Top Strong Cultivator as a Teacher

Chapter 2701: Reappearing

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"My master is this..."

In the chaos, the chaotic gas that was originally surging was calming down. Only Xiang Yang closed his eyes and realized the invincible sword. He realized the wonderful place, and he excitedly danced and danced. Then it was shocked.

"The legendary sword, even actively involved in the owner's body, is wrong, remember that the saint who replaced the Holy Order before said that the master of the new fairy battlefield is the descendant of that pulse, is he? Is it really the successor of that pulse?"

"Yes, he must be the descendant of that pulse. Otherwise, it is impossible to get the sword. That sword, only the people in the legend can understand, others have met, There is only one dead end."

"My master, it will be the descendant of that pulse, I sent it..."


After confirming that Xiang Yang is the descendant of that pulse, even if the old man is a kind of spirit in the battlefield of the fairy, he is very proud of his heart. He feels very excited at this moment. He only feels that he can have such a master. It is your own luck.

He is very clear that when the battlefield of the fairy devil was refining, it was destined to have a master, destined to follow the master to cross the alien, but he only felt that his master was certainly one of many mixed saints. He put his position very high.

Later, when he knew that his master was only a junior in a real fairyland, he only felt that the whole person was not good. He felt that he was insulted, so he kept hiding and saw the true master of Xiangyang. Even, even the core of the battlefield of the fairy magic did not let Xiang Yang know.

Just now, after seeing Xiangyang, it was because Xiangyang’s flame was too strong and he was forced to surrender to Xiangyang, but his heart was still unwilling.

However, it is different now. When he truly realized that Xiang Yang was the descendant of that pulse, his heart was ecstatic except for the shock.

This guy’s heart changes, Xiang Yang doesn’t know. At this moment, Xiang Yang’s heart is also full of joy, and when that sword is integrated into the Sword of Killing and the Sword of the King, he can get this. The sword of the invincible sword in the sword, he finally understood the direction of the true invincible sword.

"The sword of killing is the sword of killing, the sword of the king is the sword of the king, and the sword of invincible is the third kind of kendo. This is the strongest sword, not the fusion of killing and the king. As for why there is invincibility after the fusion The breath, it’s just superficial."

Xiang Yang opened his eyes to himself, and there was a looming sword in his eyes. This sword had a chaotic and invincible atmosphere, which made his whole person look different.

It seems that Xiang Yang at this moment is a truly invincible existence.

When he looked at the front, he thought about it, and there were countless swords in the chaos. These swords seemed to be endless, as if they were willing to become hundreds of millions, or only A sword.

This is the invincible sword. The so-called invincible is not just a unilateral invincible atmosphere, but it is invincible in any aspect. It can be freely transformed, invincible, and a sword is still invincible.

"Invincible sword, getting started."


As the sigh of Xiang Yang fell, he heard a roar, and then, in the center of his sword of killing and the sword of the king, there was a looming three-inch sword that emerged. The little sword is still in an illusory state, but as soon as it appears, it is suspended above the other two swords, showing a character shape and pressing the two swords. At the same time, one of the two swords is integrated into the invincible sword. It seems to be the initiative to nourish the invincible sword.

"It is a sword that is invincible, just beginning to appear, and the sword of the killing and the sword of the king are in a state of perfection."

Xiang Yang’s face showed a sigh of color. This time, the battle of the fairy demon battlefield was crucial to him, and he really began to understand and understand the invincible sword.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, although it does not mean that it has been successful since the beginning. However, with the beginning of the invincible sword, it is very important for Xiang Yang, and he can continue to work hard to comprehend. Invincible sword, in the future, the invincible sword practice to Dacheng or even the great perfection, it is not difficult.

Xiang Yang can feel that this sword in this chaos is actually just a sword left by his own master. It is like exhaling a breath, instantly turning into an invincible sword guarding here. And, after a long time, this sword is actually psychic.

He did not doubt that, before, if it was not for himself to display the sword of the king in time, let the sword gas sense the homogenous breath, I am afraid that the sword will kill the old man first, then he will smash it again. Yourself.

This is not a joke. After the sword of the invincible sword is psychic, it is absolutely not afraid of fear. Moreover, the so-called psychic is not like the old man, it has created a spirit, it has become a real Life.

The psychic derived from this sword is only a sly consciousness. It is the kind of fear that is not afraid. Anyway, I will be the loyal execution of the will of the master. No matter who comes, it is directly killed by a sword.

Fortunately, this sword also recognizes the sword of the king who is the same as that of Xiang Yang. Otherwise, Xiang Yang can really cool down.

However, the final result is very good for Xiang Yang. His face is full of excitement, his eyes are looking deep into the chaos, and it is faint to see that a sword has been condensed into a materialized one. The three-footed Qingfeng exudes an invincible breath that is floating in the chaos. The power of this sword is too strong. If it really bursts out, it will surely be shocking. No one can compare.

"the host."

At this time, the old man was very respectful and fell against Xiangyang, showing the posture of the five-body cast, so in the chaos, respectfully shouted, "The old man has your life as the master, but the old man is big. Blessing, from then on, the owner let the old man go east, I will never go west, the master let me go forward, I will never back, and swear to die for the Lord to give me everything."

"what happened to you?"

Watching this guy suddenly and very respectfully expressing his loyalty to Xiang Yang is a bit stunned. "Does this guy suddenly wake up and feel that he wants to express his loyalty to himself and follow him?"

However, this is a bit wrong, even if this guy wants to express loyalty, it is impossible to suddenly look at himself with enthusiasm.

This kind of fanatic feeling, Xiang Yang only experienced in those who have been into the magic of their own, but this guy has not been into the magic species.

"Are your head broken?"

Xiang Yang sighed, thinking if it was because the sword of the invincible sword directly penetrated this guy, although he did not kill this guy, but the guy’s head was broken.


The old man feels that he is a little hurt, isn’t he expressing his loyalty to you? Actually said that my head is broken?

He wants to tell Xiang Yang that although he wants to survive on the battlefield of the fairy, his strength is truly a heavenly powerhouse in any case, unless he encounters a stronger chaotic sage level, otherwise Who can make my brain broken?

Just, looking at the smile on Xiang Yang’s face, he felt that he still didn’t say it well.

"Master, I used to be ignorant, thank you for forgiveness, and the old man must be loyal to the master."

The old man promised to say.

"it is good."

Xiang Yang smiled and nodded. At this moment, he was in the best mood. For a long time, the practice of the invincible sword trapped in his heart has finally begun, and it is already a complete introduction. How can he not be excited?

"Let's go, there is no magical place in this chaotic zone. Let's go inside and see."

Then, Xiang Yang looked at the piece of land wrapped in chaos, Xiao Ling and Lao Wan said that this land itself is the supreme treasure, and it is the axe of the axe when the Pangu was opened up in the past. If you can get it, even Xiaoling can refine a brand new open-air axe.

Of course, Xiang Yang used a big guy who was not used to the axe. In his heart, it was enough to smelt this land into the Promise Sword and let the Promise Sword become a congenital chaos.

"Master please."

The old man was very enthusiastic and guided Xiang Yang to rush forward. He was guiding in front of him, and the whole person excited was bloody.

"Master, this land, is said to be a big one, as if it is related to a legendary treasure, but I don't know what it is."

"However, this land is not the key. The most important thing is that there is an invincible force on this land. When this team is actually born, it will have the power of horror. Really conquering chaos."


The old man introduced Xiang Yang at the same time. At the same time, he was a little scared in his heart. He was afraid that Xiang Yang would be unhappy because he did not know the origin of the land.

"Not bad."

Xiang Yang smiled, and the sky was moving, and his mind was moving. The chaos took the initiative to avoid it, which made him step on the land. Suddenly, he only heard the sound of 'Boom'. Xiang Yang only felt that there was a terrible murderous murder. Invade your body.

"this is..."

Xiang Yang’s face suddenly changed. At this moment, this murderous rushed directly into his own spiritual sea, and his own power could not be resisted.

Moreover, this force rushed all the way forward, rushing directly into the sea of ​​consciousness, and erupted in the sea of ​​consciousness, as if to explode its entire sea of ​​consciousness.

"Hey... give me a drive."


In his sea of ​​consciousness, that murderous gas seems to have turned into a horrible power. It seems that there is a loud cry. Xiang Yang’s soul consciousness originally wanted to annihilate this murderous, but he When it was not yet done, there seemed to be a scene of openness.

I saw a terrible existence that was unspeakable, with a huge open axe, in the chaos, a loud roar, a sweeping axe, a blow, chaotic, clear Rise, turbidity sinks, two points in the heavens and the earth.


Then, in the chaos, there seems to be a force emerging. To prevent the heavens and the earth from being separated, the Qingqi sinks, the turbidity rises, and the chaos is filled again. It is necessary to cover all of this.

"I want to open up the world, who can stop?"

The giant screamed with anger, and the open axe in his hand was once again smashed out. Suddenly, the chaos was separated again, and the points were more thorough. However, after the chaos broke out, it seemed that he was more hard and the force of rebound was even more Strong look.

"My strength, endless, no one can stop me from opening the sky."

This giant is very patient, constantly waiting, once and for all, once again returning to chaos, but he is still roaring, using the ax to keep open the chaos.

Until later, he seemed to understand that it was wrong to simply open up the world. So after all the effort to open the chaos, he suddenly smashed the open axe in his hand and turned it into a The chaotic shackles, the axe handle is turned into a taiji diagram, the chaos stands between the heavens and the earth, blocking the chaos that invaded, the Taiji map is turned into a golden bridge, completely separating the heavens and the earth, making the heavens and the earth no longer Returning to chaos, only the axe seems to have been forgotten by him, falling into chaos and turning into a land...

"Pangu opened the earth..."

When this was all completed, the illusion in the Xiangyang consciousness sea world finally disappeared, and his whole person fell into contemplation with his eyes closed.

"What I saw was the ground-breaking situation that the axe of the axe had experienced. Then, it passed it on to me."

Xiang Yang whispered to himself, he did not need to read and understand, this is everything that the axe passed to himself.

He is very excited in his heart. This is the real situation of opening up the world. Who can see this scene besides the power of chaos?

After the axe of the axe passed on it to himself, it was really deeply imprinted in his mind.

That is to say, although Xiang Yang did not see the Pangu open to the public with his own eyes, but at the moment it is like a real personal experience of Pangu Kaitian.

If a strong striker strikes, it will contain the avenue of nowhere. After others see it, they can learn for millions of years.

Not to mention the chaos of the sage Pangu, watching his method of opening the sky, the touch of Xiangyang is too great, and the power of the avenue makes him addicted.

The endless power, which represents the ultimate in strength, is to let Xiang Yang truly recognize the role of power.

There is also a one-day blow, which is more representative of the supreme law. This blow is not weaker than the smashing of the sword, which makes Xiang Yang's whole body excited and trembling.

At this moment, all the cells in Xiangyang's whole body were mobilized. Even if the first demon avatars also stopped retreating, they would fully dissect the scene of the ancient times.

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