Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2700: The real invincible sword! (Five more flowers)

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"These swords..."

Even if he has already seen the horror of these chaotic gas and order chain, Xiang Yang still looks at the depths of chaos, because he can obviously sense that these swords that exist in the depths of this chaos are the most horrible. And, these swords give him a familiar feeling, which makes him very excited, wants to carefully understand, is it the kind of sword that he thinks in his heart.

Xiang Yang reached out and thought, and the infinite chaotic energy rolled, and a horrible sword suddenly burst out of it.

This sword, with invincible meaning, seems to be a sword, chaos invincible.

Even if there is a strong enemy in front of you, this sword can also kill it, even if there is any more horrible energy in front, it can not block this sword.

This is the real sword of invincibility.

"It is, it really is it, the sword of the invincible sword in the three kendos, this is left by the Master."

Xiang Yang’s face was full of excitement. After he showed his authority as the master of the battlefield of the fairy, after the sword was mobilized, this sword was not as chaotic as the previous chaos and order chain. It became docile, but it seemed to kill Xiang Yang with a sword. Then, after sensing that Xiang Yang was the master of the battlefield of the fairy, he stopped. Although he did not kill him, he did not reveal him. Any attitude of surrender.

If the sword is conscious, the performance of the other party must be very disdainful, then turn and leave, even look too lazy to see Xiangyang.

That is kind, because you are the master of the battlefield of the fairy, I can not kill you, but you also don't want me to accept your attitude.

However, although this is only the case, it is enough. Xiang Yang has already understood that this sword is the invincible sword in the martial arts of his own vein. ’

This is definitely the strongest person of this vein. According to Xiang Yang, there seems to be no other person in this vein. Apart from Yun Feiyang, this brother has only his own master.

The brother-in-law Yun Feiyang is just a famous disciple. There is no such thing as a true school. So, only his own master can truly display this sword.

Xiang Yang’s heart was shocked, and his eyes looked at the void hidden by the sword. The purple flame leaped in his eyes. When he saw it open, he saw that the sword was like a rootless duckweed. After that, it disappeared and disappeared, as if it was completely integrated with the chaotic void.

"Even if you really integrate into the chaotic void, I can also grab you out." Xiang Yang chuckled, his mind was moving, suddenly, in the chaos of the void, the disappearing sword gas reappeared, this sword With an invincible breath, it seems that it has to be killed in Xiangyang. However, when it senses the breath of Xiangyang, it reverses its shape and disappears into chaos and disappears.

This time, Xiang Yang could sense the invincible breath, which made his heart tremble. The fog that had always been impossible to comprehend the invincible sword seemed to be dialed out.

"Yes, that's it. This is the sword of invincible, heaven and earth, chaos and invincibility."

If the state of Xiangyang is crazy, when he laughs, he is re-motivated. When he suddenly listens to the sound of 'Boom', the chaos rolls over, and the sword is reappearing. This time, it seems to have long been expected. As for the existence of Xiang Yang, it disappeared as soon as it appeared, making the time that Xiang Yang can watch is getting shorter and shorter.

"Running so fast, why don't you look down on me?" Xiang Yang snorted and took out the stone monument of the core hub of the fairy magic battlefield, and then input a thought, suddenly, chaos, that A sword gas reappeared.


This time, because Xiang Yang directly summoned the other party with the stone core of the magical battlefield, although this sword appeared, he wanted to disappear into the void immediately, but he was manipulated and could not enter the void. It seems a bit annoyed, and a sword slams down towards Xiangyang.

"Be careful."

After the hunchback old man near Xiangyang saw his face, he changed his face and exclaimed. "Master, this sword is the one in the legend. It is said to have been psychic. Don't bother it." In case it is not recognized by the six parents, what should I do for you?"

"Hey? Can it still deal with me?" Xiang Yang took a look at the old man.

"It, it is only to protect this place, it does not belong to the battlefield of the fairy." The old man's face with bitter color.

"Then I used the right of the Lord of the Immortal Battlefield, why can I summon it?" Xiang Yang's face was inexplicable.

"This... I don't know too well," the old man whispered.

"By... you don't say it early."

Xiang Yang looked at the old man with his eyes open. At this time, he suddenly panicked, because the sword was rushing toward himself, and an invincible meaning broke out, even after he sensed it. Also my heart trembled.

Originally, Xiang Yang thought that the other party was only because of his own control, and the reason why this sword was coming to him was just because he had obeyed his own orders, and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, at this moment, I realized that the original Jianqi is not really under my control. At this moment, it seems that I am a little angry and angry to kill myself.

"The trouble is big."

Xiang Yang couldn't help but take a breath, and the old man also stayed in the same place. He quickly stopped in front of Xiangyang, and there was a breath of sacred power. It was obviously prepared to help him with his strength. Xiang Yang blocked the sword.

"Well, this guy is helping me block, I can take the opportunity to enlighten the invincible sword."

Xiang Yang never lacked the guts. At this time, seeing the old man helping himself to block the sword, he suddenly felt that his chance came, so he stood in the back of the old man and began to understand. The sword of this invincible sword.


At the same time, in order to better understand this invincible sword, Xiang Yang even directly displayed the sword of killing and the sword of the king. On the top of his head, two three-inch swords jumped out at the same time, but this time, These two swords did not show how powerful the sword, and there was no sword-like storm bursting out, just so quietly suspended, exuding the sword of the killing sword and the sword of the king's sword.

"Under the heavens, it is not the king of the earth. Since I have the sword of the king, then in fact, there should be no fear of the invincible sword."

Xiang Yang’s heart is talking to himself. While enlightening the invincible sword, he suddenly remembers that his sword of the king is out. Even Jian Zun, the sword of Zhuang Luo’s eight heavens, can’t play his sword. If he is showing The sword of the king who is in a perfect state, I don’t know if I can fix this sword. If I can, I can study the sword of the invincible sword.


"Give me a stop."

Thinking of this, Xiang Yang directly activated the sword of the king, and a sword broke out. The mighty king’s breath broke out and it was necessary to block this sword.


At this moment, it was just that sword gas that slammed down toward the old man, and the invincible meaning with it, even the old man’s figure was shaking.

"This sword, but the legendary person who came out, even if the real saint is not an opponent, I, I am going to block this sword, isn't it looking for death? But, I am not blocking it. I am going to be destroyed by him."

The old man trembled in his heart. He felt that he was too bitter. The owner of Xiangyang was definitely the nemesis he was destined for. Otherwise, why did he start with various problems when he met Xiangyang?

Think of yourself as an imperial battlefield, the soul of the day after tomorrow, if you want to be controlled by Xiangyang, you will be named as the old man. After all, you still have to rely on the battlefield of the fairy. Submission to Xiangyang is also a normal situation. However, what he did not think of in any way is that Xiang Yang is so daring and arrogant, but also to provoke the sword, this is the sword of the 'three nos,' even Xiang Yang. It is the master of the battlefield of the fairy, and it is impossible to control this sword. Now it is good, and it angers this sword. He has to come out and replace the owner of Xiangyang.

"Hey, how is my life so bad?"

The old man sighed, but his body had the strongest force, and he had to meet the sword. Although he felt that he could not block this sword, he tried his best, just in case of this sword. And I am an 'old friend' and not killing myself?


At this moment, this sword gas smashed with a horrible and horrible breath. In the distance, no matter whether it is the chaotic gas of the tyrant, or the chain of horror, the chain of order is forced to retreat.

This sword is truly invincible. It really has the power of a sword to break the law. No matter what kind of enemy there is between the heavens and the earth, it can kill it. Even if the heavens are in front, it can also be smashed. Heaven.


However, at this time, just when the sword of the king of Xiangyang broke out, there was a mighty king who broke out and instantly spread this sword. At this moment, this sword roared. , with the sword of the king's sword.

This sword seemed to smash, and the figure that was going down to the old man stopped instantly. It was so quietly instinctive that Xiang Yang passed the sword of the king's sword.

"Is it successful?" Xiang Yang blinked and looked at the sword, feeling like this sword is also watching himself.

However, anyway, the other party did not continue to kneel down on their own, then, take the time to understand the sword of the invincible sword.

Xiang Yang seized the opportunity and studied the sword meaning contained in this sword a little bit. With the enlightenment of the invincible sword, countless sentiments emerged from the heart, making him more and more excited and wishing to laugh. come out.

After seeing this scene, the old man who was in front of Xiangyang saw the color of shock, and then he was equally ecstatic. He thought that he had already died, and he did not expect that this sword would not kill him.

"It must be this psychic sword that recognizes my 'old neighbor' and is reluctant to kill me."

The old man was thinking with joy, his eyes softly watching this sword floating above his head, whispering, "Old man, I know, you must recognize me."


However, what the old man did not think of in any way was that when his voice fell, he heard a huge roar, and the sword that was still quietly suspended suddenly violently emerged, and then a sword turned toward He squats.


The speed of this invincible sword is too fast, and the old man did not think that the sword would kneel down to him. He could only watch the sword from beginning to end. He kneels.

"I am done."

He screamed and felt that he must have died this time.

However, after this sword went down, it seemed to be illusory, flashing directly from his feet, and rushing toward Xiangyang. When he reacted, he found that he had nothing.

"I am fine."

"Oh my God, it really is my old neighbor, hahaha, I am fine, great."

Rao is an old man who has been conscious of spirit in ancient times. His strength is equivalent to a sub-sacred strongman. However, when he sees that he has nothing to do at the moment, his excited whole person is shaking.

"When the past and the present, who can be intact under this sword? Even the true chaos sage can not block the sword of that one, but now it is different, I block, my dad, as The spirit of the magical battlefield actually blocked the sword, hahaha..."

The old man was so emotional that he only felt that his achievements seemed to transcend the chaos of the heavens and even the saints.


However, at this time, after the sword was passed through the old man, he did not kill him. Instead, he rushed straight toward Xiangyang. Then, in the eyes of Xiang Yang, this sword was directly Divided into two, and then, together with the sword of the killing sword and the sword of the king on the top of Xiangyang.


Xiang Yang only felt that a roaring sound broke out. The powerful and invincible invincibility broke out and instantly washed away everything. At this moment, his heart trembled and his body was swept away by the breath of the invincible sword. He knows that this is his own chance of being a big man. He can no longer care about the situation outside the world, but the whole person is fully absorbed into the comprehension.

"Invincible sword, this is the real invincible sword. I always thought that the invincible sword needed to merge the sword of the killing sword with the sword of the king. It was the real invincible sword. In fact, I was wrong. The invincible sword is separate. It is not killing, nor king, but pure invincibility, chaotic void, Hongmeng universe, I am invincible, this is the real invincible sword."

"The heavens and the earth, do whatever you want, the heavens and the world, but I am invincible, a sword out, no one can stop, you can break the heavens and the earth, you can also create the heavens and the earth, this is truly inclusive, destructive, creative, and there is silence. The law is also prosperous, God, it’s too vast..."

The author said: "Finally, I have written five chapters. Today is five chapters. In the middle of the month, everyone has flowers for a little dream."

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