xiangyang in an instant, his face looked at Xiangyang indefinitely.

"Who is standing for you?"

Xiang Yang stopped counting, and looked at the hunchback old man with a light color on his face. Although the other party had already appeared in front of him, his face was cloudy and uncertain, as if he was very unwilling, which made Xiang Yang’s heart very unhappy. .

A soul that is the treasure of the day after tomorrow, in other people, the treasure of the day is the supreme treasure, and in Xiangyang here, even if the Chaos to the treasures of the Qiankun and the sacred spirits are respectful to themselves, it is such a day after tomorrow. The treasure of the treasure also dare to put a big tail wolf in front of himself, how can Xiang Yang tolerate?


"I am comparable to the Holy Land."

The hunchback old man’s face was ugly.

"It seems that you don't want your consciousness."

Xiang Yang said faintly, a purple flame appeared directly in his right hand, which is an undead ancestral fire.

"I want to re-melt the battlefield of the fairy, annihilate the consciousness of the spirit, and then use my blank soul to enter the Lord, and regenerate a spirit of the day after tomorrow, it should be re-cultivated in a few years."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, directly placing the right hand burning a purple flame on the stone tablet.


At this time, the old man with the hunchback has already been frightened. The natural way that Xiang Yang said is true. As long as Xiang Yang is willing to lose the power of the magical battlefield and destroy his spirit, It is easy to cultivate a spirit again.

Moreover, what shocked him was that the court had thought that Xiangyang was a junior in the real fairyland. It is impossible to have such a skill to destroy one of his own treasures, but now I see you. When he went to Xiangyang’s undead ancestors, he suddenly understood that he was wrong. Xiang Yang did have such a skill. With Xiang Yang’s re-melting of the stone in his hand, he could pass through the stone tablet and his own. The causal line between them will destroy itself.

"Ha ha..."

When I heard the old man on the hunchback, Xiang Yang still just sneered, and ignored the words of this guy, but continued to put his hand on the stone tablet, and began to temper this piece with the undead ancestors to represent the core of the fairy battlefield. Stone monument.

"No... Master, I am wrong..."


The hunchback old man can obviously feel the kind of smell that is burning in the flames, as if he wants to be destroyed. He knows that this is through his connection with the battlefield of the fairy, Xiang Yang will destroy him.

He can no longer persist, but he squats directly and squats down. He asks for Xiangyang to ask for mercy. "Master, I am wrong, ask the master to forgive."

"Where are you wrong?"

Xiang Yang said with a cold smile, "No, you are not wrong. You are the invincible existence that has already gained from chaos. You have also seen Pangu open up the earth, and after a lot of robbery without destroying, you are chaotic power, you are Beyond Pangu, beyond the supreme existence of Wanzongzun, why do you call me a master?"

At the same time, the flame in his hand is still burning the core token stone tablet of the fairy battlefield. At the same time, in order to truly shock the other party's role, he directly let Xiaoling pass the flame of the fortune of the Qiankun to himself. To make the power of his undead ancestors stronger.

"Master, I don't dare, no more dare, ask the master to forgive."


After hearing the words of Xiang Yang, when I felt the more powerful power that erupted in Xiang Yang’s hands, the hunchback old man became more and more afraid, and could only constantly ask for mercy and kept humming his head.

"Oh... you are a chaotic sage, you are supreme, you are an enemy without living from ancient times? Are you wearing a big tail wolf in front of this young master?"

Xiang Yang is still sneering, and the undead ancestors in his hands are still burning, so that the hunchback old man can obviously feel that he is in the infinite fire. He feels that this flame is indeed the horrible flame that can ignite himself. .

At this moment, the hunchback old man is like an ordinary person in the sea of ​​fire. He feels that his body is in pain and feels that his consciousness is to be ignited. He is afraid of his heart and knows that he is facing Xiangyang. At that time, there is no resistance at all, and I can only continue to beg for mercy.

"Master, I am wrong, I will never dare again, please spare me."

"the host..."


Xiang Yang still does not move, his eyes are coldly looking at each other, his eyes are full of unrequited love, it seems that he really wants to completely destroy the other side, this guy, as his own instrumental spirit, dare to be so arrogant from the beginning, This has already violated Xiangyang’s bottom line. If it is not good to teach this guy a meal, Xiangyang will definitely not be willing to give up.

At this time, everyone around Xiangyang was shocked.

"It turned out that he is the instrumental spirit of the battlefield of the fairy."

"Oh my God, it turned out to be."

"The spirit of the magical battlefield, dare to pretend in front of the master, and he is dead."

"It's not my boss. It's a light and easy thing to deal with the spirit of this fairy battlefield. What is he's chaotic power? It's a nonsense."


When Xiang Yang and the fairy demon around Xiang Yang saw this scene, the admiration of Xiang Yang in his heart was like a five-body cast, only that Xiang Yang had surpassed the saint.

"No, I want to be destroyed, no, master..."


The hunchback old man is still screaming. He has a strong perseverance. He is still begging for mercy, even if his gimmick has no effect, he has not stopped.

Even as the flame of Xiang Yang burned on the stone tablet, the body of the hunchback old man also began to burn with flames.

If Xiang Yang has not stopped burning, I believe that it will not take much time, and this guy will be directly destroyed.


Fortunately, Xiang Yang did not really want to destroy this guy, seeing the lesson of the lesson, he turned his hand and directly collected all the flames, and then looked at each other with a light color.


The hunchback old man was relieved, just like the rest of his life. The whole person did not have the slightest image in front of Xiangyang, and he was constantly wearing a rough air.

"Thank you for your master."

Even if he was resting for a while, he thanked Xiangyang. He was completely frightened. Even he thought his consciousness was completely annihilated by Xiangyang. Fortunately, Xiangyang did not really want to go out. What he meant was that the flame was removed at the last minute.

At this moment, this statue of the spirit, this hunchback old man no longer dare to look down on Xiang Yang, he can understand, Xiang Yang is absolutely very horrible, and very unremarkable, simply not afraid of his magical battlefield After the death of the spirit, it will have an impact on the battlefield of the fairy.

"This master seems to be the descendant of that pulse. Although he is only a real fairy, although he seems to have a weak combat, his method is very strong, and he is very embarrassed. He must not disobey him in the future."

At the moment, this guy’s heart is shaking, but at the same time, he is making up his mind. He will never have any bad thoughts about Xiang Yang in the future. He must not disobey the master of Xiangyang. Otherwise, he will be called when he will not be moved. I don’t know if it’s gone.

Xiang Yang smiled softly and looked at the guy. He saw that he had just wore a big tail wolf. It seemed to be a character with no sacred level. He felt very satisfied with the squatting look in front of him.

"Not bad, you are a little conscious of the best."

Xiang Yang sighed and looked at other people. When he found that everyone else had widened his eyes, he turned his eyes and did not talk to the instrument. Instead, he said with a faint smile. "Get up, actually. I am not as jealous as you think, as long as you don't wear a big tail wolf in front of me, I am still very good."

"Yes, thank you master."

After the hunchback old man listened, his heart was abdomen. If it wasn’t even a jealousy, what would it be like?

However, he did not dare to show it, but constantly nodded his head. Even if he had already stood up, he was careful to lower his head in front of Xiang Yang and did not dare to look up.

After Xiang Yang saw it, he was sighing in his heart. It really should be a good lesson. Otherwise, this guy is naturally unruly as a **** of the day after tomorrow. However, now this guy will definitely have a heart. Unhappy, but it can be said that I was convinced by myself.

"What is this place?"

Xiang Yang looked at the chaotic land in front, and the eyes loved you. The chaos of the air rolled, the power of violentness was flowing, and his face was curious.

"Back to the master, here is the most secret place in the battlefield of the fairy, can be said to be the second layer of space, there is something on the land, they are the real core of the battlefield of the fairy."

While the hunchback old man said, he glanced at the other people around Xiangyang, and the other words did not say it.

"I got the battlefield of the fairy, is the owner of the battlefield of the fairy magic not wrong?"

Xiang Yang squinted and glanced at the hunchback old man.

"Yes, you are the supreme master of the battlefield of the fairy, my master." The hunchback old man replied quickly, but after hearing the question of Xiang Yang, he always felt that there was a bad premonition in his heart. To make his heart beat faster, he quickly lowered his head and made a very respectful look.

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