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"Since I am the master of the battlefield of the fairy, why can't I feel the presence here?" Xiang Yang asked faintly.

"That, that's because..." As soon as he heard Xiangyang, the old man's forehead suddenly had cold sweat. He knew that the wrongness in his hunch had really appeared. Xiang Yang actually came to him to settle accounts after the fall. .

"Boss, this is still used to say, it must be that this goods deliberately mobilize his authority, will shield you from the perception, so that you can not sense the core position in the battlefield of the fairy, he can hide here, neither let You know the secrets of the fairy battlefield, and you can't find his existence. This guy is really too bad. If it is me, I must beat this guy to let him know why the flowers are so red."

Xiaoxue said with a cold smile.


With the sound of small blood falling, the old man on the humpback was listening to cold sweat. The whole person directly slammed down and trembled and squatted on the ground, no longer dare to look up.

"Oh, this guy was told me, and he fell."

"Boss, this guy is a prehistoric power, is to look at the Pangu Shengzun grew up, you see, he is too old, tired."


I love you, the old man with hunchback, Xiaoyin and Xiaohong have laughed out. They can be said to be the closest person to Xiangyang. When they talk about it, they are unscrupulous. Don’t worry about saying the wrong words, they are being punished by Xiangyang. Just say what you want.

Even Li Huan does not dare to do this.

The more the hunchback old man listened, the more he felt terrified, so he just squinted again. "Master, I am wrong, ask the master to forgive."

"I was wrong, I was wrong..."


Xiang Yang is speechless. He has a white blood and other people. "Well, don't make trouble. I already knew what he was doing before. We don't care about him. Well, if he doesn't want to, later, Just give it to you."

"Well, I have a lot of ways to deal with him here." The little blood suddenly sneered.

"Small blood, how do I feel that you are not very friendly to him, don't you know this guy?"

Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the little blood. He always felt that the little blood was a bit too uncomfortable.

After listening to the latter, he sneered aloud. "This is going to ask the so-called ancient great-powered seniors to see if he still has an impression on me?"

"You, then, you are yelling..."

Xiang Yang looked at the magical spirit of the battlefield of the fairy, and suddenly remembered that he did not know the name of this guy.

"My name is..."

This guy was shocked when he heard the name of Xiang Yang. He wanted to tell Xiang Yang his name, but he immediately awakened. If he told Xiang Yang the original name, maybe He will also be taught by Xiang Yang. So, this time he learned the lesson and quickly went to Xiangyang’s head and said, “Let the owner give his name.”

"This way."

Xiang Yang also doesn't care if this guy really has no name. Seeing that this guy actually asked for his name, after he indulged for a moment, he said directly, "You are a latecomer. In this case, your name is called Laojiao. It is."

Dad, isn't it the smallest?

"Ha ha ha, right, he is the old man, the youngest, anyone can bully him later, see you dare to bully me before, hehe..."

After listening to the little blood, I was happy to laugh out loud.

Xiaoyin and Xiaohong also said with a smile. "We are not the smallest in the future. This guy is the smallest."

The hunchback old man, no, from today, his name is called the old man. He is sad in his heart. He did not expect to have such a name by Xiangyang, but he did not dare to have any rebuttal. He can only respectfully answer, " Thank you for your name."

"Since you like it very much, then your name is called the old man." Xiang Yang looked very eagerly at the other side, making the old man really want to answer, he really did not want this name, but, remembering the time before, Xiang Yang used his undead ancestors to quench the stone tablet. He had to shun his practice of the gods. He did not dare to speak, but he could only look at Xiang Yang very respectfully.

"Well, old man, you talk about it, how do you offend my family's blood, even let my family's small blood so good people are very upset about you." Xiang Yang asked.

Although he has already guessed what happened to the little blood in the battlefield of the fairy, he should have seen the old man, but no matter how guessed, it is better to let the old man say it.

"Yes Yes..."

The old man looked up and looked at the little blood. At first, he did not see the body of the little blood. Later, when he looked closely, he suddenly discovered that the little blood was the little unicorn in the battlefield of the fairy, he suddenly His face changed, and he quickly bowed his head and didn't dare to talk more.

"Don't dare to say it, hey, I dared to deceive the princess that year, even dare to say that you are a chaotic sage, I really thought that you are a holy deity, respectful to you, I did not expect you It’s a lie."

The little blood sneered directly.

"I, I am wrong..."

The old man felt that he was too pitiful. The master of Xiangyang was his natural nemesis. He was bullied by Xiangyang, and he was even bullied by the people around Xiangyang.

Seeing the little blood sneering and looking at himself, I remembered that Xiaolin’s ignorant little blood was now, but now it has become a confession that can be sipped at any time, and he has to be respectful, and his heart does not mention how collapsed. .

"When you were in the crack of the battlefield of the fairy, you saw him?" Xiang Yang turned his head and looked at the little blood.

"Yeah." Little blood licked his mouth. "Boss, this guy is too bad. At that time, it was also in front of me that I was a chaotic sage. I said that I would pass on my invincible power and deceive me. I still I really thought that he was a senior, and he was respectful to him. As a result, he was only the spirit of the battlefield."

While talking, the little blood can not wait to hit this guy.

"So what did he give you?"

Xiang Yang asked curiously.

"Give a martial art, what is the genius, and say that it is most suitable for my practice. I can be a fellow practitioner, but this girl has the unicorn to inherit the martial arts. Where is the need for his martial arts." Tao, "Fortunately, he did not practice his practice at the time. Otherwise, the princess is estimated to have been killed by him."

"That, the practice is not fake, but true."

The old man whispered, "The fairy magic is the practice that has already appeared in my mind when I have consciousness. It is a true supreme god. It is the heavenly method of evolution that the fairy magic battlefield itself evolved. It is really a good practice for you."


Little blood gas has to go straight to the foot, directly flew the guy, and then looked at Xiang Yang, "Boss, you see, this guy is too much, and now want to lie to me."

"Come on, let me see what this practice is like, right, pass everything you have to me."

Xiang Yang was curious and stopped the small blood, and then said to the old man.


The old man quickly condensed all the exercises he had in one energy ball to Xiang Yang.

Xiang Yang carefully analyzed and analyzed all of them. Other various exercises were okay, although they were all supreme, but they were not attractive to Xiang Yang. Instead, this is the door of the fairy. 'It is indeed a very good practice, can be the same spirit, the practitioner can freely convert between the fairy.

"It's a bit interesting."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but see his eyes bright. Originally, he still felt that his first demon was part of the magic road. Even if he broke through to the state of Da Luo, he might want to participate in the battle of the woman of Wanzhou. At this moment, with this practice, you will be free to convert the fairy magic. At that time, although the original demon avatar is still showing the beginning of the magic, but you can transform the original magic into a fairy, his own demon avatar It has also become a sect of the immortal, so you don't have to worry about any trouble.

"Not bad."

Xiang Yanghe smiled and nodded to the old lady. "Well, you get up, the previous things let him pass. From then on, if you have any place that hides me, I will not let you." It’s better.”

"Yes, thank you master."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief, and he knew that he had passed another level.

"Boss, what is this fairy magic really good?" Little blood asked curiously.

"Not bad, at least, he didn't fool you at the time." Xiang Yang said with a smile.

He knows that although the old man did have a situation where he had to play a big card to sneak a little blood, but as long as there is nothing wrong with the little blood of the fairy, maybe after the small blood practice, it will not necessarily be transformed into a **** unicorn. It may not be possible, however, Xiang Yang did not tell the little blood, for fear that the small blood will be sad after listening.

"I still think this guy is a little unfriendly." The little blood muttered, and didn't think there was anything good about this guy.

Xiang Yang did not pay attention to the small blood, but looked at the old man. "Go, take me to see what is in the forbidden place in this chaos."

While talking, he carried his hands and volleyed directly, stepping forward toward the chaos in front, and behind him, everyone followed.

Then, along with Xiang Yang and others approaching the chaos, they all showed nervous colors on their faces, even if Li Huan would also be repaired to the extreme, for fear of any danger.

"Master, these chaotic thunder and heavenly rules, and the order chain are very dangerous. You are the master of the battlefield of the fairy, and there is no problem if you want to enter it. However, if they go in, I am afraid they will be in danger. ""

At this time, the old man chased Xiang Yang and said carefully.

“Is there a danger?”

After Xiang Yang listened, he was embarrassed, but he did not expect that there would be such a situation.

"Yes, even if the Holy Power is coming, unless it is a true chaotic saint, the Quasi-Saint can't enter it." The old man said quickly.

"In this case, then you are waiting for me outside."

Xiang Yang nodded and said directly to Li Huan and others.


Li Huan and others were shocked by these chaotic qi. At this moment, after listening to Xiang Yang’s words, they responded quickly and did not continue to follow Xiang Yang. Everyone waited outside, even if it was small blood and small. Silver and Xiaohong also did not refute.


When Xiang Yang stepped into chaos, he heard a roaring sound, and the chaos around him was rolling, and a horrible pressure broke out. At the same time, countless order chains all trembled and bound him. There is also a sword with a powerless force to kneel down to him.

At this moment, everything here seems to be boiling, and there is a horrible force that is rolling, not to mention that Xiang Yang’s cultivation at this moment is only to reach the real fairy, even if he can break through the Da Luo Jiuzhong in a very short time. In the realm of heaven, he would not doubt at all that he would be destroyed in an instant when faced with such violent power.

"The power is really strong."

Xiang Yang sighed, and he was very clear that the power contained in these chaos was terrible, and it was impossible to break it out even if he used his own ‘斩天拔剑诀’.

However, he is not nervous, because he is the master of the battlefield of the fairy, these forces can hurt anyone, but it is impossible to hurt him.

"Stop it all."

Along with Xiang Yang's thoughts, he inspired the piece of stone in the body that represented the core of the fairy battlefield. Suddenly, there was an invisible breath that filled the air, which made the original chaos of the mad tyrants calm down. The chain of order has also become docile, and even the horrible swordsmanship is also hidden.

Then, Xiang Yang whispered and reached out, and there was a chaotic gas that he was arrested. He held the chaos and felt that this chaotic gas was really powerful. In particular, it was thought to be quenched. The refining is even more terrible than the chaotic gas in the real chaos, and definitely no one can absorb it.

He tried to absorb a little chaotic gas. Suddenly, the roar of the body kept ringing. Even if it was in his body, he could hardly bear it. He could only run the exercises immediately, and the fierce and chaotic in the chaos. After refining and refining, it can be truly absorbed for its own use.

"The chain of order."

Xiang Yang snorted and grabbed his right hand. There was a chain of millions of feet and a chain of gods gently moved to his front. His hand stroking it, only feeling that this chain of gods contained The power of the rules is a bit similar to the blade of order in the sea.

"This is the power of the rules. It is the embodiment of the rules of the avenue. However, the blade of my order is different. Although it is only the blade of the illusory order, it has a stronger rule strength than this order chain."

Xiang Yang’s heart realizes that if these order chains are true attackers, they cannot be solved by mana. Unless their own realm reaches a very terrible level, it will never be possible after being bound by the order chain. Have the opportunity to get out of trouble.

"Awful, what is there in the land, even need to have such a terrible chaos and order chain guard?"

Xiang Yang’s heart is self-talking, and it’s incredible for something in the continent that was made by the legendary axe’s axe.

In particular, the power of chaos and the chain of order are only two of them, and there is a third kind of guardian power.

He looked at the chaos, whispered, "These swords..."

The author said: "Pain, the left thumb in the morning was accidentally cut, more than a centimeter long. Then, I used to use that thumb to knock the space bar. As a result, when typing, every time I typed a word, I felt the wound. As if you want to seep out, the taste is really a bit sour...

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